Cast & Directors of "Captain America: Civil War" | BUILD Series

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Big difference to what we've heard with prior films, when the Russo's explain how supportive Feige and in the studio (by extension) were.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GracefullyGeeky 📅︎︎ May 05 2016 🗫︎ replies
this job try to save as many people as we can sometimes that doesn't mean everybody but you don't give up New York Washington DC circle via okay that's enough captain people are afraid that's why I'm here we need me put the check whatever form that takes I'm game I'm sorry Tony if I see a situation pointed South can ignore it sometimes I wish I could sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth I know we're not perfect the safest hands are still our own I was wrong about you the whole world was wrong about you they're coming for you I'm not the one that needs to watch their back this doesn't have to end in a fight Tony you just started a war stay down final warning I could do this all day all right I've run out of patience underoos hey everyone thank you so much repair you're far too kind to me thank you that's so nice uh guys thank you so much for being here I just want to say to the to you guys congratulations on this achievement you know a superhero movie any kind of movie of this magnitude is no small feat no matter how much you have at your disposal and you guys do an amazing amazing job it's definitely one of the best I've ever seen if not the best in terms of storytelling I mean you guys tell a Meem story in this movie can you talk about how you did that how you juggled all of the pieces for this and how long it sort of took to put it all together man yeah we look we just keep you know for us it's all it is all story driven and it's all character-driven like we you know all of our work I think in our whole career our comedy was known for being very quick character focused and we approached these movies the same way and when you have these kind of actors playing the characters it's you know it's a it's a it's an amazing thing for a storyteller so look we've we've been able to watch these characters develop you know largely into a bit of a surrogate family with one another over the course of several films now and this movie is very much about you know how that family gets split apart and shouldn't happen to your Arrested Development chops for that like a kind of family falling apart from the inside yeah they're all dysfunctional families but but I mean look that's the relatable part right because all trouble trouble comes to every family and I think that's what that that's the part of this story that makes it very relatable and it's like you know how do you watch people push through a problem like that and can their relationships ever be the same again you know after an experience like that absolutely uh you to have an incredible story line in the film kind of in many ways the heart of the film I thought the two of you were really hilarious together and really fun to watch can you talk about working on your scenes together and building this out were you expecting this kind of storyline for your characters before you got the script it was very difficult working with Lizzie I you know I felt like I felt like I carried her the whole way through the do you physically carry carry her at times in the movies yeah well you know I've practice karate I'm carrying downy for like eight years no it was lovely actually um we doesn't you know that those scenes feel like the moral compass for the movie and I they're arguably the most dangerous superheroes you know they're like walking nuclear bombs and and they have a lot in common because of that and it was it was it was a lot of fun plus I love paprikash yeah I don't know if I if we knew we don't really know what's coming but Joss and Ultron try to speckle in you know some sort of connection between the two of them or that she was interested in him and his what sources him as it sources her powers and there's that kind of pure connection between the two of them as well mr. Bozeman II know you your character was announced at one of these sort of big events about a year ago I think maybe two years ago at El Capitan yeah and in this film we get to see a fair amount of your of your origin was this part of the part of the pitch to you part of the plan for you when they when they brought this to your attention um within him they didn't necessarily pitch it this is kind of like do you want to do it you you were probably doing some of the pitching over there like I can do this no to be honest I was just I didn't want to come in and mess it up you know I think they have a good thing going Joe and Anthony certainly know what they're doing so I just wanted to live up to what everybody else was doing when I came in so I I had some ideas and they definitely listened to him but I knew that they would have the right foundation for me so Sebastian we definitely get to see a different side of the Winter Soldier in this was that something you were prepared to do something that you were excited to do when you went into the last Captain America movie did you know that you were going to be progressing this way this character well you know it's kind of it's this descriptor for me like a nice Christmas present because I never I never really know what they're gonna do with with the guy you know and so that's always fun but I did from the post-credits II know that I was coming back so that was comforting awesome I got another gig yeah uh what do you guys you know a lot of people have been a part of the Marvel family and tried to develop these The Avengers movies as well as as well as many of the other characters sort of side movies - what do you think you owe your success of being able to work with Marvel so well and just sort of and really create these fantastic experiences I think it's probably two things one is I've been collecting comic books since I was 10 years old so we understand the core mythology we're fans of the characters they're you know when you you know fall in love with storytelling at a young age you have a real emotional connection to it and and so we you know we love these characters the other thing is that you know by nature our our relationship my brother and I is purely collaborative that it has to be we have to discuss everything and we're not threatened by ideas we invite ideas we like having a very organic zen process what I would say best idea wins so you know we're open to discussion on any point in the movie as long as we feel like it's advancing the storytelling and solidifying the logic behind the film we love you know I think we're working with this is an mentioned we have like we're blessed with like a Steven Soderbergh level of cast on these movies and and and you know we love working with the actors getting input from them about where they feel their characters should be going what is important to their characters they're going to know their characters better than we'll ever know them so I think you know on a movie of this scale you have to be you have to have a very definitive point of view which we do but you also have to be very collaborative to the and open to the process because you can find a lot of gold and in in every situation I also have to say that you know as far as superhero movies go this is probably one of the most visually rich that I've ever seen it's incredibly well made is that something that you sort of went into is that just sort of your filmmaking style you know how to do that or did you go into these being like I want the Captain America movies like the last one as well as this one I want them to look as beautiful as absolutely possible and not just like a sort of big action blockbuster movie stylish they're very stylish and gorgeous to look at it's a it's an aesthetic choice obviously from but it all is a function of storytelling for us what is the story that we wanted to tell it was very important to us in the Captain America movies that we ground them as much as we could in realism as much as you can ground a superhero film and that dictates a lot of the aesthetic choices that we make we use a lot of hand-held cameras we use a lot of longer lenses and this movie has a progression from the style of Winter Soldier into a style that I think is going to resemble more what the infinity war movies will look like the lenses did tend to get a little wider as the movie progressed as the characters started interact with each other now you're dealing with this you know this massive and sambala I think what is really unprecedented about what Marvel is doing I think this is the future of storytelling is that you know the audience has an incredible emotional investment in these characters over many years and they're taking all of these different franchises which would be very healthy on their own and they're weaving them into a unified narrative and I think that that that allows us to take chances with the look of it it allows us to take chances with how we execute it because a lot of the work has been done for us leading up to this movie a movie like civil war could not be made if not for eight years of storytelling that preceded it we couldn't have all these characters in the movie we couldn't tell this many origins and one film would be a seven hour movie to be a mess um sorry good oh no that's okay continued you know I'm just saying that you know so I think from from an aesthetic standpoint you know it's fed by the storytelling it's fed by the scale it's fed by the amount of characters that we have to work with how visually distinct they all are and the tones that's the other thing that's unique about Marvel is that every franchise has its own tone and so movie like Civil War we get to bring in new characters like Black Panther ant-man spider-man and they're bringing different ant-man is a very different tone to it than the caps America movies but when clearly changes the dynamic of that massive set piece absolutely yeah it complicates it and layers the tone and varies it so that we don't get stuck in a very sort of modular oppressive tone are you guys always kind of blown away when you get to see the final product of these movies because so much of the movie is not essentially what you're doing on set in terms of these massive set pieces yes good and I'm so confused when we sorry this is loud um went fine I'm always amazed by all the little bits that we come in and film for like the massive airport sequence and having like an idea because you look at previz and you can see a cartoon version of it but you really have no understanding or idea of what's happening until you see the movie and and so I feel like I get to watch it for the first time and it's just like an audience would every time we go to watch them I mean I just saw it like the other day so I'm still blown away you're like when you get the script it's it's a weird thing cuz usually when you get any other script you can read it the first time and you get you know second time you're like I've know it by heart with this you have to read it like three or four times before you can really understand what's going on before you can comment on it before you can do anything and even then like like you said you see previous and then you you kind of have a sense like you said ant-man the way in this movie it sort of makes a change in tone like you add that comedy aspect to this movie that you had in ant-man for a second I think that's what makes it such a rich bill when you watch it so you don't get what everybody else is doing on their days because you're not there every day or and even if you are you're not on their set so you know they can split up and be two different it can be two different sets second unit might is just is you know extravagant is the first unit because you have two directors here so you don't see everything until the movie is they always say that there's a actors have to put a lot of trust into the directors for for movies I can't imagine more trust that has to be put into any other director than a superhero movie because so much is happening when the actor is is not there so you could give your all in a great dramatic scene with Chris Evans but if the action is gonna complement all of that John I always drama give my own well special I said you with us I said you could no you do I'm sorry I just pissed off the way yeah the directors are great too you were saying no ma'am it's amazing that they have this overarching vision I mean it's it's shocking to me it's something that I could never comprehend I like playing a little part and leaving because the larger idea is something I can't even understand to put together there's so much time in pre-production there's so much time in post-production we have so many people that get credits at the end of these credits there are so many people and were the ones like standing up here like representing this like huge system but it's huge and it's it's incredible to have these these two amazing directors on our side that is that I'm kind of curious you mentioned this huge system does that feel as actors you know when you take on the role of these superheroes is that do you sort of recognize or feel the that way a little bit that you are taking on the weight of this massive system that is putting out not just this movie but several other movies tied to it no I don't I mean I'm blonde and I'm an actor so I don't really turn to object of those kind of thoughts what thoughts do you have well it's heavy law actor his his his here's what I think is just alone the amount of plate-spinning that's going on with these two with well every fan has their favorite character and their favorite superhero whatever and we have we have to pay this off and we have to pay that off okay they did that but they also made it totally organic and not just them also the writers you know magazine make it organic to the film and I hate the word organic but I just used it in the only way that it's actually useful it really feels a part of the story everybody's a little moment and and also the film right at the moment that you might be thinking well superhero movies I mean really do they don't they just ignore the bigger picture and buildings come down and the camera passes you know and go right at the moment when you're you're thinking what happened to that office worker in that building there's a movie that is all about what happened to their office when it you know that building crumbled and to make a for quat a four-quadrant movie a popcorn movie that touches on issues that really affect us all like unilateral intervention of a superpower and a foreign country and make it really entertaining is an extraordinary it's an extraordinary feat absolutely and anybody's ever made one film ever and looks at this movie knows it's an extraordinary job that they did and and you're to be congratulated I'm gonna but it's true I it's it's it's it's hard stuff to do absolutely I mean that is that is something that I'm curious about we did kind of see it a little bit with with with Batman vs Superman earlier this year but I think more so with this movie comic book movies are starting to find their moral Center they're starting to find a moral compass if you will was that something that you were excited about when it came to this movie that you could sort of talk about a lot of the at least address some of the criticisms that comic book movies have had in the past few years which is that it's just you know mass destruction for the sake of one my new goal or yeah I mean I think you can see in a lot of the work that Joe and I have done we like being very self-aware of the genre and sort of playing with like what Audie his expectations are of the genre what what our awareness of and in finding ways to kind of subvert those expectations and those experiences of the genre so yes we were that was very much at the heart of what we wanted to do with this movie we did want to tell this this this sort of sensitive character story about the collateral damage and we were looking at it through the prism of you know oh we've we've come to expect these gigantic bombastic third acts where everything gets destroyed and that's the pattern and the hero the superhero defeats the villain in the third act and there's lots of destruction end of movie right this movie works very hard to one be conscious of those dynamics in the genre and then number two find a way to subvert those those dynamics and those expectations because we move into a to a third act climax in this movie that is very very different from that it's very very personal and it's not between the super hero and the villain it's between the super hero and the super heroes and even the setting itself and I'm really going to not give anything away or try not to even the setting itself is a subversion of what you said the usual dynamic or the usual landscape environment that the that they are fighting in I'm curious when you go into doing something like this and you know that your subvert in expectations or sort of recreating expectations when it comes to something people are so used to were you nervous were you like well hopefully this works you know we know that this is something that we want to do in response or in regards to a lot of other superhero movies before this but maybe those things that were there before those expectations existed because that's how they had to work well it's interesting I think I think social media is helping Drive you know the sort of the way that people are perceiving storytelling moving forward and I think that we've learned we learned very early on in our careers that when we made something because it spoke to us that we had much greater success than when we made something trying to anticipate what it was that the audience wanted and then when we taken greater risks they've always paid off and I think that you know it was important for this movie especially when you consider how BIC would is superhero films are right now that we do something different that we do something that that like ants that would subvert your expectations you can be predictive you can look forward and go just me as a fan as a guy who goes and watches movies with my son on a mid at a midnight screening when we're really excited about a film I'm going to be sick of this by the time this movie comes out so we you know just using that internal metric that we use that to help guide us and and take a big risk with the story and you know Marvel is incredibly supportive truly one of the you know healthier creative experiences we've ever had as is working hand-in-hand with Kevin Feige who's a maverick as well and is really interested in where can we keep going to challenge the genre Sebastian were you surprised where they took your character in uh in this uh movie um no not really I mean I thought I thought it was gonna have to be a combination of what we've seen so far with glimpses of the origin of the guy you know um but I don't know I mean I got to do a little bit of everything so it was fun from that I I was really surprised that they wanted me to laugh at any point in time you know lines are always great didn't have that last time um so I mean I kind of feel like did anyone tell you you were gonna it's a win if you anyone tell you that you were gonna have lines or was that part of the krishna script they did and then I got worried because that meant like I'm I have to I have to say things now you know uh we got paid by the word in the first movie so we had to be very careful unfrozen caveman soldier I'm gonna open it up to questions from the audience does anyone have any questions for the folks on the station no all right well that's no go ahead sorry uh hi thank you all so much for coming and I'd like to ask the cast how you knew you wanted to be an actor oh I couldn't make it as a guitar player that's that's the kind of truth I truly I realized I really loved John Lennon for writing a song like mother you had me but I never had you and I thought that's great and all but I really don't want anybody to actually know that much about me so so it's a really it's a really great way of you know people can say oh I bet you're a bit like that I bet you're a lot like that but they don't really know unless they're my wife you know and I like that buffer I don't I don't remember like a time when I wasn't in a camp or making films with my friends like since I have a memory that's all I redid and then I think it was [ __ ] Millennials believable they were making felt they don't remember not making meaning they were very different than the technology today you had to rewind on the camera and then report over if you made a mistake I was helping do it wax when I was a kid why does that mean making that up you carved movies at stories into wax yes but I think is my high school teacher and studying theatre and studying the Actors Studio in Strasbourg and the kind of pretentious element of studying being an actor which made it academic for me and historical and that was something that I I felt actually served a purpose as opposed to just something that is freely and beautiful to look at Doug why you coming over here I I wanted to be a writer and a director more so than an actor and I still write a guy writing stuff now or have written stuff recently but I had a head but in the process of learning those two crafts I took acting classes and I had a teacher phylicia rashad who sort of I guess you know who she is she was the one who sort of sparked the acting you know bug in me and made me realize how powerful it was and so in the process acting became no different than the other two skills they informed and enforced the other two skills and so it's not that I don't want to do the other thing other things it's just that this is the expression that you are seeing at this moment right I mean I'd always dabbled with it a little bit since I was little my mom was always trying to get me to auditions and stuff but I was just scared for a really long time I didn't want to get involved and then I had this friend in in high school who was hard of hearing and he just you know he was auditioning for the school play and I remember making fun of him and being like that's stupid and he like turned to me and he said well you're a [ __ ] and and then he got on stage and he ended up doing Importance of Being Earnest I remember he was so great and so fearless you know even with this disability or whatever he just shined in such a way to me that it was like the one thing that I remember being the sort of that pushed me to kind of try out and then go on from there did you get the lead in the next play instead of him did you beat him out I did not the next play was lo Shop of Horrors and I was bummed too uh next question hey guys everybody so my question basically is for the Russos this is pretty much your first time being able to play with everybody from the Marvel Universe you know that's big-time what was it like having you know the creative freedom to work with everybody for the first time and for people coming back from when a soldier in age of Ultron what was it like working together again but under a new director um listen I was fantastic because you know like I said earlier that's what Marvel's doing is unprecedented the scale of storytelling and you know to be able to get all of these characters together in one movie especially for me as a comic book fan was like a dream come true I will say that the the actors that you know were worthy were the best to work with and the hardest-working were think Sebastian Lizzy bat knee and Chadwick be exactly if you if you add up if you put me on the spot I would agree with that actually no he's not kidding he's actually but no it's um I think this is only a sample size of what we're going to get an infinity war and I think you know we're building towards to two of the largest scale movies ever ever attempted so you know we'll see what happens with them but we're excited you know we in look we as storytellers you know in Chadwick situation in this film we were building the character together with him from scratch which was anime is an amazing experience but to be able to rely upon these actors here who had played the actor the character prior to our involvement it's like that's a that's also an amazing a creative experience for us to be able to rely on them and sort of explore their understanding of their characters in terms of how we form our own understanding of those characters that's really a very fun and exciting creative process for my brother and I to sort of feed off of their knowledge and their instincts next question hello everyone I'm not gonna say any pretend like this isn't freaking me out I'm just going crazy sitting here like I watch these movies for so long and I've dreamt of this moment hello everyone nice to see you how are you I'm great I'm Sebastian what's your name Alfie a beautiful name Thank You Sebastian my friend um my friend Leslie is watching she wanted me to tell you she loves you and if you could just say hi to her please that'd be great thank you hi Leslie thank you she see you at the club I'm trying he's not here but I'm trying okay we all know who I'm talking to and I'm trying I'm trying to boss his end that was pretty good he's channeling the spirit of Anthony Mackie no that is that was Chris same guy so it's the two of them together and I love you as well Sebastian you're so beautiful anyway my uh so I I have my kids here my son wanted to know was it difficult to like wear the costumes and act in the costumes and my daughter wants to know who wins don't answer that these are really good questions I think it's uh it's frankly as far as the costume thing goes is kind of a dead heat between him and me in terms of discomfort but you know there are plenty of ways to be uncomfortable and not earn a handsome reward you could work for Verizon just saying all right you can cut that bit out but it's true you know that is terrible hearing actors moan about being uncomfortable it was uncomfortable working in the suits but we're really really well well paid so it's more uncomfortable being unemployed yeah it's a lot more uncomfortable being unemployed or on a picket line just saying oh and a chill entered the room I think like they're probably a handful of people in here that work at Verizon that just didn't like that oh we're owned by Verizon yeah do you know I meant so I'm a snap right now I could not help to say that I'm counting truth that's funny sorry that's so great if you have time for one more question oh man wait just to be clear then does everyone in here work at Verizon no no no okay cool see that's a little less embarrass yes less embarrassing thank you so much for being here my question is if you had a superhero name based on the skills that you possess what would your superhero name be before your answer are you teamcap or teamironman ha ha I'm not I'm not even excited about this movie what it's a verizon statement honey shouldn't have done that man you're really eating [ __ ] now Betty what about Captain Verizon what do you think of that I have to Verizon yeah what would your superpowers be if you're a captain Verizon uh I would I think I would be really my super what my only real talent is I would be like Captain spaghetti bolognaise because it's it's really my thing I you're laughing at me and it's a little hurtful I make it great spaghetti bolognese I just thinking that you're really good at eating it captain spaghetti bolognaise what's your thing babe I have no idea right now I have no idea wow it would be my skill would be diverting you know getting away from this question captain diversion captain invisibility did you see a DAT these questions cuz I always take them really sincerely and no one laughs and it doesn't feel good I think the skill I'm most proud of is being really nurturing to my friends so socially something along those I'm kind of like a mommy to them I think not like I'm talked down to them but um I like taking care of everyone yeah I missed them uh I like to think that loyalty means something to me uh but then I'm kind of with you on the on the food issue I also enjoy burgers so I may be like the loyal burger man I guess I don't know I was hoping it was gonna be spaghetti bolognaise as well and I would have beaten you down on that one I tell it microphone would have been thrown at civil food wars yes but uh what about you guys outside of directing outside of obviously making movies is your superhero skill but what else what do we do other than make these movies what would be your superheroes we don't do anything we were right on the megatron genetically frozen until Marvel me have a go I asked that question of these guys in 2035 um guys thank you so much for being here it's such an incredible achievement I agree with you completely I praise these guys and the incredible work they've done in this movie it comes out this Friday right actually tomorrow you can start watching tomorrow at 7 p.m. I don't think I have to tell anybody here to go see it you're gonna see it it's Captain America Civil War thank you guys thanks so much thank you all for coming
Channel: BUILD Series
Views: 275,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sebastian Stan, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Chadwick Boseman, Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Captain America, Captain America: Civil War, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Avengers, Marvel, MCU, Marvel Universe, AOL, AOL Build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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