Sebastian Stan Panel - Wizard World Philadelphia 2018

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Ladies and gentlemen, it is my absolute pleasure to bring to the stage the White Wolf... (cheering) Sebastian Stan! Yibambe! (Yibambe!) Yibambe! (Yibambe!) Yibambe! (Yibambe!) Yibambe! Make some noise! It's Sebastian Stan! (Cheering) Hey! Wakanda forever! Wakana forever. What's up? How you doing? It's good to see you, man. So good to see you. - Yibambe Yes! Yo, listen. I told him I was gonna do that. What did you say back there? - Mumbeeli forever! Yo, he went full on Wakanda on us already! - Mumbeeli forever! I was like, woah! - I still hear the voice of Baku in my ear. - Mm-hmm. Winston's my new friend, by the way. Winston Dukes, finding a friend. He's awesome. - You know since you started with Winston, let's just jump into that. The tweets that you read to him. - Oh my god man, this is so've seen the tweets. - Oh, I saw the tweets but that particular one... What are you guys doing to poor Winston out there. I don't think he minds it but... - Oh no no no no No wait. The look on his face when when that was said and, uh, what was it Mac that was like "Bop, bop, bop." - Yeah. - So bad, that was so bad. Can you tell those people in the back that might not know, do you remember what that tweet said? - It was... it was Baku can get me on my back at any time. And I mean it's really stuck with me. Bora. But... I think the lady that wrote it is here. - Is she? He? They? Are they here? - Look, I saw a hand go like mm-hmm mm-hmm. If you know him, here's my number. - Yeah exactly. - That's real. Um, so, everyone has been warned. We can talk about Infinity War. I mean it's out there. Has everyone seen this movie? (Cheers) Oh my god. - Yeah. - Were you okay with it? (Cheers) Man, the day the purple guy won. Yeah. - When grimace gets it all that's just. - I mean It's not okay, it's not okay. But, yeah, that's... uh it's pretty wild. I mean we... I saw it for the first time at premiere night. - Right. - When we were all there we saw for the first time. Didn't even know what to... - Was it... was it what you expected? More than what you expected? - Oh, I mean it was so beyond... you know... but it was exciting. It was nice, it really felt like I was actually, you know, a true audience member. You know, I really kind of ...I didn't feel like it was like a movie that I was in. Yes, yes. - I felt like I was in... just as excited to find out and a spectator to this to this massive kind of thing but you got to give it to the Russos, man. I mean, like, that's not an easy job. You know, like, kind of combining all of these people, all these characters, in one movie is so tough. I think my favorite scene was, I mean, the Chris Pratt Chris Hemsworth scene is... it just doesn't get any better than that. It's like I was laughing so much at that and Dave Bautista. - Hey! - I mean I know he improvised some of those one-liners. - Did he really? Yeah, yeah. I'm pretty sure he did. But it just had me on the floor. - That's good. But we were actually teasing cuz I had to move the couch a little bit and I had to make sure that. - Is he here? - No no no no but I... I mean you couldn't see him cuz he was moving so slowly. That's what it is. Yeah he's imperceptible. But no, you... you actually had the, you know, towards the latter half of the movie, one of the most impactful moments that just spiraled into a series of like oh my god I can't believe it. When you read that, like, were you like, "Really this is what we're doing?" Right. No... you know... you know it was... Bucky was gonna be like, "Steve! Should we go to..." (Laughter, screams from crowd) No, I remember actually the day on set and James Young, who is, you know, one of my talented glorious stunt... stuntmen... stunt double, stunt coordinators on these... on this film, came up to me and actually told me what was... he goes, "Yeah, so we have this mat here for you and then, you know, when you walk out you're gonna fall on it cuz ya disappear." And I was like, "Wait, what?" And they're like, "Yeah, I know the brothers will talk to you about it." And I said, "Okay." And I was like maybe this is it. And I remember Anthony was like... Anthony Russo was talking to everybody and I was like Anthony... okay I'll wait. Do I.. am I.. is this it? And he was like, "No, well I, you know, maybe, I'm not really, well I don't know." And I was like, "Okay." So that's that's the way that day went. - Wow. Wow. I have to admit though when you did... - When I did ask I was like," Okay, okay. Did... does the same thing happen to Anthony Mackie?" And they're like, "Oh yeah, he's gone." I was like, "Okay good. Alright, then I'm okay." - Now speaking of Mack... so in Cleveland last year I brought up to him this very best specific fact. That when he fights a white guy that's named after an animal, he loses. Right? So Ant-Man... Is that really true? - Let's look through his history... look at his history, right? So Ant-Man: he lost that fight. Spider-Man, you guys kind of... we'll call it a tie. We'll call it a tie. - It's always very upsetting Yeah, but yeah. And then, in Eight Mile he lost to B. Rabbit. so... - Well done. - RIght? But now you are the White Wolf, so you automatically could win in a fight. So what you're saying is that if I were to fight... - Mhm mhm Falcon then he would lose. - Absolutely - He would absolutely lose, but you know whether or not I fight him remains to be seen I guess. - I mean it'd be crazy if you guys fought for the shield or something at some point. Yeah. that'd be pretty nice. - Just throwing it out there. Well listen to this. There's lots of people that want to talk to you. - Okay - I get... I get my moments. Let's start on this side. Hello! - Hi... Bowsa. - Bowsa, yes, hi. Hi, my name is Summer. Shishi! - Sorry, what? - No, that was not the right thing to say. Mijo. Mijo.(Foreign Language) I have two questions, sorry, and the first question is: can you describe Bucky's farm for us like what animals? - Bucky's farm? - Yeah. Well he clearly has a lot of potatoes on the farm. What about the what? Oh, and the plums. - Yes! - A lot of plums and potatoes on the farm. A strictly carbohydrate diet. And pea foods. He likes pea foods. And the second question is, if Bucky had the time to finish the line, Steve, what'd he say? - Oh, what would he say? - Yes. Steve... I don't... I don't feel so well... (Laughter) Steve I can't remember if my pass... my passport. - Come on now. You know it's like Steve you still owe me two dollars. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. Hello. - Come on Jess! - Shut up! (laughter, cheers) You got this! - What future projects are you most excited about? Future projects. Well, I'm really excited about the Nicole Kidman movie that I got to work on. It was really a great experience. And I, you know, I don't know, but I know it got sold and can, which was a great thing, which means it will come out. So... so I'm excited about that and then, you know, there's there's a few other things that I'm still working with that I can't really divulge, but we'll see, but you know one thing at a time. - Thank you. - Thank you. Hello. - Hi. So let's see if I can word this right. So in the comic books, I feel like there's a lot better representation of disabled characters and I feel like the MCU could work on that, maybe, and, I just wanted to know what your thoughts were Like if there's room for that. Like disabled actors or characters. I'm sure Marvel is probably thinking about that, you know, but, you know, you voicing that and wanting that desire is definitely something that I think goes a long way and gets heard. I think it's really hard, you know, sometimes, and this goes beyond just you know any character. I just think it's really hard when you only have two and a half hours and I know that they always want to be doing so much more... with these movies and they're always feeling like we're not getting to service everybody, you know, but because these things are so popular because they're thinking you guys want to see more, I think there's gonna be an opportunity for that coming where more characters will be explored within the future and I definitely know that for sure. So hopefully that gets done because it's... it should. - Awesome, thank you. - Great question. Great question. Hello. - Hello. I'm a bit nervous because it's my first time and my name is Carmen I come from Spain. Maybe you remember me from Bucharest I was in there... - You came to Bucharest. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yes, I was in the festival. The American Independent Film Festival. First role, Spanish girl, maybe you remember. - Okay. So, this was amazing and I was... wanted to thank you because not only for the film, but after the family was great but also because... my money was for a good cause... that's was I bought the tickets in the first place even if I didn't know at that time I was going to make it to Bucharest and that's... that's why I I would like to ask you about how do you... how have you started to collaborate with our big day out. Well, first of all thank you for making the trip and and for, you know, spending the time and the money and to help those kids and, like I said, I'm not there, you know, all the time but I'm always in sort of close contact with, you know, the founder and then also our great brave, you know, our big day out fundraiser on Instagram. You know those girls went miles and miles. I mean, you know, I know that different numbers were being thrown out there but like they were able to raise the 28 thousand pounds, and, you know, it's a huge thing and so, yeah, I just... I just try to kind of, you know, bring attention to it as best... as best as I can and I never feel like, you know, I'm always doing as much as I should, but I think it went a long way the fact that you guys came, you know, that someone like yourself brought awareness to it and now we're talking about it here and sort of word keeps spreading so and that's and that's the overall goal. But those kids were definitely very happy that day. (Applause) Thank you. - Thank you. I would like to ask a second question. I think you love your work, as me, I'm lucky because I work at something I love, but sometimes I can choose the things I would like to create or develop so if you could choose any role you would like to play in the future what would it be? Mmm... any role. - Well you know I started looking at articles and things and out there and I again I can't really start talking about them because I, you know, the second that I do it kind of takes the world on its own but, I'm like I'm always... I'm always really, you know, kind of taken aback by human perseverance, you know, sort of the human spirit when it... when it overcomes something. When it's a struggle or, you know, I don't, if... whether it's somebody from poverty or some issue or circumstance, some terrible thing. I don't know or something that they're changing. So stories that... of people who believe in change and wanting to, you know, push their cause forward in some way or trying to kind of take on something that's difficult is always an interesting story to me. So anything in that world is where usually I gravitate to, you know, and... and people have flaws and everybody's all over the place and so anything that's truthful like that is... I would love to find that but it's difficult it's hard... it's harder than you think to find, as I'm sure you know in your own work, it's harder than you think to always make the stories you want to make. But if you're passionate about it and keep going and over and over eventually, you know, the doors will open. That's... that's what I believe. - Okay, thank you. That was beautiful. You're like, what a poem. - No... no... it's important to know. You gotta do it man. You have to, like, you know, the more and more I think about it's, like, if you just believe in what it is that you want to believe in, it's going to... it's going to happen and... and you have to do that. And it's... I really believe in that statement. All of us are going to take that with us. Hello. - Hi. I have a stupid question or a serious question. Silly or serious. What you got? - Whatever come... what's in your... whatever one you want. Go for it. - Right. . - Depending how you want the rest of us to feel for the rest of the day. - Right. And look at you for the rest of the day. If you were a dragon.. - Wait - What do you mean if? - This is the serious question obviously. Go ahead. If you were a dragon what would you horde? - What would you horde? - Yeah, dragons are known hoarders. Yeah... yeah, if you're a dragonologist like I am, you could just maybe... that's not a real thing. - Like on Tuesdays morn... Tuesday mornings like what do you... Yeah they can just get some... - They horde things. - gold, some, you know, children (laughter) Oh, dragonologist man don't... alright so we really did become a serious question after all. Here's the thing about that. I don't know what I would hoard. Um... I know it's gonna be cheesy so just relax, okay, but I would hoard my fans. (Cheering, clapping) - Well said. Well said. No, I like that. I like that. That's nice. Better than children... - Silence. - Exactly. Much better than children. Great. Good. Hello. - Hello! Whew! So I'm here today to present the award for outstanding meme lord. (Cheering) Nominations are: Bucky Barnes, Lance Tucker, Sebastian Stan and Jefferson. And the winner, for outstanding meme lord goes to... Sebastian Stan! (Cheering) Thank you very much. That's amazing... meme lord. - Says it right there. - I finally, yeah. Meme lord. Well clearly I don't have to do a lot of work to do this. Speech? - Don't forget the academy. - I'd like to thank Samuel Jackson for always believing in me and giving me the pep talk and Sylvester Stallone for his Instagram posts. And Wizard World! (cheering) For making this happen! Thank you. Thank you. That's... that can get very addicting. - That right there... that's going on a mantel. I'm calling it. I'm calling it. Hello. - Wow. I just don't want to follow that question. God! Alright. - So I saw you as Hal Carter on Broadway... in "Picnic"... and you are frankly amazing. So my question is: Are you planning on doing any further Broadway in between all the movies you have lined up and, if yes, which I hope it will be, what type would you like to do or what is your dream role? Well, yeah, I've actually... I got a little close to a couple things that were gonna happen next year, but, you know, the it's so difficult because every time it's a real six-month commitment. you know. usually and stuff and you really want to... you want to have... if you're gonna keep doing the same role, you know, night after night, you really have to kind of, like, connect with it and... and, you know. So I haven't gotten there yet, but, you know, um... oh my god. If anybody goes to New York, go see "Lobby Hero." No, "Lobby Hero" is amazing. I mean that would have been a great... that... that... that's great. That I, you know, I love that... is it over? Last week. Okay. But I also saw "The Iceman Cometh." That was an incredible show. I mean, anything by Eugene O'Neill I would love to do one day. Anything by Tennessee Williams I would love to do. I would love to have a shot at something like that. Something like David Mamet or whatever, you know, I mean there's a ton of things that I haven't gotten. - We also saw "Scarlet" the same week we saw "Picnic" there. - Oh yeah. Hartford Miller, an amazing as another great play and you know the best things is these things kind of keep coming back after a few years and so on. So hopefully at some point, you know, I'll be able to do that. I mean you... yeah. - That would be awesome. I'm getting up there anyway, so, I should be... a whole new bunch of roles are gonna open up. - Thank you. - The roles of fathers. - Young fathers. Young fathers. - Yeah. - Ya know my friend Charles Chu always says "You're pretty old, man." So, yeah, I know he's a great friend. - Dude! What are you, like, 28? I will be 36 this August. - Get out! It's good, it's good. - I'm putting the cap at 28 just hold on to that for a while. - I can feel it. Yeah in my back. Hello. - Hi. - M'Baku on my back. Whoa! Whoa! Who said that? You said that, didn't you? I don't know. I don't know. Can't keep saying things. Terrible. - Perfect. I knew it wasn't in my head. - So I have a bit of a throwback question. I teach seventh grade science but I also teach "The Martian" as part of an English enrichment class. And my students and I want to know who would be part of your crew if you were to take a mission into space. - Now when you say who would be part of his crew are you talking actors or real-life people? Anybody. Unless you want me to narrow it down. - That's tough. I mean... Mackey is like entertainment when I'm bored. I'm thinking, like, of people who I could even... help me survive up there. - Right, right. You're like no I just... - I don't know that's... I would need like, you know, yes, Tom Holland and put him in a pod and just let him drift off into space. Maybe that's what I would do. Maybe I would take all the terrible people in the world and put on a pod and go <whistle>. You know. Not that Tom is terrible. - I know. He's great. That's not what I meant. I like Tom a lot. - Although he is really bad at keeping secrets... really bad at keeping secrets. He is, isn't he? Yeah, that's a hard question. I gotta think about that. Thank you. You say he's a kid? - It's just... I'm telling... it's a joke, I promise. Tom is like 42 years old. What do you mean? Yeah, yeah, he's like 42. He's got like... - You talking about Hiddleston? No, no. Tom Holland. He just looks really young. That dude is like 42. - I know. I'm just... I'm just complicating things. I'm just throwing names out there and see what happens. - He was talking about Tom Jones, that's what it is. Hello. - Hi. - Hello. I got a really stupid question. - No such thing. Exactly. I was wondering, would you rather not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby (laughter) Would you... you... I would I rather not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby. - Or, change genders every time you sneeze. (Laughter) Can I answer that one? Yes, please. Let's both answer it. - Okay... um... I'm going for the gender sneeze. - A thousand percent. - Yeah, yeah. The last thing I want to do is accidentally eat a baby. - No, a thousand percent. - Yeah, yeah that... - Muffin and baby in the same sentence is just not... - That's just weird. - Yeah. So I'll take the latter. - Yeah ,yeah. Thank you. The next time I sneeze I'm gonna be so worried. Like, did I just curse myself? Hello. - Hi, Mr. Stan. Thank you for spending your weekend with all of us. We really appreciate it. - No problem. Thank you for coming out in the rain! - Okay, as much as I love Infinity War... absolutely astounded by I, Tanya. (cheering) Could you please tell me as much about the experience of working on that project? When did you first find out about it? Did you have to audition for it? Was Margot Robbie involved with the casting? Did you have a lot of bruises and beat downs from those fights with Margot? - I would say yes to all the above. Yeah, no, no. She... yes, she was involved the casting. Yeah, she hit me a few times. Yes, I auditioned a few times. It was... uh... no, it was a really great experience, which is why, you know, I think it taught me a lot about, you know, again, this... this thing about time, you know, that that I've been thinking about lately. It's just the fact that I don't feel like we always have enough time. You know and... and I just wanna... I walked away from that movie and I just said, you know, I think I want to just try and continuously be involved in interesting stories that should be told and something that's challenging and is, you know, going to be, you know, that... that movie had a lot of messages and so I... I... and I felt very passionate about it and so it's... it's hard in the sense that, you know, I... I want to find that kind of group of people where I collab... collaborate and we could make a movie like that and, you know, that... that reaches different people and kind of has an impact and of sorts and... and at the same time you got to wait and you got to be patient for that. Because it doesn't come very often to get lucky with something like that. So it was um... you know... I appreciate it. It was a great experience. One last question... um... you probably can't answer it so I asked you to call once for yes and twice for no. - Oh wait. Is this a Disney oriented question? Disney Marvel thing? Listen they have shooters, man, we can't... we can't do that. They will... no red dots. No red dots. - Okay so you can't say anything about, sorry, Luke Skywalker. - I can say everything about Luke Skywalker. - Yeah. I don't... I don't know anything about, you know, there's... I have no... there's no... I have noth... I have nothing to do with the Star Wars Universe. - Yet! - They would... I would I would love to, sure, at any point time but, you know, again, it's not up to me. I mean, they've got to figure it out. - That's true. - They got to make that movie of after Return of the Jedi, and... and then maybe, you know, we'll see. - We shall see. God, I gotta bring Mark Hamill to one of these things. - Yes! - You know what let's start a hashtag to bring Mark Hamill to Wizard World. - Yes! - See what happens. Let's see what happens. You know it's very interesting that you were talking about time and not having enough because I just got the sign that we only have five minutes left. So we've got time for two more questions. I'm sorry. Hello, Catwoman. - Hi I'll be fun. Don Saladino on Instagram has been making hints that the gym mafia might return. And I was wondering what's the craziest thing you and him have done. The craziest thing I've done is watch him in the gym. Is, you know, watch him go crazy in the gym but yeah, gym mafia will return at some point. I have no doubts about it, you know. I'm on my own trajectory at the moment, you know, but... but at some point it's gonna return. It's gonna have to, for sure. - I look forward to it. Thank you. - Thank you, thank you. Alright now last question. I'm too short. - No pressure, no pressure. So... um... ah Jesus Christ. So.. um... - Your posts are absolutely hilarious. - Thank you. I have a degree from UCB, so I appreciate it. So I have a friend who went to Stage Door when you went and they told me that you had the coveted spot of doing welcoming in the cabaret show and I wanted to know if you remember it but if not what musical would you do on Broadway 'cause I have an idea. - You have an idea - Yeah I want you to be Bobby in "Company." You... believe it or not I don't know "Company." - Um it's about a guy who turns 35 and all his friends ask him what he's doing and it's very sad but it's really good. it's a Sondheim musical. - So an autobiography. Thanks. - No problem. - That sounds fun, no, listen. I would do... when I was at Stage Right at Sweet Charity and I loved that musical. I mean, it was so funny and so, maybe I'll do that. I don't know... I don't know if I could last in the, you know... I always loved that musical Rent. Oh, that's great. That's a great one. I love that one. Unbelievable. So there's a few, you know. - Yeah. - Sing for us! - Yeah! - (Moderator sings) There you go. That's all you get. - Yeah. Thank you. - I used to know Rent by heart before I even saw it, but, what was it... one song... glory... I can't do that, come on. Like we're gonna be, you know, I'm gonna lose that pretty soon. - Yeah. Don't do that, don't do that. Wizard World Philly, make some noise for Sebastian Stan! (Cheering) Thank you so much. It was so nice to see you. There's the lights. Thank you guys so much. Sebastian, you have signings times later on this afternoon? Are you signing autographs? - I do, yes, so I'll see you guys there at the table. Thank you again for everything. Always appreciate it. You guys are the best. Hi, everyone. Thanks for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please give us a like. You can share it with some friends and please feel free to leave a comment below. And don't forget to subscribe and there's a little bell thing... if you click that you get notifications when we have more videos coming out. See you next time.
Channel: Fandom Spotlite
Views: 143,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sebastian stan, Fandom Spotlite, Wizard World Philadelphia, sebastian stan panel, Infinity War Spoilers, Avengers, Bucky Barnes, winter soldier, captain america, White Wolf, Sebastian Stan 2018, Sebastian Stan Meme, Sebastian Stan Wizard World Philly, Wizard World Sebastian Stan, White Wolf Sebastian Stan, Sebastian Stan the Winter Soldier, Winter Solider, Wizard World, Panel Sebastian Stan, Wizard World Philly Sebastian Stan, Sebastian Stan Actor Panel, Infinity War Panel
Id: UtqxsCIey4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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