SEBASTIAN STAN Avengers Panel - Fandemic Tour Houston 2019

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[Music] please welcome to the stage thank you very much for coming out to Houston it's been really fun these last couple of days or two days and I love you you guys it's such a it well first of all Sebastian thank you for coming to Houston you're amazing and we've just I think everybody I speak for everyone we've just all had the best experience with you at this convention you're so giving to your fans you're so generous and everybody really appreciates that right guys the thing that I would boldly suggest to you guys is to enjoy the moment be be in the moment and let your phones and your cameras and the videos go for the next 40 minutes and and just really this moment is for you guys so we have 40 minutes here we got 40 minutes oh man and we we got a lot of people who want to talk to you so we'll start over here at the mic if you want to stand on up hi how are ya this is on high yes thank you so much for being here I know that we all really appreciate it I'm gonna start off right off the bat with it I got a serious question if you've been asked it before I'm really sorry but you play obviously a lot of really intense emotional roles so my question for you is how do you prepare yourself to get into those scenes that you do well I don't know what's your process as an actor do you you know when I guess when you first like approach a role do you do you find what's in you that's the same as the character or do you try to find a physical trait no I mean it just differs every time you know you never know like what you need for for something and and every time something that works previously made that may not work again like on the next thing and and but but it always starts with the script and sort of everything that's written in there and and I kind of read the script over and over and if I have a script sometimes I don't but I read the thing over and over again and just kind of get it in my memory and then and then just see sort of kind of what happens and what you what you get inspired by and in that and that could be you know music that could be other movies that could be a people I know situations that have happened or things I've heard about you know you just can't end up going down a rabbit hole a little bit it's like being a detective yeah just start kind of curiosity's the the most I think you know we have to protect curiosity and you just have to be curious like about things and want to learn stuff and then that's kind of how I try and go thank you so much thanks for kicking us off hi hi my question is what is one piece of advice that someone has given you on or off set that you keep close to your heart Oh a piece of advice from a mentor or I don't care about what other people say about you just really don't give it down I mean it's hard you know like we're in this business I mean well I mean I'm in this business where it's like they're all in it with you right now you know it's like anything creative anything whatever painting I mean anything that's creative stitching on it whatever like is personal is is and you need to have a personal thing to it so you know you're gonna be sensitive but you have to yeah you have to ultimately just go you know I'm doing this and then people are not gonna like that and not everybody's gonna like what I do clearly or in my personal life apparently so who gives a that's good advice feels good to you and you're helping somebody or you're not harming anybody you're being kind you're being considerate then that's it that's all you need absolutely thank you so much thank you for that hi my questions not serious at all but when you were preparing to play Jeff and you were doing the accent did you ever like slip into it or do like any of your other character lines in that accent oh I mean I spoke like that the whole time like Oh Paul Paul Walter Houser and I would go to these restaurants and I would try to do the accent and see if he could tell that I was talking like that but I actually was trying to I was doing the accident even before I had met him so I was kind of just thinking that maybe he wouldn't notice the difference and he didn't but yeah it was it was the accidents a really hard thing you know cuz it's like you just have to keep going with it and the voice - it was a big voice thing with him - because he was he was much higher than me so it was great do you find that you know you mentioned like the voice the accent if the more layers that are different than you that you put on with a character the more free you are as an artist saying the more layers you put on the more you differentiate Sebastian from the character like the more free you are as an artist um I mean I guess maybe s no I I think sometimes it's easier believe it or not when you have real people that you have to because then you you have a goal like you know where you're going you're like I have to get there so and whereas when you're trying to create a character from I mean even a comic book character right I mean the thing was written it was there like so I had source to go to but if you don't have that then sometimes you have all this creative freedom where it's good but it but it can also kind of throw you off but I think either way it can be freeing in a way in a weird way thank you thank you so much well let's talk about Bucky Barnes and Winter Soldier you talk about the origin story of the character how familiar before you were brought into the MCU how familiar were you with the story I wasn't I wasn't very familiar because I didn't grow up with comic books so I hadn't I had no idea I think you know I knew I think the first comic movie I ever saw was Batman Returns or Batman in the Batman Returns I used to love those movies when I was growing up and then I'd heard of Captain America but I didn't really know you know the comic books and and so then so how did how did the whole process of getting into getting into Bucky evolved like what take us through the the process before you took on the role and then your initial sort of research well it's funny we were at the autograph table like about an hour ago and somebody turned to me at one point and said you know did you ever think this was gonna happen and I was like no I had my like I actually played this character for at least two three years before I felt like people noticed I mean like you know the first Avengers I mean maybe you guys have you know but I wasn't like I I didn't nobody was stopping me on the street going you know so but but so it was I never it just I treated like any other character I just wanted to honor the source material and what Stanley had envisioned and I was really lucky to have met him and you know for him to kind of even like remind me just being like you know whatever you're doing just remember he's a good guy okay because the winter winter thing is kind of fun but you know the guy happy you know is a good guy and so it just is just studying the comic books and kind of and seeing but you know the MCU differs a little bit here and there so we had to kind of adjust to that and then you know in the movie Bucky Barnes actually was sort of a cooler guy or whatever you know and so that that's where we ended up today well I think we're also glad that I ended up being you to portray um right guys so lately I've gotten a chance to see more of your work in some of the independent films you've done and maturity that comes through in each of the roles you play it has been remarkable to see I don't get it a lot of chances to watch your interviews so I'm curious is there certain criteria you look for when choosing a role for an independent film versus something more mainstream Hollywood well thank you for saying that no I just I'm just trying to do you know different things like I'm really you know I feel like I get very I feel like I'm worried about getting too comfortable to be honest and and and in life too and and that's not always a good thing by the way but but you know I think when you're working on something I fear getting too comfortable so so I try to look for things that kind of challenge me a little bit and push me make me you know our instant are scary tell me to step up and usually what helps me is finding other actors and people that are better than me you know in projects and then wanting to work with them because then I stand to learn from someone you know in a certain way and and I'm scared and I'm backed up against the wall so I'd rather be there you know and I and I and I go from there hey thank you one of my favorite movies that you will have a huge Andy weir fan so I love the Martian and obviously amazing he's working on another book I just talked to him a couple weeks ago but when you first read that I mean what an amazing movie and concept and everything what were your initial thoughts when you read the script well I loved it I mean really Scott I mean and also space and like there was so many aspects about that whole experience but then I read the book and the book was really great okay yeah it was really really great and so informative about my character and you know so so provided the backstory but I it was you know there's many things that have happened from that movie you know friendships I've developed other work that's come to me because of that movie you know is so it sort of holds a special place in my heart you know and in a way well it was awesome I loved you in it thank you hi I know you have a query yes what kind of made it she said what kind of majors would someone like characters pursue if they were going to college just an easy little question we're gonna throw that out there let's just remember the characters that I've played whether College really would be the thing they'd be worried about first you think that guy went to college you know I could see him like at a prep school or something and then like somehow you know his father was paying for it I mean you know you'd be in the college it's vicious it's your god we need to stop reality from looking like a movie okay Independence Day is about to happen so yeah not him but what's what's your major yeah what do you educate and write are you excited wow that's cool high school sign language well well I think it's very noble and heroic that you're going to college okay and now you're pursuing something and that's gonna help other people so congratulations to you yes congratulations a good luck with your career your college career and onwards hi all right so I'm missing you're in college and I've fallen in love with different aspects of my major so I was wondering if you were in college if acting was all you wanted to do and if I was responding what you're saying and then if that's not all that you fell in love with how did you decide on acting well I did so I went to Rutgers and then Rutgers yeah I love that experience I went to Mason gross which is an acting program at Rutgers and then so I I didn't know about acting there but I'll say this like looking back now you know I had all these other great classes and sort of like English and psychology and all these are the things that I that were prerequisite that I had to take and you know I mean when you're 20 21 like at least like when I was 20 21 I didn't care about any of that I all I cared about was just the acting or whatever and now if I got a chance to go back to college now I'd be like oh my god this is amazing I get to read all these things I get to learn about all this stuff like and I feel like you only realized that later on in life you know so so while you're still there like you know take advantage of that is what I would say so soak in the moment it's going like that yeah it's such a short period of time good luck to you as well thank you thank you hi so sorry I can't feel my legs okay hi I think this has probably been addressed in bits and pieces before but I just had to ask the ending of endgame was extremely devastating for me emotionally and I was wondering how you thought Bucky felt during those last few moments of ending the last times that we see him I mean let's just talk about that scene for I mean for starters what an iconic are you were talking about Robert Downey jr. they can't say that they made a real push not to man is finished why are we celebrating that did you guys think I went back like in the Civil War mode like I was like yes no I don't know what's gonna happen I still don't know is he done wind up the new timeline ever since that doctor came along the whole thing beyond okay but what was it like filming that final scene where you know literally the funeral scene where there's every member it seemed like of the mzo just standing there it was it was very emotional what did you say no I know okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go back to to what you're saying but it was very emotional because it's what it was one of those things where you know and and that's why I think the movie is emotional because you do feel like you've been a part of this now for 10 years you know one way shape or form you were someplace in your life when you saw that movie you know like now these you're you know we're getting older like these characters are getting older with you you know and so like there's all of this stuff that kind of comes to that scene so it's no longer just the scene that's it has all these other things in it so I think that comes from years and years of it and and it was the same for that scene again like I never you never really know if goodbye and the MCU is goodbye never really feels like it you know it takes like time to kind of but it's it's strange I mean we'll say I you know it will it will never be Captain America will never be the same without Chris Evans you know it just won't I mean that's just the truth like it doesn't mean that Captain America is over it just means that that particular situation you know will never be the same so so now we're in this thing now where literally I suppose Anthony and myself and Sam and salmon and salmon Bucky are going to have to figure out how how to incorporate life without that big guy right so you know we're gonna do our best I mean we'll see does that answer your question yeah I think okay good thank you so much thank you hi hi Sebastian um first of all can you say that you are the god of gymnastics for me I am the god of gymnastics [Applause] it's another line to be proud of are you happy now I am very happy so now that the whole ten years of the MCU are over what's one thing that you learned about yourself and then one piece of advice you can give to the new actors the new actors coming into the MCU or okay yeah whatever I learned about myself I mean I would say looking back you know I would just I would I would have probably told myself to just kind of not worry so much because there was a plan and there's you know there was a bigger plan and then that's the same thing for the younger actors like it's like you know we're very very lucky to be doing these movies and you know you can do your job as best as you can that that's all you're responsible for you know that's all I can do it's just honor this character honor what's on the paper you know it's work that precedes me in a way so come in there do the best you can and then and then just let trust that the process and everybody else around you is working just as hard or even harder to try and make these movies as best as they can be you know and I'm gonna say something right now cuz you know I was sorry but you know I was thinking about it you know apparently Francis Ford Coppola whose five okay like one of the greatest filmmakers of our time okay will forever apparently just went on and said something about these movies have you looked at your phones you have them in your hands and he said something like you know these movies don't don't add anything or you know I'm paraphrasing so forgive me but anyways something along the lines of like cinema always has to inspire and did it and I was like you know he's one of my heroes and I was listening to him and I was like how do i you know and and meanwhile I've just spent the day with all of you just people coming up to me going like thank you so much for this character thank you so much this movie helped me out so much this movie inspired me I now I feel better now I feel less alone now I feel like so how can you say these movies are not helping people sort of suddenly becomes ignorant to me because I had a first account of it all day long so anyway they're just they're just people are to work to try to always make that happen you know for you so that's thank you I mean the great thing about the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe is the suspension of disbelief you can go in and you can lose yourself in the story and the characters because they're told on this you know supernatural backdrop you can relate almost more to them are Jews in a Coppola movie well not I mean I mean I still think I'm in The Godfather okay think about it it's more this is more relatable than the Godfather to many people well look it's different the point is all movies are contributing to something you know and and I think it's more about that awareness I mean again and in my humble point of view uh but what do I know you know but anyway so I just whatever helps somebody I'm for it I don't care if it's on a small screen on an iPhone I don't care if a genius is behind it or a company or whatever like whoever whatever helps somebody I'm for it absolutely obviously never working with funds it's for covilhã hi so my question is your ha participated in many visionary century like innings beginnings 3:45 and then maybe include the you went to so many prices and different countries so did you find anything new while shooting a film and which kind of movie or TV series you like to join next except for my abilities which film the recent one are you talking about no you I think you and you joined so many movies oh my phone I got to travel yeah yeah yeah and and and what that experience was like yeah I'm sorry I said I love oh god I mean I I don't know I mean I I felt you know Paris is pretty great that's an interesting one I I mean London's a great city I don't know I mean you know Beijing was great I again I want to go to Japan badly I mean I have a Brazil I mean I wasn't shooting there but I got to go there that was an unbelievable city um so it's kind of a you know Montreal I'll always love Montreal today a big soft spot my first movie ever was there it's a classic and then what do you the second part of your question is what if you could just pick a type of project you'd like to be involved with next oh yeah would that look like you know I'd love to try my hand at which is kind of what I've been kind of getting involved with a little bit more we'll see you know knock on wood hopefully in a year or something I'll be up here being able to talk about it but is you know getting behind developing certain stories and projects you know from from the start not just coming in as an actor but also like you know I think at this point using anybody I know writers or directors or producers to try to get develop things and and make them you know come to life and that process I feel like is very interesting to me because then you then you have more responsibility in telling that story and so I'm trying to go that route thank you so much thank you so much thank you hi so I know a couple months ago you came to Alabama to film that devil of all time you know I was wondering if you could give us any details on that or just what the filming was like for that I loved Antonia campuses the director of that movie and he was one of my favorite people to work with and and he's supremely talented I mean like have you guys seen that pilot for the center I mean I didn't really sleep for like a week after that but but anyway he's got some other interesting amazing movies you guys should definitely look him up and but I I loved working with him and and we got to shoot it on film which was really interesting and very very it looks incredible and from what I've seen and and then yeah it's just one of those it's just one of those movies that really has really crazy characters and everybody got to go to another place and as did I and and I was really lucky to be a part of that thank you thank you hi hi I just want to say thank you for from me and many of these people here like all my life I've been told that I need to change who I am but you helped me realize that I don't have to change who I am to love Who I am and I just thank you thank you and I just want to know how it feels to know that you've had that kind of impact on so many people's lives just in the quickest way possible you gotta get no no we gotta get through that's look I I you know I'm I'm extremely grateful and thank you for saying that I mean I'm just you know I'm just a another dude you know trying to do the best I can you know I I mean I it's it I I don't that's all you can hope for so if if at all you feel that way I'm really grateful and and I just hope I can continue to do that you know as best as I can you know but I'm a human being too so I'll have my moments as well you know just remember that you know and I probably share the same a lot of similarity you know things that you go through maybe sometimes I mean we're in different circumstances but we all kind of have our demons so I get it thank you thank you and thank you for sharing that hi hi I'm sorry I'm so sorry but anyway um sorry I'm a bit nervous this is no big nervous this is the first time I've really felt comfortable enough to do something like this that's good so thank you for that and this is a present for early birthday present for my 16th happy birthday thank you so I have like a quick thing so I was wondering um I was contacted by someone who was asking if you could I guess their friend was going through a difficult time and they wanted wondering if you could like say something nice for them the friend's name is RC and also my question is what's your favorite dessert cuz I figured a lot of things have been really serious so why not lighten it up a bit well and what's his favorite dessert hmm let's start there I just like everything chocolate chocolate and everything peanut butter yes sometimes I take like chocolate bars and I'll break him into pieces and just dump them in a peanut butter jar and then I'll sit in front of my television analogous yes and sometimes they've eaten all jars got to try that I guess were you a fan of the chocolate fountains when those were popular remember those they're fantastic yeah I think we should bring those back yes for sure yeah as far as your friend you can see them downstairs I'm talk to him there about that thank you well whatever it is just I'm sorry to hear that and I hope they're okay thank you thank you hi hi um I don't have a question but I just wanted to say thank you Sebastian last year I struggled with depression a lot and anxiety and last year was a really really rough time for me and I really didn't think I was going to make it through it but thanks to you and your supportiveness I was able to help her come it and I'm okay now thank you so much I love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi hi you had mentioned that you had really enjoyed working with Karyn Kusama on destroyer and my question was especially for we have always lived in the castle with another female director is there any differences between working with a female director versus a male director or any notable differences things get done there's no ego yeah no both I mean III it just I don't know like the the communication there was really great you know for me and I and I lucked out in both situations it was you know we it was it was surprising you know I mean like I don't know because we just sort of had met and we didn't really know each other beforehand we didn't have any rehearsals we didn't have any of that but like right away it just immediately like click so but but yeah I mean I think you know sometimes like guys are stupid they get into their own way you know and and it's like it's silly so sometimes you I think like in those circumstances you just cut to the chase and you get to write to the bottom of it thank you great question thank you so much okay hey Claire how are you good how are you I said hey so last year when you did the unofficial subcon we thank to you for coming and I made you that hard this year I got with Sarah and John and we got you another one ah okay so this is good be for you and thank you myself thank you thank you thank you for everybody that came out I think that was like a three-week notice or something it was yeah it was this is awesome new theoden victory 2018 welcome back sub-sub con everybody sign it that's awesome thank you all right hi over here how are you drop my almonds just prop it up get you some more almond don't worry I'm right here just that's what I'm gonna be when I'm gonna be an old person I'm just gonna I'm just gonna like leave a trail hi which arm do you like more for Bucky do you like the silvery one or the one from Wakanda it's a really good question well well the well the one from Oakland has a couple more features you know that we haven't explored yet but so I think I like that one but I'm I'm very you know I miss I missed the old star you know I do there was something about that maybe I'll have to get it back yeah thank you so much are you having a good time this weekend yeah good I'm glad to hear it hi hi I'm planning of getting on getting a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theater and my one of my top colleges is Rutgers because of the year abroad in London and the fact that they teach mainly the Meisner method and I was wondering what your experience is like saw that Meisner acting book yeah yeah I was doing my homework yeah so you're considering Rutgers or okay and and Meisner and you want to know how what like how that how it was or like just what your experience was like was it a good fit like what [Music] college you know I loved I loved Rutgers and I loved Mason gross it was it was incredible and one of the one of the reasons why it was so important was that year abroad because you know I think when I came in I was very young and I just I wanted to get everything right you know and that's the best my only advice with any acting technique or any book you read you know it's like yes you read it you sort of study it like it's a text book or whatever but just remember it it has like another way of seeping into you you know you can't just like learn it and try it and thick like it takes time and but but so it was very difficult for me those first two years actually over there but but then when I got my junior year I sort of I don't know if something happened like everything I had done sort of clicked in and I walked away with some of the closest friends in my life and I did some of my work there that to this day I'll say like was better than anything I've done so far like in terms of the plays I was doing and stuff so it's a great school I I will always say that I wouldn't be here without it thank you and good luck to you and we have time for just a couple more questions and right before we get over here to spider-man I loved you on once upon a time you only had six episodes but you were so amazing so tell me a little bit about how you created that character that was well it was like the first episode itself was was incredible because it was though he was the whole episode I mean yeah the back story you learned everything about him so it was like a full movie it felt like I could you know I could jump in full arc yeah yeah it had a full arc and it was great and and then we went back a little bit to sort of explore him like slightly and and it was interesting because there were times where it felt like potentially you could keep going further with that character but there was you know he also had like kind of like a finality to him in a weird way you know but I but I enjoyed it I loved it but you were so good so I just wanted to say that before we finished high high so earlier in your career you played to like super iconic gay roles TJ Hammond and Jack Benjamin and I'm just wondering what your favorite parts of playing those characters were and which one you like better if you have a favorite oh yeah nobody ever asks about Jack it's really sad but it's good that you did yeah you know there's some rap - I mean look there they're both very different and you know were to me to me they were they were different you know in the sense that they I think they wanted different things you know in life for themselves I mean they were both gay but like they in terms of you know one was wanting power wanting you know it was driven by different things and and then I think TJ just wanted love you know and we're opposites and and just wanted to be loved and we all want to be loved I mean you know and so I I don't know I like I liked different things about them I liked that there was a sensitivity to the TJ character that I've that I loved sort of in a way you know and I and and I felt for him you know I sort of connected that way with him because I feel like I'm very sensitive and sometimes like you know it's good it's I would rather be sensitive than not you know I'd rather you want to feel rather than not feel you know don't get numb don't numb yourself I mean like go through the feelings you know but like he was trying to figure out a way he didn't have a support system so he didn't have anybody to hear him out so he was but but I think both of those characters had we had another season you would have seen you know that they were on their way towards something you know and and more of an ownership of who they were you know and and that I wanted to see which unfortunately we didn't get to see you know y'all know TJ is married now and you know and thriving thank you it was a great question thank you for that yes hi hi um I've got two questions from one of them is for my friend and aren't a team on stuff and she wanted to know anything around in that corner you'll be problem bye I'd love to go to argentino I haven't you know I haven't you know been there ever I mean looks like I'm leaving tonight and what's your second question do you keep your stuff by any chance like props and wardrobe no like personal stuff will give you oh I'm sure you have a collection I have I have things like the books and things that I take no wonder in the stuffed animals I gave you but but but it's tough to travel with everything and anything like sort of like stuff that you know I haven't you know that I've been given I usually will end up maybe with kids yes and other situations but you know but look I mean you guys are always I don't you go out of your ways beyond like you don't have to you know I mean I always appreciate it so much but it's like you know III do I do travel all the time and so thank you thank you so much in our last question over here hi okay my name is Natalie and my questions from like the movie end game he's always seen there right y'all seen it ok ok you're good right um at the end of the end game Steve leaves battalion finish stones have been turns old if it were the other way around what will you want to tell Steve as a goodbye and also where would you want to go if it was the other way around and Steve wasn't going but I was going yeah Oh tough to end on depressing man I mean I'm trying to think even if Bucky would have gone you know in the first place there kinda was a time for goodbyes weird way well no well technically the goodbye was happening in a different scene II didn't see but yeah I don't know that's a tough question I mean I think I think he would have wanted the same thing you know in a sense which is what I felt from from from that scene which was hey man you know we had a we had quite a quite a row that we've been on and and now it's time that we sort of go and you know figure out who we are and what we want life and pursue that and whether or not they can do that there's another question right but like that was the desire and I think the desire probably would have been there for him too I mean I both of those characters are in a place at the end of that movie of self-discovery now of like you know they've both been servicemen for such a long time you know and I think it's the first time we're seeing them both start off at a starting point of like okay where am I at what do I want you know and that's I think maybe what we're gonna see it with the show that is such an awesome answer and thank you for ending the question would you guys like to take a giant selfie with Sebastian yeah okay we're going to turn around here and you can stand up if you want [Applause] perfect thank you guys so much he'll be downstairs we'll see you downstairs [Applause] this is Goku thanks for watching and remember don't forget to subscribe [Music]
Channel: Fandom Spotlite
Views: 100,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sebastian Stan, the winter soldier, sebastian stan winter soldier, sebastian stan 2019, sebastian stan endgame, sebastian stan avengers, sebastian stan bucky barnes, sebastian stan the white wolf, the winter solder panel, avengers panel, avengers panel 2019, sebastian stan panel, fandemic tour sebastian stan, fandemic tour houston 2019, the falcon and the winter soldier, sebastian stan once upon a time, sebastian stan the martian, sebastian stan panel 2019, fandom spotlite
Id: Hl4WxiXd6D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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