Undercover Boss - Beck Taxi S3 E4 (Canadian TV series)

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this week on Undercover Boss Canada the country's largest privately owned cab company fights to keep drivers in their front seat we need to know what we have to do to keep them on the road for us for the first time two bosses will put on disguises so they can find out what's really going on in the company they run this is my trainee Dorothy and they're in for a bumpy ride right hope you're wrong I do not know my way around the city oh oh I could never do this job they'll make startling discoveries my friend he was a hammer in the back just for $6 so you pull out this big man for this is Oh have you seen my wife while the killer I have to do whatever I can to make it right and when they finish riding shotgun they'll return to head office and give the drivers they met the biggest tip of their lives I am Gayle Souter general manager of Beck taxi when you fooling me that with the world economy in a fragile state top corporations must adapt to survive the bosses of some of Canada's biggest companies are about to take extreme action to stay ahead of the game they're going undercover in their own organizations bed taxi is the number one cab company in Canada's largest urban center they cover the Toronto area with 1,700 cars and 3,500 drivers last year alone they made 15 million pickups and in the driver's seat are two women my dad Jim back he was an entrepreneur from day one he'll is always in business for himself and he thought well driving cab might be you know a good option so he started with one cab and eventually grew that to a fleet of 25 and that's when BEC taxi started this year BEC taxi will answer 7.5 million calls for service which is the busiest year we've had in our history that means about 15 million trips have been provided by BEC taxi drivers this year as a general manager I do run the company I oversee every aspect we are a service business so I want to ensure that we give the very best service we can arena as well all go home I am very fortunate we're going to be 3rd generation in this family business my two children are very involved Michael my son is more behind the scenes Christine is more upfront my husband Don Souter is involved in the dispatch end of things I love coming to work I've been running around this office since I was a little girl I begged my mom to get a job when I was about 15 years old working with Christine is a true joy although there are times when doors get slammed but you know we're both very strong confident women and sometimes you clash I've been married for ten years my husband Nathan and I have two daughters Nathan works here with us so yeah our family just continues to grow at BEC taxi and at home locked in it my mom is my ultimate role model it's it's so much to do with with the way that she has built this business and the way that she is known as being a fair and trustworthy person that's what attracts drivers to back taxi I was born in Toronto and grew up all over the East End of the city I had a brother and a sister my sister and my brother we're a little bit dependent on me because my dad drove cab at night so I would cook the meals and I would do the laundry and I think that's where I became so controlling my father passed away very suddenly in 1985 I was 33 years old at the time and had two young kids of my own it was it was really difficult there was there was a lot of animosity amongst the children who was going to take control I was the girl let the boys let the men take care of things my brother he thought he should run it we were all behind that it just didn't work out so I had to I had to stand up it was a very very difficult time I was terrified that I would fail and I had many sleepless nights I know that my mum sometimes thinks that maybe she wasn't around enough or maybe she worked too much but I've never had that feeling I mean I know how important it was to her to save and build her father's business that taxi was my dad's life he devoted his whole life to to to this company and I want to do them proud that taxi is a brokerage if we don't own the cars and as a brokerage our job is to attract drivers we have two customers the drivers our customer in the front seat the passenger is our customer in the back seat and we have to keep both happy so that we can keep up with the demands of a growing city we can never stop looking for better ways to provide service to our drivers if met taxi doesn't keep drivers happy they'll leave this company and with that the riders will have longer wait times and they'll stop calling us so we need to stay on top of our game good morning thank you all for being here this morning um I've been trying to find ways to maintain our position as Toronto's best taxi company and we've decided that the best way to do that is to go undercover in disguise yeah I think that's incredible it's not gonna be easy but I think that it's an invaluable opportunity for us to make some real changes in the company great idea but be prepared you're in for a rude awakening kiddo so it's gonna be interesting to see how Christine does cope as she is directionally challenged a little bit and she may get lost when I go undercover my name will be Dorothea Cameron I'm married and I'm from Sarnia Ontario I will tell people that my name is Lyndsey green that I'm from Halifax Nova Scotia my mom and I will tell people that we're working on a documentary to discover what it's like for women to work in a male-dominated industry I've never seen my mom in a disguise and I think she's gonna look very funny me too Wow oh yeah I'm I'm a walking back taxi the transformation is unbelievable it truly is incredible no one's gonna know us right I think my mom is gonna do really well I think it'll be hard not to sort of take over and Christine going out undercover is going to be fantastic Christine's an actress anyway Oh Gail's put through the wringer a little bit physical yes it is physical and later the experience is unlike any serious have any taxi at all ever yesterday bed bosses Gayle and daughter Christine ran Canada's largest independent cab company now their employees will be in the driver's seat this afternoon it's Gail's turn at the wheel I'm ready the taxi industry in Toronto is very heavily regulated there is a two-tier system we have two classes of license the standard license allows the owner and the operators of that license to share the business with multiple people the Ambassador permit only one person and drive that vehicle he bares all the same payments that are associated with a standard licensed taxi cab but now you have one person who's bearing all of those costs today I'm going to be riding in an ambassador cab and I want to see how that driver is feeling about that permit and what we can do to make things better for him hi there today I'm Dorothy I'm all in Edwards they call me mr. Edwards mr. Edwards yeah I hope you enjoy my right in my comfort mr. Edwards drives his taxi under an ambassador license he can't share it with other drivers unlike the old standard license which allowed multiple drivers and cost sharing I guess that's important to have a clean car older ladies they're really appreciated sometimes it raised the level of the tip I never wash cars my husband washes my car so this is a real experience for me okay we gotta go it's unbelievably strenuous a little bit physical yes it is for the curve I think she did a pretty good job and a few little mistakes you make out sure no wonder what you two have there's a lot more water Cup I can tell that mr. Edwards takes great pride in the condition of his car and he's very particular about the way it's washed I see it says ambassador taxicab what does that mean ambassador taxicabs are the new plate that his city decided to issue when that has became a big headache they call us owner operators we are the only people can drive this Kevin all the expenses is on us I originally like to walk six to eight hours a day but you had the end of the month I don't make enough money to pay my bills then I have to work more hours what if you don't feel well one day and don't want to go out working well you pretty good i we don't feel bad because a couple of drivers faucet and he has been like about 13 to 15 cab drivers that died from heart attack try to do extra hours in this thing we all hope wish someday it will change all ambassadors to standard I can't tell you how frustrating it is to hear that drivers especially long-term drivers as mr. Edwards is in a situation where he can't retire he's not a young man he has the pressure of all the expenses of that car I feel as though I have to do whatever I can to make it right in all your years you must have had some crazy experiences that's a hard one I was driving night shift and I picked up this guy he looked like he had a few drinks we pulled out this big knife in his hands Oh have you seen my wife I'm looking for her I want a killer was he in the car at that point yes he was in the car and he's wielding this big night except she stopped me from seeing my babies and I love my babies so that was the keyword love my babies I say if you kill the things you love then you're gonna see them again so I said okay here what we gonna do you're gonna drive to the police station I'll go inside and I'll explain your situation here because I think the only way you could see their wife and kids again see if he kind of sober so I shook his hand and I left in there you may have saved his life I probably saved more than one life more than one life absolutely I can't believe you stayed that calm there is so much that we could do for drivers as far as safety goes I think that we really have to take a good look at that I think that mr. Edwards could be part of the training session he has instinct he knows how to react to a bad situation and I think he could do volumes to help drivers tonight mr. Edwards works a longer shift to make sure he's able to cover his weekly costs good mr. Edwards he has a little anecdote for every customer that he gets in his cab I was born in the islands Trinidad and Tobago I migrated here in 1969 it was something with weather I didn't know I as I push to go on came outside it cool just fine so you guys like it sighs that's part of my job is meeting people having a good conversation sometime a good conversation is better than it the price on the meter okay you have a nice dinner a little sharper in all stuff my style he makes every ride a pleasure your song like you're from the Philippines yeah so you are a Gruffalo oh yeah WAPA it refers to a handsome man mr. Edwards is beyond amazing it's the little things that he does that gain us repeat business and he does us proud okay good night good night kids are - well this is the end of my shift ran out because nice what can we do I hope you learn something it was a pleasure working with you mr. Edwards okay I did learn a lot after spending a day with mr. Edwards I'm more determined than ever to make things better for all drivers in our family coming up the orders are piling up and I'm definitely slowing business down it's really hard for me now to say here take it back take it back and later I see Sir Gayle struggles to finish the job I definitely need more practice back taxi bosses Gayle and Christine have joined their own rank and file to find out how they can make life for their drivers easier what Gayle found out was truly shocking we pull out this big knife and he says oh yeah have you seen my life I'm looking for her I want to kill her hi tonight it's Christine's first shift working in disguise fun tonight I'm going to be working with a dispatcher they are an essential ring in the chain of how this all works this is Lindsay hi Lindsay aider she'll be working with Tony a veteran dispatcher in Toronto there are 13 dispatchers on this eight-hour shift who will process over 10,000 calls so what happens is a customer calls me one attacks the order takers over in the other side of the room the last customer where they are with their addresses will get their name though often as to where they're going as well the computer will recognize by the address whether it's in the northwest end of the city or the southwest the order will then come to me the computer again will tell me which of the sub areas that that order belongs to and then I will find out if there's a driver sitting on the corresponding post and if so I'll give you in New York um put this headset on some when Tony is passing me this headset all I keep thinking is that I'm about to go on stage and the drivers are pretty good but they rely on this radio to make a living and if you're if you make a mistake people are gonna know when I press this that means they can hear you okay you're gonna say I eat a card for the Melbourne town centre and then let's see what happens all right all right yeah okay I need a car for the Melbourne town so now you're gonna say three four or five eight and given working three four five eight you're picking up at Markham Road you're a star he's nicer feeling to you so I'm going I'm gonna go take a break you know I'll be back in a while thank you Scarborough Golf and Lawrence to you not only is there so much information that has to be conveyed to the drivers but it has to be right need a car in the bridal wood if I get one number wrong this driver is gonna go to the wrong address one mistake can just you know end up being a complete disaster you have to stay sharp and you have to stay focused you have to be able to work under pressure I don't sound very sure what I'm saying that's because you're not a hundred percent confidence he's not confident the drivers will make it very difficult for five she has to work on her speed the orders are piling up and I'm definitely slowing business down and it's really hard for me now to say here take it back take it back the weights got so long there's now a cancellation ATC the cxl cxl mhm that means the orders been canceled so now we're gonna go to the beat for us you know yo yeah it's getting kind of backed up there maybe I should catch up I think that's gonna do there's somebody booked into the birch an elf is there somebody on maybe five pound watching Tony do his job is like watching a master at work I mean I don't know how he keeps it all straight how he maintains any type of organization I feel like I had take on a lot of responsibility here but the dispatchers and all the call center staff they take on a lot of responsibility to Channel five for the moment is actually channel nightmare yes sir guys someone else for info what does that mean info info um info can mean anything um if the driver maybe he's looking for a particular address maybe his customer says I want to go to such and such a restaurant and the driver doesn't know where the restaurant is he'll ask the dispatcher and you can help him locate restaurants and I tried to yeah it troubles me that when there's work to be done that Tony or other dispatchers have to be concerned with drivers questions and maybe we could find a way to manage that better I'd like to know how you found yourself here I mean so driving cab driving cab I drove for about ten years and then I had an accident and I ended up in the wheelchair no no no what I broke my neck okay um in a diving accident right I just actually I didn't hit the bottom I just hit the water kind of funny and twisted my neck around and broke two vertebrae when I first got to the hospital they told me to make peace with my family and my god because it probably wasn't going to survive um I told Matt wasn't ready right how old are you 30 that's young but there's never with age for that I was in the hospital for a couple of years through you know two years of hard work rehab doctors nurses physiotherapists um then I went back to University and then I decided I wanted to get back to the cat business because it was kind of in my blood frankly I like the people in the cab industry little eccentric might not be the right word uh-huh but it's not that far off and I like to be with him Tony is a great guy what he has overcome and the way he lives his life and the positive outlook that he has he is the example of inspiration and perseverance he is a huge benefit to Beck taxi what is that thing to do when you're not you have this job but there must be other things I do I do lots of different things I do a lot of photography I do a lot of urban nature photography when bad things happen to you life goes on I think maybe that helps you manage how crazy it must get here sometime maybe um one nice thing about breaking your neck is it no matter what else happens it won't be the worst thing that ever happened yeah that's amazing my shift is over uh you know this obviously we're 24 hours you did really good there for the first time put in the headset on it's a it's tough Riseup Riseup thank you so much Tony my pleasure good luck I want to make sure we're doing whatever we can just to support our dispatchers their job is is a difficult job and I want to make sure that we're allowing them to do that in the best way they can coming up it'll kick back see mechanic panic I could never do this job Beth taxi execs Gail and Christine have gone off the grid so they can find out how they can improve working life for their drivers Christine had trouble getting up to speed the orders are piling up and I'm definitely slowing business down today Gail's back in disguise we have approximately 1700 cabs and they're on the road 24/7 it's imperative that our cabs are kept in good running order I'm going to be working with the mechanic today who's responsible for keeping the cabs on the road safe hi how are you good nice to have Ryan I love my job soon as you come through the door just go go go with every taxi that comes in we'll make sure the car is mechanically fit to go back out in the road hi Daisy Ryan is mostly involved in doing repairs but when the taxi shift changes the pressure is really on it's a constant cycle every 12 hours the cars are coming in this is not like a normal garage where are you trying to get cars and customers to come in I'm trying to keep the cars out because when the cars come in here they're costing money the drivers pretty much depend on you yes they do is there a driver waiting for this car yes there is he's losing money guys sitting here but not safe that's what I look at it - yeah I guess we've got to get this guy back on the road yes okay now this it'll kick back okay oh you see that's what I mean about it has that kick Dorothy's having a little bit of difficulty I think I'm slowing you down here Bryce pull the tire off it's gonna be heavy it's not you have to be physically fit in this job if you're not physically fit you're not gonna be able to do this I never realized how physical it was to be a mechanic okay all right I have my hat off to you I'll tell you that Brian is an ideal mechanic he is such a great guy he's instructing me what does that be you're not gonna learn it all in one day and think you're a professional because it's not gonna happen down it takes time I feel the kind of pressure that you're under time is money keeping the car safe but getting it out back on the road in good time is just as important I'm extremely happy with what I'm seeing here brian is incredible he can get all this done on his own I could never do this job now I have to go find a wrench there you keep track of all this stuff I buy all my own tools you do yes they're all you they're all mine I am roughly around 70 $80,000 and tools oh goodness and it's still not enough tools because cars are getting newer you gotta buy newer equipment when I learned that Brian has spent $70,000 on tools it shows me how dedicated it is I had no idea and how much is involved it's incredible and very humbling and you must enjoy working on the newer cars I do it is so much more fun so you're always looking to learn the works patient that's what being a mechanic is Arthur upgrading courses you can take you you you can take them okay yes and would that be at your expense yes my expense I think that the mechanic should be constantly upgrading their their training and I'm going to go back to my team and see if there's something that we can do I think you've got some customers out here yes now is gonna be the chaos cuz the cars have been out there for 12 hours now and we're gonna have 40 cars very shortly 40 yeah we're gonna work hard we're gonna work fast okay all right I'm pretty nervous about checking these cars they have to be done quickly and they have to be done properly that car can't leave unless it's safe and I didn't even gas up my own car before today Dorothy yes we're on call okay Brian coming all right hung up cars are coming in and out like crazy what kind of strange law has this god I wonder general manager Gale and operations manager Christine are responsible for running back taxi but they've been working under an assumed identity see Gale is punched in for a shift with Brian's now is gonna be the chaos Dorothy yes we're on call ok Brian coming alright and turns the engine every taxi has to have their oil and transmission checked and a quick inspection before the night shift starts a transmission dipstick you okay okay start the car so we're good there - everything looks good you close the hood we'll send him on okay then we got them excellent call me if you know so now what do you do okay okay I'll go there up sorry okay and what kind of strange lock is this God I wonder I have never done this before I don't know what I'm doing really all right oh it's getting darker a little harder to tell I'm nervous that I'm making sure that the car is safe to go out again sorry could you start the car one more time for me start the car all right we'll do this again busy busy spot here I don't know cars are coming in and out like crazy you checked the transmission yes I did when the car was running her off off nope running running remember transmissions always check with Clara Ronny so Dorothy a few things she forgot but I reminded her and she picked up way she went again the right way okay okay shut the head Brian works on his own I cannot believe how chaotic it gets in that garage it's a long day yep but it's a fun day you learn stuff well that's good it's good that you enjoy what you do oh I doing it Brian is an amazing guy here he is day in day out working hard he's a real trooper do you ever take any time off nope maybe once a month that's nice I think his whole life is his work work really is this hobby I've been in this garage about 20 years I'm still here um there was a major fire that happened in 97 the garage burned to the ground one of my best friends Jerry he was the head mechanic back then I was the apprentice they're both in here doing the night shift I went one way he went another I thought he went out he didn't make it I'm I'm so sorry it's just it's hard for me to talk about it they changed my life I was married and I found it hard to cope with a lot of things it's hard I can imagine now I don't look backwards because it hurts too much it does yeah losing someone special to you can can alter your life and I lost my dad at a very young age and very suddenly and it really is life changing and I see that in Brian it's it's it's taking the good things out of tragedy like that that makes you stronger I think well and if he's done anything for me it's made me stronger as made me think of things a little bit differently they don't annoy I used to look at I think you're pretty strong guy ah I got try to be anyways our day is done we get to go home and relax I'd have to say it's a pretty good honest day's work it was nice to meet you and work with you I hope you learned something today thanks Brian it was so worthwhile going undercover here today I find it very humbling you do not work alone and there's a lot of great people that make us a great company coming up right oh you're gonna add later I am NOT Dorothy I don't want this a disguise bosses Gale and Christine have been on the road for the past week it's nearly the end of their tour of duty so they've decided to have a quick catch-up being making out it's going well I mean it's been so busy if you make a mistake people are gonna know well I think we're getting some good ideas I think that mr. Edwards could be part of the training session as far as safety goes I think it's going really well I think I'm getting the answers uh you know that I may not have if I had my own hair customer service is the most important thing to our business and we rely on taxi drivers to provide the best service in the City of Toronto today I'll be driving with one of Beck taxis most well-known drivers and if there's something that this driver can teach me I'm ready to hear all about it comedian my name is akbar liebe Cara and people call me as a cosmic cab cosmic candle that first car is amazing to me it's you know just filled with so many decorations I can't even try to imagine how much time he has put into this do you think you make poor money because of this oh yes but I'm not doing for money I like to make people happy that's why I like my job in a typical shift Akbar has around 20 radio calls and Street pickups I was really anxious about riding with passengers I'll admit that I hear about violence against drivers and I think every time they pick someone up they have no idea what they're about to contend with and I feel like they're putting their lives on the line with every person they pick up by idea what to expect good evening how are you get are you you're in the cosmic cap you were like a lollipop she'll take a lollipop the level of customer services astounding and when a car turns on the music that's when the party starts fun no I think the experience in Akbar's cosmic cab is unlike any experience that people have in a taxi at all ever I think the decorations start the conversation but his mood and his happiness is just contagious what's the deal so fix your single give up dream like 4:00 in the morning it was a dream that you had with yes sweetie yes yeah really people love to see something different right you enjoying the thing you like it yeah that's real people aren't waiting to get to their destination their evening starts in his cab do you ever have like um dangerous situations for me yeah um not so far but I know one of my friend he was hammered in the bed just for $6 really yeah he stole money asking the money they gave him a big one so that guy was in a coma for two years when Akbar talks about his friend you know the idea that someone was in a coma over a $6 fare those are the stories that make you just want to work harder to find ways to make it safer and better for cab drivers in the city the city by law the other camera all the car should be could be the camera there's a camera and although in the car yeah but you see they take her they take every five ten seconds one picture but it's good after becoming a camera there is safety T yeah it doesn't happen very often do you think people are aware of the fact that there are cameras in the car I wasn't you wouldn't take cabs all the time um the the cameras inside the taxis I think are great deterrent and it it was surprising to me that there are people who don't know that they're in the cabs maybe we need to make people more aware of that do you think that taxis are too expensive I think little bit expensive yes this gas your biggest expense as taxi driver oh yes everything is cost money that God prices jump up if you buy all of the new car is too much money you're looking for thirty five thirty six thousand dollar car it's been made very clear to me that drivers have a lot of expenses and we don't have control over things like insurance and gas but if there's a way that I can reduce costs it might be something really worth looking into okay turn 'silly tool to bed presently request to Carlos well you think you can exit out of W null taxis are equipped with GPS the drivers must still complete City navigation courses yeah to be south of Dupont in five minutes let me reach muted should I take oh my goodness Akbar has asked me to get to a specific intersection in the city and I'm a little nervous I have to event I'm at a complete loss I don't even know which direction we're facing right now your phone goes east and west so Lansdowne is up ahead yeah we're gonna go through Lansdowne I don't do something oh we're heading south right now yeah that doesn't help me Oh No so I'm gonna say if you can turn right top you are wrong she have to straddle a bit more and sure to work hard I have no idea no I don't I absolutely do not know my way around the city it's it's shocking how really on the ball you have to be all the by the time Christine and Akbar finally arrived they failed to meet the company's 10-minute answer goal customer when the customer came out it was so obvious that she wasn't very happy I was really anxious when you're able to watch a person's mood completely change it's something that is amazing to see okay you're late now I'm trying to try my best okay yeah but you see what happened when you come in my car you you forget all your problems late stuff right and it give you some more energy right yeah that's right amber Oh see how happy people are she was not happy when we first met pick her up because sure that unning late she came in here and fell down laughing and she was the happiest person we've had that's why everybody's the same T that is unbelievable yeah I think the message is pretty clear that good customer service is you know is the answer I think that it might be interesting to look at how other drivers can maybe integrate some of what he does into their own business I think it's been really worthwhile going undercover and it's everything I hoped it would be my grandfather would be beyond proud of what my mom has accomplished and I just think that never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined what she's doing now oh yay what BEC taxi is today is really a tribute to Jim Beck my goal now is to just make it better coming up Gale and Christine's employees are on their way to company HQ and for the first time they're not in the driver's seat mother-daughter team an undercover bosses Gale and Christine have tossed their wigs and comfy clothes aside for power suits and pumps their execs are anxious to find out if they got any tips we definitely have the most caring and courteous drivers but we both heard horror stories of drivers who are faced with assaults and as a company we need to do more to keep our drivers safe and one aspect of our business that really hadn't occurred to me before were the mechanics we need to make sure that the mechanics have available to them the proper training to keep them up to date with the new technology and as a company we need to see what we can do about that it's been an exciting week we've got lots to do let's get at it Akbar mr. Edwards Bryan and Tony are on their way to HQ they think they'll be evaluating the trainees they worked with but life's about to take them in a different direction hi sounds like Dorothy Marie I am NOT Dorothy I am Gail suitor general manager of Bek taxi hey how you doing I'm Christine Hubbard operations manager of fact taxi you fooled me that did you know it was me I didn't know what I thought ah I'm just gonna go with it you did hey you're laughing a lot here Brian heck Bert your cosmic cab is already a legend something else that I learned with you was you thought that the security cameras really deter violence against taxi drivers yes if we were able to deter even one violent act and for all the taxi drivers we'd like to do that we need to start a campaign to let the public know that those cameras are their Akber your desire and ability to make people happy is something that is overwhelming clearly we traveled with a customer that I thought wasn't gonna be very happy when she got in the car she literally fell down laughing and what I realized is people what they want is to talk to you personally truly we'd like to do something special for you because I think that you do such a great job and we're gonna give you $10,000 as an incentive to buy a hybrid vehicle and with a hybrid vehicle you could save up to 50% yes that's why I hate these gas costs wow that's nice good news for me even Mike my cabinet calls me cab people no but that's okay we all read the back I'm in the back all the time all my life till I die okay I'd be great so I'm grateful for them my favorite color is like orange and green gas my favorite color mr. Edwards I love spending the time with you one of the reasons that Christine and I have gone undercover is because of the Ambassador Program being on the road with you that day made me really understand that this is a program that needs some serious changing yes ma'am so we found a way to be able to do that mom and I are trying to work very closely with City Hall to getting the taxi license system changed we really appreciate that very much but I was saddened to hear of the frightening situations that you've had to be put in so he pulled out this big knife and he says Oh have you seen my life what I learned was that you were able to defuse a bad situation I want to see if you would be interested in becoming Beck taxis director of drivers safety a paid position where you would have a part in our website and a page in our drivers handbook I hope you have a lot of pages thank you very much you will hopefully look to retire in the next several years so to help you out with that we would like to offer you $10,000 in retirement savings fund so that you can start to build towards your retirement and I I sort of feel like I want to jump over my pads right now and I'm and only big taxi very proud about the position that they are just capable to me Brian you are the epitome of a good mechanic you're at the top of your game you keep yourself educated in the ever-changing technology we also want to do something for you you love your tools we want you to go a little crazy and take a $5,000 shopping spree and buy some new tools really there's something else as well it's time for you to relax a little bit you work so hard and we would like to give you $5,000 to enjoy and to use as you see fit I don't know what this a is I we also had a moment when we were in the garage where you told me about your your friend Jerry huh and losing a minute in the fire in memory of your friend we would like to start a bursary that would be available to children of the employees of Beck taxi and every year that would be offered and it would be given in his name to have his memory live on yes thank you look yeah I'm speechless right now I feel like just overwhelmed to be recognized by back taxi is an achievement for me it's beautiful a lot Tony you are an amazing dispatcher one thing that I noticed while we were dispatching orders is the time spent telling drivers where new posts are and while you could be dispatching orders you're answering those questions we need to find a way around that we've come up with a solution in that mom is going to host a sort of radio show where I could potentially talk to hundreds of drivers at one time I've always wanted my own radio show so here I know fabulously you have a tremendous spirit Tony I just think it's inspiring and we're so thankful to have you working as part of our team we just really wanted to reward you for the all the hard work that you do and something we talked about was your love of photography right we might like to Commission you to make this environment a place that people can enjoy your work I love that secondly what we'd like to do because you're the one who knows what you want to give you $10,000 no to decide what it is oh that you want to do with it because you know yourself better than anyone else I I can't and don't know that I can even accept I um really long as you can I'm sure you can put it to very good use oh yeah no doubt about it thank you I feel very much the same I feel very close to a lot of people here but I feel very close to the back family thank you I really appreciate that it feels really good to be recognized for the work that I do here and that is a wonderful thing I really enjoyed the whole experience and getting a bonus was good too I'm so glad we went undercover I'm so glad that I was able to have the experience I think my dad would be very proud of where we've taken the company and we're gonna make sure moving forward that BEC taxi is the place that people want to work
Channel: Reality
Views: 609,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undercover Boss Full Episode
Id: z3GMeEtYvC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2014
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