MORE Copper in the Trash | Record Breaking Scrap Day!

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ha thank you very much that's a lot of Olives thank you Jesus good morning welcome to the scrap and pallet man Channel sun shining let's get started right now it looks like metal to me I do this in one trip maybe not yeah that works then find my back window protector meant to take this off and leave it at home today I put it on was to use that that winch to pull up that heavy piece of gear wait a minute this work they bought myself in the head what yeah something like that there's a start of a very bad idea hmm that letter works shake test it with my own body that is not a bad ladder just saying what oh that's what so just the that holder thing is a little war not matter how puppies ha puppies I do I'm gonna get the bicycle okay I'm just gonna get the bicycle yes just a bicycle I sure do like no I think this is all plastic isn't it yeah have a good morning puppies puppies my puppies another good-looking puppies that's right all right so this is gonna be kinda almost work all right remind me to not scrap this please Oh terrible cuz I like this thing cuz it's it works to lift things so the half hitch is my friend long as it's inches on itself not the rest of the line to work with later what is that thing on the ground some scrap all right many cars coming noop let's go get it or sale golf cart looks like a scrap cart a little block his driveway sorry dude nobody block is there anyway they might not be very light there we go awesome thank you mower man this piece of organic stuff go back here okay let that broke for a second no I need the tailgate getting some work done at that house mom's buns mines mines mines stop hmm I think this is gonna be a scrap free for all day so I better continue to make room for myself this future self will be happy [Music] this is a person's house Wow some cool stuff it's a nice little alleyway I like the size of this dish holy moly more a huge wow think imma take this off right here mmm sighs is that 9/16 half-inch 12 millimeters I got the right wrench listen start twisting on me oh yeah it's when I was captive so they will start spinning on me now tie this up going vertical takes up less square footage that's for sure [Music] two half hitches and we're good hmm Raziel blower meets in the box I think the old mowers broken down to the box nope it's no not a bit just noticed it's a scrapper truck right over there see that all right might as well go north with this bike as well [Music] I don't know if I yeah or it's sticking outside that far all right let's redo this yeah something like that sticking out by a seat move out oh there we go yeah a couple half hitches another one I'm good this thing is definitely seen a few lunches slightly less gross not by much [Music] another satellite dish all right let's get it we're going with this [Music] hmm you guys know how to put the scrap out good job folks look at that just come out there's no the pool good enough [Music] I know the scrappers don't mind too much about this plastic still you can give a better product to the scrapyard I saw a commenter say the most ridiculous thing this is why you getting rid all that plastic you're selling wait by the he's like by the way you're selling wait I'm like I'm not selling wait but selling wait it sell them water no I'm selling metal I mean I think most everyone gets that but yeah my first court in a day that's good this is metal right okay right there's it would it feels like wood no still maybe I can pull this off maybe I do one at a time though rip now this Tara yes one's a bit long up who woke the dogs up so one of the commenters started singing that in the comments who the dogs up that looks like someone ran over this bike yep that's terrible still holding there huh but definitely got ran over hmm I think this is trash you think a kid just left at her [Music] for bicycles all baby bikes do okay now the cool thing about today and yesterday and the day before is that I'm actually driving the garbage de route of what it's supposed to be but and most people don't know that today is not garbage day because of the holiday so I'm not racing against the garbage man yeah and a lot of the scrappers have delayed until they know it's garbage day just a tripod of some type it is I don't know what it's a tripod for but probably could use this for my GoPro someway somehow okay you going in the front seat so anyway long story short that I'm just driving around I have no garbage man and and I'm taking up scrap and most of the scrappers are driving around where I was yesterday right now and I'm driving around as if it was the regular garbage day not the delayed one day Thursday so like this stuff's not gonna get picked up until tomorrow yeah I'm diggin it that's stainless steel it is this is this metal no that's all plastic [Music] but chair boy yes I'll take it there's plenty of metal on here I mean it's it's close to being not metal enough but you just speed it up here what is this thing it's not it's not recyclable that's what it is this is all in the recycle bin mess chase my tail here yeah that's all trash so let's say hey but it says trash on it you guys like my dinosaur quiz the other day dude that is a he huge screen TV that's nuts Wow an ultra vision huh yes sir can I help you big grackle or a crow yeah so the yeah so I put links to all the science and the the facts about the dinosaur quiz I said which one is not a dinosaur and I said pterodactyl or no I said which one is a dinosaur a chicken or a pterodactyl and turns out the pterodactyl just happened to live right around the same time as dinosaurs but they split off from dinosaurs 250 million years ago what should just they they are not dinosaurs they're flying reptiles but if you looked at their the the the bone structure and all that other there they're reptiles but they are not dinosaurs at all they split from dinosaurs a long long long long time ago but to chickens after a lot of genetic research that the extinction of dinosaurs happened you know the large extremely large feathered dinosaurs went extinct but the very small feathered dinosaurs did not go extinct we just happen to call them Birds I think is a metal extra five I am getting a load going recycle dude it was awesome talking to on the phone you're cool dude I'm looking forward to seeing your trash picking video tonight or the one that you're gonna do I guess will be uploaded tomorrow is that right tomorrow all right cool man all right so anything you wanna say to to the viewers of this video dude all right man I'll talk to you later all right call ended all right that's recycle dude yeah I think we started about the same time oh dude that's a good bike a Schwinn collegiate there's nothing wrong with this bike I can already see there's no rust I can't scrap this no way tires need redoing I'm not scrapping this no way I mean I might damage it putting in my trunk but all right you know I'm not a big fan of bungees they do come in handy all right the Schwinn collegiate I think it's newer just cuz I'm noticing the way these the brakes are and these brakes work just fine there's there's nothing wrong with this bike there isn't all right I'm keeping you pally Wow satellite dishes and bicycles I think that's the theme of the day now someone's saying these are cast aluminum stack them okay take a look good house that's beautiful it's a lot of birds that's for sure oh it's a mirror I'm not messing with no mirror mm-hmm no way [Music] [Music] in a minute that's pretty lights I think the fan motors in there yes I know if this hose is gonna make it all the way over there maybe not strict separation forget your gloves Paul all their out I might be able to twist it these might be catching nope pump it up anyway though I ran into my campus pastor and I'm pretty excited because I was pumping up the tire and then poof got a pastor his name is Paul also so I asked him to pray for us yeah yeah let me pray for you yeah we thank you for Paul and thank you for the blessing of just going around and grabbing stuff and I got you we all have stuff in our lives and I pray for everybody watching this video I pray for my brother Paul that and I gotta pray for myself that is we have stuff in our lives you would make it useful you turn everything beautiful you turn a mourning into dancing you bring us joy and God we thank you for that and again for everybody watching the video just thanks for being on the journey with Paul I pray for them if they're not on a journey with you Jesus but they would find you as their Savior and they would join in this journey we thank you for loving us and walking beside us and we give you praise in your name amen amen yeah you bet love you too that was awesome running into the campus pastor so he's that he's the main pastor at the church and ironically I was texting with my pastor because they're several associate pastors so I was talking to my personal pastor is one that's pastoring me in life and said hey Paul you want to go scrappin so next week he and I are gonna go scrapping I'm not sure if you've seen the video of my pastor and I go on scrapping I think I'll link that in the description this thing as a plug to it chainsaw extender that's my guess where's it just an extension cord I don't know what this thing is as a switch to it and repair a few times scrapp if that's what it is hmm I see but wants to chill already I think this aluminum I think it is but I'm not positive because how silvery it is Senate orc yes take the whole thing I definitely want that cord off next two pieces of cord sure there's anything here but it looked interesting he gets full of copper just probably just copper almost guarantee it is guaranteed what time is that thing Oh who woke the dogs up some brass pieces what is that thing huh metal is that thing used for it's heavy though is this still good all better this and keep it that what's going on over here the mistress crappity got here and degraded it did great yeah the degrading did great and the Great's are there ha mr. scrappy wasn't here he's awesome why are worries gonna go Punk so she reached somewhere else and that grill right there I think yeah that's weird it's not you know what it's too heavy Meena not degrade it [Music] any other heavy pieces [Music] all right go go gadget strength it does pretty much so stay there it's gonna be weird [Music] all right now we're getting ridiculous scrap and cowboy I see a barbecue what are you gonna get it right here spot for it take that cord off who else can I put it it doesn't go there might be able to put it right right in there it's not a bad idea thank you then our ignore another piece of rope yeah let's try that [Music] perfect I like it oh of course it has the chuckles in it oh please right look that's actually look barely used makes me wanna bake some cookies it was a loud airplane same spot is that microwave because aluminum let's check its aluminum Wow okay hmm that's plenty of room whoa stuff actually catches air agnus friend is that copper dude it's copper oh yeah I'll prove it to you it's copper sweet okay do I leave this or do I take it I think I take it Wow just go right under them I don't know if it's I see there's the one nope he would fall right through so it has to go totally on the table right hey dope oh boy Paul kidding me [Music] I don't think I'm taking the tomato cages what is this thing that a tomato cage holder kidding me [Music] stuff on there all right this scrap is getting out of control for a second I thought that was a bugs but it's rice or is this gonna go I don't want to wreck in my seat No there we go that's better that cord you know there's a lot of neighborhoods still left but I don't think I can get anymore I don't become about full yeah I think the sides in the truck have helped out the cause I've room for two more chairs I think I do seeing how I'm in Sycamore I have to take a little bit of a drive I don't want to scrub going out what did I roll up on as if I have any room in my truck it's a major cleanup yeah I have some room I guess except we're not that cool a major cleanup Wow look at that painting it's all wet now though can tell fence metal or not it is yeah missed this one [Music] I don't want this thing now [Music] almost missiles to two of them [Music] has to be another one around here somewhere [Music] I'll find some room for these [Music] there has to be another one of those it's so big it can't be hidden very well one more look why he'd deep more of these a lot of stuff here my hangers tennis racket okay because it's not there [Music] sure there's plenty of room left I actually didn't see that I saw that ha thank you very much that's a lot of almonds thank you Jesus you come here back back there I hurt my back picking up all the copper that's what I saw it's funny how I can drive up the street see something and then drive back and see something totally different alright first things first but Gord it's just a goldmine today I don't think I want this whole thing so I was just thinking that I would have been long gone from this neighborhood with out the sides on my track without the rack you know I'm just staying here longer means I can go I can complete the route complete the garbage de route that almost never happens I would love them yeah well let me back up see if I have any room for some folding chairs I think I have an inch to spare yeah that might have to go right here poink it's up of these rocks well thanks for flagging me down get the catsuit oh we should have music playing like the ice cream man yeah thanks yep you're welcome [Music] I can reach okay all right what I showed how that's gonna work isn't it just be able to see that one coming tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten [Music] come on Paul you can't just keep picking up more scrap yeah [Music] Wow maybe I can't I'm about done yeah I think I'm about done where's this one out hmm right about there rewear Wow [Music] that's scrap don't need these we're gonna put it all [Music] yep that may be what you cease now that I didn't see this might even be aluminum nope looks like it though feels like alone it's fools aluminum all right this isn't even funny anymore okay I won't be able to take that even though I want to maybe I'll take these two it's a scrubber really all right let's see how much we weigh no way 4,600 pounds Wow that's what I'm talking about Wow ah yeah 4,600 total record-breaker all right I gotta offload this stuff it's not gonna be as simple as before okay that's a little recognize those time for me to get to work but here's what's not gonna work is you having the camera like right there maybe [Music] sit down sit down let me tell you a day let me tell you a story right now right now was to just coming for me so loud so loud I'm just singing me a song a memento mori' can't count down she's been kind of [Music] and what if she eats this time what she makes her mom when will my future be she catches up with me I wanted to run away needed her to let me be but now I see I was trying [Music] what do you see is she beautiful lover she make-believe what do you think and my slave to this so can I ever be free I need to know now what do you say I need your help now can you scare away but what if she is his type what if she makes her more well my future P she catches up with me I wanted to run away needed her to let me but now I see yes that was kind of a big scrap day yeah you got everything put all the aluminum back in the truck I still have all this wire I was a really good romex score see how much my way to us 4,600 going in onto the scale I see 4080 all right so it's 520 pounds something like that yeah I think 4080 yeah all right so look all right I couldn't quite see the sign it was actually 4,000 pounds is what I weighed out not 4080 so I had I'm 600 pounds and $24 yeah so not only that but I still have all that wire and that's a decent amount of romex I got that copper piece I got a little bit of aluminum I think that's it I know yeah yeah it is and then I got that aluminum piece I got the bicycle this copper piece I like that that aluminum ladder yeah definitely a good day there's no doubt about it they will see my pasture yeah so thank you God for this day I thank you for for everyone that is within the sound of my voice Lord I'm just gonna ask for your assistance and your help and for us just to look to you for the answers God because I know that that church is ran by fallible people but you you're here all good so Lord let's all look to you and not looked maybe Jesus [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 411,062
Rating: 4.8169727 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: Cw-WBO7q3vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 6sec (3966 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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