Mark: This is SCP Containment Bluhblffffff- This is SCP Contunment Brunch. This is SCP Contoonment Branch. This is... SCP Containment Breach. The original game that was made a long time ago has finally been updated, and it started to be updated quite a bit recently. I-It's come out with regular updates and I think it's because like SCP Unity started like getting popular, and the remake of that and then the original creators or people like that were like, (In a silly voice) "Hey, wait a minute! Hey, do-
Do you think that maybe the- the- that- WE did that!" And so like they're finally updating.
It's still free, which is still shocking to me like... You guys should make some money off of this~
It's pretty cool~ M: But anyway, we're gonna get into it.
We're gonna start right from the beginning. I'm gonna disable the intro sequence because that's not gonna be any different. My name is Mark. So! If you're ready, I'm ready. Let's go into this. [Alarms blare over heavy rumbling.] Ahh... *sniffs*
The old familiar sounds, the old familiar smells... [Roar in the background]
Woah.. Hi? [Alarms and rumbling continue.] Hey, look out behind you! I'm gonna save you apparently- Ooh shit... (On camera) Guard: Keeps your eyes on it. M: Oh yeah! I remember this; they added this in... Guard: Just keep on watching- (Mark talks over them.)
M: I think I remember this... [Lights click off.]
M: Yeah, it's pretty loud! [Rumbling grows into a roar.]
Oh shit... Uh oh. [Mark's footsteps.]
Um, I'm gonna close this. Hang on. Wait, whoa no. I'm gonna close that. [Button beeps.] Push the bu- Never mind. I'm not gonna close it. [Whir of cameras turning.]
[Buttons beep as he presses them.] Hmm... Oh... Uh oh.
[Buttons beep as he presses them.] Door appears to be locked. Okay, is the volume still good? [Two loud buzzes over the PA system.]
Wow! PA: Attention. All personnel report to... (distorted) immediately. M: Immediately. Immediately, you say?
Oh, I know about immediately. [Sharp metallic noise.]
Hey! Fuck off with that shit! [Distant roar.]
You too! I'm gonna come over there; I'm gonna slap the shit out of you when I find you! Present that ass! I will slap. [Heavy thump.]
I'm a simple man. I see an ass, I slap. So, is SCP shooby-dooby down here? [Thunder.]
Whoa... Oh, that was a lamp. I got scared by a lamp. [Whir and beep of the camera.]
Hello, are you looking at me? No? Okay. So, this is largely gonna be the same.
I didn't read the changelog in depth. But it did say that there was like new versions of the ending, new bug fixes, new stuff like that... Things that could be addressed before... I-
This seems new though, but- I thought there was something here that I could use it for. So I'm just gonna explore it for a long period of time. *inhales* And then, whatever happens, happens.
I don't even know how far we're- [Groan of metal shifting.] Oh, hey. Wait a minute... [Water drips somewhere.] Hmm... They also did some optimiz- [Squelching noises.] [Something hisses open.]
Is that? Is that *screams* F-fucking forgot about you! I-I knew that was-
[Distant screeching.] I knew that was gonna be a thing. I knew it. I knew that. I-I was well aware that that was gonna be a thing. I've seen that before- What. Whoa! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[Glass shatters somewhere.] There's a lot more going on here than I remember, or maybe there's not. But either way you all need to calm the shit down. [Low growling] Whatchu doing over there?
...Okay Okay, there's a Tesla gate; I can get through that, but let's see if I need to first. [Something falls and crashes in the distance.] Oh God, why's my mouse like breaking on me? Hello? Oh. Doh, duh- That's not right. I can't. Oh, ugh... I'm very drunk! I'm extremely high!
I can't look to the right very goodly... [Low rumbling] Let me make sweet love to my mouse. This is how you make sweet love, right? Okay, are we better? No something just don't want me looking- looking around very hard. [Loud beep]
Oh. [Faint screams in the distance]
I don't know what's happening. I can't move. Oh hey, well never mind then. Wait.. is there like something.. Mouse smoothing.. Can I make that lower? How? Where's my frame- frame limit? Nice 60. I don't know. Oh Okay, that's a little better now that I limited the frame rate. That is a little better, that is in fact a little better. Okay, so he's coming that way. Oh Never mind. Oh shit, dude. I didn't why did you- I- lady- AH Wait, hang on Who- stop- Who's talking to me? Listen Alright [Sounds of electricity] AGH! There we go. Easy enough. Ooh, this is- ahh, hmmm.. I don't remember any of this. No [man in agony in the background] I feel like it's doing a lot more than it was before. You know what I mean? I feel like this game is doing considerably more than it was in the previous times that I've experi- Oh, shit. Okay, well I can't go- (Chewbacca noises) Chewbacca?? (Marks Chewbacca impression) Alright, I can't go through there without the mask. I don't have the mask yet. I don't know. That don't- That don't sound too good. Maybe it's not so bad. But you know, you know how it be with this game Hmm.. Ok so this- [Interrupted by Guard] [Unintelligible gibberish] (Neck Snapping Crunch) uh oh. Well, you's dead. You's guys is dead and I'm not dead- there's the gas mask. Ok, that's what I was looking for, level one card. That's good. I needed that. Um- There's documentation here, but I don't think I need it. I've read all the documentation a million times over. Why would I need it again? Batteries. Take all three, just in case. Hey, hey, okay. I don't think there's anything down there that I actually need. I'm pretty sure that's the lay of the land. You don't actually need anything there. Okay. Level one is- Oooh [Girl screams in the background] I think I remember someone screaming but you know so many people scream in this place. How can you tell one from another? How could you ever tell one from another? Okay, I saved. I think this is the Nazi one, if I'm not mistaken. This is the one where a bunch of Nazi stuff happens. So let's go experience that because I feel like it. What about level one? Ohhhhhhh God damnit God heck'n heck is heck, God piece of heck. God damnit. Alright well let's get out of here. We'll come back for that. I know how to get cards in this game maybe. I don't know This is an elevator. I don't want to go down in the elevator because that sounds bad. So I'm not gonna go unless I have to. Okay, that's open. Anyone there? Okay. We'll close that for now. I'm gonna try to go through this area over here. There's a few la- Okay. That's a checkpoint lockdown, can't go there. But that's where we need to go for the next area. I do have the gas- Where does that lead to? Why is there just a door- no- what? What the? I've never seen a layout like that before. Have I? Oh- uh- wai- wha wha wha.. What is this shit? (Repeats) What is this shit? What is this shit? I've never seen this shit before! This is new! This is new. Ah, report all potential anomalies. Hehe, it looks like a deer shooting out of a recycling bin. A little weird, huh? Okay, what the fff is this all about? Okay, just some weird checkpoint? Uh, don't forget today is pizza day. P-P-P-Pizza day. Oh shit. What is this? Uh, okay. Alright you know what? Imma leave that for now. Just gonna leave that for now. Let's see If I can go through here. It is open. What do I need for this one? Oh, It worked! That- I didn't expect that to actually work. What is this? I've never- Oh, sh- Oh you let me close it behind me, just in case I think I just picked up a clipboard for some reason. Right, I might as well put everything in the clipboard. Oh. No, put it in the clipboard. No, put the clipboard there. There we go. Okay, pick up the map. Alright, cool. Now put a battery in the map. Okay, cool [Low rumbling] Alright, anyway. Some kind of storage room, that's awfully nice of them. Now I can have this. Oh, I can finally get a- A radio again, which I haven't been- Ah, I'm not trying to look at it, I'm trying to drag it. Whatever that was, I probably knew about it. God, I'm trying to drag these things. Fuck you. No. There- NO! There, you there. Okay, now- (Blaring Alarms start) Uh huh. Yeah, uh huh. [Catchy music from the communication device] [Mark snaps along with the tune] [Marks starts singing] Okay, that- Well that was boring. Glad I did that- ooh, that is that's an SCP, isn't it? Isn't it- isn't this actually an SCP? I can't reme- Well it's gone now apparently There's something about this origami. That's actually an SCP. I can't- I can't remember. Ah, whatever. Okay, I don't need another card. Well, I do need another card in case I mess up this one. I'll take the extra battery and I've already got a clipboard. So just in case I mess this up, I'm gonna keep- I'm gonna hold on to that. Oh woah, woah, woah. What did I see in front of me? Oh hey. [Loud screeching] Uh.. Woah, ah, ah, ah- NO! EARS?! EARS!? EARS AR- Uh.. Death by ear. Welp.. Shit, that doesn't sound good. Also, I'm all the way over here now so dick me. Dick me right in the bunghole. Alright, we gotta go back. I've never- I've never actually died by that little bear before. Fascinating death, I- I- I suppose. The way that one works, if I recall correctly- the way that one works is it lets out a loud shriek and then your body just starts growing ears all over the skin. Everywhere inside, like, every surface area in- inside and outside of your body starts growing skins. So, like, your throat starts growing ears. Like your- your- your- Everything. Your ears start growing ears, like, you just start growing ears. It's not, it's not chill. It ain't cool. It, uh, It's pretty much the opposite of chill and/or cool. So, yeah. Now I gotta save before I die horribly to ears. I'm gonna go back. I'm gonna save at the, uh.. Computer screen in the Nazi room. Just in case, 'cause you never know. Nobody here. Gonna close it. Always close the doors behind you or else you get snuck up on by.. Da big Billy.. Remember that.. Da, da. Dadadadada. Okay moving on. There's another way to go besides the ear route. Oh, but I do have the gas mask. Let me go- let me go down here first because I bet this is gonna be more of a- [Character breathes heavily] Are you sure about that? Hmm... Mmm, okay. Alright. Okay Okay, alright. We're all gucci here, we're gucci. We're gucci, gucci, goo. What do you need for good one? Woah! Hey, wait a minute. I know this is a trap. I know a trap when I see one. Yep, there's the trap. I said- [Door closes] oh, shit! Ah, shit! Shit! Hey wait! Shit! Lada dee, la la de de- there was something on this table here. That's a level two. I want to drop that and then pick up that one. (Sings) [Sounds on glass breaking] (Aggressively sings louder) (Goes back to normal singing) Ooooh. (Sings) [SCP knocks on the door] Alright. We're all good. I'm gonna go in this room real fast-like. I know how this works, but I gotta.. Shit, fucking save. Oh shit! I can save at that. Okay. I don't know.. Is there something in that room? Oh, do-ing. I can never remember if it actually is not. Doesn't look like it is but hey, we saved so what's the worst that could happen? I die a horrible death. I'M A BRAVE BOY! I'm a brave boy. This game sure is good about making you do things that you don't want to do. "We haven't really encountered a lot of new stuff" I say as I enter in a new area I've never seen before. What is this place? Ooooh. Oooooh, it's this guy! Hey, buddy! Alright, so I've got- I've got a level two. Alright, so I'm- Is there always blood here? I can't remember. Probably. So I'm gonna lock myself in here. Alright, whatever. Can't carry any more items. Well, that's okay, cause I don't know why I have two of these. But I'm gonna drop one in. Now, for the map, I'm gonna try Fine. I'm gonna drop it in here and try to make it a Fine one. There's very few things that you need for Very Fine, as I remember. [Machine makes loud noises] Always found this one to be the most fascinating SCP, this machine. What did we get? What did we get? I think we got the ultimate version. OS 310? Oh! Is that the ultimate? I think that's the ultimate. What happens- okay. Let me- let me put- since I have a spare, let me put this one in on Ultra Fine. Just in- [A loud scream from somewhere as Mark is jumpscared] We'll put this one in on Ultra Fine and then.. I don't know if that's the correct answer but you know, it's the only answer I've got. So whatever. Oh, there's test logs. Put one chimp on Fine. Okay, it made something. I can't carry any more of this. Let me put that on a clipboard. Okay. Ah-ha! That's the ultimate! Yeah- Uh oh. Uh oh. Well that don't- that don't look good. But anyway, I've got this so I don't need that anymore. The only problem is I don't have a save point in here.. So I can't exactly, uh.. Make- take too many risks, but I've got one of these. I'm gonna try to- I'm gonna try to put this to Omni. Fuck, was it Fine or Very Fine? Right, so they've changed up how this works. Good thing I looked at this.. Otherwise, I would have been doing this forever You can get it up to a level 3 card. By putting a level 2 in there and going to Fine. If you go to level 2 and you crunch it on Fine... It has a chance to go to level 3. But then level 3 is gonna be the max that I can get. Once I get to level 4 I can- may turn a level 4 into a level 5... And then I can turn a level 5 into Omni. Oh, shit. I have a chance to turn a level 5 into an Omni, but this is my level 3, so that's good. I'm gonna create two level 3's. I don't need two level 3's. [Ominous sound erupts] Whoa. Why would I need two level 3's, right? I'm gonna leave this here then, 'cause I'm pretty sure this is good... For now. There's also the gas mask and then the only other thing is the radio, but I don't know if the radio can turn into anything. I honestly have no idea. Okay. So I've got the gas mask. This- you can breathe easier. So it gives unlimited stamina so I can just run forever and ever and ever and ever with this so that's good. Let's go out. Got a card. That opened. Blink, blonk. Where you at buddy? Are you here? Better not be here. Okay, you're not here. Okay. There's a screen right here where I can just quickly save. Moving on, got it. Hmm, that's not fun with the whole not being able to save all the time kind of thing. And apparently... I can keep this open.. And try to, like, listen out for anything important. Hello? Whoa, that's (starts to stutter) Uh, (gibberish) Umble, umble. Uh, mmm. MMmmm. What is that? What is that? Oh. Emily Ross is- Who the- Who the hell is Emily Ross? Why is this a thing? Huh? Why do I just get this? [Radio starts playing] Radio: You're listening to SCP Foundation on-site radio. More 24/7 sources after our prerecorded messages. [Jazzy music starts playing] [Mark changes the stations] [Jazzy music resumes] Okay, weird. (Turns off the radio) Okay, I guess this doesn't do anything, does it? Oh, level four or higher. Damn. Got this one open though. What was this one again? Woah, shit. Oh, fuck What was this one again? Oh, this is the gas mask! I don't know if I want this. [Mark makes a frustrated noise] No, I don't want this. As much as I like that thing, I don't want this. [Frustrated noise] No, I'll come back for that if I need it for anything. Well, shit my dick! Okay, here we go! Oh wait. No. I know how to get rid of it. I know. Wait, if I take him through the Tesla gate- if I- if he follows me through the Tesla gate.. Then I will be in good old-fashioned businesses. Okay, wait. Hang on. Wait. [The monster and Mark screams] Why were you so fast!? You're not that fast! I didn't want to go in the pocket dimension. That was so fast. Why is it so fast? He got faster. Alright. Well, I guess I'm- because of that save that I just did, I guess I'm stuck traversing the pocket dimension until I get through this. Okay, so down one of these I think if I remember correctly, it's like you go down.. Oh.. It's so topsy-turvy and you look kind of a little far.. You look down it a bit, but I don't know how far. It's like SCP- that stairwell game- Oh God.. Wait. Wha!? What the fuck was that? You didn't say that was gonna be a thing. No, there's nothing down there. What the fuck was that? Someone gonna give me a little smooch? A little poochy-smooch? A little smooch doochy. One of these, has like.. But I don't remember which. I don't remember what the identification is for this. Oh... That doesn't sound good. Oh! Why? Why was that a thing? Okay. Oh, there's a note. Okay, wait. Hold on. Well, we got that. The paper clip is not strong enough to hold any more items. Well, you know.. [Game makes an ominous noise] Shit, okay. I'm just gonna go. Ah, shit. Ah, shit. Ah, shit! No, no! I got the note! I got the note! Woah, what the fuck. Oh. Ooooooh, WHY? Why are you asshole? You're such a douche! You're such a douche, just leave me alone! I haven't saved. Oh God, where am I?! No, not this way! No, no please. Don't kill me. No! You're so fast! Oh, you're so fast.. and you're so strong. Oh, he's so strong. He's so strong and so fast. You got a lot faster. You got a lot stronger. I don't know where I am. I don't know what I'm doing! I don't want it! I don't want it! Please no! Ah, God! Not again! Please, I don't want anything. Please, I don't want anything for Christmas! Where am I?! No! Nooooooo! Sucks to suck, don't it? We're gonna- It's gonna be- We're gonna load in here and it's gonna immediate- Wait, oooohhh! Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo, I see you. I see- I didn't press the button! I didn't press- I DIDN'T PRESS- [Mark is interrupted by the monster] Fuckin, why did I get an achievement? Aaaahhhh... Fuckin' shit ticks.. Take off the gas mask. Ooohhh, why? Oh, God. Oh, God. Okay. So I gotta find the note. Where's the note? It was right at front, last time. I could see better when I had- no I couldn't. God, it's super wonky. There's the note. Okay, there's the note and- uh, shit. There we go. There's that and off we go. Dicks, dicks, dicks, dicks. Oh, what? Noooo. I don't wanna go through this again. Hello, Pendulum. Oh, boy. I hate this. Oh, no. Nya, no, no, no, no, no... Here it comes. Uh, I'm gonna go for it... I'm not gonna make it! I'm so slow! I'm not gonna make it! Oh, God! Stop. [Let's out a breath of relief] Okay.. Alright... I'm not gonna- Oh, I didn't know that was there! [Sound of character hitting the ground] AH! My bad! My bad! My bad. My bad.. My bad... Oh, fucking- I forgot! Hi, hello. So, I think... I think what the deal-io is.. Once I get the note, which is here.. Once I get the note.. Just, I just gotta, like- I don't know, man. Wait? Read the note? Maybe I gotta read it. I don't know, I actually read it that time. Put it on my clipboard and then wait for like, Larry, to come... Find me, 'cause he was coming and then I got out and I don't know why, but... I was just gonna wait for a bit. Y'know, just rest my legs... Yeah, I'll need this note eventually, but I doubt I'm gonna get to the point where I'll even need this. But it's like.. Its.. It's just.. Ugh... Seven, four, one, four. Got it. Blink. Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... I thought Larry would have shown up by now. Do I have to go on the big swinging balls? Oh! Oh, shit. Well, please, Larry. Don't come back then. Why is that- It was just darkness! What was that? What did I- I didn't see anything! It was blackness! This is a void. It's just a void It doesn't go nowhere! What- I- What- I- Nooooo! Wait a minute! Wait, blood..? Is that my blood? Is that- am I bleeding? I'm bleeding, aren't I? Why am I bleeding? I'll just jump. Okay, here we go. Weeee- Oh, God! Oh, shit! Oh. Oh, G- Oh, shit. Um.. I guess I didn't leave then. Ah.. Ah, shitty tits. What the fuck? What the fuck?? Uh... Okay.. It's real topsy-turvy here. Oh. There's nothing in here. I vaguely remember this, but I didn- Ooo. Of all the places that they had to revamp and make new and fun, why this place? Why give Larry anything? Why give Larry anything at all? Oh, what is this? Oh, what is this? Oh, what is this? Oh... There's a whole lotta nothing maybe? That's a big pillar. Not sure what the point of the pillar is. Oh. Oh, ah. [Loud sound echoes throughout the room] Uhh! Why did you do that? What was that about? What was that about? [Major stuttering] I'm bleeding. Ahhh! K- Keel? Kill? I'll kill, did I kill? Where am I? Did I kill? I think I killed. Oh, shit. I'm in a tomb. OH, OH, OH, AHH! HI! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? Of all the time.. Of all the time... Have somebody in this- Oh, hello again. Ohhh, boy. That's probably not good. Yeah, I know I'm losing blood. How do you expect me to solve it? Ohhh, boy.. Well, I'm gonna die here, that's for sure. That's for damn sure. I'm definitely gonna die. On this- it's just a matter of tummy. Okay, you can't see me Mr. Big Eye in Sky. Uh oh. Oh... Alright, Mr. Big Eye. Alright. Uh oh. Uh oh. I think this is where I just die straight up. Oh. Well, I think they see me. Oh, shit. Look away. I can't look away. I can't- Shit. Oh, that's so weird. Ah, there I'm dead. No man's land. (Talk under his breath) Fuck.. (Under his breath) What the fuck.. That was something else. La-dee-da! Could not do nothing. Couldn't do nothing. Alright, so we're gonna leave that there. I don't have enough time to dive too much deeper but I can't believe that I just loaded up the game and saw a ton of new shit. That is pretty impressive. I haven't done that in a long time With this game. I haven't just been able to go like, "I will load up the game! Let's see what happens! And then duddly-duddly-doo!" But for this one, thanks for watching. And as always I see you in the next video. Buh-bye