Captain America: Winter Soldier's Sebastian Stan & Anthony Mackie Panel WW Philly

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I didn’t think about that, This is truly unfortunate if we don’t get any of the dead cast members on the press tour. :(

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mdani1897 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
the fans like you Captain America the Winter Soldier has grossed over 700 million dollars worldwide hey listen get a copy for one second you guys are the experts MP front row the first time I saw it I've seen it two or three times up it is first time I saw I was like this is the best movie marbles ever done enough for me without further ado you waited long enough let's bring our Sebastian Stan thank you I know you confused all the time in office loss they will see on your left oh very good I waited all day to sit into Ivy League school fellas congratulations on a success in a movie star views the bachelor second ago I'll see the handful of times it is phenomenal best movie marble that's not enough saying something that's what I saw but I've known me never to go back to New Orleans I'm gonna happen if all over it's my first time ever the question of meeting you you look like a regular chill do with as bad as with the soldier come from I mean you can never be matches really T stop you thank you thank you very much I don't know I think the costs are really kind of helped me out a lot you know just sort of not recognizing myself and wearing a masculine all that fun stuff how physically taxed an anthony start with you how physically taxing with some of these things you guys at the fight sales were amazing and how many times you jump off of a building and you're out of a window from the 44 school Anthony didn't really fight good I tried not to have a great stuntman so they show us a free vids of the car flipping that's when lifting in the air and the door falling off in them sliding behind the car on the door and I go Erin your turn but not it's a time what is this home oh this is loud feel like I'm in an hour should we taking off anytime soon well before nobody's proposed was nothing get a lot of our I saw the proceeding to talk much in the movie and beyond so many lines that already came out but Sebastian can you dunk it in a regular but I are sorry I am I'm talking about his action Captain America even though this guy every time I turn around he's always there true story true story I heart Sebastian so bad Ashton and Mac attack what you put mine on this evening tell them I need you reach like this is not the time are you serious do you want to know wait don't make it weird did you bring Sebastian numbers I gave it to him already good okay well you know what enough for me or we could talk all day but the people have been waiting you already so let's get to some questions you want honest that's honest how the words are so cute little with it thank all my soldiers and ranges my question probably did a similar Freddie sorry you guys have some really complex gossips and I was wondering if you got what the funniest story you have of any costume malfunction I think the amount of true story for him to get in this cast I thought your turnip up here's yourself no no not my costume was nice my hands yeah real cool sounds fun we're the wings you see come and they would literally take like a five-gallon bucket of Crisco oil and Robbie and they put him in a caster within the arm would come so they would take jelly and fill the arm up it would always do this thing in the world we sitting there if you like I'll just put some of this in mind he's like I don't to do the one for me was there was a small right where I'm supposed to like I'm chasing a Black Widow and I'm like I run up on this car like I position myself for them for the shop and then I felt like a few times and then one time I guess in their movie is the one timing that fall yeah take 12 there when I got it cut all right moving on moving up where there's a good at again it was probably the close-up because like my pants have like literally ripped in the right the rest of everything he was just punching right everywhere Decepticon whereas a newcomer imagine how exciting was this for you to be a part of this franchise and a plate of Falcon who's a very good London character it was a it was great and I I didn't grow up I grew up on you know baseball college at five New York and you know I've been hounding marvel for five years I was like yo and so Clinton you go to put a brother in movie now for cheap or you can wait so later I get a mail from them saying don't call us anymore we call you so six months later while telling me that meet with the Russo brothers and enabling the producer and they couldn't tell me the name of the movie what the character's name was what the story was about what I was doing they just wanted to know if I was going to be in tomorrow for movie is that okay so I said hey are you it just worked out I mean utilizing actors it's kind of like winning the lottery is like being nominated for the Academy Award you know it's funny I've been in two movies at won Best Picture American come on people like I get secondary poster oh you dig this has been huge possible the art person yeah so if you guys could tell Steve Rogers to keep something from the past what would be like vinyl records or something like I would tell him never to use CDs always use vinyl okay right you give a trouble man you are actually inside your belly in the film what would you build absolutely drives us to keep some yeah other than Black Widow yeah like something to not I guess update or whatever a jury said you finalists at the CDs for instance but she will frozen to so you don't really know duty you're not personnel walk you're gonna return really Courtney what I know him oh she's slipping back ok wait the serious question not speaking cones not like cassette tapes I always I always like to set agent make my mixes of stuff right kind of is why not you keep that I'll keep that but that's not from the past that's like our generation I don't know I mean all right but okay let's go from the past to the future the question on everybody's mind you've been asked that a million times are you going to take this yield one day that's a story are either roll up the partition okay would you like to take a one day yes yeah we're doing right I don't know look it's not up to me you know I'm just I'm just I'm just showing up on there when they're calling I mean that's that's it but I with my little black widow when I sold your story no but sugar I mean you get the last line of the movie what do we start right so I mean you're obviously on the loose you want to recap in America because they're discussions yet about how what we're going to maybe see part of three or is it just still taking it far to not ever enjoy the ride right yeah that's that's all it is although some school somehow I feel like even if you did know anything you would share oh I know oh yeah you know you know know maybe it seems maybe learn something it's really good - yeah listen much they're better at asking questions in Ireland my questions for both Sebastien and you are both amazing actors from the roles that we are you see you in but I was wondering would you ever want to host out in life together my dreams is to host Saturday Night Live it's easier to get hit by a line drive home run outside of Yankee Stadium walking down the street go get a slice itza then it is what brother knows every night I literally crosswalk I'm gonna Google brothers a line number real rap that's truth so yes of course like 100% I would be terrified as hell thought I'd be so nervous I don't know what I would do honestly but what I would do it in a second thing my question is for Sebastian I've been a fan of you since the Covenant and the white no my question is obviously following through with you and all of these characters that you play they're very angsty very deep dark characters so what is it this is shallows I just I just walked into the wall back there what's your question sorry horrible people what is it like obviously you know you've said that you're very like of any clearly a happy person what is it like to play such an empty characters and when to soldier and do you take that away once the cameras are off how do you relax and not carry that when you only remember that as so do I do I look like a person that's very relaxed you know here's the thing I never thought of like the winter soldiers being empty you know it's actually the opposite you know because the guys got so much going on he just never knows like it's always it's always like an extreme version of a DD to me you know like he keeps getting flashes of things he sees things to maybe he recognizes or he doesn't like his mind is constantly going it's all over the place so I don't know I I mean did I just stay in character I just tried to I listen to a lot of music when I was the morning and yeah is this what it was like with the to you guys when the cameras were I'm so happy we were all set that's not the same because you had never gotten over done we actually never talked until the premiere in London and he showed up and I by within you is I guess the winner so yeah well they're like what you're doing that you're doing the whole all the interviews with Anthony Mackie and I'm like like one way see when we talk to the language it doesn't hit it over well thank you y'all see the little ball yeah no that's great together is what I'm winning you know like a partnership so I told me to do purge gas and a sin instead but you need to be honest I really do it because you that young lady hi okay so my question is both of you equated a couple different characters and ends hey I know how dedicated you were to getting a more of a role but are there any other like specific types of characters that you look forward to play I don't usually work go ahead and answer that question I have a few you know passion projects I feel like Jesse Owens is one of my passion projects I've been working on since my first day of acting to be ominous to be weird don't make it weird I would love to play Napoleon Napoleon isn't Corsica that's the land of the Moors but yeah he's just always been an instrumental figure and happy like everything I've read about him the way you know everything is done those two people you know other likes of all fairy I've always wanted to play Liliana Wow thinking they should do a fire I would rather do that a second the other the other thing that I always wanted them to make was the movie version of the the autobiography of The Motley Crue book and I would want to hear something so those are the two things I've been passionate about smokey and abandoned 90% of audience don't know what that is but Netflix's is Bertram's keepin it classy we had a monkey at one point it just got free so yeah that's one of my favorite okay I'll first of all I kind of candy first of all I kind of can't believe I'm asking questions I'm kind of freaking out so if I stutter that's why reponse is the free cone second of all obviously this film has an incredibly dedicated group of fans and one of the ways that that's been expressed a lot on the internet it's through fan fiction one of those how do you feel about people expressing the love for the story in a way that they want to continue in that they want to look at it from a different angle and really put their own opinions into the story I have no idea what your question can you write it down basically people on the internet there was an enormous archive no no first problem I first brought first problem the I would well it don't do I work so the problem of the other hand it used to be like before you guys were born your parents would go out and somebody would say something crazy and they would have to save it to your face and you would deal with them accordingly men and women but now with the internet people can put their name under psyckadeli P phone and say what whatever they want and there's no consequences for their actions the idea is that's why I don't read it and there are a lot of people on internet they think I'm an awful actor and God bless but you men do hot you all know like look I believe anyone should have you know the right side of opinion and say whatever the law right I do think people sometimes use that privileged in in different ways that's sort of like sheep and the thing about it is it's not real yeah believe it or not there's not a dude that's gonna fly in here and I throw kryptonite at him and he can't walk it's not free so the idea of being like oh well the comic book said this so that's not the comic book it's like oh man it's not free I don't know earlier I put your responding professionals at you are you happy so I know you're limited in what you can say about future scripts but that's it I think I'm not but I'm not a fan fiction really is how excited or older you guys is about the possibilities it feels like this is not just a sequel at the beginning of something long-term for both of you in the Marvel franchise that fair to say no absolutely you know hey are you are you are benign movies right so I guess you got them because that's seven I could be I could be standing up here like when I was 45 I'm still trying to be like Wonder so I don't yes hello Winter Soldier Falcon good to see you playing nice today last time you were tearing each other apart you are fighting in the movie way or not today that's what I said my question is since since the movies come out would have been your thoughts on and reaction and even sitting your chain and walking around and seeing winter soldiers and falcons everywhere what are your thoughts on that I think you guys are the best I would think I'll hug my own family the way I've had people out there saying hey you like you a lot too yeah Jepson house so since the I word is tattling so I was wondering I'm glad you all get into your characters very much so and darn it but what happens with the relationships with the characters and half I don't know for the actors what are your relationship with them are you alright I don't like thank you so I didn't know how my act what now the idea is very simple you know acting no theatre is the only profession where it's okay to be schizophrenic if you worked at an office and you go home and you're like no more pencils crazy if you're an actress like oh I gotta release this character yeah it's a job I love the felt a big plate of felt when I got the job to read a falcon I was like ain't nobody else gonna play soon as they go that's the day I say good chick that's very easy to separate yourself in the characteristic character is his own entity so unless you want a whole double that you need show you in the first person singular but like that person that can and I forgot to say you're both very handsome like hey like you winning today okay my question is for Sebastian obviously the Winter Soldier a good 90% in the movie you don't have any wines and you basically had to create your entire character with like your eyes my body language that was one I if you talked a little bit about how you managed to do that ROS allows for powder a medicine ball how you manage to make such an amazing performance without having more than like two lines the entire movie and there's like a fly on the wall I honestly had no idea every day I turned up I was like thirty days right I had no clue what I was doing I mean are you really that you really need I did I did I I was a great you know I I watched a lot of forms there were really good villains and I sort of like I just it was just a compilation of different things but my point is sometimes no matter how much compare until you get there on the day you don't know how things are going to work sometimes you know until I actually had all the whole costume together I didn't I didn't really know how I was going to move in the film so and that I couldn't prepare for that until I showed up on set so sometimes you've got to go say it okay so I know that you guys can't say whether or not you have a part of Enders average age of Ultron but if you were to have a part net what would you hope for your character would do with that beer how would you like to progress well done I would love to have a superhuman deathmatch with Ironman you know you do know I can take no witness holds my ability no I always wanna I was or more in iron you know that's the last that I want to fight I feel like that's the guy I mean what a soldier would wanna fight yeah young lady bumblebee I am big fans and I was wondering if your characters had to die at some point how would you want them to go out you guys are so angry this is one artist I would want to blow up and I want to like Devens have Logie guys like hello the blank uh was it the black Oh what was the blanket over the ears the black elf take the black girl killed or else okay dark Winter Soldier would just dislocate his arm just beat themselves music stop both have some great theater credits to your name I actually got to see picnic intercept would you like to do more in theater work and what would your idea will speak okay August Wilson wrote a play called a meringues black bomb and ironically enough in my very first Broadway play and ironically enough I did it with Whoopi Goldberg who's here today a little stuttering never right so I was like not in on you know old Oh I'm like I want to go back and play the role that I was going to play so my Rainey's black bottom if anybody all know Queen Latifah call her and tell her she shouldn't do it with me and there's another play cause someone who'll watch over me a Franklin Guinness and that play it's timely it's amazing it's poignant is everything that Theatre days right sorry that's what I want for him I'm sorry sandy I I've always wanted to do hurly-burly like I did yeah play I always wanted to do that I think all those characters are amazing I wish I wish you know I hope that one day I can do that hopefully on the stage that's a couple moving on this side yeah also we get to observe good you guys got to work with some really highly playing actors very early in your career was it an intimate experience being so young in your career so like as a ian mcshane when you're engaging our baby yeah absolutely I mean if anything I think they just sort of uh you know just makes you step up to the to the play sort of thing you know these these guys are so professionally important for such a long time they're obviously they carry respect and a certain they have it in McShane Liev Schreiber like some of the people that that I worked with were all bursting like they had a real etiquette about themselves as they carry themselves actors you know they're proud to to be an actor and sometimes I feel like to feel like we're just idiots but you know these guys come from a different generation and they sort of embrace that and it's it's very respectful actually to them so a lot of that stuff kind of was was what I was looking up to when I was working with them and and I just just made me step up and I want to do my best here's this fun for me we did very holiday you know that was a weird process that I have to take myself and then send the tape to claim a swing so like three weeks later they like don't take a job you don't you in a movie it's like that's impossible so fly to LA start the movie and it's Morgan Freeman and like the first week we're doing the boxing scene so you're not walking oh hi Haley like oh you're gonna take an old man like all that stuff was just improv Griffin just going on so he started punching me for real and I'm like oh this is a fuse but you can see he's marching me and I'm like cut elegant go back to plenty like I'm paying you punching me so he's like he would get me in the corner and literally hit one level he would punch me with all this micro pay your dues are you do so the movie was over like I hate this dude if you come out his trailer before I get to my bank right so he comes up to me he's like you know promise of future here's my number here's my email if you need anything I was like oh you know like Jesus hi I guess my question is if you could play any other superhero whether it's marble or even DC who would it be and why I'm not answering that question or good oh don't you take that Winter Soldier attitude and apply wink again I'm not speaking right now any other heroes go ahead oh don't make it weird I would love to play I know it I never had but every time I see the little spats like a little suit come on the orders are not because of DCs all that's in careful already I mean they wrote me a letter as a state yourself like oh I guess I got to be the bad guy I've been told I've been told I'm like y'all I don't want to end this oh this is where you give us the profound intellectual Michael this is where you hit us with real yeah okay all right when we first met I was like a nice doozy I need a thesaurus to talk I turned on Siri I can listen to this yeah oh is that movie was freaking I speak for everybody here I'm just like these guys just bring up happy to be sitting as you guys a huge fan of your work you guys thank you all for entertaining us that was fantastic thank you thank you guys
Channel: The Nerd Element
Views: 419,835
Rating: 4.9870954 out of 5
Keywords: Sebastian Stan (Film Actor), Anthony Mackie (TV Writer), Captain America (Film), Winter Soldier, Wizard World, Falcon, Bucky (Comic Book Character)
Id: -vYQuD1x5Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 25 2014
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