37 Of My Favorite Sebastian Stan Moments

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[Music] I'm already not like wow it's question that I asked myself every tag I feel like you know write down your feelings you know where you should write right down the right down the the the stories that you want to see you know write down what you want to what you want to happen if you're you know your favorite characters or Bucky's dead Happy New Year well that's that's that's it that's all I got I don't really know what I'm talking about because I have not read a script I've never met even half of the people in this cast yet I've only I've done the majority of my screen time with my friend Anthony Mac he couldn't be here because he had to have one of those Cuban cigars some of my favorite things to do on a Saturday is to read thirst tweets with Anthony Mackie but you're like oh you're like a puppy dog like how could you how do you do how do you play this dark character that was probably one of my favorites because in life in the similar way friendships developed and they change and sometimes you can know someone for you know 15 20 years but people change and sometimes they go in different paths you know if you could give any advice tonight to Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes could talk to Steve Steve Rogers what would you say well you know Steve Rogers is always gonna be Steve Rogers he's gonna do no matter what anybody tells him even when he was a kid you know he used to just not listen and go and defend himself well he's got a big heart so I'll probably just say follow your heart buddy so are you conjoining fanfic yeah why not I think that that would be a good way to deal with it you know I mean like and then you may actually maybe have it come true I don't know I mean Never Say Never right like it's it's possible there's only so many astronauts in the world first of all and they are superheroes I mean there they're going as far as they can go they're the humans that leave Earth and there's not a lot of them so to speak they're heroes to me because one of the things that I wanted to really get from researching playing an astronaut was always fascinated about what makes somebody want to be an astronaut because there's so much that they have to give up of their own life I like reading a lot of biographies because I'm curious in how people become who they are or you know what what could they get influenced by but space for me was always kind of my little hobby you know in terms of just the scope of things knowing that there's a whole other thing beyond you know there's there's definitely a superhuman idea to them you know the fact that they're these explorers that are like our modern-day Lewis and Clark so to speak you know that they've got to know that they're part of something bigger than just the regular day-to-day problems that we we have on earth but that's okay cuz the Winter Soldier is always kind of figuring out you know what where he's you know what environment he's in so you could say so does he you know he's just becoming more comfortable in his own shoes and arm he's like you know progressively getting older it's what's happening that's just like aging through the films well quickly I want someone to look at me the way Sebastian and Anthony Mackie look at each other very surreal moment yeah I mean yeah that whole experience was surreal no but yeah it was great to be included in the picture and since that's sort of like your wrap gift and what you walk away with you know I guess it's very nostalgic thank God the dogs were not near give them the money feel I feel good I feel good it's a good your favorite fight scene oh the the bridge fight scene in Captain America Winter Soldier with with Chris with Steve Rogers Chris Hemsworth certainly looks like you know he's lifting Empire State building's I have no idea people involved filmmakers who have done an incredible job the writers have produced an incredible script well you really have so many characters that you will invest in care for he is missing the star on his chest so I don't know what that means but no I did not do the role of I was just more like going around like you know like grabbing things left and Ryan like you know making sound effects and you know I think they're always like telling me they're like you know you don't have to do those sound effects when you when you but do the punches we're gonna add them later and they're gonna be a little bit more effective you know but it just you couldn't which was really good we musicals is worth like everything started with between that and crazy for you and then you know this camp I went to and and I did musicals there and they were just it was just fun I love that you did musicals that makes like that makes me feel very connected to you a bum - I didn't know I was prepared questions do you remember your line god I don't know is that song and I'd be downtown downtown yeah folks are broke you're the were the folks are broke guy it's very exciting to me I know exactly in the song it's fabulous no I love pistachio Oh cashews are my favorite though you would be a lot of fun to hang out with on Friday night you know I think was probably wrong when I was 15 that I that I was like oh you know being good thing I think we have to remember that because nowadays especially for younger people is I feel like there's so much pressure on you to be you know to be with the status quo and be like everybody else and it's actually what would you say your favorite musical is Oh God don't think I'm Elaine cuz it's too easy no no no no no I love that musical Sweet Charity I'll always always love that musical Center and hair here's another good one you're like retro I appreciate that your most memorable line who the hell is Bucky I think I think that's always the question you know and in a good way to be honest because the thing is that I actually haven't really thought about it other than the fact that like every time you see him he's in a very different place and he's not really like a very like dangerous guy for the most part but I feel like you know he still got the hair and walking and as long as he has this situation going then I think he can look a little skeptical [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jayci Kvach
Views: 18,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sebastian stan, sebastian stan fan video, marvel, seb stan, sebastian stan interview, fan video, fan edit, bucky barnes, james buchanan barnes, the winter soldier
Id: B3atYD59CoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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