Undercover Boss - Freshii S3 E8 (Canadian TV series)

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this week on Undercover Boss Canada the head of a food to go favorite is on the chopping block if we can't get our operations right and we will not reach our goals and the knives are out you don't have to love me you have to work with me you messed up my Tomatoes now Matthew Corrin the CEO of freshy wants to expand his company and he's going to do that by expanding his waistline working undercover in his own stores I find a little weird did not cut me off I want it's slow and learn first don't be sorry be like oh we're cutting tomato when his week of slicing and dicing is up oh that's not good he'll go back to being the Big Cheese I'm Matthew Bourne I'm CEO did that mean that fire and what he reveals in private will have the workers he met totally stopped ray with that with the world economy in a fragile state top corporations must adapt to survive the bosses of some of Canada's biggest companies are about to take extreme action to stay ahead of the game they're going undercover in their own organizations there's been a boom in demand for healthier fast food and franchise chain freshy is growing as a result the company has 100 stores worldwide and CEO Matthew Corrin wants to see one on every street corner I didn't start freshy because I wanted to be a restaurateur I started freshy because I had a passion for branding and entrepreneurship I was working in New York City for a fashion designer and I just became a customer of these mom pop delis that were on every street corner these delis had very long lines and very fresh food so what I wanted to create an incredible brand around fresh food our focus is the product we serve the freshness of that product and the level of service we give thank you render your food we have a long way to go to being as ubiquitous as the mom pop delis that inspired me to start fresh in the first place but within the next five years we want to be known as the healthy fast food leader around the world when I'm traveling I'm traveling for business and so I will be as efficient as I need to be I'm always with my family on the weekends I do two things in life I work and I work at being a great husband and a great father Annie was just telling the story about last winter when we flipped her on the snow tube I've got two daughters five-year-old and two-year-old when he come help us and he's gonna give a song Annie Adele Foster and I do this for my daughters because I want them to have a legacy with this company most businesses aren't rocket science but in most businesses a thousand little things have to go right every day to make money and the added challenge with the restaurant business is the perishability which means if we don't sell the food that we prepare it goes in the garbage and when you throw something out you're throwing away your profits we're about to see a lot of growth in the next year and two ahead and so I want to make sure that we know what's working what's not working what we need to tweak what we need to improve and what we just need to leave as is and stop tinkering with and there's no better way to do that but then to get behind the scenes and see it with my own eyes hey guys seven years ago when I open the first freshy location in my wildest dreams I didn't think we'd be this close to 100 locations and in the next five years I actually think we're gonna get to a thousand locations around the world but if we can't get our operations right and we will not reach our goals and so beginning tomorrow I will no longer be the CEO what is serious this beard is no fashion statement this is a disguise I'm going undercover to see what's going on within our own backyard of Canada to make sure that our stores are actually following the three fresh chefs a fast service fresh food and friendly environment and so I'm going to be very critical of our business over the next week and come back with some very clear changes and we need to make in order to continue to reach our goals thanks so much Andy he's gonna find some stuff out that he might be taking a little bit back by and Matthew's the face the brand he's fresh so it's gotta be some pretty impressive disguise to be able to get past the employees while undercover I'll be assuming the identity of Ethan parks in a documentary about careers in the fast food industry I'll be posing as a new employee looking for a full-time job in some aspect of food services are you wearing awake the hair has wig it's so out of character for him it was the exact opposite of who matthew is it terrified his daughter shouldn't have a clue who he was seven years ago when I opened the first freshy location I did every single position in the restaurant come say goodbye to Daddy hi cuz I remember how difficult it was and I am just really nervous I'm not sure if I'll make it through it coming up the boss struggles with his tricky transition Louie aegon beard and glasses it's changing my dynamic it's not the real me and later haste makes waste I ripped that this is my fourth wrap I ripped make a new one so you are throwing away $8 trade of it yesterday freshy boss Matthew Corrin was at the top of the food chain but in business a lot can happen in 24 hours I'm nervous this certainly feels like a different me I really can't believe how it changes my personality I have to match the disguise with the personality of Ethan so I really feel like on some levels I need to play up the Ethan persona today I'm gonna be working with one of the freshing team members here in Ottawa on our petering business lunch will always be our bread and butter but I really want to make sure that we're properly growing these other sections of our business hi there it's Katie oh yes hi nice to meet you um here's your shirt we have a very busy day ahead of us katie has no idea that her trainee is actually the boss working under an assumed identity okay so what we're gonna start with right now is that coming some tomato so just cut off the end depending on how large the tomato is you might have to do it four times you might have to do it three times okay are you the manager I'm starting to edge a lot of people wouldn't think yeah from the youngest one here I turn 19 on December 27 that's crazy yeah it's incredible that Katie's only 18 she's already a supervisor she's she's managing a very substantial business for somebody your age for somebody you know twice our age for that matter so you've been cutting Tomatoes since you're like sixteen actually it used to despise cutting Tomatoes because obviously it's a long process yeah there's gotta be a better way to cut these because this is crazy cuz I'm always looking for a quicker way to do this I may not even want to work here just because of this Tomatoes let's finish this all right get happy and get fast you don't think I'm being happy no I mean like get happy to do Tomatoes don't be sad and be like oh we're cutting Tomatoes oh I think we've spent about an hour to some Tomatoes any way you slice it unintended it's a time-consuming process no cutting is boring do I have to keep on doing it Ethan's a character honestly like I'm getting so hot cutting Tomatoes um I definitely think he should be picking up this stuff a little and you might not always like what you have to do at your job but you have to do it anyways we'll speed her up we're gonna hustle and start the catering so the first catering order we are going to be making two buffalo chickens two chicken clubs two tuna Gardens it's now 9:45 and Matthew slow slicing has put them behind schedule watch out they've still got a flood of catering orders to prepare we're gonna go really fast because we need to get these out of here buying you the catering is definitely a little stressful mainly because you're working on a time limit and so speed is definitely the biggest necessity that we have and you're gonna do the tuna garden I don't that's why we have scoop no you gotta jenna jaynes few things a little weird mainly because just he didn't want to touch the two nuts so Bruce those little picky things is what really makes it very frustrating he could pick it can I take a break now or no we got fresh sisters I'm in my my little mock turtleneck here and the wig and beard and glasses it's changing my dynamic when are we gonna break when did we get ray you get in the afternoon that's not the real me start cutting them in half please but we got a hurry do me a favor don't use my cutting board Katie's giving me some pretty weird looks I honestly feel like you're gonna go I'm not gonna handle this - cutting was I think if you were to work here it'd be very hard and it would be very frustrating you're gonna have to put those down because we're working they would often be times where I'd be rude with them and tell them what to do but that's just because I'm the one who has to make sure that they are done I feel like you're being kind of bossy today I'm the boss so I'm supposed to do Katie's aggressive and she's pushy and quite frankly she gets what she wants because she knows it's for the best for the brand and so she stands up for what she believes in she's not gonna be pushed around but I think I need to tone down the personality a little bit 80 I fear that if I don't that I actually won't be able to get the true sense of what I'm here to do which is see the true store experience have you ever worked with food Oh so what made you want to try it I want to try to get healthier yeah I was actually I weighed a hundred 70 pounds before I got the job at Brushy you're telling me all right you've what you've lost 50 pounds from working at freshing the fact that she's eating well and living you breeding the brand we couldn't ask for a better partner it's inspirational I could lose my gut I could use a bit of an adjustment my belly and in my maybe in your head you got to go through certain lengths to do your job like when you're working you got to do what you got to do well do these speedy so we can get her done as we were getting close to crunch time and the orders were getting ready to be delivered she really started to drive me to get these orders done we just felt like a last-minute catering order which makes it even harder so we gotta just go go go and he's got a pick it up hopefully we'll make it all right Ethan let's go let's hurry I'm feeling stressed two cups of rice but Katie's passionate about getting the order and having a happy customer happy customer means more business for the owner let's go cuz we're two minutes late that was intense what we kind of need a hurry I'll just tell em I gotta buy some orders no we can't do that because we should be the ones responsible for making our time work so everything is sent out on time here's 117 all right so we're in the right spot okay back up okay how much do you think all this catering costs you're looking at like $150 for catering right so we didn't feel like almost $500 worth of catering before lunch even started exactly right thank you no problem sure so you think I have what it takes to get a job here I think you do if you're more confident yourself um I got the confidence room there's honestly a lot of the pros specially for me in fact that I know I am doing good with my job like it makes me feel like I can't pursue this even further and possibly go higher it's definitely something I would like to do Katie super passionate about the freshy brand we need more Katie's out there nice job good job awesome great teamwork she's really setting herself up to be a very successful operator that wasn't so bad for her first day wasn't knows a lot of stuff well it was a pleasure working with you Sean nice new you okay thank you very much and have a good one it was a busy day and I was really encouraging because it's basically indicated to me that catering was actually gonna add value to fresh a coming up sorry about that sorry so sorry who's sorry now Celeste I'm sorry I'm sorry it's tough and later is the boss too posh to wash I hate doing dishes donated I don't like businesses and his little princess Matthew Corrin a boss undercover is having a hard time taking orders great start cutting them in half please we got to hurry I feel like you're being kind of bossy today now he's worried about his second day on the job today I'll be working at the College Park location in Toronto and it's a really important store for us because it's the first franchise we ever opened it's really going to be important for me to see if they've maintained the level of standards we trained on and freshy for all the new openings we've recently introduced a new layout meant to increase speed of service and the guest experience okay all right oh yeah Ethan come on in so I'm the manager here so what we serve soups frozen yogurt and burritos bowls salads I rap so this is what you call a fast occur what's up it's to customize your many more on that's the main reason people come here right because you can change it if you don't like it you can switch yes Ron you should do my joke what did you order yes favorable price I introduced you to us so this is Ron he's the first custom that we get every day eaten at this is Ethan and he's a new stuffy attack training here yes so why do you come here every day who's good and it's relatively healthy doesn't hurt to get friendly service either I guess no it doesn't thank you daddy five okay I see you tomorrow Lee that was a crazy moment so gentlemen came in who was visually impaired and absol treated him like they were best friends made me so proud just that I wanted to give him a hug office workers are on their lunch break and I've saw will be relying on his new trainee to get through the rush take your time yeah I rather you do it so and learn without being mistakes okay I never place the owner it comes here take the first on holding freshing card really make it okay what I do so this is a fresh fruit called brown so you start from here yeah it should listen to an integer I need each other just put this plant okay that's it huh put everything and mix it and then avocado tomato corn bushes yeah okay spear okay then you wrap wrap it up tight okay so you call the name wait Doris there's three orders yeah so we have a rush now don't be a panic I'll do the cash today's ordered yeah you are the writer Jeff how are you whoa okay I'm into a chicken but one goes a shrimp when it comes to training what I tell them all the time is learn the stuff first do it right rub that big mistakes custom says no onions Mustaine will you put onions can you serve that meal not make anyone like a new one so you are twenty how many eight dollar straight away I say always double-check I don't want the fast first I want it's slow that's our first I'm sorry I'm sorry the lunch rush is intense I just heard a rap I just seem to never end okay you guys just go down make sure the line moves fast okay I know I looked at I ripped it this is my fourth rap I ripped actually you okay neither yeah it's tough normally I what half of you are from there and you go this way okay you order here you are here the line whole line works is you come from there and go this way to pick up the father I noticed some confusion with the customers in the way they were coming in and ordering it's got really sorry about that yeah I just gotta get up there okay with a new system they ordered cash and then go there to pick it up before they order there and come to the cash to be so that's what the confusion is yo Kim miss you are at that cash okay sorry about the confusion with the amount of stories that I'm hearing from have salt sorry about that sorry sorry is that weird so I want to take the cash from here sorry sorry about that then we need to figure out how to fix that I focus a little bit more on a more enjoyable guest experience absol yeah what's up this give me one sec I'm sorry about it I keep on looking at this I don't think I would eat them myself the cucumber's one of the new employee members actually shave them to thin this there you the wrong blade perfectly fresh high-quality I tasted it myself but that just goes back to the importance of a chain which is consistency I mean if you want to take it all baby that's well it's also empty in here because I already a very very minimum level it goes bad and end of the rate if you wanna hit the foot post alright so that's the main reason the internal in the owner why do you care if I don't say this as my this pathway and they don't make profit we won't have a job yeah tune in to his business in his operations and that's really encouraging to see what were you doing before you worked in the restaurant business I was a fun to come back home financing where from from Srilanka um was an easier harder than banking I like this one better this way you meet a lot of new people how long did it take to get to know the customers because I felt like you really knew some of them yeah some of them yeah solid a they wanted to check my daughter's pictures how many daughters at what one oh six months should be six months so have you taken her back home yet not yet not to pull back home like that it's a bit expensive and even my momma did they like to see her how often do you see them my parents no I don't see them all right I mean yeah back home right why did you come over here a lot of opportunities if you work hard if you work smart when I came to Canada I started like you like I work minimum wage with her she passed away she I started minimum wage and then I'm working as a manager so you're a success story I always stack freshy and I always tack the owners of this place the cream rises to the top is the cream I personally think of interested in a long-term career with freshy there's no doubt there's a place for him absol today was really great so you lose thank you for the opportunity I am exhausted haha thank you sir no problem thank you or show you about something thank you okay okay so today working without so it was really happy with the way the store operated but they're not at optimal layout so we need to clean it up a little bit in the front area from the guest experience coming up a workers secret heartbreak it's important for me to make a better life for my daughter and myself that's what I'm dreaming about and later taskmaster ory rub salt into the boss's wounds oh I get sort of swimming around blood give me a finger hold on don't be a baby boss Matthew Corrin has taken on a brand new identity to see if he can improve freshy it's really early like five o'clock in the morning early and today I'm working at one of our Toronto locations we do a lot of our food preparation first thing in the morning to maximize freshness I also want to make sure we're not making too much food so we also maximize profits hi hello hey man yeah I'm Ethan hi Ben how are you how are you good you can come in before our customers are even awake even Mays at the store slicing dicing and stocking the cooler for the day ahead are you gonna finish and toy this so you make all your food in the morning for aberration yeah why do you just not do it a few days before oh is that good because those are fresh stuff and if you've got them they're gonna be bad no thank you yeah sure yeah how do you know how much you're gonna cut well you know I've been here for four years okay here's our Tomatoes more Tomatoes just like cutting tools so you do this I'm so tired right now I don't know how these guys have any energy to prep all the ingredients I think I totally bombed it he messed up my Tomatoes now I'm not sure if I'll make it through it but I'll try okay keep a little bit faster I'm sorry working freshers you have a time limit or preparation and so you have to be efficient there hurry up we have so much stuff to do going as fast as I can because freshest stands for fast and efficient and helping any time I meet an employee that has this much passion for the freshy brand you want to keep that person around for a really long time so you then know that the manager what are you phenomenon please like same us everybody you really know a lot for a normal employee hey why aren't you the manager right now well I am talk to the CEO you wish unfortunately he hadn't gone back to me now remember why she called me at 6 o'clock in the morning I was walking my dog I remember it very specifically so you spoke to this guy yeah I spoke to him about what about my ambition to become a man Pastora I do remember having one specific conversation with her about her getting more involved in the company unfortunately maybe he's busy so I don't know maybe he forgot so ah sounds like a jerk so he's just too busy too yeah probably too busy I never ever want to be known as a CEO he doesn't return calls so you want to be a manager yeah what's the manager mean well your yeah Boris possibilities you probably get paid more to say more to which is good especially for me as a single mom well how much you make it's like a summer I get thousand in one is that a hard amount to live off of I guess would your expenses like the house which is $600 for the rent so you spent over half your pay goes to it that's crazy I know well living in Toronto stuff it's important for me to work hard that way or I can make a better life for my daughter and my soul it's easier when you have some help you know so did she have grandparents here oh yeah my parents are back home that must be tough they come here no not yet read it I was still building on it what do you mean he's our money oh you're gonna pay for them to come along yeah yeah just get the make supervisor you need to get them a visa I bet her grandparents would love to spend time with her it's tough to be by yourself right although like I'm very independent and I get to get myself but still nice to me we some of your families over here that's what I'm dreaming about and praying about so can we move a little faster ada I think we're running out of time are you stressed right now it's a little bit I'm stressed you need to watch my time I saw today in the kitchen exactly what I want to see which is a perfect amount of stock and preparation for the day ahead how do you were almost done eva has never been handed anything on a silver spoon he was raising a daughter by herself he was raising enough money to bring her parents over by herself thanks for the training nice meeting you Ethan and nice working with you see you later okay thank you God she's an independent leader and I'll find ways to see her to success I travel almost four days a week every week and this is the first time I've been away from the girls over the weekend a long time and I miss them hi Annie daddy how are you hi call me hey mama I'll be I'll be there very soon I miss waking up with them and having Sunday night pizza together it's been a tough week away I miss you and I'm going to be home soon I love you coming up don't don't don't don't boss Matthew gets fresh on the job it's my first day I'm not sure I love you yet you don't have to love me you just have to work with me and later he takes the mundane out of Monday morning I'm the CEO of fresh e are you to be okay yeah Matthew Corrin the boss of freshing is having a tough week at the salad bar first I want it's so heartless I'm sorry I'm sorry all right Ethan let's go let's hurry two cups of rice but he's been gaining fresh insight into the company he runs so we did say like almost $500 worth of catering before lunch even started exactly you are from there and you go this way sorry about the confusion now he's about to embark on his final shift and Cooper's a market that we've grown very quickly in over a short period of time and I anticipate even more rapid growth over the next 12 months the West Coast is such a passionate market for health and wellness and so our employees and to be very knowledgeable about why we do things the way we do them all right I'm Ethan Knight all right go ahead welcome follow me please Matthews working with assistant manager Orie who doesn't miss a beat putting her trainee right to work so your job today to begin that's gonna be put the audit away okay careful's heavy huh here you know first-in first-out right whatever gets here first have to go out first so that means this can for example was here before this right so this has to be used before this means first in first out of FIFO is a really important operational tool for any restaurant business if you leave stuff there forever and ever eventually you will have rot it's very important for me that everything is where it should be how it should be when it should be and and that everyone is really quick and really faceted why do you care so much about that it's your money is it your money it's not my money but eventually it becomes the company's money and one thing that I learned long ago its royalty and at the end of the day I absolutely love this company it's my first day I'm not sure I love it yet but maybe I'm not sure if I love you yet trying to figure it out you don't have to love me you'd have to work with me you're just working me fast that's how I work everyone once again first-in first-out so you need to rotate that you have all the salad on the top so you can put that in the top don't just throw them make sure they organized please gang a come for once again that's first-in first-out you're putting this woman or he clearly has been trained on FIFO that's the older side you can put it to the back she was on me hard and I wasn't doing it the right way you see those two that you just put them back yeah those dirty old solid so you have to keep them in the front don't don't don't don't don't push it to the back no no I know Laurie is a taskmaster she moves so fast okay so he was hungry for a second she's doing what a what a manager would do and on top of that she's like climbing on shelves to get to the back corner for storage don't fall no it's okay don't worry I will not fall voila oh we forgot a spinach no that is waste it's what happens when people do not rotate things or he cares about the quality from a guests perspective you want to eat it mmm yeah and if you don't eat it why should I serve it to somebody else what I like to see is that they're not compromising all of those fold them and put them in that side please why don't we just take all these boxes just throw them out because it's recycling are you sure you're Canadian are you Canadian well he's only from Mexico why did you come over um I guess that you can say a better life yeah long story short I was in the plane on a Thursday and by Saturday night I was sleeping at shelter you moved here homeless basically how did you get out of that hi my name is Lori and I'm a workaholic yeah it's a long long process I was working 16-hour days for about two months and I'm happy I mean like every job it has its ups and downs give me some examples the markets so different from one city to the other I think that the freedom for each store to have a store only offer yeah would be a great idea aurilla some interesting ideas about getting some local flavors and local menu items for the customer something to think about RIF to cut this whole box of tomatoes I guess Tomatoes whoa if I never see another tomato again it'll be too soon never seen one of these before watch your finger Ultimo's yeah if you go one by one you're never gonna finish what your fingers it's kind of cool that's too much that's too much you're gonna Reese cutting your finger coming up Ori makes a shocking confession and I didn't think that I didn't want to do and later hard work pays off I've spoken to the franchise owner of your location and secret boss Matthew Corrin is halfway through his shift with Orie she's been giving him lots of blunt advice that's too much that's too much you're gonna risk cutting your finger oh you okay yeah what happened come here okay that's not good um I got my finger and I get sort of swimming around glad you're gonna suffer that makes it even way of initative apart hold on figure don't be a baby I know she took a big handful of salt and she grabbed my thumb leave it there for a second that's gonna stop the bleeding stinging salts yeah because singing it's stopping the bleeding it doesn't feel good but my fingers stopped bleeding so there may be something there leave the rest for the guys okay because we're gonna start doing Tosh you have custom salads and custom wraps on this side and then you have the soups here where is this nothing is harder than a soup three-way yeah no my idea this is funny she doesn't like the soup freeway that we're serving it sounds pea never up it don't use it that was my idea once again orys not sold on HQs way of doing things but Matthew punches it up anyway so somebody comes up I'll have a salad I want it with chicken chicken would you like any chips I know I'm good thank you join our soup three-way uh we don't use that you know I'm not prepared to give her that wit just yet it bugs me and it frustrates me when people don't get what I'm saying I don't like repeating myself many times okay now you can take the deal everyone hello hi thank you you know Solange aligner yet to be 816 it's always nice to work the cash because you really get to interact with our customers it's not difficult and I hadn't done it in a really long time oh shoot I forgot to put it in dress-up no dresses we have to be very very very careful with those kind of incident whose mistake was I wasn't mine you were doing ringing things and you were supposed to specify that it was no cilantro anyways how I'll show you in a second but if you let me just finish what I'm telling you that will be very nice okay do not cut me off if you're gonna be working with us you have to learn that thang sorry I'm sorry you do not want to see me upset for me it's very important that my staff has the right attitude and I don't think eating hasn't we're done with the front so if you want to just keep doing dishes please hate English you're not the only one today I need to yes I don't like princesses and kiss a little princess not something that anyone here loves but they have to be done I think it's low don't lose me I don't know where I'm going well don't be slow and you won't lose me wheeler a fast-food industry right so the name says it all you have to be fast you see one two we are at the end a big machine and if one part of the machine is no working properly or doesn't work well with the other then things are not gonna be done the way they should be sorry these guys opening more stores here yeah I don't know you think this city could have that Medina bet oh yeah you gonna be part of that I would certainly hope so I don't stop myself as being a store manager I'd have a lot of thrust and a lot of faith in this company and I know it's gonna grow and I and I hope I'm able to grow with them but I can't really run before you walk so I would love to go back to school but uh I just can't afford so eventually I will I will face the money and good I need to pay my debts first you're down yeah I owe probably about 8 9 grand I learned long ago that you can blame your mistakes into anybody else I put myself into that but I wouldn't be Who I am and I wouldn't be where I am if I would have known gone through everything that I had and and I'm very grateful I'm very happy what are you unhappy with I I miss my family look we're later home yeah why did you why did you leave them why don't you go back I can't go back you can I'm a refugee wasn't that means them running away from somebody I made the big mistake of forgetting both in a bad relationship way abusive we had a very big argument yeah I know you win real bad it went really bad um and I had to walk away No and I'm not the kind of person that will hide but when I was there I was so scared sweet love not it and you can in other things that I didn't want to do but it was it was survival mode right or he's not even 30 years old yet she's been through more than many people twice her age she's truly an inspiration it seemed like such a strong person Thanks I'm lucky to be here I'm lucky to work for this company I'm lucky to have the stuff that I have this has become your family they are my family and if you end up working at this store yeah good more than welcome to join my family mm-hmm but I don't have to get used to dishes though or he's been through a lot what I saw from her today is a woman who's strong and caring and really thinks and freshy has her family we all don't lemon thank you very much for coming thank you for a fabulous day and see ya you too okay it continues to make me incredibly proud at the brand we're building we in this market and the people we're building it with it's really encouraging I think my experience as Ethan will make me a stronger Matthew it will definitely change the way I think about the business and the company that we're building it's not just about the brand it's also about the employees I mean have to focus on that with my team when I go back coming up Matthew reveals his true identity and staff has plenty to say about it does that mean I'm fired to company this is crazy Matthew Corrin has trimmed the fat and his back in the office he's called Katy off salt Eva Mae and Ori to H cubed they think they'll be discussing the trainee they worked with this week but they're wrong hey hi do you know who I am are you doing dirt Ethan oh I'm Matthew seven I'm the CEO fresher did I just kill at you my thoughts before you were a taskmaster you rub salt in my wounds literally did that mean that fire it was so inspiring to me how committed you are to that store we talked about bringing in some local flavors what I'd like to do is work with you to find ingredients that are very localized to the vancouver market traffic you will you work with me on that for sure you literally ran away from Mexico when you got here you had to live in shelters I'd like to give you $2,000 for you to donate to a shelter of your choice of Vancouver thank you I want to do something for you personally as well don't worry I'm gonna pay off your credit card debt what shut up you serious I'm paying off your credit card debt will die help that's lifting a huge huge thumb on my shoulders you're really a big contributor to the success we've had okay let's do great things together that's good all right thank you so much thank you the fact that I will be giving some money to the shelter it's amazing this is my way to saying thank you very much for all the help that you gave me and that's amazing that he was able to understand that okay mm-hmm I wanted to see how the store was doing yeah and that it's being led by such a young person such as yourself it made me incredibly proud I just want you to do you had me chopping tomatoes for what felt like almost half the time that I spent with you yeah and and I was thinking the whole time there could be a better way yeah and here it is oh my goodness I have found you that is a tomato cutter amazing so this is yours thank you so much we're going to introduce them into all stores across our system yeah I want to do something for you personally as well I'd like to put you on a path to learning more about the business side of fresher that involves opening stores all over the world I'd like to send you to Stockholm Sweden for an upcoming store opening I'd also love to give you $2,000 of spending money when you're there that sounds amazing so thank you so much thank you forever that's amazing thank you so much don't forget I'm a dope ever it definitely shows that you know Matthew recognizing me and just shows that my work did pay off absolutely your commitment and dedication and passion for the brand is unlike anything I've ever seen to combativeness I think we can be better at repositioning the flow for the customer so we're gonna make some business changes to make your store more successful you mentioned to me that your parents haven't met your daughter yet no I want that to change I want you to fly on me to Sri Lanka so they can meet their granddaughter in order to make sure we pay for your time off so that your there's no stress when you're gone you came to this country with nothing you are living the Canadian dream your parents would be and I'm sure are incredibly proud of that I want them to see the Canadian dream that you're building for you and your family and so I'm also going to fly them from Sri Lanka to Canada come see you living your Canadian dream oh thank you daddy Oh so I think it's so much I want me to get something like this like I do like I want a million dollar free Eva you have such smart within that story each we - like you're the owner I remember you telling me that you called Matthew once oh yeah yeah I do and you talked to him about being an owner about being a franchise owner or even a manager unfortunately I don't know what happened maybe you forgot so I want you to know something I'd still have not forgotten that moment and I've spoken to the franchise owner of your location you're gonna become a salary manager with full benefits and I'm gonna find ways to make you an owner that is me thank you so much I've been doing that for years Eva you mentioned to me something that I'll never forget that you're a single mother raising your daughter and you spend a big majority of your payroll paying your rent every month I'm gonna give you over $7,000 to pay your rent for the next year Oh Gettys amazing and you know what you've done this by yourself this is all Eva it is my prayer for probably a year now all those things that he has given me it's amazing the one thing that I take away from the experience is that be employees or number one if we take care of our people everything else takes care of itself that is the one thing that will change the way I think about this business going forward you Oh
Channel: Reality
Views: 1,481,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undercover Boss Full Episode
Id: CPRjuJpyrC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2014
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