Selling At The Flea Market, Please Buy My Stuff!

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[Music] welcome to paper and moose it is a flea market day or it was flea market day i sold at the golden nugget and i also did a little bit of shopping here so join me see what i sold see what i bought and let's have a good day at the flea [Music] market um okay good luck huh [Applause] thank you very much [Applause] that's pretty good um [Applause] wow these are so cool they're really cute [Music] oh good luck bye-bye oh i need money and you're loaded okay how about i can't say to that i'll walk over this way that's why you won't hear me i won't hear you i mean oh mohawk that's cool [Music] how much could you use this as a magnifying glass probably could what in the world let's see what he wants for this this is a pretty cute bag says 1936 this is 1942 [Music] all right we'll get these get some paper today i can put them in my new bag oh gosh those bunnies oh my gosh oh this is a oh clowns this is a pattern book catalog that's pretty neat this is a pattern catalog yeah it is yeah yes yep yeah i'm still i still couldn't buy anything about it there are other ones online though like older i mean older ones i couldn't find anything it looks like 91 i swear to date on it oh okay you found it you said 90. oh my gosh i still think it's really cool it you is try it online you have to do something with it right yeah this is neat because it has the halloween costumes in it electronics take care of thanks 50 000. which is very cool that is that that's great i bet you have to 50 i mean you know ironically it actually is dirty am i crazy well weather cooperated here but i think that it deterred a lot of people from coming here it was drizzling this morning pretty much everywhere besides the flea market it is pouring rain so i think people woke up looked outside and went back to bed i did sell a decent amount i sold some things from the house that blue bus dave let us pick from and then sold from another home that i've been picking from some larger items so really great to get rid of those large pieces and sold a little one-off things here and there shopping a few things i bought some of the paper because you can never let a good paper buy go to waste or pass you by never let a good paper by pass you by and then i also bought this really neat bag it says berlin i'm thinking maybe this is from the 60s or 70s i don't know if it might be from the 80s it could be but just really has a great look to it you know souvenir type bag but not your typical like kitschy souvenir i like it i thought it was a good buy i think it would look really neat hanging on a wall probably with those old shoes that i found in the garbage i think that they would look cool together i don't know why that's just how my brain works but um i liked it so whether it will appear in the etsy shop to be determined but really cool so a lot of the vendors are already packed up it's not even 10 o'clock i think it might be around 9 30. just weather weather really hinders a flea market day but otherwise still a fun for me always good to get cash in hand get items out so that they can be enjoyed once again and even pick up a few little things here and there so i hope you enjoyed this short flea market adventure hoping to get to a new flea market i shall see if i can get a nice nap today and maybe get to bed early tonight then i might try out a new a new to me flea market not a new new flea market but new to me it's always fun to see what else is out there and what great treasures you can find in a different part of the state so we'll see if that happens but if not then i'm sure there will be another adventure somewhere along the road so thank you for watching hope you had a great day be sure to subscribe if you have not then you will be always in the know on what is going on here at paper and moose so thanks have a great day see you all for the next adventure
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 19,477
Rating: 4.9400601 out of 5
Keywords: flea market finds, selling at the flea market, buying at the flea market, reselling, vintage fashion, vintage Berlin, Berlin souvenir, Germany travel, Blue Bus Dave, Taco Stacks, Paper and Moose, Lambertville flea market, female reseller, selling on ebay, ephemera, vintage haul, flea market haul, Hairy Tornado, Ralli Roots, Garage Flips, etsy shop, junk journal paper, collecting paper, listing on ebay, flea market madness, flea market flip, love it or list it, thrifting
Id: Kb-RtiJVXxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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