Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan being best friends again! The Falcon and Winter Soldier Press tour

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before becoming an actor what did i originally want to do or become for some reason the first thing that comes to my mind is a butcher but i know i know that's not true um you know nothing about me i'm gonna write you an email all about me and you have to read it i'm gonna remember it i don't know it has to do with fishermen no oh that was later in life very good technology come on oil refinery engineer engineer i wanted to be a mechanical engineer i went to engineering school at mobile oil i studied thermodynamic fluid propulsion sorry i studied mechanical engineering thermodynamics fluid propulsion when i was in school right after you guys met right after my math degree you studied also that film um this is all news to me it certainly makes a case for being the most interesting man you've alive 14 lives what are you talking about what is the nickname that chinese fans have given me oh i don't i don't know many uh chinese fans um oh blue eyes or uh let me see uh oh blue lives coming i call you vanilla sensation so oh chubby dumpling you're not chubby that don't make sense sebastian what's my middle name uh yeah i remember this [Laughter] when things are not online that you need to be are you are you googling me right now are you moving me i'm snuggling you i was charles no no i carl this is a good question because i want to know wayne yeah sebastian which american football team do i support this is the easy one you're the worst friend anyone could have the falcons i mean oh no i love my curse on this new orleans saints of course new orleans i just didn't remember the the name of the new orleans team you're an just putting out your answers no i said hawkeye or whatever you know yeah ambit is a much better character than hawker where was i born uh romania i listen sebastian i know you don't think i do but i care the winner for that game was anthony congratulations you know sebastian better than he knows you it seems in this very true very thanks for pointing that thought into it yeah it's gonna be a daily friday email of facts all the way taking us to 2022. you are a leo you are august august 19th 13. 13 1982 september is anthony september 23rd [Music] i'm 2001. you have some 90s stuff in there officially the first acting credit really was like 92 or something [Music] oh what movies black panther oh snap i was in there for a tiny bit you should be on the poster ah what's the other one well the martian i guess was not i forgot that was nominated yeah i'm gonna go with yours for this it's the falcon and winter soldier themselves anthony mackie and sebastian stan hello you don't even have a clap track dude you don't like hit the button in it you can't hear the applause i always hear the applause going you don't i know i know you do how do i refer to you guys collectively as a unit nowadays is it is it stacky is it stanky how do you what do you go by stink i guess stanky stinky no you ain't all of the mcu films have you seen all 23 marvel films yeah except for the last spider-man but that's just because i always have to be in the right mood in order to see tom holland and and lately i'm less and less just not moving not in that mood wow he's the most likable man on the planet and you are the only two people giving him shade what's going on that's what he wants you to think yeah very true okay here's the big spoiler everybody really wants to know about your relationship who's the better friend with chris evans me and to quote chris evans news to me if okay so if both of you were to text chris right now at the same time who would he respond to first let's see do it we have to send at the same time okay okay hold on let's synchronize okay here we go this is big you ready yep three two one all right all right wow lots of tension chris evans it's up to you who do you love more no cheating let us know i actually texted him anthony i texted him too haha evans just hit me back what are you saying not me it is definitive and he wins oh he got me he see you last second i love him are either of you willing to reveal what he said nothing i text him i love you he takes me back i love you too mish and sebastian i love you hope you're good he goes he beat you by a second that's great that's great it was so close though he went right into quick succession sebastian how do you feel knowing how definitively chris evans loves anthony moore oh i'm okay with that we're okay we're all in the same world we're okay speaking of which this butt belongs to it's america's ass oh i think that's sea bass i think that's sebastian i think that's like a sensation don't you know your own body look at that i knew it i knew it you've spent a lot of time around that you know that i'm expressing in that oh oh yeah we know there it is there it is there's the moneymaker that's the one there it is that's the yep that's the round brown baby that's that's the one evans chose you guys ever discussed on set whose character name uh is a better name for male genitalia falcon or winter soldier you know what never a conversation we have but i'm glad you're thinking about it yeah that's all i think what do you think now that i've i give you that provocative question got to be the winter soldier something about ice and winter doesn't go well no it's just like yeah but you know i would say you're ready for the falcon i mean it kind of it has more of a thing with it you know what i mean here comes the falcon wow oh god a peek into it your teammate isn't a good listener hey i listened what did we say about snapping you know that's a trigger for me why would you even do that i'm j okay i'm just saying there is no i in team but there is an eye in the winter soldier so to have a good team you need a good teammate with an eye in their name pick someone who's always down to earth if you catch my drift but most importantly it helps if they're loyal like someone who's had their buddies back for decades and admittedly someone who can rock eyeliner and a luxurious wig it's not an easy combo to pull off hey thanks man it's really kind you like the eyeliner i okay um well look it's true guys you know when selecting a teammate especially if you're finding somebody like tom holland you got to make sure to find your right-hand man with the left cybernetic arm someone with those googly eyes that you have anthony i love your sweet luscious lips and monumental alabaster skin you're my only friend i love you bro i love you too all right good talk time how's your bromance going are you are you stronger connected now than you ever have been before the two of you we're still obviously not because sebastian knows nothing about me it's an evolving relationship like all of the base the best great hollywood marriages yeah two people two people constantly evolving yeah evolving anthony you said sebastian knows nothing about you but like he doesn't know your favorite song he doesn't know your favorite movie nothing i don't want to i don't want to bring it up i don't want to harsh i don't want to harp on old stuff we're evolving we're moving uh sebastian i don't want to bring it up again but what's anthony's favorite sandwich well he's never he won't come to new orleans so he wouldn't know that it's a shrimp po boy dressed with extra pickles and hot sauce i just know that anthony drinks his um protein shakes with whole milk all right and he's playing a real man drinks and then if it ain't bourbon on a friday night then you know it ain't working you show up today at a birthday party and you're the friend of the friend how do you react in those type of circumstances and how is that maybe similar to what uh bucky is going to be going through over the course of the day i have a very awkward experience when when i'm invited to a birthday party where i don't know anyone i need usually people like him to help me out because i i'm i'm a lost cause so [Laughter] and essentially they realized that and decided we should make a show about it basically that's what happened um a lot of reality in the show before we started shooting where it was like around august september of 2019 where i was like yeah i i don't think i'll ever get back to this it was like a little moment in time where where i felt okay about it and that's when that shoot happened that's when you took the picture and posted it on ig half newt right yes that's what i did that's right i remember that yeah yeah you took the uh the eggplant picture that's what we call it oh eggplant picture can't wait for yours anthony anytime you're ready to throw up throw it on there so it's it's a blessing um you know they're still willing to to call me i guess 10 years of checks boy cut the check all day sebastian stan winning bang bang bang bang my new agent uh is uh obviously here as well tonight i think you can maybe take that mantle and he takes the shield you do not want to go against the round brown homeboy i have to say i have skipped one too many leg days in my time to be able to keep up with the thighs of oak that are sitting out there in new orleans as they speak and i gotta tell you those squats they keep things high high and tight count me out well again that's i mean listen he might have those uh he might have those uh biceps but he ain't got nothing down there [Laughter] so we're both out in the in the desert i appreciate your honesty um they're wrapping me pretty soon but i definitely wanted to ask you this i feel like you know we uh again on the on a winter soldier tour uh i i feel like they really wanted me to talk because they were worried you know that i that i didn't talk a lot because i uh you know i get very uh uncomfortable uh and anyways so they put me with anthony and they're like just put them in with anthony okay he's gonna they're gonna talk and uh i was talking by the end i was very lively i was a lively person and it really is thanks to him so and i think that you know made helped us also i'm i'm the ketchup on sebastian's french fry that's it that that's it way to put a button on it and then something look i i i think anthony deserves like a lot of credit here because uh one of the things that i think makes you know one of the one of the things that i love about him that that i feel like makes him a really great leader is he can read a room very well and he can read people very well and and i think he has a he has a he has he had a much better hand on the temperature of the show than i did because there are times where i was so scared and like really trying to find the truth of everything and you know to make it and and and he had to kind of pull me back and be like yo just remember like we're gonna have some fun too like this is a ride this is a thing you know yes let's find the dramatic moment but just remember that it's a it's supposed to be fun too and i think that's that's a very important thing that that you need especially i think going into marvel but also just like that this show needed you know you know sebastian lucky enough as always in active moments and the rest of us sit around and just like play off of him so you know he goes to you sebastian one of these days he's gonna bring me to tears but i always thought it wasn't because of a compliment i thought it was because of something else but it always did [Laughter] and on that note [Laughter] um malcolm spoke about how the writers found it or felt it was very significant to sort of consider the idea of a black man succeeding captain america given our current climate in this country and i was curious from your perspective if the show kind of directly kind of deals with that well i think we have to be honest with ourselves and realize that our current situation is only our current situation for half of the country our current situation has not been going on for the past year or the past decade for me it's been going on for the past century so being honest to that accord there is a responsibility uh and a awareness that we have to have as actors and writers and uh producers of content to be aware of that one thing i'm proud of is that the show is very honest and fort right and uh very unapologetic about dealing with the truth of what it means to be american captain america black captain america and if that's even a thing um i think you know picking up from where we left off at the end of uh end game the show progresses extremely well by asking those questions and really explaining why sam said at the end of end game the shield feels like it belongs to someone else is more uncomfortable you or mackie i cannot compete with those thighs so inevitably i end up in a tighter tighter pant just say that not even pants okay one leg spider pant yes we are gonna have a compliment showdown where do we start sebastian you have wonderful hair okay well you have such a big heart that's protected by a lot of strength sebastian your personality would make a grown man smile the walls that you have will protect me forever you make me so happy i want to sit in your lap and cuddle no couch will ever be as firm and soft as your thighs you're like the goose down of beautiful people you're warm and inviting i will always walk into your shadow if i have to i'll be the man who will fight for your honor we don't need any other heroes but you there's no way on earth that we could wake up and it not be a sunny day without thinking of the face of sebastian stan i want to remake every romantic comedy with you you my friend are the scrambled eggs to my omelet oh my god i think i won we were great i know you've been asked a million times about your friendship with sebastian so here's my attack how would you describe him in three words uh boring introverted great uh i feel like shy is the same thing so i won't say shy i'll say boring introverted and um a great sense of humor love it he's literally the most boring person i've ever met in my life and we always ask our guests sometimes if we know a co-star is coming on what what should we ask your co-star when they come on and this is what he told us that's hard man he's such a boring person he really does absolutely nothing ask him why is he so boring ask him what his hobbies are how about that ask him what his hobbies are sebastian why are you so boring and what are your hobbies the reason the reason i'm so boring is because half the time i have to listen to him talk so much that i i never get a word in so he never knows anything about me you know uh in the middle of it you were in going to prague uh laughing it's very difficult with anthony because he's a close talker so you know the the aspect of social distance perhaps a difficult thing but yeah we were in prague it's like a normal six feet but it's like an anthony 12 feet is that what you're saying yeah exactly if we could have one superpower it would be teleportation teleportation he stole my answer i hate you you can go and visit different places like in a day come back just like a great thing see the destination in your mind if you're somewhere you don't want to be say like a date you can just disappear and never see that person again ah okay i'm not going on a date with you that's for sure yo you gotta shut it down i really do have to go anthony is not the better wingman in the bar clearly he leaves you hanging by yourself i would have to say sebastian is the better wing man because he's so nice and so so soft-spoken like he makes you a better person when you're at the bar it's gonna be all right he's he's goose breaking my heart the maverick you've [Music] he makes that person maverick he's so goosey we're gonna have a good time here in 2019 when anthony just relentlessly kept telling me to take my shirt off and i remember after that why text me going like dude he he was really serious about that and i go buy it you cannot take anything that comes out of anthony's mouth but serious like you guys are crazy and i go yup this is crazy this is crazy just wait till you start shooting you just wait there bucko [Music] oh baby you need [Music] yo the best part of my early career when new york was dope i used to hang out with bismarck g and tracy morgan all the time i would never be invited to those parties it was crazy biz marquis is one of the coolest cats on earth maybe he needs to drop that voice a couple octaves what time is a institution of torture and i'm glad our show is coming out so he knows how to make quality marvel program wow really going for the gold so what's our plan we'll continue to hold our collective breaths then and see see hopefully that you'll be i have faith in you you would be a great luke skywalker see anthony agrees sebastian we've already got some people on deck we've already got to go down that road ain't no way back man exactly if you're a skywalker that mean i'mma be lando look at it i'm bringing the whole family in yo here's a very nice couch very nice couch like that couch and restoration hardware you want with all the pillows that has the deep sides and the tufted leather that's like 42 inches deep it's like a day bed but a couch it's like a 5 000 couch cops it's an amazing and then he has like the the cashmere like blankets that are too small but they're so warm you curl up to fit under him she has those oh it's a good couch it's a good couch you just need bigger blood you need dude size blankets like six by nines because he has four by fives and so my question is um if you two were friends and he said yes but he went on to talk i don't know what couch she's talking about thinking about anthony mackie taking a nap on sebastian's couch don't bother me you have a nice couch man you you you have a nice sound homie never see you it's the best thing in your house never been in my house that's a lot all right fine you're scared of people breaking in because of your couch all right fine it's an awful couch sebastian's at work i was able to get into his house and lounge on his beautiful expensive lavish couch and to celebrate i'm gonna drop an exclusive clip on his instagram since he thinks i don't know how to use instagram so this is just for y'all exclusive let sebastian know i'm back on his couch here it is to sleep on sebastian stan's 5 000 couch yeah he's sitting right on it right now [Laughter] and i thought i didn't believe it and so i found the video where indeed you say exactly that he's been saying that for about a year and a half that's so i i say that to get sebastian to invite me to his house and he never will because he's sitting in there talking to his plants being a curmudgeon and not not doing anything with i uh i'm not sure if you're aware but there's a pendant that's been going on for a year and a half but sort of kind of prevented you know i i sort of kept my couch a little people free but but but yes we are we are due for a for a couch date i mean i told him we could have isolated together that would have been i mean that would have been the most amazing you know eight months of our lives it would have it would have been it would have been like this why can't you just watch sports with me just watch for one ten minutes you know yeah i've learned how to follow a story and how to add to my story like i said i couldn't have done it without him to be honest because uh i was even like looking back like five years ago or six years ago i i was a very shy person and uh i i i think i think they uh they did me a great service by pairing us together because i feel i feel like he like really gave me permission to to have a good time and to embrace this experience you know together we have a lot of fun uh sebastian's a good guy and a dear friend and he's the polar opposite of me there's no one or nothing that could be more opposite me than sebastian stan and i think that's why it works so well um you know it's it's really fun to accept and appreciate each other's differences and be able to work in that in a in a i feel like in harmony we can go to work and we can show up and and it's okay for us to sort of be ourselves and then sometimes maybe some of it makes it to the screen so yeah we had we had some improv moments in the show whether that has changed the way you guys work with each other well the biggest problem is sebastian had to have a bigger trailer and he's always late to set and he has like his own makeup person that can only do his makeup in his trailer he has his own catering it's that's the biggest problem other than that everything's the same is that amplified now now that he is the leading man 100 he's taken tom holland's place no i was gonna say i think you're confused you're either on the movie set of doctor strange or on on spider-man because because uh that's that's not my world or if so someone's doing a really good job impersonating now i asked you in singapore back in the day what was the one burning question you wanted to ask each other after doing countless and countless of junkets i don't know whether you remember what you said to each other so here's a little refresher aren't you looking at me as much and this and these interviews i keep talking every time i look at you you just keep looking forward i can't look at you man you you stay on your side of the room i stay on my side of the room why did i say that uh he looks at me a lot these days you know it's kind of going the opposite direction actually but what did he ask my question is do you feel sexier with or without the metal arm all of singapore by the way thank you anthony for asking that question yeah because you know the arm that's what makes him him that's the that's the sexiness of the character to see that that metal gyrating piece of uh super hero-ness run those fingers through that hair hey man that shut it down oh god have you learned that you haven't learned about each other working on the movies compared to working on this one uh i would say patience and trust you know we're in a position now where we respect and admire so much that i can look to sebastian for ideas notes uh direction even at times you know he'll give me an honest opinion so i think the the patience and the trust of it all is i think what makes the bromance work so well because we'll let each other go as far as we want to go well thank you so much and you know in better post coded times please come back to singapore you guys with voting questions we're definitely coming see you in singapore or will i say mandapa oh same place same place we should do the odd couple movie i've already pitched in as a broadway revival don't worry we're doing it this is what we do for the past five years literally sit around and think of random movies we can do being able to go in hair and makeup and try on bucky's wigs when he's not around that's amazing i suppose i'll say the same thing
Channel: Ziggy
Views: 124,110
Rating: 4.9773254 out of 5
Id: bzI-dfkGFSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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