Sebastian Stan panel FULL (Winter Soldier @ Tulsa Comic Con 2016)

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there's just water for you below talking about this looks like looks good there's little excitedly just a little bit I made it to Tulsa right miss mystery city that I used to he run friends and here it is this work sham were got in all that trouble that's rude so but you just came in this morning so you're I did pretty well resting I am well-rested I'm telling you I'm fine okay some names nice companies yeah they're weirder around or yellow it's great some of the no man this is what it's like this love I think I think extinct in the know I have a serious sincere question you're a former agent of Hydra you guys have a network you know things what do you think died Walking Dead really bad I know like I I gotta watch that show yeah I don't know I really die I don't know sound like washing West world I guess I was thinking about that wannabe crossover pay with throws which I don't know about that that's a new trick I watched you in Thrones Wow i watch strange stranger thing you're McGee's right I am names I am I should I should try and get on that shelf yeah it could be like Frodo we'll be back on time yes yeah somebody written down strange things happen ever no I mean okay so in terms of your knees look just a well rounded on the character that you played at the time machine was perfect kind of ironic how that all went down Oh is their story their nose you know I was always sort of suspicious of the Russians and then friends in training to actually beat up the eighties idol Robert Downey jr. how myself occurred right think about that uh sequence terracing stay mark right yeah it was babies i yeah you know him him back to school yes I really like that Libya Lana your house we have the rooms like I saw it was funny movie with this bloody dinner guys there's a while it's art this thing in here or come here to hear me talk we've got some questions besides we want to start sucking like you left her and to where you see some familiar faces yeah yeah you right there yeah yeah yeah I know you how are you Mike my oldest friend yeah there we go hey what's up yeah I have a friend about making this gym even okay now here's my question I recently read through the dating world on my date night it's pretty fraught Shaarawy thing about it I think I had some can ask you for some advice there's a site called OkCupid and it asks for Korea shake your hand me shut there is a question on the dating profile that says what are the six things you can't live without or your six must-haves so that's my question to you what are your six things and you can't live without - I like what are in each of your things oh I put the internet and I can live she's out and I put cheesecakes she said okay all right well peanut butter for me definitely any time I mean hot yeah I'm crushed like jars have a pretty good record at college tongue like so the charges are out there yeah I guess what else what was it yeah maybe Star Wars I'll throw that one here success makes my friends I'm very lucky it's our defamation they're not one of them but they're that they're there what else you know I mean of it seems to me like I can't live without marble yeah I'm here because of them so I got to be all you guys so I gotta throw them that's three right score that's more good okay - it's about Joey you like peanut butter what's key to make sure tell them okay I'm much more of like deer butter honey Nutella is really good chocolate also chocolate and chocolate are important and you know you gotta have a really good drink once in a while yes hi Thomas a book now try my badge my name is Amy I'm from Hong Kong my question is for stone-baked earth sorry I dreamt this year you performed and just want you to know TechFest I didn't I I love you too favorite favorite story lucky that you go favorite story yeah like with which one mattered most TV ah Winter Soldier the war no I mean I I still I still like the Winter Soldier storyline because it's it's so unexplored you know we still need to go back and kind of figure some things out over there I'd like to I like to know what happened to maybe like 10 years before the order Soviet leaving with it possibility I would circuit drops literally I wish I definitely um apparently campaigning for it without you really realizing as are we yes thank you I still have never been normals by the way even though one my best friend's lives there yeah oh I think it's true I really worked up in Japan Galion I really want to go to Japan I better put in Japan so that that to me is like my number one situation I hope that happens at some point won't even answer yeah it's a Winter Soldier ten years before takes offense in Japan pieces together exactly here we go yeah it's awesome any other places in the other location um I go to Australia I'm driving Australia custom upholstery that sounds fun um where else maybe Iceland barely Iceland it's a really great pretty place yeah that's what I've heard they came from hey it's you again so my question is you can a lot of us hope that there's reason to keep pushing forward through life and keep going on growing circles any pace is there any one that gave you that hope while you were growing up or even now as an adult and is there anything that you'd like to say that any of us who might be around right now you know what's the thing is uh I a you know in college I don't know I was just always curious for some reason I really was curious I mean acting was very good for me because I was I really clicked with that in college that I was you know I was very curious to find role models so I was always looking up people and researching sort of like seeing clean like all kinds of people and you know most of those guys who were successful actually look into it they all have very troubled pasts and and so it's a mindset I think because at the end of the day you know it's like the rough patches that you may be going through our sort of like also these great gifts you know that you can kind of like rise from I mean that's almost every superhero story first of all that's what everybody always writing about you know every time you see somebody that takes that rough situation and make something out of as a jump-off point or whatever so you know I've been tighten the most important things to be curious and kind of keep reading keep looking out there where people are you know writing their time I've always biographies to me were always wearing you know sort of important as I'd like I'd like knowing how someone got to live a god and every time it's the same story every time someone who feels like the world's falling apart around them or they've lost someone adorable in life or they're you know they're they've got nothing no opportunities are growing up in a neighborhood full of drugs and all kinds of things so and it's interesting despite to see them farther away and so I guess go out there and you know look around some of those examples of people that have gotten through that and and just know that you know we're all wrong capable well I mean I just read all that acting just I see no to Brenda to the mirror to Christine pointing to all their voices all right it's you have to I guess you have to look for look group yeah well the problem for me it was always like this people just seem like they're gods you know I just did always everyone idolized them everyone talked about them like oh well you know that's you'll never be that you know you're never again you'll always hear the actors like they're gods but they but they never start out that way we made it into gods you know I mean they just found a way to make themselves available you know so now that this is perfect that's essential answer it yes hey nice to see you good we take what you're shilling your color black and red for me can go wrong here I'm not here is a really interesting project I mean it's really about you know it's a bit so it's a lot about this thing called quantum leap actually so I I'm not going to go on explain what that is maybe for it or not it's out there on the internet you can look it up and see what that means but it is very much about sort of this idea that you know there's always multiple versions of you kind of experiencing a possibility to experiencing life and I be making the plane here being here with you right now is one way today it's shaping up if I have missed the connection flight and Atlanta and I took a later flight that was going to sending down another path but the idea is that that sort of possibility is already stopped existing in another tower sound crazy but anyway so this this sort of about it's a little bit of that constants about this guy's life and in your venue you're seeing him and you know kind of when he was younger and you see to him where he ends up in the future that's heard about the audience Connor realizing what choices he's made in his life and what got there and essentially it's like that movie sliding doors you know use makes an appointment you either make the train or you don't and that little thing and send your life direction so it's very it's an instant I haven't seen it it was a lot of fun and anytime you say I've got my hair I say yes blonde is great thanks after consuming a lot of alcohol David I mean I it's just not it's not something I've got a little bit better on it it's a guitar it's hard to you know it's hard you're like not see the movie you're seeing you doing to me yeah because the thing is you're always I think it's easier when you have when you've had time apart from it and then you've kind of moved on and whatnot bonheur that's why I have a hard time kind of shooting something and going to the modern watching again because it's playing your mind a certain way that's never like that when you watch it you know anybody one of the ice our tongues are really doable Doug immediate and basically tomorrow yes I'm not going deep I just want to know what about you do a welcome out from cryo not to tell them that they to go brainwashing out and I figured it all up it just sounds dicks dead wake them up and they would tell them that they've fixed him but they'll just go hi it's year 2025 C's dad it's like yes um would be like it but then it would be like a joke like I don't know I don't know he just goes crazy and kills like 15 scientists about it makes the story he would have been gone when you're first woken up so of your my Twitter soldier up like oh you're talking about I'm sorry you're talking about back then oh I thought you meant now now yeah now sit back then who you talking about oh yeah now I think it would be back on the road back on the run thank you in what house do you think what Hogwarts house would you pursue me and which one would Bucky there's nothing fun fact it's a group I never see I'm sorry I haven't looked one time they asked me I said that's the one where I have a little animal right might be a wolf it's not it make me more movies in that story thank you but I like top Felton's all over again perfect you what's your question hi my question is that you really inspired a lot of your fans to be more creative and to write draw and start out being who's inspired you to be more creative in your career in your everyday life I you know I goes back to me and Rutgers the school that I went to Mason grows there I I was in a really great class I had I had a great group of actors who were my friends and we were really lucky I mean um they're all on her Wagner's and and so I was surrounded by by good people who were also kind of generous and I think that really helped out a lot and that's the thing I you know I was believing it's the company you keep you know I mean it's it people in your life are extensions of you are that's how I was feeling I and I and I was looking at how good good influences in my life back you know and everybody was working really hard and then I worked hard I guess so so maybe my my college class I guess is me steel sharpens steel so you play against those guys and it when it comes to yeah when it comes to acting and so on I mean I always feel bad that's one of the things I try I really don't sit there and go all Ruby's not your ever you know it doesn't really matter so much to me as much as it's the people that are walkers I know if I'm scared and I know that the first opposite me is a you know active giant or whatever then I'm going to be forced to better you know and I feel I don't know sometimes it's good to be forced to do things absolutely comfort zone which isn't right because that has a lot of meanings but I say crazy now traffic like to tell me that building is awesome and my question is if you somehow end up in an alternate universe and have to live as one of the characters before collegiate bacon yeah if you had to be what about after great God we still beat the club that's right yeah I mean opinions he was really fun to play oh I totally do that I would do like movie version of I also sleep on that show happy to thank you I said can I close them sure okay so you know in the first venture where Steve goes rescue you and the rest of the 107 and he takes the dance a girl's hand uses his stage shield what do you think [ __ ] you would say if he knew this seed cake came to save him just using stage props Oh God it's way worse than I thought no that he barely then it was really hard scene to film that rescue scene because you know it was like we have two three pages economist yeah that's the thing I mean it in a nutshell that you can make a whole movie out of that whole thing of how they reunite and kind of like I mean my my guys already you know I've already sort of subdued and in a twilight zone state and then you know just imagine if suddenly I don't know someone from your past comes in you know like your grandpa you a company it's like your grandparents on your door and they're 22 and 23 years old you know and you're like we're it just did something drastic like that so I was never sure how we were going to communicate how awkward and weird and crazy the whole thing you know but yeah I'm still confused by obviously I don't I don't know if I guy like I'm a ghost but he ever really gotten used to you know big Steve okay what's your favorite medium of acting they do television for stage and within that what Chandra oh well you know I I think they're all great no I do I look the movies are the directors medium and television it's always the writing that's like honorable what ends up being thing and then Peter is usually the actor you know that's like the actor because what you see on the stage is essentially new every night you know 18 I'm like doesn't actually the last editor so but they're all interesting I mean I'm I don't know I love the I love the interaction that I'd be able to have sort of just you know being up here and hearing you laugh would inspire me to be a certain way it's just like a back and forth like that that you can't find on a camera and at the same time of the camera you know you don't sometimes you just think something and you understand what they or you relate to it and that's amazing - so which other one there you go hi dolly hi us I don't know the things I do actual time by great characters to life in fees on television and on stage so my question to you is what do you feel has been your most challenging role to date and why um everything for me that's been the hardest thing so far has just been you know on stage I mean that's that's been the really difficult part I mean it's always hard it's never it's never really easy I mean it's interesting with Bucky because I think when you return to a character over and over again you start really started like kind of understanding them yeah thank you start knowing they're you know like the next movie or the next thought before you know even sometimes when they write something I'm like oh I am pointing up I shoulda thought about that but but but in theater it's really hard because you have to really kind it all the time and you know you're that far and I'm here if you're not going to see like my eyes and so I'm going to somehow make you understand that what's going on with me through my body and you know actually I was like challenged because I really am he's perfect but wait yeah yeah you know turtley my god actually like forgetting to the war happens my question is about parallels between Jefferson buggy how Jefferson his curse is to remember about these curses for kidding so I don't want to talk about the parallels they're so similar in so many different ways but we both have persons that they have to be able to yeah it's weird now actually I really thought about it but it's true there's a lot of parallels they're wondering why they pick me too plentiful it's kind of a weird thing but yeah it's gross I thought about it justice but the Mad Hatter is a great character Oh somebody started off Manhattan I didn't loose it okay why somebody was a person I think yeah I mean I think they both they're both wrestling with their body Aki wants you remember Jefferson forget you know I think Mikey would probably like that that dudes crazy no I mean very interesting look obviously thought about I don't know what that conversation you want you know huh but maybe they'll get along that's a yes well first off thank you for the existential crisis my question is what do you think Bucky's last John Green Comm I already know so the damage is done there Oh what do you think bookies last thoughts would be if when he's going back into the ice at the end of civil war like what his last my arm do I have to pee I mean this video I'm sorry serious question the state of mind in the end of everything to me I always thought this you know he's a piece of it a place of relief at that point because it's like you know it's like that ticking and I can followed by the shadow for such a long time take this thing to it it for what just like you know like let me just show you know I behind I feel like this you know isn't yeah I mean who's to say that whatever they couldn't sleep with us yeah you know nice dreams I just thought about that because I saw that that passengers trailer looks really great and I was like I wonder if by that point if you go into hibernation like they would have that right I think they would almost have like a light use they'll just inject it like an apple TV yes I just wonder what how that was but in the Martian Mark Wahlberg it's stuck on Mars he's not on stage I was just watching it never take sequel or you were to be the one stuck on a planet where space by which you say its birth is achieved it is now you'd be right back I love that little blue no no that's so far away I feel like the move something if I have a fight someone said we're going to leave you out on his planets and it's camping Mars I would say probably yeah because all the other ones are just you know gasps the night in solid plans your character and the Martian he was good at launch stuff up how much uh practice did you have all the time no he wasn't actually because that was no he was the medic yesterday this whole thing was was one set up but up no but I but I remember researching a little bit about what those guys do and they kind of have to be it's interesting they're like the they're all around sort of team players that have to throw a sixth thing we're going to mean that just they just get thrown and then they have to find out let's take over yeah like I need it's worth every ass shot has to be of a gun force over there yeah yo my name is GI from Cancun Mexico and they already asked you what character would you have to be where you were like you had the chance to impress any TV character your anyway JJ person Jack or Karthik what do you have to choose only one which one would you choose and why which character each other play I was thinking like I really find this cart cart a Bazin in the Sun so I guess just to refer to me now I don't know like you know why I would love to I actually really liked this recent character you haven't seen yet death on TV this guy's name is clay I'm standing and it's actually that shows not coming out for a while but but I'm going to pick him and then when that comes out you guys will tell me would you like to say hi to your Latin American campaigns and world minister highlight America fan page we're in Tulsa I love that anyway it's the poison it I got it all right just like that time let's see what I meant this is a panic attack Oh everyone's determining desire question woody to be following see the one that's Fantas the everybody tonight this is China which is a result goodbye did you have another question do you know what it is should go to somebody else no everyone okay but we initial concept plan but first it was it was directing my coming back okay well the thing is I always thought that I think here you heard me talk about I had that meeting with that and we were talking about it and the character but they weren't necessarily telling me that they wanted me to quite him so I I really didn't know what to take it was gonna be sort of like sounds an amazing it sounds amazing thirty Seconds go yeah so I was just hoping that I would get to do it is it sound cool parent your comic book thing did you read Captain America stuff that I didn't grow up top of stuff so I wasn't my sorry like cooking oh yeah okay compost joins them let me there's a certain costume that Bucky was burying you have Rihanna that was a rough house once any time when Robin from your legs around but it was close there was a lot of you could see like ooh which I'm actually a temper I actually I do remember I tore open sitting that ribbon pulling out that that additional copy being like so this is [ __ ] book he's not actually oh great okay so real pants employers yeah well it was I think was reversed because I think the truth was to some extent like Steve actually was always looking out for him to come up rocks I think right all right you know and so in the movie version you sort of flips out yes hi I can't from Texas we actually drove up to meet you specifically oh thank you thank you for giving me excuse to miss school because my hate those classes so but what I'm going to ask you was that you see the play a lot of characters that have either tragic back stories or have gone through a lot of difficult things like TJ like your character on canes and just dealing with a lot of stuff how many of those care actors inspired you to kind of live your life differently or given you motivation to maybe change something that you were doing that you realize maybe I shouldn't existential number 12 absolutely well that's the that's the that's why it's fun time that's what acting you know it is I mean I don't know that that's what's fun about it is you're always learning something because you're your search characters sort of force you to you know kind of explore different parts and your think about different things you didn't you know and you're always in a sense sometimes you know some of those characters were sort of like you know versions god forbid you know where I am really looking at my life isn't like that or that would happen or that I'm not you know dealing with those days or but but you're always asking a question like well whatever you know and so it definitely kind of helps helps one learn about yourself that's why I think the arts are the best thing writing whatever you're always learning something Microsoft was you forced to really ask yourself questions you know but I think I think you know crazy characters are always more fun yeah if everybody likes a crazy man okay thank you thank you so very much I apologize that those the last question that we had time for so sorry however these guys do something for me real quick facts check under your chairs there are possible pictures of Sebastian here and if you have one come up Oh mothers it's this one but the condiments ba-ba-ba-ba Oh God thank you guys so much again enjoy
Channel: ChristineDoesCons
Views: 67,222
Rating: 4.9927449 out of 5
Keywords: Sebastian Stan, Bucky Barnes, Bucky, Winter Soldier, Captain America, Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, Super soldier, The Martian, Once Upon a Time, Jefferson, Mad Hatter, Tulsa Comic Con, Wizard World Tulsa, Wizard World, Comic Con, ChristineDoesCons, ConGirl, ConLife
Id: HKI8sCfUjz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2016
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