Sebastian Stan panel at Wizard World Portland 2018

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the fact that Peter great happen to be also near you know he was there Parker attorneys-at-law that was so great that what happens yeah and so then when Howard deducted that they and that was just like what the drinking exam is I actually even kinda think Howard Stern's oh my god I mean what would the New York scene that you described me obviously yeah yeah you know I mean the fact that they got to make Robert Redford look like he used to look in the Sundance Kid make it the technologies but really while they did a much better job with his mustache than they did on Henry Cavill [Music] [Laughter] to see it but I heard it was uh it was there it was there it was talking point certainly yes it was a talking point that had come has come up a few times we had a few quite a few of you people felt a certain kind of way about that thing it was just like that she was saying this is your your favorite Marvel film out of all of the you know you know I just found out how many Marvel movies there actually are I didn't even know do you know how many 1882 is whether you have been featured in the most after credits and I'm trying to meet you want my way back to see if there's more for know I just before so and who else features I bet you maybe Sam Jackson no actually cuz he's only in life - these are the using the first one obviously who would be who who's been the most after credits character that when we say your interval to this universe set up what's coming next your you are the phase three gallon it's you it's like me but then also like 37 other guys saying like listen you guys admit anything pretty same like they're gonna cause a riot cuz they're like oh my god he's already here it's terrible it's warm horsey yeah it's fun by the way when are they gonna make that sequel let's what amazing would that be you know what's in action as I'm looking at I know this conversation is really only happening between you me that's it nobody else is here bill the way the most reasonable hearing situation nobody is reporting this down so we can talk about all kinds of things that's why nobody here knows that the darn easy Alex you're stuck on the planet that's why exactly and then they go back through time which is crazy in the end up in Jurassic period at that town Chris Brown's that's why that's why 87 characters were concerns in this bone eight seven characters are confirmed for this film a strong 42 yes yeah all of them are all Trump all later seven characters okay out of the two Avengers movies in selecting which one was your favorite Avengers just G Spears was he well used that's hard that's not I didn't I did think the when [Applause] [Music] like because a man widow had that conversation of was I'm the first person you've kissed since you've been in follow these like that was that was on the that was in the capture at what a soldier as it was to the night exactly exactly all right so we got a couple more people coming in we've already got people lined up for questions let me just put this out here right now do not ask but there's a truly I'm just gonna tell I'm just gonna tell the truth is this Disney is a multi-billion dollar company and they have shoes [Applause] [Music] all right so so we just open this up what do you put in that character Pluto listen I'm still trying to figure out how Mickey can own a dog what is goofy [Music] Disney's more mysterious the girl was not as cool beneath as cookie so ladies and gentlemen I need y'all to make some noise for Sebastian sting [Applause] I love you guys too so we're waiting again yes this environment yes with the bright lights and all our friendships how you been good yeah you know since I've seen you let's see you know last time I saw you I just he's technically this morning but no you don't hear cut now is in yes yes when you were very coy about the next appearance that we would see you in we didn't know some things anybody else obviously deke offer it so are you aware of who the white wolf has been in the comics yeah I started down I started looking it up because once once I realized you know did that connection I thought I should research it but I didn't know that nobody had told me that what we were doing the one scene and it was you know it was let me say was something really actually very funny about that scene it's definitely better the way it is now I think is you know but that scene was at least eight more minutes longer that point we stopped and it was like a war acquisitive Bucky you know like he was like kind of really going like what are they calling me it's them he you know and she would she was telling him a little bit about it and they kind of have more of an interaction and then he like walked over and started hanging out with the elders and playing with the kids but one of these days I think was gonna release like you know I think they're gonna do that that would be somebody tweet that tweet that they should do that alright so that was just my geeky question and we got that out of the way yeah what people I have no idea like that's it's an amazing another amazing kind of sort of way that the character could go which is kind of I'm not saying I would love it but I would love it you already know all right so let's go ahead and start on your questions now we are gonna ask you to be a little cognizant those people behind you if you can duck down that would be appreciated all right so we're gonna start right here to bring the balance back over here and over here okay we got that all right but I was gonna happen without that to do best but what my question for you is what life experiences do you John in order to portrayed bucking so well like he has such this such an interesting journey from beginning to end you know he was this kind of suave dive and whatever was you know it was just it's nothing it's you go as long as you go I mean you're learning as you go over the least with the character that kind of keep busy but the comic books were a huge thing and you know I was always a fan of the 40s and 50s and just kind of like studying that period a little bit and imagining sort of where you know and it was a decision of kind of starting him off and I'm gonna sit in a place where we knew that would be very different from where he would end up and just you know that that's kind of those decisions with me but I think if you haven't figured it out yet I probably always better when I talk less so I don't know maybe you know when they when they when they were like let's take the lines away became a lot easier something or you just put forth that that energy even more we're like yes well the Winter Soldier stuff like I remember I used to just listen to a lot of music all the time over and over again because it was just helping you know you kind of have something going on even after even when we were shooting not you know wasn't seeing the music but while we weren't shooting I was and then I would just kind of play that those songs over in my head and hear now so it just always looked like something was going on everyone wants to know what was the top song on that playlist [Applause] [Music] [Applause] distinguished competition that's not bad way to pull from them that was and I was an amazing it's a true true true very true not very nice thank you thank you [Music] the weirdest the biggest fear I have being asked that question well you know the biggest fear I think I have is not having enough time believe it or not like I nowadays I'm just so conscious of time like I feel like there's so much stuff left to do you know there's so much there's and and I'm really thinking a lot about how many hours in a day there are and what do you do with your time you know and I think my biggest fear is like you know time going by I was whining and not having you know done all the things I've thought about or you know or even it could be even the smaller things sometimes you want to say something and you don't say that you can read it you know and it's like just saying you know cuz maybe you won't get a second chance or whatever saw it so I feel like maybe wasting time might be the weirdest you know like everybody else you know I'm sure I'm harder on myself than I should be at times and that's you know you gotta remember we're all in that you know the solution to that I gotta clarify something what was the thing cuz now you brought it up you know I I didn't even know that a video was taken to be saying that I didn't think that my fans care for me and I and I want to tell you something I was asked for the excessive about the Winter Soldier and I was like it was more of a figure of speech you know sometimes like we don't have a lot of time together we're sitting there and it's moving fast as someone's asking a question I'm already thinking about the other person so it was much more off the cuff my response it really isn't the way I feel I promise I I know how much I love you too there's two accounts you know we care about and and and also the the fundraiser that was for this charity our big day out and remaining these were orphan kids I mean it's unbelievable what what you guys have done and money you contributed so thank you for that and trust me I'm with you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like off the shelves and I was messing for the kids that I can put up in the area where the Marvel books are like something that you hope that they today you hope that they could learn yeah I learned from you too are where your character first of all I have a message to you please keep reading and then second seriously like let me tell you one thing like it's getting harder and harder because because you really don't have to all the time but there's something so important about it that you don't understand it's like your imagination it's the only way your mind like exists is so personal to you you like you because when you read there's nothing for you to like grab onto me but I was going to say that you know just you know every every character has a past and don't be so quick to judge anybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you were control the bodies bodies [Music] [Applause] [Applause] actually that would be so crazy he may go to sleep someone else takes her to everybody for one day if you wake up the next day with all the consequences you can think about what I do that can imagine [Applause] max cookies so man that you did through that help me thank you [Music] so I actually had a question about well you know that was definitely not an easy feat I mean actually I came here in the last month of Portland was was when I when I came to do research on that moon in January of last year which is so it's very weird even coming to this Airport it's really crazy because I used to remember you know just from the footage and there anything like that's where they would come and once you fly back but you know I'm not sure if I ever really made it in there completely or anyone if anybody ever could you know it's really hard to understand someone it really is difficult I mean like we come with so many preconceived ideas and things that we usually feel about ourselves that we don't realize that we immediately we throw on the other person you know and and I'm not talking about Jeff I'm just talking about it regular buttons you know in terms of to him you know I just had to follow what was in the script I didn't really have much choice there and that was like the challenge because usually you know you do have kind of like your imagination and build something and put something together but here I had to like you know a mold myself to this person and and it was hard I mean there are some days that were easier than others but you know you try and do the best you can it works you can't just you know I feel like as an actor sometimes I feel like you do have this duty you gotta you gotta show all the good side and the bad side of human beings you know in me what they're capable of so that we all learned from it I guess thank you so much captures kind of a horrific moment in pop cultural history like you brought something really interesting to it so I definitely agree cosine all the way yes hello Winter Soldier after [Music] now honestly they haven't even gotten to like hang out I feel like you're like when have they hung out since 1947 have they ever gone out for a drink but think about it like now they get together and be like two old men on a porch I don't know but I but I I certainly want to see that scene it would be great to see that scene one day Steve was given a list of things to look up what do you think will be on your list of things to kind of catch up on as Bucky self-help section okay man life is beautiful okay I guess I'll watch that I don't know you know he would have to in a way he'd have to have probably very similar less nice you know in a way but we were talking with Tia Leticia and I were talking a lot about kind of like what did she do to get Bucky you know kind of back what did she do what do you guys think will play good dodge good that was Winter Soldier he's like yep no good job what do you guys think we should do something cool to deprogram his neck do you guys did you guys have a sea life samurai that movie yes that to me was you know if you see kind of like what happens with Tom Cruise's character in that movie like sort of how he gets he goes to in a way that you know faces nightmares he goes through all that whole sort of transformation and he's just finally you know they they test them and they they kind of put him in situations to gain his trust for him to gain their trust and then eventually he actually learns about the culture and he becomes one of them in a way I feel like that's how I think that time because he's been there before the screening at the London premiere you haven't a melted shirt and a jacket was that was a color scheme inspired by the mystery man you know I work with this really amazing stylist his name is John tan and I and I always season but because he's like you have to wear some you have to wear something that's not black that's so it was honestly I had just seen that jacket and I like bomber jackets and so I just I don't know I was like oh thanks did you like it though did you like his outfit I had feelings [Music] did you just say Tommy to see you turned around it's a good punch that way we don't get nobody in trouble well I can't really answer that because that would insinuate that everybody was there at the same time you know they're like three minutes so you know that's how I feel about it [Laughter] brace and why it means not this country name means before doing something let me give a watcher what's your safe place where's your favorite place to just be not necessarily city or country but like the particular room in your house or something like that what's your favorite place my favorite place I don't know I just every time I come back and I see that skyline and that terrifying Drive of just for me but you know I do feel like I need to be in nature once in a while and then when I do that you know if I'm there I'll go to like a central park under a tree yeah or I don't say the water was pretty too like you know [Music] you know but but yes I water is important for sure whether it's in California that's a good one protect yourself hi my name is Maddy and my question flies when you're a little kid who did you identify like what what Marvin character did you identify with as a little kid and why wish I had characters when I was a little kid I didn't have characters your farmer will read than that that's like you know but you know I remember like the first which is like I watched like really crazy stuff when I was growing up like I mean I was a big big wrestling fan I did I was big but no I was like super fairy even like really Dollar Man like all that they're all the older ones you know I call I think it's okay because it was just incredible state place but but I'm just gonna say you want to think that left here about not about performance with the coffee obviously and stump right that started here and the original one that's the one that I went to but another one my favorite places that isn't the big bookstore I love that place around that area couches no fighting where's ha thank you hello hi I'm wondering what is your favorite villain from the DC Comics no as you'll see you're the lizard fantastic huh thank you that is awesome I was literally Civil War favorite scene in Civil War I think is the whole escape sequence you know [Applause] which is so crazy I was like I can't believe thank you thank you hello hi my name is koi and essentially you played three different buckets you played 1940's winter so it's called get latisha two times sorry yes they're all interesting you know I'm like now it's like I guess bunkie number four you know I mean he's kind of like I don't know it's a little bit back to number one inch [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so obviously you've had some interaction with Letitia since the movie came out yes well yeah so she and I were in London recently and we were paired together to do the press stuff and it was hello hi he said Chris Evans cuz it's the one person you don't for sure that he knows in that movie I would probably have to iron after goods [Music] you know those are my plan my right and my left like what kind of forever all across my back thank you hello whoa it's like that my name is Josh one question and one quick request so my friend Cory over there really wanted a hug from you today and you mean the world to me if you could do that for a pause oh can we not do that so can do that right here okay sorry save it for like the autograph area because they can't crowded everybody's be like yeah I'm Sarah in that just the question was if you were cast as Luke Skywalker because you look exactly like what kind of story well what kind of story languidly like for them to have Wizard World has to get Mark Hamill listen to be at the same time be so strange listen the only story like whatever really realistically you know entertain would be what happened and not to return the Jedi never wanted to do anything bad but I don't know I don't know you know it depends I gotta do some research I mean what happens to in return it would be you playing Kyle Reese because you do favor would be quite a bit so if we can find out what Kyle Reese was doing before he went back yes we're not a comic supination that movie never came out okay before Terry our one right now has there ever been a free before Terminator what like yeah it's mass hysteria we're all like yeah salvation I remember that all right we gonna I just got the nod so we're gonna have to burn through these questions are you ready there we go hi my name's Lori [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] what Star Wars character would he go begins like the very recent ones I can't name the character and you know what was that character [Applause] [Music] [Music] the biggest I think and it's really hard to kind of like get down with it but it's no expectations you know advice that's that's the big thing that I got one time someone said to me they're like you have to follow in the process and not the end result and your brain and your ego and everything is always gonna fight you on that because it's always gonna be like well what am I doing this for or what's it gonna be when I get there well why should I do you know put in all this work if everything is gonna and the thing is like it's just it's always about you got to just love the process you know and not what in the end result and that that might be in a final question my name is Jonathan and not as much of a question but just a kinda weird anecdote I was one of the few people who loved the NBC TV show kings Kancil way too soon it was a super awesome show it would have been going if it was coming out now yeah it was awesome but I was named after Jonathan from the Bible who you played in that TV series so I felt kind of weirdly a kid to you so I got a fan go forward what would have season two of Kitty's been like and thank you because I love seeing you make it big because I've loved you since the beginning [Applause] yeah I think I think we actually spoke about that and by the way what was gonna and they were planning an Iranian and it was gonna be Jack who's gonna be the king he was gonna have David be his like constantly area and that that was and then they were gonna rule together the whole thing from the start all the way but the two of them would have been you know like on the same side of this time that is Michael Green who is an amazing run it was it was a it was honestly because I think that they did to be honest I don't think that they had marketed well and at the time unfortunately and it was we were gonna be on Thursdays after dr tough slaughter to us no but that was gonna be a good that was gonna be them that when he always wanted it you see it's like Thursday and then we got moved to Sunday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys don't leave don't leave don't leave we need a big old selfie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Green Circles
Views: 82,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SmKNfSE3zgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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