Seinfeld Classics - Kramer's most memorable Faux Pas moments putting his foot in his mouth!

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hey oh uh Kramer uh this is Donna oh Fu cotton duckers hello all right we should be going come on what where we come on don't bother don't bother I'm leaving Donna really you're making too much of this 100% cotton Dockers if they're not Dockers they're just pants please I don't want to hear it what I can't believe I said that you know me I'm a vault don't worry about it it wasn't working anyway what happened there I'll tell you later you wouldn't believe the women at this club oh man it's amazing how many beautiful women live in New York I actually find it kind of intimidating well you're as pretty as any of them just need a nose job R why why how could you say something like that why what do you mean what I just said she needs a nose job so there's nothing wrong with her nose God I'm so sorry Audrey it's okay what did you have to say that for well I was just trying to help out Jerry took the couch back he took it back didn't you tell him I was using it oh I pleaded with him where am I supposed to sleep well I I took the liberty of packing your things mom's coming to get you I thought Jered didn't want that couch because of the stain what stain oh you didn't notice it has a pea stain you had me sleeping on a pea stained couch no no no no the cushion was turned over but the very idea you had me lying in urine I don't know about your friend Jerry he says some pretty stupid things sometimes oh congratulations what for well you pregnant what you're not pregnant no I'm not pregnant pregnant are you sure you're not pregnant yes I'm sure that's weird come on Master no come on Master she was pregnant Kramer Kramer I i' like you to meet my friend Wendy oh hello hi yeah now I really like that hair do well thank you I I actually was thinking it might be time for a chance oh you were oh no no no you don't want to do that nobody wears it like that no CR she wants to change your hair no you'd be a damn fool to change it it's very becoming oh yeah hi Elaine oh hi s hi is Lane uh um well what are you doing here I'm looking for Kramer oh uh what's going on no she was just showing me pictures of places I can visit when I go to Puerto Rico you know when you two went down there oh yeah all right well just you know the all right so where were we I was just leaving right you were leaving I can't believe you sent a woman into the sauna to do that for me that was an accident I think you're both men mentally ill oh well there's a little bit of a problem oh I know there's a weak showers Sprite I know and I've already thought about it I'm switching to Babs Winston Churchill said why stand when you can sit maybe I'll get some rubber duckies uh no uh someone offered Harold and Manny 5,000 for the apartment I'm sure they just as soon give it to you but you would have to come up with that money $5,000 I don't have $5,000 I know how am I going to get $5,000 I have no idea hey my new neighbor I'm not moving in what they want $5,000 now so okay uh what's the problem I don't have $5,000 oh come on you can come up with $5,000 Jerry you don't have $5,000 you can lend her come on yeah well I didn't I mean is that something you want to borrow no that's too much money to borrow loan her the money you can afford it she doesn't want to borrow the money oh come on she'll pay you back what's five grand between friends oh of course I'd pay you back yeah so what's the problem who said there's a problem see he said he Lo me the money well now Jerry it might take a while for me to pay you back you know maybe a few years how do you feel about that it's okay he doesn't care well you know money can sometimes come between friends get out of here let me think about who who what what's her to think about well I don't know I don't know 5,000 let me just take one more look at it it was all over taken care of done finished 5,000 where is she going to get 5,000 she doesn't have 5,000 clean goodbye she's gone then you come in wheny loan of the 5,000 why do you care you got 5,000 give her 5,000 well you didn't want her in the building no I didn't well then what did you laner the $5,000 for I'll take it no e them Tomatoes you know you can eat them like apples you know it's funny the Tomato never really took off as a hand fruit well the tomato is an anomaly you know so successful with the ketchup and the sauce but you can't find a good [Applause] one wow the kman you got lobster for everybody yeah and they're fresh right out of the ocean this is fantastic man what a weekend swimming lobster for dinner I know it's great I saw Jane [Applause] topless you saw who what yeah I saw Jane topless well we all saw her all right you saw Jane topless well when you went for the tomatoes she lied out topless Oh you mean face down on her chest no face up on her back yeah well why'd she do that well I guess she was hot you mean she just laid there topless no no she got up she walked around yeah walked around and you looked of course she's got a great buddy buddy all right I'm going to go upstairs I'll be right back
Channel: photohumor
Views: 5,834,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seinfeld spectacular, seinfeld, seinfeld jane topless, Seinfeld classics, seinfeld the apartment, seinfeld giver her the five thousand dollars, seinfeld cotton dockers, seinfeld pregnant, seinfeld nose job, kramer funny moments, kramer, seinfeld bathing trunks, kramer faux pas, nose job
Id: 5L1PQymIZ0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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