Seinfeld's take on Finland

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but if they don't let you be my editor on this book I go to another publisher it's that simple you told them that of course oh think I don't know how to thank you so where's this boyfriend of yours I can't wait much longer I got flight probably caught in traffic but maybe he's dead so what do our children books that's right ah greetings greetings and salutations I think your forgiveness my tardiness was unavoidable my love you lame dear friend and you must be Jerry lord of the manor my leaves a pleasure to serve all right how do we have to get back to one I gotta get to the airport your palace shall sparkle like the stars in heaven upon your safe arrival sire the toilet brushes on it so the meeting with Lippmann is all set he's the editor-in-chief hmm I think because of your request demands they're gonna promote me to editor darn tootin Thursday late as usual well this is an unexpected surprise and delight the once and future king of comedy Jerry the first gracing our humble abode rather we are in the presence of royalty hey ray listen you really did a tremendous job cleaning that apartment oh but I didn't just clean your apartment it was a ritual ceremony a celebration of life shouldn't you be out on a Ledge somewhere haha just boiling oil having tea yes yes Jerry J what right would you give me a hand please yeah I'm coming dip the bread in the batter put it in the pan okay bye my mother she forgot how to make french toast yeah how mothers are my mother left this when I was six years old all seven of us we never heard from her again I hope she's rotting in an alley somewhere my mom's down in Florida she's got one of those condos hot down there in the some you been down there I love these pastries you know it's kind of Navy mythology the pastries were the food of the gods listen uh I just remembered I'm uh getting a facial see you tomorrow morning how about dinner no I don't eat dinner dinners for suckers nervous why should I be yeah write your notes were very insightful the book is great you go out last night no we made love on the floor like do animals hey keep insatiable they all are was dead I can't remember you know play is very upset over these accusations oh well I'm staying out of this one this is between them I am NOT getting involved so you think he stole it I admit nothing will you put that cigarette out please a view within the apartment event is going it's at your apartment maybe you think we're in cahoots but it's pretty coincidence yes that's all a coincidence big coincidence but a big comment it's a coincidence no that's a big coincidence that's what the coincidence is there are no small going to than to than big going to then sales know there are degrees of coincidence no there are only coincidences ask any one other big coincidences and small coincidences are just going to this well why will you put that cigarette out Nega voted out on your face it's just like Ray said you and Jane you're jealous of our love you're trying to destroy us shouldn't you be out on a Ledge somewhere
Channel: MrSmadMrSmartalec
Views: 693,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seinfeld, finland, rava, jerry, statue, the, George, scene
Id: yg-8jcMA8So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2012
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