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hi my name is julius and welcome to ielts dragon today i will answer one of the recent cue cards for the ielts speaking exam and it's about a time you waited for something special to happen or to happen in your life so please take a look at the cue card what i will do here is just focus on the main topic the main topic is a time you waited for something special to happen i will not uh pay attention to uh the key points here because you know the key points are just a guide those are just a recommendation it's all up to you whether or not you follow them but for me i'll just leave those out because i have my own way of creating my story or developing my monologue all right now i'll just make up a story because i'm not confident or comfortable sharing my very personal experiences with my examiner for this particular topic i want to create something that is not true so making up a story and i'll just use my creativity my imagination and the current situation that we are all in so first things first i need to prepare keywords so it's very important that you prepare keywords during your actual ielts test the examiner will give you one minute preparation time so use it wisely write keywords as many keywords as possible because those keywords can guide you can help you develop your monologue so let me start preparing my keywords [Music] okay let me start preparing my keywords so i'm already thinking of talking about the time when i finally met my parents after more than a year uh let me just imagine that i didn't see them for more than a year because of the pandemic you know it's really hard to travel let's say i'm living on my own i'm living 500 miles away from them so during this pandemic it's very difficult to travel because of some travel restrictions or you know regulations what else what are other keywords can i add well let's say i couldn't talk with them online because they didn't know how to use the internet and i only talked with them through telephone and what else can i add um i think i can also add a little bit of drama to my story let's say i finally met them uh on my on my mother's 80th birthday wow that sounds great that's very special so the time when i waited for something special to happen uh really excited to me because you know not seeing your parents for more than a year is i think really difficult and you are definitely looking forward to you uh seeing them you know if that happens to you i think you're really looking forward to that i believe i can definitely create a story out of those keywords so it's very important to write as many keywords as possible when you are given your one minute preparation time because the keywords will definitely save you especially when you start delivering your answer or your monologue so you can glance once in a while to your notes to the keywords that you have written and yeah the keywords will guide you developing your story oh wait before i start creating uh the story i just want to let you know that you can access this story in my ebook or reviewer so my reviewer or ebook contains 25 topics or 25 cue cards with interactive sample monologues lexical resources tips and ideas so my reviewer is good for those students who are really really busy with their work like they don't have so much time to prepare or they don't have so much time researching for ideas for each topic so my reviewers actually helped some students achieve their target band scores and i'm very happy with that if you're interested if you want to get a copy of my ebook or reviewer just send me an email first i'll give you my ninety percent complete story the ten percent should come from you i want you to share your ideas as well i want you to interact with me this is one of the best ways to train you to be creative in storytelling and to help you develop ideas because sometimes it's very difficult to start a story right so i'm giving you my 90 complete story and i want you to finish it as well so ten percent should come from you um later after you share your uh ten percent you know output or your ideas then i will finish my story 100 so i also want you to write or comment your ideas in the comments section so let's answer this cue card together let's begin after more than a year of not seeing and spending time with my parents because of the pandemic i finally met them just recently uh during my mom's 80th apartheid that was incredibly special that never had a thought of missing them so much that was my biggest realization well i'm actually living on my own i'm living 500 miles away from my parents because of my work before the pandemic i actually made sure to see them at least thrice a year during their birthdays and during christmas holidays and that's actually our culture to spend time with our parents even though we have our own uh lives and i'm so proud of that culture of ours because it simply shows that we really value our appearance however when the news about the pandemic broke you know the movement got harder and harder travel restrictions here and there and the issue of safety ruined my annual plan of you know seeing them it was actually challenging to catch up with them because both of them weren't tech savvy they didn't know how to use the internet and i was kind of regretful because i didn't teach them how to use smartphones or the internet before the pandemic if only i had you know taught them how to use modern those modern devices it would have been much easier for us to uh communicate so a month ago travel restrictions were lifted and i was very happy i was incredibly excited to to know that i could finally see them although a month before last month travel restrictions were adjusted i didn't gamble traveling because you know i was unvaccinated and so were my parents i was scared that i might get contracted with a virus and i might uh make them contracted too all right that's 90 complete now it's your turn i need your 10 what are your ideas so pause this video write your ideas in the comments section how will you end the story how will you develop the uh the ending of uh this monologue write your ideas in the comments section take this opportunity because i will read all of them i will correct them if there's something that needs to be corrected and more importantly i will give you some tips on how to develop your story okay so write your ideas in the comments section i will wait and i'm so excited to read your ideas before we continue i'd like to congratulate john italyama for achieving a band 7. he used my ebook or reviewer before taking the exam and i'm very happy he made it we have more band 7 achievers here muhammad assad i don't know how to pronounce your name i'm sorry and we have been 7.5 camille san antonio and hasrat bhutar thank you so much john for using my ebook you made it congratulations and to the rest of the successful test takers congratulations thank you for watching my videos it means so much to me i wish you all nothing but the very best in life and to you who is watching this video i'm very much hoping that you'll be the next person whom i can give a shout out i'm really looking forward to that thank you so much for your 10 i appreciate your effort in sharing your ideas now let me finish my story anyway the most awaited day finally came i couldn't contain my happiness seeing them i was a bit terry eyed to be honest with you i'm not really an emotional guy but i just couldn't help myself at the end my parents said especially my mom my mom said that my presence or my arrival was the best birthday gift that she received that was incredibly special it was lovely and i was so inspired hearing those words so the biggest lesson i learned from that experience and this pandemic is that spend time with your loved ones don't make any excuses because everyone's time is limited in this world and you'll never know when's the last time you're gonna see them well if you notice the story sounds very natural i wasn't forcing myself to use big words because basically the ielts speaking exam is not about using big words please spend time understanding the criteria of the ielts speaking test well with the right preparation plus the use of your creativity you will surely be able to create a great monologue if you want to know more about my interactive sample monologues well i can give you sample copies for my reviewer or ebook just send me an email thank you so much for watching this video i'm very happy that you're here if you want to support me just give me a like or subscribe to this channel i'll be posting videos related to ielts speaking thank you and don't forget to watch the videos that appear on your screen right now because those can definitely help you thank you until next time have a lovely day bye [Music]
Channel: ieltsDragon
Views: 4,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking cue card, ielts speaking cue card a time you waited for something special to happen, ielts speaking how to answer cue cards, ielts speaking tips to get a band 7, ielts speaking tips and tricks to get a band 7, ielts speaking, ieltsdragon by julius, ielts cue card a time you waited for something special to happen, ielts speaking tips to get 7, ielts speaking recent cue cards 2021, ielts speaking recent cue cards and answers, way to prepare ielts speaking cue cards
Id: 4Y-MitY3ZXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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