Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie Panel WWCCC
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Channel: Phoebe Svoboda
Views: 400,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, WWChicagoCC, CCC, Wizard World, Wizard World Chicago Comic Con, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America, Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Falcon
Id: np8kNRcThGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 24 2014
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Here's the hilarious quote at 23:36:
Cap and Falcon go looking for Winter Soldier. They find him. They go through this traumatic ordeal of him transforming back into Bucky. Then, once he goes back to Bucky and we get all the craziness out of his head, then we become a three-man duo β heβs got a shield, heβs got an arm, and heβs got wings - and we go out, and we save the world. Cue theme song. And then we go beat up Batman and Superman.
In all seriousness, you guys should check out the video! Tons of fun questions about TFA, TWS, the MCU and other stuff. And after watching the video I have to say that Anthony Mackie is a really really funny guy.
RIP Anthony. Those goddamn Marvel snipers must have got him. Damn you! Damn you all to hell!
Now that's sensationalism in a headline.