Captain America Civil War Team Cap Press Conference w/ Chris Evans, Kevin Feige, Paul Rudd +

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the voice of Anthony Mackie will be followed by so awkward I like it is Sebastian Stan get out you a city it's happening south for seven I this is fun captured I thought it was gonna be like a table right I thought was the surprised to action on it a so very comfortable with keep it real for Elizabeth Olsen stalling for a stool our microphones to be attached to Jerry better our director we have not yet heard from Joe Russo and then welcoming back Kevin fire literally a part of the transcription now scoot your boot here also use on team ironmans pretty awkward Oh God flip the coin right Chris I want to show you the first question here because you've known the Marvel Universe Olympians everyone in the film is so well represented in some balance do you feel and even make a responsibility when you're a part of a movie whose first two words of the title is captain I mean I think there's pressure but I don't think he's anywhere near the pressure that be honest people like movie sort of Marvel field honestly is movies with an eye based on the directors of the producers and how we've all seen phenomenal actors and great scripts that still deficient in a good way and it really goes to show that a movie much die based on the directors you can have all the other pieces in place unless you have all these storytellers and they fall in place so get this pressure but because ninjago well I want to open it up because there are plenty of questions like I think I need it but first of all I went telling you guys for my money better than force awakens and I saw all agree thank you Paul and the storytelling here is superb but beyond the storytelling Joe you and Anthony have done a terrific job of melting the action in with the story is a very component cohesive seven district part how difficult was it choreographing all the action sequences especially a lot of the there's more closed order in this one I think especially between you sebastian and eucharist in the hallway sequences I know it's not about you oh I get it but how difficult challenging wasn't in your considerations in the milk of the action of bringing it to life you know I want to repeat with my brother said on a prior panel but no action is very important to us his movies are about action and characters express themselves through action action has to have storytelling to it for so it's back to us superficial than that you know you can you'll get tired of an action sequence if it's not either defining the character or moving the story forward in some way it takes an incredible amount of effort and thank God we have such an incredible team of collaborators including Katherine and Marcus McFeely and made more who works in our role as well who can who can work with us and keep us honest in terms of the storytelling and this cast who are also the caretakers of the characters in a way that we never could be so if you know it's by far way the hardest thing to do on phone the easiest thing to do on a phone is when you have a soda very leveled cast like this to to put down dramatic scenes camera especially with the factors of this caliber who complain as far as for as long those are something we hardest thing we do is is the is executing the action and I think the toughest sequence by far misspelling which we literally probably just finished a week or two ago let's enter the airport sequence it's filled with a lot of moving parts a lot of different characters you want to move each character forward or make sure that you're not leaving anybody behind and I think went well into the post process still reshaping and be thinking and reconfiguring that sequence to make sure that it has its maximum a storytelling thrust hood over on that side right there please Dabangg thank you for having us today Mr Bond some bread coming wrestling against each other me junior it is just our that's one hilarious so I'd like to ask this question to all of you if you challenge someone achieve I am Occupato what kind of chemical j'tia is the opponent on the one goodbye what team are like a game you already know - so who's your buddy well I probably want to aim low you know you don't want to play addition he's gonna really and I think you know in order to survive I probably take like widows usually she's human you know but without a matter from a character standpoint all the time and our character development on fiction is a transfer and so I think she was removed on the review found game if you need n to keep the choice of wood so I'm going to go and so what kind of other games like you maybe you want to Oh what other yeah you know I get a lot of questions when you when we when we shot that scene here for what everyone kind of legs it did anyone with the impulse play Red Rover guys we did that would be a good one features my question actually is for all the actors I wanted to ask you about doing that Airport sequence and how that was for you how many days it was what was the most challenging part of that and were you satisfied when you saw the finished product yeah it was great news hot its Atlanta and August so everyone's was toasting there's only a couple scenes where you know a couple shots where you know you might have that one 5050 where everyone fighting together the most part is pics and pops and you just getting pieces so it's a lot of waiting around but you really have a confidence that is going to be something special you can see into the joke space in Kevin Cabot is so excited when these moments work it's a meticulous process because he's such a grand scheme so on the day it's not as cool and romantic as you think it would be but but there's an energy on setting and excitement that keeps you invested knowing that it's going to be something but it's hot will say that these guys won really fast I mean he'll horse day and I really wanted everyone to slow down please pumping those arms and falling behind get up here was there a lot it was there a matter like wire stuff where you attach to things I wish I got any more better because of time reasons I did landings light a nice freeze that poor reality over there or use with that Marquess with Port Paul or do you say I believe this belongs to you Captain America was that improvised and how many other different line did you try out several different ways of saying that because I just seems so you and Jeremy kill the messengers amazing I don't know I think that was in that I think that was always in the script the ones you eat you know we sometimes would play around with lines and stuff while we're shooting and these guys would suggest things and then sometimes we come up with the thing to after the fact one of the great thing about having a mask is that if you think of a great joke after you've done nope the magic to anything so yes they are but that was I think that was one of us that was always actually this is still following to you Paul because then you know sirens did sort of Oh spider-man theme like one of the better parts the movie but I also thought your part is great like a fanboy of the group cause you know you're really excited I mean outside where you worked to get beat in the end giant versus small how I felt as far as being a fanboy the route that that was not really was very little acting required and that scene from me you know they will work together and done this before I just seen the movies I mean I Margar me so to be there on the day I kind of couldn't stop geeking out about it oh my god there's that arms there's more looking like that that kind of that kind of thing even when I was getting the Sudan you know there's this area where we get changed and it's like bothers Iron Man suit and there they all are I did I did feel that that excitement of what I can't believe that I landed here this is mess so it was physical I would deal with one is good work so it was a little less impressive with - value a half yeah that's cool oh yeah I know that I believe their Austrians that get away hey you know one in seven or yeah tomorrow I'll say over there my question is for Devin Joe I got to introduce a lot of the bud centric superheroes into the mix of a stone but we saw and they haven't spider-man no wasp plain decision behind not praying and Edwin Lillian pistol there were drafts where wasp participated in the splash penalty by the airport appear for battle and the truth is it it you took away two funding for suit up the first time I'm seeing her on that road being here OPP experience that was that man in in his own movie became spider-man and Men moving and we have big plans and later down the title of pulse a sequel and then and wasp so we have very plans unveil her hearted movie not a moment a question for you because it's kind of hard it is like an excited fan to like live in the moment of the movie because once you see like oh my god what's next right and I was wondering as the Marvel Universe and like with some of the Netflix shows being considerably Dharma having a different phone do you feel that ripple effects are going to be felt from shows like that in the further cinematic universe it might be but I think what I love is is connecting in the film medium in television medium the reflection of what the comics suppose there's always been a great university television comics and I love that they were seeing more more of that on the pond I'm very screen send that again that's hello Greece we said read more like that you should go when you made it first at an American I told you like that very well controversial Latin America for different reasons but it's been an interesting evolution your character and he was supposedly like protecting the true like the over Khatami's in this case to just reject him deposited the government control the heavy the united nations are going to talk about that that's very interesting this was a very subtly well with regards to but whether that was always firmly named America whether or not that we kind of polarized some audiences with the name American English we stand for is something that you paper describes a world war buddy honor and rallying values that's something fun anywhere but in terms of who bends about the arc of his character he's always kind of fought for the great ability was always trying to put the needs of the masses before his own desire that's exactly what's there in his film instead of the kind of books that can look under laughter second instead of kind of getting dedicating himself forward what others need in his film kind of prioritizes became lost which is a departure from what he's normally related to so so I think he again it colors the character in a really nice way of the guidances incredibly austere and moral character it's hard time finding ways to make him layered in dynamic acting in this movie he becomes potentially selfish where he kind of takes his own desires Fergus but it's rooted in family which is I think it is a turbine in all Baker you know family Jerry I want to ask but as we got to know Hawkeye more happy why do you feel that he joined cap side immediately by the time we're born here in the hood it's better that the enemy more cognizant today is not far cry from the capsule anyway because that's how I see principal he has dented her brother's settlement she doesn't for us it's a yep that's actually if I also keep calm kind of enter question actors always fill in the gaps in the backstory in their head so it informs the character that is demonstrated that you ever seen what is all about finances what is something that you know about your character that we don't know good question yeah I kind of on board but I think some agree I mean this is almost like something certain things you want to share certain things you don't agree it's almost nice onyx or parts of church that are intimate and ultimately in the end the day these guys do a good job of fleshing out the tones they want you to see better than we ever could that's one of the things when I was just interview management in the Russos and they were just talking about how they form these stories and form these arcs and you wouldn't think these things I'm kind of deviated question but it just goes for you for now because it blew my mind I've known these for a long time now and you're having an interview and they were talking about how they're going to a meeting sometimes you think with these movies in giant normal means any big will be weak Alakazam occasion you assume there's some sort of formula some algorithm that kicks and there's 30 people in suits being like this is what it needs to be but the truth is it really is Joe and Anthony Kevin and made in Rome mapping out stories for so many characters so many marks and they're making them believe they're making them actually fleshed out of Arts and conflicts that are worthy of a film it's all the explosions in the world aren't going to make you care and it's not to think that it really comes from a few people brains and that again just this is not exactly a question that I think is worth bringing onto the blue myelin that moves for a while that's the kind of realize it really does start from just a few people the end I want to redirect that to you Sebastian because I'm taking this with me what is Christoph you get Bucky back in wet right and so is there what was what was your process like in this film as opposed to Winter Soldier when he's not himself he's not be captive well just to piggyback on what Chris said you know I think I'm always fascinated by the same things just don't bring down all writers whisper in steering which is phenomenal we write script that gave every character moment art you know Arkin and particularly I think they were the ones that kind of figured it's at the temperature of lucky marks you know how much of the guide is back from first to me how much of the winter soldiers there and the memes just sort of taking it off the page and following them you know but a lot of that I think is determined in the in the writing and then also in the decision that these guys make you know and the fun part for me is I never know you know where they going to take so in the last movie I remember you practicing a knife look with the plastic silverware yeah did you do were you thinking that the sound is you many it all right Trevor nor key will be pilot calm the question for Elizabeth so in age of Ultron we're all like scared of your powers and then in Civil War you started to gain some confidence but slow cannot really control you're so terrified to think Scarlet Witch will ever being able to have the confidence of I mean I think when I would start to feel confident there's more it was about four powers just more about very accomplished she had been making a big mistake but I think what's interesting is every superhero has a weakness and I've always thought urgence she's the person who gets away which is kind of limitless and so that's an interesting character Triana what we're going to do next but I'm I think of her as being like an incredibly strong powerful person and I also fun because I feel like she she could flip either way because of her mind she may be very long things that costume favor that not control of that and I think this film was a lot about just conflict in general of what's right how to use your abilities or whatever I think that those consistent came from a little thumb so I think which is written that is supposed to her being not confident she is on a growth arm it is it is part of her develop it was very tricky with very powerful characters because unless they have an internal struggle or a flaw that limits them that they do become one the place and then the storytelling becomes muddled and not very interesting you know she could stop that fetid Airport five seconds of sheer the kingdom so really you know really has to do with her character specifically going out of charity understand what the limits of a power powers are makes a mistake very girly movie it sets her back and you know we'll get to see where she goes infinity over on that side okay guys Joe may to Philadelphia Daily News my question to him one for Chris one of my gosh such moments I mean the human side the same goodbye to Peggy and then also the joy of making a pass for the first time in 75 years and forgive me or Glavine I'm afraid on the joy of nectar past child anybody and heaven simply you have a pleasant problems it's like I think after this film everybody had such a high point everybody can carry your own solo film people are going to be clamoring for a Captain America for and maybe warmish a movie and that'd be a good idea and how do you deal with that Pleasant moment how do you what how do you deal with that pleasant problem the other one thing I want great hey basic methods that's listen marbles and I'm you know I've been really talking a lot about this impressed but it really is fully of course of the you know I've been doing it for a while now and you've really is nice to kind of step back a bit first over here near the involvement of the franchise you're very internal when you're scared about being the thing that's going to cause it you're going to be awful and you're very terrified very ego exam but as you plan to continue on the journeys you kind of feel that how amazing it is what they're doing what they're accomplishing and how fortunate you are to be part of it this unbelief holes inter webbing of stories and you kind of are just so fortunate to be part of it I say Keep Calm let's keep going that cuts the wave gets bigger and bigger by stopping it's not to make bedrooms and making great movies and you want to keep putting in this superhero box you can but the fact is it's still good movies it's good movies that debate especially Rousseau's they ground them in such an offensive way it's real humans real stroke real conflict could cinematic storytelling with like a stream of superhero flavor in it so I say King Kong like if you can keep going keep doing this while you're sitting because I actually had a moment did a rose think of the vacuum back to the Future trilogy and to me like I feel like and then I remember this this village in same way that's hard it's amazing it's amazing that it's happens unprecedented in its it's I don't know how to do it outside of the the use of the existing properties of the comic book world and it's and they they've got a knock me I got going no one else from trying you know what I mean it's really unbelievable to try and venture out of these on charter waters and do it so well it it's just really impressive what was the first part then something else here but ere you open yeah okay that's but again making out it certainly has a nice element of steam struggle you know you got you know it's like when you have friends you had from high school and you try and make your present high school get allowing friend from college it's this blending to the world and Steve has this part of him where it's [ __ ] begging from his old life and then he has this new family and this movie makes these worlds collide and it's typical challenging and to serve the boss with dry guys Hannah and then lots of Becky the last Peggy certainly makes up of the last remaining parts team that is a part of his his old self is his his memory of home of who he is before this shield was in ominous sound suicide just the to steam it was in for had this responsibility but if they aren't the facial in that please but it's it's nice too you know when you do this Peggy Buckley becomes someone's more meaningful and it really becomes that's what motivates needs become selfish you got the most selfless guy in comic books all of a sudden saying I care a little bit more about my relationship than what it means to you guys and and he's taking his current family the guys only looking for place to Facebook with her home and he's found it with his current Avengers but [ __ ] he's that Achilles heel and it's it's impossible hitting that against his current family who chooses his old family which is again a little bit of a selfish thing but that's something they've done before and it's it's new territory it's a gray area that he has very Joe uses this and I love it he seems a very binary guy this or that and and with [ __ ] me and become grey and I think it's tough for him and she was in [ __ ] so there you go in Civil War cap he's 90 he's selfish 90 kiss all the time that we've got two guys thank you so much
Channel: MouseSteps / JWL Media
Views: 297,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney, Marvel, Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks, Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Kevin Feige, Captain America, Captain America Civil War
Id: 2MTbJzBzuVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2016
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