Avengers: Infinity War FULL Press Conference w/Cast & Filmmakers: Chris Hemsworth, Kevin Feige ++

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MrRiceBubbles 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Marvel Studios Avengers infinity war press conference now please welcome your host the grand master himself Jeff Goldblum [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello everybody I guess that's my entrance basically it's this Vlad Clark Clark Clark thank you for coming everybody thank you very very much so nice to see you so nice to see you so this is a big this is a big movie do you know how many superhero superstars are in this movie well well no no it's exactly I think I figured it out the the some of the addition of many movie titles seven add up seven the movie with of course Brad Pitt and hateful eight Quentin Tarantino nine of course the musical with Daniel day-lewis ten long before you were born bo Derek I'm Ocean's eleven the original with Frank Sinatra twelve Angry Men who was in that and refined exactly right directed by signal Matt exactly right Friday the 13th plus 101 dalmations plus 300 300 is that gladion move plus 1 million BC with Raquel Welch and you have exactly I do believe the number of uh Silverstone's or I may be incorrect off by a couple in any case a big movie like this calls for a grand affair like this for a press conference that's why I guess I'm here in my grand master of ceremonies colours and costume because I'm gonna facilitate this hour-long conference in which I hope you'll all leave deeply satiated because they're all here believe it or not and so without further ado what the heck is behind our curtain dawn I don't what I get look at all of them icon hi Anthony Maggie are you guys oh uh hello Hey so just to make sure everybody's here in Josh Brolin I used to see with Jim music enjoys it is too high so let's introduce everybody of course Danai gurira Danai gurira so nice - of course Tom Holland Tom [Applause] of course Anthony Russo and Doc Brolin for heaven's sake God playing tennis Joe roost oh he's older Joe Anthony really Chadwick Boseman my god [Applause] and Paul Bettany my gosh Benedict Cumberbatch Benedict Chris Pratt Chris garlic Johansson Kevin Feige come on Kevin Robert Downey jr. ah Joey Saldana Zoey [Applause] Sam's worried man it's it's God and Leticia right [Applause] Oh God Winston Duke 5 Dave Baptiste good Dave Baptista Oh God fetal done what is the best elizabeth Olsen [Applause] Mark Ruffalo [Applause] Sebastian's stand that anthony mackie so nice [Applause] compliment here don't I feel Oh Benedict where are you going so here's here's the way this is gonna go this is a you've seen this for many game shows I'm going just to do this they call this you know what they call this I just learned it today this is a hopper this is a hopper is it the superstar superhero hopper or the Dennis Hopper well we'll go once like this and now because I didn't tell you how this works because I'm gonna take a ping pong ball and on these balls are people's names and if you have questions for a question for one of those people I will call on you that's when to raise your hand or there may be a category that will suggest one of the people up here for which you may have a question from which I'm then going to choose you get the idea okay watch and see if this yeah see if this falls at how quickly this falls apart all right let's see I'm now going to know I keep it like this yeah oh my gosh my gosh Robert Downey jr. [Applause] does anybody have a question for Robert Downey - no questions for Robert Downey jr. I see no but you just have to raise your hand it's like in school yes yes sir I saw your your hand go up first yes yes yes you right there the mic is coming your way yes honestly I was just calling your bluff I didn't know your home take me I love you Robert Downey jr. just why I love all you guys I'm sorry but I guess my question is bro thank you my question was I can't see where are you right here right here alright continue thank you by the way in a barrio oh REO wait me first what's better Black Panther Iron Man I know the answer I got to go Black Panther I goddamn eat you look homey dude look we just get that out of the way I'm glad we got that out of the way all right my question are you gonna be in Avengers 4 Kevin there's no second he's nodding his head but let me see what he whispers in my ear yes we already found it which means I guess I'm you never know I gotta see in the screen anymore if I die tomorrow I'm gonna be I'm gonna be confused we'll see did that answer your question not really okay good excellent excellent question excellent answer okay I'm doing it blind I'm not looking this is oh oh this says you could this is a category so you could ask anybody a question who is from what Conda from what Hyundai yeah I see a couple of fans I must go with the first one so this lovely Lakey here in the second row please give her the microphone D thank you my name is Maggie I'm from Disney G I'm also a high school math teacher in Los Angeles and my question is for Leticia hello so I use a lot of Marvel content in my lessons to keep my students engaged and I was wondering how you see your role as a really powerful and fun woman on screen in math and science as inspiring kids and teens to pursue STEM fields well I think you kind of covered it yeah I'm it's something that's super new to me and to play this character and to have a character who's just interested in all of these amazing subject matters I wish I had a Sheree on TV or in the movies that I could see when I was growing up and I would have stayed at my maths classes a little bit longer but I'm really happy that the film and this character Sheree has allowed young kids to feel like learning is cool and that they can contribute in Tippett to the world with you know science and maths and technology and engineering and also young women as well getting pulled into that whole movement of feeling like it's not just a thing for the guys it's also for the for the young women too young men young women older women you know anyone to just get get into and and contribute positively so to have that and for you to use it in your classroom and for many other people to use it to I'm super grateful and I just hope it continues and it's positive and it's cleared in it it's a good thing so thank you god bless you [Applause] Don Cheadle Don Cheadle your hand went up I'm throwing you this here you can keep this you give this you had your hand up right here hi mark used with Forbes and I'm wondering on in terms of each characters arc being served in infinity war your character obviously had a somewhat of a tribe to guard the last time we saw in civil war can you talk about tanks vision can you talk about a little bit about preparing for infinity war and carrying over that it's something that you know all the characters have tragedies and things in their life but your character is dealing with something very immediate to have to overcome on top of everything else that's being faced here well what I think is really great about having something like this in a way to anchor a lot of the other things that are happening in the story and getting to continue it forward through through both of the films is that you know we get to we always get to have these sort of down notes in a good way I think there's always a lot of eye candy and very dramatic things happening and big spectacular fight some really amazing things that we see on screen and then it comes down to these characters in their interpersonal situations with one another and their personal journeys that they have and where it comes to Rhodey I'm glad this is something that's carried through and that is you know wasn't just dropped it's a line that is actually goes through both of the films and and and comes into play and very important way I won't give it away but it's something that factors in all the way through so it's nice to have something that's cohesive and continues and keeps keeps me grounded and keeps the character grounded oh hey so you can ask a question if you have a question for somebody who wears a cape there's a cave where is it hey where'd you I see you waving your hand you've got somewhat of a cape on yourself a knit affair I'm throwing this ball [Music] hello I'm Sarah we'll ask you from sky walking through Neverland and I have a question for Chris Hemsworth cuz I'm a big door fan and what I wanted to know was what scene now I know you haven't seen the movie yet so you might have to dance around this but what scene did you find most challenging to film for this movie and why was it because of the people in it was it because of the director was it you know just anything like that so very difficult because of the directors and the people in it so filming all full experience myself Jeff and Tom we got back to our own movies No the most the first day was what you say on the on the trailers was for meeting the Guardians and it felt like kind of first day at school for me you know because they all knew each other and I didn't I was a new kid and they'd all been shooting and I had and it's a weird sort of nervous butterflies floating around my body and but it was but I squeezed the man of me you know Chris Chris Pratt gave me a big hug and all the butterflies forever years and did you have honey on you is that why they're fluttering your body yeah I've been in hospital I'm still tripping that was a fun scene that was great too you know to kind of have in your whole new dynamic and set of people to move around with me interact with and that was for this whole film for me I felt like a fan meeting a lot of these people and their characters that I'd watched on screen and admired and so to be on screen with him as Thor but as Chris also was pretty damn exciting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mmm Kevin Feige way back now way back now thank you thank you thank me hi I'm Rob barks I'm with action figure junkies um a middle school comics fan and I'm a little overwhelmed just seeing all of you here together it's it's kind of mind-blowing it's very hard to wrap our heads around the totality of what's happening but you've always kept the spirit of the comics and the spirit of you know the Stanley Jack Kirby Marvel comics and I'm wondering if you might share some insight as to what it does anything you used to sort of ground these movies in there in their origins beyond just the characters and the stories anything visually anything somatically that you've used to sort of pull all this together well it's you will not be surprised to hear it's the comics it's the it's the comics that we look at usually when there is just the notion of let's do an Iron Man movie or let's have the audacity to try to do a version the Infinity Gauntlet it starts with those comics and us beginning to rip pages out or rip copies of pages out put them on the walls and start to be inspired and in every single movie we've made up to and especially infinity war there are direct images storylines rarely but sometimes actual lines of dialogue that come from those pages that we've that we've put up around our development room for inspiration and with and with infinity war in particular when there were so many characters and so many threads of storylines from so many movies that we could have pulled from or could have used as inspiration and we did we kept going back to and I think we've released some behind the scenes videos and things and you can see the giant omnibus of the Infinity Gauntlet there with all sorts of dog-eared pages and and post-its in there from moments and after everybody sees the movie we could talk more specifically about what those moments were most of them were surrounding mister Berlin's Thanos portrayal that came directly from Jim starlings work there so it is always a guide point it's a North Star for us as we lead these giant productions into reality are right from those books and where it all started take it anymore ping-pong balls by name on out of there please a lot of stars here Jeff a lot of movie sucks what are you saying that what that why I believe me I'm not doing anything here Freddie this is uh oh my golly Hey so F well interesting so you're to ask a question or volunteer to be considered for being called on for a question if you if you are green well I think maybe they mean if somebody here is green or if you are green all it says all says here is if if you're green if you are green so if you are green you are green you're not but you'd like to ask somebody who is green in the sense green not not a newt newbie hi I'm Juan Fernandez for entertainment affair and this is four so it's at Lenya from what we heard stories told from the fairness point of view part of it and obviously I wanted to know how that dimension sort of pushed your portrayal of Gomorrah for because obviously it's a sort of very emotional psychological journey for her so if you could talk about that well going what Don was saying that besides you know these kinds of movies carrying so much action and entertainment and visual effects that really cater to to all of our senses we wouldn't we wouldn't be what we are I think in the Marvel Universe if it wasn't for those emotional beats that all of these interrelationships carry and and that obviously in this and you know that another thread involves a relationship between parent and child and and I will speak on behalf of also Karen Gillan's character nebula we had so much fun with with the arc that the Russo brothers and obviously Kevin Feige you know spearheading this with the relationship that these daughters have with their father because they finally get an opportunity to sort of address what it what it was like to to have a dad that's so complicated so it was it was fantastic that was great oh very good very good here Paul Bennett but take this ball pass that around the class another one I just did oh my gosh so nobody first saw this I think this may be well I don't know this is Zoe Saldana so I don't know we want another question for Zoe or maybe we want to spread the Inquisition around one thing let's see yeah what not necessarily no no no you wanted somebody else to have a question for Zoe I don't know you'd like to give your turn away anybody have a question for Zoe yes yes you too yes please yes pour forth pour forth hi I'm Lynette Rachelle with black film comm and obviously my question is for the gorgeous Zoe Zoe my question is you kind of we got to see you first and then you get to see everybody as Black Panther has happened people of color joining in these superhero roles and you were just so trend-setting and so ground setting for me to see somebody like you on screen and so when I saw the Black Panther universe added in I was overwhelmed how do you feel knowing that we as people of color are receiving more and more representation in this Marvel Universe i I'm happy I'm super super happy to be an American right now to to be in the entertainment industry to be considered a public figure and to also be given the opportunities by by leaders such as our studio heads when they when they take on the task of broadening the narrative for our stories it's it's it's plain and simple I think that as as actors regardless of our race and our gender we just want to be given an equal opportunity to to be able to be chameleons and can continue growing and connect with our audiences so when directors and writers and producers understand that change needs to come from within and as public figures we have the responsibility to take the lead and broadening that narrative it just makes someone like me who would be nothing but a positive recipient super happy because I know what that means for our future generations I have three sons and nothing is making me happier I keep saying happy but it's true to know that they are going to inherit an influx of like storytelling through media and that that represents them and makes them feel seen and heard and that their lives and their their heritage matters but but but only through their merits so that I'm just really happy about that thank you three sons you have three three sons three sons your three sons I don't know how you're doing we have to live to a two-and-a-half-year-old load our one-year-old I don't know how you're doing Scarlett Johansson's Scarlett Johansson yes yes yes I see that man right yes yes yes hello my name is Joshua from th and I have a on behalf of the Chinese fans marbles are I would like to ask one question so we're kind of quite interested to know what would be the fashion elements of answers Infinia we're uses in two movies are the fashion elements yes for the fashion question good question good question [Applause] the fashion elements used the year honestly he really don't know how to answer that question fashion elements I wear a leather unitard for the most of this film and I have been for the last ten years so what you think of any fashion elements that you would like to include please let us know I have a new vest everyone so that was pretty exciting yeah and and I have a new hairstyle as well if you haven't noticed already it's a little bit polarizing I can see it's fine it was a choice I made and I'm sticking by it so here we go [Applause] [Music] even gonna quit how did Chris Hemsworth in tunnels tonight ball come in a blue slight blue suit how did that happen all right let me see let me see hey this ball is empty this ball is blank this is like in in Scrabble when you when you now can use it you can use it for anything all right here we go here we go let's see ah anthony mackie does it so let me see let me see everyone has a question yes yes the lady the lady in the fashion statement there with the black and white black and white hi my name is Tiffany with attractions magazine and I just want to know with such a star-studded cast do you find it like difficult or any obstacles or is it super special to kind of develop your character a little bit more when you're struggling for screen time and all these amazing stories getting told like what was the need special difficulties or was it just all amazing in all are you asking Anthony Mack if he has a hard time getting attention yes I just want to clarify that that's what you're asking don't put the stone to shade to shade uh well Tiffany a wise man once said that some men need an hour to make their presence felt some men need 30 seconds [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let's see aren't you Jeff Oh baby yeah yeah hey look at this you're my witness oh wait a minute Oh Tom Holland okay so I'm sorry yes yes tom everyone has a question I'm a telepathic quest yes you yes hey what's up everybody this is a pretty incredible huh Tom obviously you'd have a new suit in this the iron spider that were calling ants want to know what can tell us pattern was alike working around in it I'm actually under strict instructions to keep my mouth shut okay no I didn't actually get to wear at the iron spider suit because it's too amazing to exist in real life so I joined the wonderful Mark Ruffalo in the man cancelling costume and stood amongst these gods wearing pajamas so it wasn't quite as heroic as I liked and I haven't seen the film yet so I can't tell you what it does in real life but but now I could say would be amazing and I'm excited see [Music] Benedict Cumberbatch yes yes yes in the vest the man and the shortly the Norton the Norton outfit yes mr. Kumar watch you can see in a few interviews that you can read discreet but they're also brothers also say that no actor has read the real final screen so I just want to get to the bottom of that thank you so much I read the script whether I read the script is for them to know I need to find out when I see the movie tomorrow but whatever script you read it's never the film is it so it always changes and these guys plus it every day sometimes after the day sometimes will be probably replacing this in December even after the film is out they never stop at this wheelhouse it's a busy place to work and so whatever I read is not necessarily what you're gonna see sorry I could tell you stuff about it but it wouldn't make any difference [Applause] this is III knew it I dare a high note Chadwick Boseman I knew J'son yes sir yes sir hi Chadwick I know we have to wait a long time for Black Panther 2 but how much of Avengers infinity war is at least Black Panther 1.5 Avengers infinity war is a Vinge's infinity war oh it's not black panther 1.50 black panther to worry or anything like that I think we have a strong presence within the movie and it was it was great to to have some of these people not gonna say who exactly in Wakanda but it is his own movie and it was great to to go for what we did and with black panther and bring some of that into into Avengers it was it was a relief actually but it's it's own thing [Music] well it's a palm to meant yes ok where where where where yeah someone must have a question some weapons in the world well you already had a question wait a minute or you can't you can't hog yes yes that lady over there in the corner go hey um so I'm asking a question no no okay cool are you Harry no I so with when your character from what we love I see her she joins the cardigans is there any growth that your character goes through especially since dealing with the sarcastic characters and and also with dress you know you guys have a funny dynamic together so does she get a little tougher because she has to deal with them on a daily basis now maybe a little bit but she still she still has this kind of a childlike kind of way of thinking and she asks a lot of questions anything it brings some comedy and sometimes you know these movies need some you know some fun I mean I could if they're really fun too but you know it needs a little bit of you know innocence and yeah so I think I think she's gonna evolve a little bit more maybe in the next one but this one I think she's still you know kind of the same oh but it weird you know so that's it [Applause] perfect perfect a little offensive let's say this says wow this is funny they didn't tell me this could be here it says Wild Card paranthesis moderators choice oh my gosh well I want everybody do it quickly is that whenever I want to hear from everybody personally um let me see let me see let me see that I'm very interested in Santos who has a question for her oh boy I knew it see my intraspecific the shared yes yes yes yes yes yes buddy Jeff but basically I want to know it from the trailer it looks like you know you get you're fighting everybody but you look like maybe be impressed with a few people can you tell me who this is most impressed with that he meets I looked in the trailer like I was impressed by other people yeah then obviously I didn't do my job being a person of the color purple and being naked on the set the whole time I was doing this in order to create a vibe of fear I really thought that I scared everybody but apparently not whit was there somebody I was impressed by oh Anthony Mackie strangely enough it only took 25 seconds for me to be a part of it everybody has their weakness and Anthony Mackie is Stannis's weakness [Music] who is also naked on set by the way thank you so much for your question by the way thank you this says Oh Bethenny all Bettany who has a question for Paul Bette named Paul beige s yes yes that didn't read that hi hi Paul is Kourtney Howard French on TV you're a great storyteller I'm wondering if there were any sort of anecdotes that you have from the set that you could possibly tell us any of your best moments best memories playing vision in any of these adventures movies whoa what snitches end up in ditches and and all of the best anecdotes are just unsayable but you know we've been making these movies for a long time when we've all been through it's a really unique experience for actors to get to keep working with the same people again and again and again we've all gone through real-life stuff together people have had children people look up married people I got divorced you know I mean a lot of real life stuff has happened and we've all become real friends and I've never been on a set where people choose not to go back to their trailers but hang out on set and then make fun of each other and it's been it's been a real it's been a real privilege so thank you guys so Chris Pratt that's hydrated get hydrated this guy guy yes yes he's filming it - he's telling him hi Chris I was just wondering how it feels for star-lord for Peter quill to be seeing Earthlings for the first time in almost 30 years I'm gonna go with Scarlett someone take Scarlett's yeah yep that's a good question you know it borders on you know might be best see for you to see it so I'm gonna talk about bass fishing okay April as you know is a big month for largemouth right now my patterns like a eight and a half inch salamander power Berkeley power salamander oh you psycho chartreuse yeah yeah one and a half I'll use like one on Gamakatsu hook with a Texas rig bullet weight six pound tests fish is slow you have to fish slope hello man Wow hey Wow with this she well Robert Downey jr. I'm not afraid to say they do [Applause] sorry we all get along very well I think I have two things to say one is I have been so pumped hearing that we are doing this bingo style and a hopper but most of all that this national treasure question wants everyone else on all three of these tiers this finished answering your question that's generosity that's it that's a great answer answer in itself yes see this is nothing this is nothing nothing more nothing bear me out but here we go Oh ask a question in the category of a guardian a guardian you must ask a question of a guardian you can I dunno you know the movies well enough yes yes yes yes yes ask that Guardian question I'm gonna go with Dave I'm not sure there's too many people who want to kill thanos more than Drax so well what is it like to work with Josh and just have that encounter if it ever happened you know spoiler-free because we're seeing it tomorrow don't waste it now all right let me uh kill time why to try to think of a way to answer this without giving anything away oh that's me up on my fashion sense yes I got this I got this beautiful necklace from the Russo brothers as for that gift it was made especially for the Avengers yeah so it's it's beautiful and back to your question I can't answer it obviously I haven't seen the movie don't know anything about the movies don't know anything about storyline haven't read the script haven't read one of the fake scripts back to my fashion sense Drax as you've noticed has been wearing the same dirty ass pants for a movie after movie after movie and I'm just hoping I would love to have a new vest I love to wear a vest but apparently Drax has sensitive nipples never be covered anyway thank you for your wonderful question I apologize [Applause] [Laughter] oh no I lost bet oh geez I hope I can opener go what the hell is going on Anthony Anthony Russo and Wow very enthusiastic very enthusiastic there you must speak hello hi my name is the best from bright bubbly my baby is clean my crazy right now um my question is will we see Agent Coulson come back or the Avengers possibly all these unanswerable questions what can I say other than talk about bass fishing some more but uh uh snitches end up in ditches you know look this is a very we um when we began developing this movie you know we sat in a room with Kevin Joe and I Markus and McFeely the writers and we bit we took we took a we had a picture of every single person who's who's been character that's been in the MCU and we hung it up on a wall all around us and we we basically spent months and months and months talking about where we could go with each character how we could draw them through this story thinking about the very every every one of these characters everybody on this stage has been on a very specific journey through the MCU that to arrive at this moment and it was a very long creative process that we went through thinking about where we could take the story where we could take the characters how we can combine the characters in interesting ways and it was about the most fun creative exercise I think I've ever been through in my life because it was just us sitting in a room for months and months telling each other stories about these characters 99% of which didn't make their way into the movie but uh-oh I will say that that was our process we thought about everybody in the MC you we thought about how they could play a role in the story moving forward and starting tomorrow you will see the movie that's how you answer a question without saying anything we've ripped everyone shares with an electro shocker Jeff and I have a button here in case it's spoil anything I press it I almost had to use it on my brother which would have been really is unfortunate for our relationship alright it was brilliant it was between the brothers kay it was between the brothers kay what's that from Godfather to Godfather to us okay hey so James would just hand not James Woods but James would just hand me this piece of paper we want to get to everybody so we're gonna disband the hopper and now get to make sure we get to Winston Duke next win subbu was it yes yes yes you must must what's up this is DJ pin I mean from fan bro show and what's up Winston and everyone it was congratulations thank you for everything y'all done and I just want to ask you how will you explain to people if Wakanda gets destroyed in the infinity war there's you know there's some people you know we just got with kindness so you know the question of the night the day the afternoon um as you know I can't say anything so great question thanks for asking about one I didn't read a script I did not see anything and Kevin is in the room trying to set me up on my second movie thank you but yeah it's gonna be a fun adventure you're gonna enjoy it so that's all I could tell you but toss who made that fabulous jacket Armani Giorgio Armani Armani oh yeah very good very good and we must hear from the great Mark Ruffalo so who has a question yes yes with a device with the glowing device hi I'm Chris Lee from geek feed and the first thing I have to say is Paul Bettany gangster number one is one of my favorite movies ever like I can never stop watching oh there's like you and my mum and that's about it thank you oh thank you very much super short my question to you is a certain director yesterday hoped for Avengers fatigue to which I said rude followed by so for the reason how do you guys handle that who was that by the way I just want James Cameron I said it dad said it but how do you how do you guys when you're when you're writing the script and you have so many characters now which is friggin awesome then how do you handle that yeah well in the hours I spent writing the script I I thought about that quite a bit and you know sour grapes you know I fangirl doubt too hard actually my question to you is when you're doing all this environmental stuff do do you feel something when you bring it to work like do you try to make people aware I Drive a Prius I wear hip shoe I have led lightbulbs I think I don't I try not to beat a you know that one person who's always going on about an issue but I can't help myself and I think more than anything I've tried to use my time outside of the movies to to make my friends know that it's safe to speak out about the things they care about and that it's important for them and that it's actually enriching as an artist and no matter what that thing is whether its environmental issues or social justice issues or quality issues or education or all the really wonderful things there are to do today the front in front of us and and and in that way I felt I feel like I could be the most impactful with this gift that I've been given of sitting up here with these tremendously talented people bravo Bravo and but back to the script a question who has a question for Elizabeth Olsen yes yes yes yes yes hi my name is Jeremy Chou from the Scholastic its press corps and I recently heard that you would love it if Scala which got her own films so what do you think Scott at which could bring to the table if she did have her own solo film I was talking over at the last part of your question thank you if she front of me Paul and I joke a lot about how much we would love to do like a House of M spin-off and a really domesticated indie version of it and I think that would be a lot of fun it's there at that part of her stories the reason why I love this character so much and I mean I'm just happy that I'm still included so I don't need a mic you just bring me back all of it this is truly the greatest cast we got to work with the best crew and get to work with people who are the best at their jobs and so there's nothing like this experience anywhere else and we're all very lucky to be here and enjoy each other's company all the time [Applause] thank you deny deny yes yes hi I've heard rumors that some of the women in the Marvel Universe have pitched mr. Feige an all-female Marvel movie what can we talk about about that there any news on that car you know I think I'm psychics I thought I was gonna be asked that question I did I did I'm gonna be asked that question I know nothing about it um yeah IIIi I've heard said rumors also me to do know I've heard him you know once told me about it though huh yeah I was I've heard through the grapevine but no um I I know no details on on that I was just thinking how excited I am about brie Larson's shooting and Captain Marvel right now that's gonna be a pretty awesome adventure but I mean the awesome thing that I think is happening that we see happening across many dimensions in in our entertainment industry is we're seeing more women take the helm in various realms and that is not only about time but it'll make the world a better place I think so I'm looking forward to the future [Applause] like Tom Hiddleston who has a question for the train yes please lovely lovely lady right there loveliest of ladies well looky is by far my favorite character in the Marvel Universe with Falcon and slash brony quickly behind him but I'm curious for you Tom who is your favorite character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and why [Music] did he with all my friends that's a really good question I I'm not gonna I'm not gonna I'm not gonna pick anybody actually brother from another mother no it's I am astonished that I'm still here as you may be and Loki is fallen through a wormhole and and faked his own death and I never honestly never expected to be playing this part for so long I think many people can say that and that the great privilege that I've had is working with every single person on this stage working even with the gentleman moderator we have in our in our midst and they're all great and every time it's like a different dance and the thing that because Kevin and everybody who works at Marvel and all the writers the writing has been so great they create these characters with such precision of what happens in the space between those characters is always unique and you're guaranteed to see that tomorrow night [Applause] and believe it or not we have one more and final question so so in anticipation of the end of this thank you all for coming and all of that so one more question I know but one more question we'll go to who do you think Sebastian we just charged our obligation yes I think this lady in the front with the running suit with the the adidas pants I wonder do you think a in this film it's kind of like the we know in the first Captain American movie and also do you think Avengers has except Pocky welcome ok yeah well I mean I think you definitely see you know shades of the the old so to speak you know Bucky in the situation for one thing I mean I guess the guy smiles finally but as far as accepted you know I wouldn't necessarily go as far as saying that I think he's you know he's just kind of seeing where his allies are he's been enjoying the coconut water in Wakanda and you know everything else is peachy it is good beautifully put thank you so much Avengers infinity war cab thank you my whole life [Applause] you
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Keywords: Winston Duke (M'Baku), Dave Bautista (Drax), Don Cheadle (War Machine), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes), Anthony Mackie (Falcon), Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange), Chris Pratt (Star-Lord), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Holland (Spider-Man), Josh Brolin (Thanos), Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther), Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel, Kevin Feige
Id: RZftrv9tK20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 20sec (3200 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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