Fandemic tour Houston 2019 Sun Sebastian Stan meet & greet (Fixed point shooting)

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Stan thank everybody have a great great great time enjoy yourself there's nobody nobody better and like he just told me this is his favorite thing to do let's enjoy it always feels so much more low-key you know than like the craziness we'll just get started right away and I think yeah I'm gonna do questions table by table like and then go around well it's funny I came in today I just walked into and and the security guard didn't even he was like Bucky he didn't even I I had no name yeah why yes I don't know I've sort of enjoyed I can't say there's one one thing I've done that I didn't you know that's not true there were there might have been a couple of things like earlier on where I was just really trying to get a job and you know make a living and that didn't seem like you know necessarily the part I wonder you know play but I've been pretty lucky like I feel like everything I ended up doing I've had it I've enjoyed and I've explored it so they're all different situations I like this last thing that I did from Netflix that Devil home that was interesting you know I love that show Kings that was always a lot of fun for me I grew up a lot on that show and then the political animals rather their world they were very like learning lessons you know around can you be bring any superstition do I believe in superstition I'm I'm very superstitious but I don't know if it superstition or it's just OCD you know like I have to cross myself three times and tap the floor with the plane three times before plane that's the position but what superstition is is in my mind but I think I could be wrong on what it is yeah let me tell you something my therapist okay like the he the the greatest thing he always makes me laugh is like we'll talk whatever then I'll tap all like knock on wood three times and we'll just go he goes it's just it's funny I don't know if it makes you feel better yeah village like Robert Downey jr. it was the soap and the I yes I went there one time I was invited for lunch I think I had like a green juice I don't you know it didn't have that again and and I asked him I was like you know I was like I I'm gonna go use the restroom and he was like nah just going just go on the trailer I was like okay now walked in that trailer and you know it was like being on the Titanic literally like everything I could still smell the wood you know like it was just so pristine I couldn't yeah and I remember the soap being really great and then it was boy a lot of things to know people say are you sure I was there though maybe maybe I remember that mall I was like wow I couldn't believe they turn this into it 1980s Airport I remember that table I don't remember the light ball maybe it fell on me yeah - oh yeah I love I love that experience it was so fun and it was so different and great and that probably goes back to your question you know I just I it was it was working with her and you know I haven't been a fan of hers for years growing up and stuff and then also the director was unbelievable I mean you know figures right a woman will always give you a better direction by the way but she was she was like strong she knew what she wanted and she she communicated that to me really well and and I felt like I could you know calm down and sort of just follow her her lead and and and and and I felt like I did like for me it was a very different thing than I usually kind of end up doing and so it was just that kind of group of people I wish I wish more you know I wish more people haven't seen that yeah I wish that movie had gotten more a lot but you know it's the business [Music] look I don't know here's the thing like you know you read all these books and everything and like they always say like the greatest thing you gotta admit it's like they sometimes you just don't know like it's it's enough to just go like I'm doing my best like I don't really know I don't have it figured out you know like end and that's a good place to start at right so from there and in terms of like a human condition I mean like you know it's look I mean the world is really bleak you know like this is I mean there's an argument to be made that you know if you look back in history I mean there's some terrible things that happened right think how did our parents or our other generations get through that you're not warlike you know civil rights with it like all these crazy things that have happened already somehow you know Hitler I mean like we've gone through some things right so there's a little bit of then I don't even know if that provides any relief or whatever I mean maybe perspective you know to sort of like kind of keep hope that we're gonna be okay but I mean a really smart director who's very famous and who I've always respected and I I don't even want to you know I'm gonna not tell it say his name but it said to me something very interesting that stuck with me it's like human beings are really good at making bad ideas happen quicker you know and it's like like that's kind of how I feel about our AI and then artificial intelligence it takes like that you know and it's like the idea like he and I sort of we started talking about like is that really going to help us in any way shape or form like really I mean sure it's gonna make things easier but like I was at the airport in Newark trying to come here and I was trying to buy emergency and I couldn't even do it with a person I had to go to this thing and like scan it whatever and it's like everywhere I go to get Wi-Fi there's like some cookies I got except you know my phone and I get here and they're like advertising me the thing I bought and I'm going like well what control do I have about it you know and so it's like and we forget so so anyway okay this is really this is a very difficult question because it's easy to go down the path I think I think you got to educate yourself to know like what world we're in right now and what's happening you know and we have to kind of like you know the thing about social media that scares me so much is like there's no repercussion and you want like you know when you were a kid okay and you're on the play it's like a giant playground full of crazy people that have no restrictions whatsoever right like if you used to be on a playground with like a little kid right and like you know you you took your toy and you pushed the kid and the kids fell started to cry and you were like you know what you're this and and the kid was crying like you would see the kids cry and then you would feel like you would you'd process that and have a reaction to it and go oh you know what I feel bad I'm sorry like I don't we don't have any there's not you're feeling an emotion at a certain point time and you go that's how I feel and it's out there and it's gone and then twenty ten minutes later you're done with that emotion you're not angry anymore and felt that but you but that thing lives on forever and then on the other side somebody can't even process that you've already moved on to 50,000 other emotions any so it's like you can't quite take things online to be literal you know at any point in time we'll go with you I mean again it was a great learning lesson for me in a lot of ways I mean I just I I think I think it was very difficult for numerous reasons you know I I mean you you have to understand I got to see that Joker movie yeah I mean like you have to understand why people are doing what they're why they're doing what they're doing you know and and it's very difficult sometimes when you really don't see eye to eye when you can't understand that yourself you know and and like so then it becames like becomes like a case study you're like okay I'm like studying this like a subject I'm trying to understand what leads to what you know and a lot of that movie even though there was a lot of comedy and it had very serious issues involved and it's funny because sometimes you feel or at least like you know I I mean it made me feel more conscious I guess how we relate period you know I mean those those guys were extremely that that relation was an extreme example you know they both had very specific backgrounds that they kinda came from and and then you know they somehow like still drew each other right so it's like you go you then you ask yourself like well why am i attracting the kind these kinds of people in my life you know why am i attracted to this kind of person you know who's actually hurting me you know why do I keep going back to that person you know over and over again and and where does that come from you know and and then you you peel back the layers and you realize well that's the kind of thing that you've always thought felt good actually when you were little and you didn't really have you know develop all these things and so anyway but it was I guess it was hard no I just [Music] but so I'm a nursing school student and then recently I did a project on mental health and something that super important to me because I was when you say silently suffering like like is it like you feel like you you can't talk about to anybody about it is it is it like a sense of you know a shame about the things you feel is it like a sense of is it all just like I can't find like I can't really label what's happening with me right now I'm having this experience like what is that but when I opened up to my peers it's her know because you have another student who suffers from generalized anxiety and then another two students who are above theirs and separate from post-traumatic stress disorder but know I'm most part of this word just for people people who are about to murder positive no no no that that's just no it's no but it is but it's but it's real you know and there's nothing like we can't apologize for that it's just I know I hear you and I mean the first thing that comes to my head like when I'm listening to you you know again like and again it just you know take it or leave it like I'm just trying to find my way to right so I don't have the answer but but what I would I can't relate to what you said is definitely that kind of sense of you know shame about like sharing certain things you're feeling you know like and and I mean I think I can relate to that anybody can relate to that like like you know you feel like even anxiety by the way sometimes like what breeds more anxiety is like you being out in public and thinking you're feeling anxious and something's gonna happen and then you're gonna have like this breakdown and everyone's gonna see it and you're gonna be like the crazy a person and the outcast and like oh my god it's so embarrassing you know what I mean and then that makes it escalates it even more and more and more and but I I don't know I feel like we have to be able to you have to communicate you have to try to communicate in some way I think I think it's you know when you're trying to take on something on your that's a little bit beyond you it's just you know it's it's gonna I think it's really really difficult I I don't know I mean I just know that when I'm feeling off I again I try to call a friend I call somebody that I know you know in some way that's gonna remind me outside of my head whatever is going on I mean there's plenty of times where I've you know you have to build that awareness we're served like you're going like oh this is happening to me but it isn't really me you know what I mean like this is an experience I'm having right now like it's really just like that as opposed to but trauma is so difficult and takes years and you know you have to just kind of I think reach out for help [Laughter] Starbucks is like like an old friend yeah I just I just go I mean now they've gotten really crazy with the cold brews and stuff you know I just go for regular coffee with like some yeah that's kind of what you're at you're trying to ask me what border story you know somehow I take them to be like four shots of espresso yeah it's interesting because some of those things are still gonna be dealt with by the way with that character we're talking in the in in this next phase you know oh boy I mean you know it's so hard I thank you for remembering that is it because you did you read that book okay all right so you saw like what kind of project yeah yeah it's it's twisted it's different yeah it's tough I've been I've been trying to find like the right kind of director for it but it's one of those things where you know it's out of - out of my hands it's it's it's at a it's at a studio and and and and they have to decide whether or not they want to make it you know and and the thing was when we got very close to it it's just the budget got too high and but it's one of those things now where you kind of like that's a movie where you don't know is it easier just to make it like at Netflix or on HBO you know it's easier to just stream it is it easier than to just you know so we're I think unfortunately that's one of those projects that kind of like will happily I'll still be I don't get too old or not we'll do it you know but but I think we're gonna have to wait and see how things filter now with these other streaming networks coming in and stuff because they have that they might shake everything out I have two boys in teenage then they are their careers left anterior dan was there any good advice yo Dee boo I'm going during the UNH yeah you know like Jessica you know struggle helps I mean that's just you know struggles yeah help like being you know in a way they they force you to like step up you know it just it I think it's like honestly a proven fact that that there's brain synapses in your mind that get like read you know recreate it you can you can create them like chemistry almost like it in your mind I've read before I know I'm butchering it in terms of what you can do if you are able to sort of like face those struggles and then kind of come come from it but you know so I so I feel like if if you see them dealing with you know it's like what I think of what I would want to have kids I feel like you know I would want to be there for them and make them feel safe and know that they have someone to turn to but at the same time I'd have to try and encourage them to be able to go out there and face it on their own and be able be able to to you know come around the corner on their own because that's a real important life lesson if we just rely on other people you know then the answer's no I don't know because I am very excited about it yeah no I am and I have no idea like honestly what - yeah III think it's gonna be really great marry talk about it I'll let you know in I want to get second well it's funny because the director really said he was like he was like I want people once they see this movie to be really scared a possible while you're gonna do it you're gonna figure it out yeah it's interesting I mean look I don't you know actually if you look up the author you will see that he has spent a lot of time with doctors and in you know medical practice and so on so yes whether that's you know that's fictionalized I don't know you'll have to ask him oh man I mean now it's great because it was like some of the greatest actors that I ever you know I mean you know actually it's the most work I had with Sam Jackson by the way you know we didn't really get a lot of interaction in the Marvel world but and he's very different in it and then William Fernand Harris and all these people I mean it was just you know I I felt like I I could be a student there and that was kind of what the character was going was experiencing he was sort of going down this rabbit hole of you know kind of meeting these people learning about this world and sort of finding himself kind of changing his own ideology and beliefs about his own life and so there was a little bit of that happening for me and it was just kind of interesting to kind of listen to these guys have been around for years talk about their experience going through Hollywood you know what they've learned and their failures and regrets and things and and but I think the reason that movie is important is because it deals very much with you know PTSD it deals with these experiences that sort of happen and then they haunt you forever and again it goes back to that thing like these guys in this movie for example spent their whole lives trying to get this guy Elavon that's all he did right this one event that could have killed him and killed like it killed a lot of them but it could have killed them psychologically right those things that you talked about could have you know overpower them right but like somehow they they were able to turn that and use it for themselves to towards something better and good you know and and that's what the movie deals with essentially is like the you know this is William a Spitzer Margaret this guy saved this Airmen saved all these people he didn't have to be there and he was gonna die there and he knew that and then he went he saved all these guys and then these guys had survivor's guilt and have to deal with all these feelings afterwards of being like it's it's so crazy like it's like you want to survive right but then you want to feel like why don't you let me die you know and then there's all these complex emotions and and I just know that the actual guys who William Hurt and Sam document and so on they play them saw the movie they love the you know and we're crying crying and having all these experiences throughout it and and I mean that's why you do that movie it doesn't you do it so that they're represented you do it so that they feel that they're heard you know and so I feel like I'm grateful too much more like focusing how to get more specific with these two particular ones which I've gotten closer to like you know the wrong McDonald's house in New York and then you know our big day out which is in Romania and so on and and I've just wanted to get more specific with them you know because what I wouldn't want to do is just sort of feel like I'm like lightly touching different things and not really actually contributing anything you know so I'm focusing on that for and then it's interesting I mean like I you know I'm probably in a place of relearning how to honestly use social media you know because as I said like it started out to be very simple for me I was just I still treat it the same way I'm just a guy you know I'm just a guy out there trying to the best I can you know but but maybe I'm not just that anymore maybe I'm also like somebody who you know you guys want to hear things I have to sit like maybe I have to be conscious of that but we have to be able to step up in other ways you know and so that's what it's about now for me but they I hope to have more specific for you already gone defense out crazy cat lady I know I grew up with cats we had a when I was a kid I we had a Himalayan cat which was they're so cute they're like half Persian half Siamese and but my I think the coolest cat is the what's it called the Scottish Fold now they lie back like you they they just like plop themselves back it's amazing but dealing promise I mean listen cats are you know there's a theory out there that says cats are all Psychopaths right well yeah I guess I have to I don't know I developed allergies so I have to if I have if I were to have a cat probably I'd have a cat because somebody I was with had a cat I would be more prone to two dogs when I when I contribute that much into making it work with a cap it would have to be a cat that was very interactive you know so you find a cat like I would have to be in his or her life life you know cuz I heard you you can they can be like dogs actually it could be more friendly if you are involved in their life and they all sit but the problem is the sandbox because unless you have like an entire house for that sandbox your whole place is going to be taking over so then the toilet training so it's a lot it's a lot of sacrifice well I haven't even lived in the human yet let me see thank you for honor question we're gonna start with the picture mentioned we're gonna go from table to table so let's start this one and go around kind of like the way out there love them so this table want to get up and stand right [Music]
Channel: jun jun
Views: 70,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xjSJJMYxksY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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