SciCraft Witch Farm Tour With MumboJumbo

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hello everybody welcome to another Sai Croft video it is a bit of a special one at whirring the site refer of a group of people showing the which home project which finally got finished lies at least in a state where it's presentable we might want to add more which forms later so if you have seen all the psycho off two episodes ready a lot of those things will be quite familiar already but in the end we actually all got a surprise which hasn't been shown also this video will be quite long we had a special guest this time mumbo jumbo toy in the server I'm really excited because mumbo jumbo was one of the first youtubers I followed when I got into minecraft and they are really excited that he'd join us for the server too and there was a lot of talk and rambling just showing off the server in total this video will probably be about two hours long but if you're not really interested in all the rambling and explaining in between I can also recommend me you just watch the server to an Drago's Channel he cut it down to 45 minutes awesome I'll jump over the release of video probably next Tuesday so I will put a link in the description to reco studio and as soon as mum would reach this video we'll also link it there but now as far as I do let's get started if the servitor hello hello guys the second dragon fortitude to graph this I craft true hey guys so we'll find another servant were and well since we took so long since the last one I thought you'd be lagging one and well speaking of leg usually our guest today joke so yeah welcome humble thanks for joining us today hope they were introduced you mean in such a fitting way you know lag is thanks you have to say he wasn't the worst offender when we did some tests on an old camera craft world so everybody give you that much credit alright so yeah today you might get easily confused which farm we are actually looking at at some point because there's got to be a lot okay so yeah I suggest we head right off and we actually start at our quad perimeter so that way over there so maybe look at take a look at the subway map first yeah since we're here we got some cool States we went to put crazy on well we could say on the map making so these are all maps that we actually built in one of our unused perimeters specifically in the Mesa quarry perimeter so yeah it's pretty cool pretty neat map and it's pretty large so these are all witch hunts and then ice farm furnace array flower farms which man this is totally ridiculous stuff yeah that math is beautiful it's beautiful thank you okay someone missed our disco server um get your phones out all right this was half a million blocks to place order actually did it in one day yeah I was gonna say I mean how do you 525 640 by 640 blocks that's about 420,000 I think math and so and you had to color code all of this right out everything I mean I'm assuming it's not to scale but they're kind of suggestions as to where things are so we can look at this the city area in the middle is just all that the closer forms and some of the destinations up to almost 10,000 blocks away oh yeah this is not to scale it's just like a subway map to indicate everything is and every line is to here is the piston vault here in the network in the neder and then of course in the overworld it's ten thousand times eight away so even more yeah that's pretty serious this is awesome this is so cool and are you using piston bolts to get almost everywhere or is there any kind of regular micro not really well Canon as well but other than that we are mostly using piston bowls some isalus boats and I like some ice tunnels but they're like rare and not too often used destinations sooner is gonna be new tick when you guys run down a nice tunnel right do you just just discuss boats and we discussed wash our hands afterwards all right so let's all head over I guess some of us will need to run or fly I have a box of mine cards in case someone needs some then don't press anything does it all okay straight on 28 verily this one is actually one of our shortest piston bolts so that's why I'm just running over now you're the map and lay charges you can see also how they work better because they have no carpet over them basically my friends and business snapping the minecart on to the next stripe so I mean we need to I mean this whole thing I would love to build on the hammer craft serviço scan around this season ya know for sure it's actually not that hard we also have developed a lot of tech to do it automatically so this time I paused estrella Kurvers and you just have to place the Pistons yourself into repeaters that big of a deal once you have two materials that sounds like you make life a lot easier because I'm hearing about those kind of Kirby rails that seems like you'll be frustrating yeah not fun to do many yeah alright so let's let's finally look at the first which farms cuz we had to well rebuild things a little bit yep so yeah things changed some people who might remember the old server tourists knew there was multiple versions of rooms around the portal here but those actually still are a quat which parameter just that things got changed quite a bit so this is making my eyes go a bit funny in terms of right difficult to know it's difficult to judge scale right now because everything's so massive oh yeah classic give me one second I'm going to need to go to the overworld with my other account right I mean if you take a sense of scale you see we come prepared okay I think opps which should be off I'm waiting five more seconds and then lock out insolence okay I'm gonna try to run fly into one of the farms just to see so the brown glass has some openings on one side each time okay so yeah this is actually still a shifting flora design here yeah we're using by now so they do still work but mobs tend to get moved around so you have to prevent the witches from also moving along with the blocks just by having these trap drawers in yeah and that way you can actually still use fairly simple shifting floors and also there's at least in 112 we don't need oh just what also not aware we're still playing in 1 for 12 because 113 breaks a lot of things yeah it makes things quite boring yeah so on 112 there's actually no collision check in this morning which means it doesn't matter if you get rid of the witches super quickly as long as you stay below mobcap yeah but staying below mobcap even before which farms it's pretty easy and even if you're more which farms loaded then while you have additional players there and they increase the mob cap so we never really run into market issues and yeah we can easily use these shifty floors which are just on a clock so there's no detection required or such yeah you know it makes it quite simple this is this is this is one of the witch I mean for my baby little which from that I'm building on the hammock craft server I'm using this exact design if I remember correctly if I'm just looking at it but yeah or at least very very similar to it so yeah I'm familiar with that one but obviously I've only done one whereas you guys have got four well we got four of them here so yeah this is our old quad which perimeter which was originally a reason to choose the seat so maybe you should also head down maybe someone to me time controller on the farms oh I'd love to see that I mean so we can see looks is this perimeter roughly I'm about five bucks five million yeah this was actually a hand talk four years ago no not yet completely inviting exes by hand hmm I mean that's actually not that much in terms of parameter volume yeah and it was actually a little bit deeper before now it's covered with stone back again yep yeah we can also detail about it later yes and can someone turn on the farm farm to see it in action is that a vertical redstone here then we can just take that sensor at the bottom and it detects that the block could push the buff there's also second pay that sensor this works at a and died yeah it's pretty cool system looks like the light is still on that's yes some of the light is on for some reason I should probably go to a spectator if I'm at one of the firm's yeah if you want to take a look at the farm in action once it's starting up feel free to go to us okay toes you see that's not running yet so oh okay you'll figure that out and get back once it's working so is it broken seems like you think so you don't think it looks like there's only one daylight no they're such to daylight sensor ah but both of them are night mode okay are there's a second cobblestone maybe that's it yeah that should be also the farms because we can also turn it on manually it was like a last minute addition yesterday that's ink removing that cobblestone block actually fixed it oh yeah no I just got like spikes oh that felt like myself what's so funny shifting force are yep yep it's working okay alright okay so I'm seeing a lot of witches I mean I'm in spectator mode now and I'm seeing a lot of witches drop out the bottom already and so there's four of these I mean how many out how many items an hour are you getting from these things one is about 6,200 at maxim's and these are about 6100 well okay that's that's a lot of stuff that's a lot of items not one of the slowest farms actually that's the reason why we've built more of them yes super slow because there's so few spawning spaces I mean right yeah it's only those four huts here and quad perimeters they are really pretty rare we even used seed as we said yeah um so yeah the farms were way too slow for our redstone needs and that's why we built all the stuff we saw today on the server - yeah and also one of these produce is only about 775 redstone an hour which is right so not enough for ax so you need you need more than that so you're you're actually using more than 775 redstone an hour on there on there this is like the miles per when you're buying a cars on the master gallon you talking redstone per hour on the side craft server I put into perspective VAP had some form of quad which forms for four years now and random for easily over 500 hours but currently we are out of redstone dust and we need like probably half a million redstone dust just like to craft things in the near future what I can't even fathom these numbers these numbers are totally ridiculous to me I'm a four for reference a future potential in the servitor yet which probably will finish quite soon we needed a million so you need them you needed a million that's a lower number like it was at least a million was probably like 1.2 or whatever or cares you have you know extra 200,000 that is a matter round down change for get change there that's ridiculous I can't even imagine we're gonna project that big and how many people work on these projects at once is it like a community effort or is it kind of one person does one thing one person does another finger is it defensive somebody call our city mostly we lift our staff we will show next weekend we can talk more about that because it's go quit talking yeah okay absolutely alright so yeah I've tried to give a room a bit of a view under which forms working I guess we want to move on because as some people are indicated we got a few more so let's do that understand now let's let's other later all right I'll come to that in a bit let's go back and somebody I won't be cleared off and still are yeah do they break if you unload them or are they in general pretty much everything in Minecraft breaks if you keep it running the brake Pistons if they get unloaded the wrong moment so always turn off farms if you lift area not today we honor no and how do you go about troubleshooting that sort of thing or does it oh no I've crashed into someone I mean if you troubleshoot something like that it's generally a pain yeah I mean you just like try to go through the contraption like from the input to the flight desired output and see where the fault is like there's no better way of going about yeah absolutely does that make sense which are just modded in to the game yeah just to essentially figure out what the heck is going yeah yeah well that makes sense as well I mean yeah with the size and scale of the project so you guys work on having those sorts of Handy tools around definitely makes sense okay next which Hut would probably be just doesn't cut it constantly running low and it had issues kid enough retinas that's why we decided to add more which cuts and obviously we only have one question on this seed or map the next best thing would be a triple which shot which is the nearest one was 1 million blocks away so it wasn't feasible to go there and that's why we decided to use the double Richards which usually find around every 10,000 blocks and normal roads and we added a lot of double which adds additionally to the quad Richard and if you know map you can see it the which has icons always indicate one double which shirt and total we have 20 now you can also hear next thing you can travel through each of those locations check it out no Wendy with 20 wedge shots but yeah 10 okay that makes sense but still that's still ridiculous so so once again would you be disgusted at the thought of building a single which at this point in time but that doesn't seem like it makes sense for single player world I mean why not not really to scale our walnut it's just a bit too slow for us yeah and it's too leg if you have multiple single which hurts or a lot of single wedge shots so we just picked the double widget so we can have more which farms in the capacity the server has that makes sense so like so like protection and things like that is is a big priority for you guys because I'm assuming yeah you know with this many with this many farms and this much ridiculous stuff you can't really be having I mean there is no point of having 20 which farms if you can't really load them and run them at the same time yeah number can you follow me behind yeah there's another pistol this is a bit longer let's just pop it open right okay and this will take me to the which bar Mia yes okay I just realized I asked that after I jumped into it this is your sacrifice will be appreciated a million blocks into a death pit this glass and everything and the Terracotta all just gradually placed in by hand it's not wasted I wouldn't say wasted but no I it does seem like it would take a very long time I also like the fact that you've got the glass even when you're just going through netherrack that's quite a nice touch yeah we generally build this like the same size and same shaped poles everywhere where we built mr. bolt right just the decoration is different all the time and also like same theme design like same what pattern always yeah exactly mix them up also somebody cheaped out on this one and didn't place all the glaze they're occupied the same orientation don't fade when you're traveling this fast you really can tell oh oh there we go well one thing I am wondering is so all of this terracotta here I'm assuming there's no way to farm terracotta is there you just have to get it by hand and smelt it no I have to get it by hand necessarily but you have to build a quarry enough to create as projects with it so far my mind is totally know whenever I say these things I half expect this is why I ask ya on any other server I wouldn't ask if you did it by hand but that's why I keep mentioning do you do it by hand and then I have expect people to say no no of course you don't know by hand what I would be dead by hand when we can do this yeah that's what I like about this place I mean we generally try to automate as much but for example this piece table of building doesn't really make sense to automate because it's like do you run out of blocks in your hand and offhand which means that you can't place blocks forever if you're just riding a flying machine or something yeah thanks we arrived since we arrived at the next which promotes the rest we go right through and take a look at that one I love the sign that you guys have created as well that's very very cool that's German how'd they do that is that just you kind of take an image that you've created in Photoshop or something they use a program and then just place it book by blog yes yeah pretty much pretty much creative world and then we build it mr. oh and someone just got another achievement me fly to the middle yeah you just made a small journey maybe you want to show you a free screen where we're at so we are at oh wow so we we're 20,000 Oh 23,000 by 19,000 yes Oh wit we're quite a ways out there abouts where we just then how many thousands of blogs have we just traveled there then well we were pretty much at a couple hundred before yeah the hub is pretty much basically zero zero yeah so that was that was that was lightning speed then I'm nice to loading these things do you just kind of strategically afk or is there basically we just put both accounts here right okay yeah what accounts is basically just a server side account so we don't have to keep our computers running waste energy yeah yeah keep this running saving the environment [Laughter] so this is of course a double perimeter only you know as I mentioned before well the portal is in one of the farms and you might actually notice there's quite a big Tower built around each of these farms which seems a bit unnecessary and if you also fly somewhere to the side of this butch pad here that everything is built on you can't jump on that one you can also show the edges of the perimeter to show how low down we are yeah so of course we bumped everything here with world leaders down to bedrock yes Cleopatra exactly and then actually refilled it again using a large cobble generator with flying machines to push everything in in order to fill essentially the first sub trunk for those on our wares basically up to why 15 16 and well the reason why we do this is that in 112 the spawn algorithm basically works perceptron so it always picks up the highest sub chunk that has a non fully transparent block in it or have it is fully transparent that doesn't matter and even if it's a void it will always go through the first subject like in the in the end it always spawns in the first exactly so you can't get her out the first top chunk but anything above and then it picks a random location tries to do it spawning magic and in this magic it uses a lot of random cards which are very heavy on soup so your server gets really slow if you have many parameters load it just from spawning and of course we never add mock capsule the spawning ayran keeps kicking in all the time it's not even the random chances story random calls is basically the the game actually spawns a mob and then let's create best he realizes oh I can't really place in here and then it goes next so it's actually the actual spawning algorithm spawns a lot of mobs unnecessarily and you can just delete them right away yeah I you occasionally see that happen don't you when you're like a hundred twenty eight blocks away that's not exactly the same because that one actually gets fully spawned and then chesty spawns in the next tick actually spawned and they spawned in the same moment but it still caused a lot of a lot of sheep utna that make sense so the 14 if the spawn algorithm hits a solid block like a full cube like a couple storm not a couple stones there or slap or anything but really a full another stock yeah any salt lock then it basically stops the algorithm at that point and keeps its mouth shut for the rest of the chicken so thank you safe on a lot of iterations and the basic attacks for that block at the very beginning for each chunk before it actually looks for anything else like what they can spawn and where and so it actually checks for that book first so if it lands in the middle of the stone area or like risky solid areas it will just never go it's actually it's actually 1 to 200 roughly ratio so it's a it's a ridiculous difference I mean generating the stone here I think improved the like lag situation very shut by something like a factor of seven so which is quite nicely yeah so these big stone pillars around here literally just there to stop lag on the server exactly around the witch hats you want the roof of course so it's dark inside yeah then on those blocks the sub chunk is of course raised above the first one yeah so you have to fill all the blocks we load I think v chops up chunky is it yes well completely with stone because those are raised higher than the others that are only one sub chunk and that's also why the roof goes higher than it would actually need to be because we have to get it to the edge of the sub trunk basically yeah and then cap it off there okay leave us with a few spawns and there's actually one magic block that helps us even more and that's what actually saved you in the last perimeter and that is that a slime block is considered a solid block so it stops the spawning algorithm early on but it's still fully transparent which means if you place a slime block at the very last block in the sub chunk the spawning limit in terms of sub chunks does not get raised yeah but everything that put where the game would randomly select this topmost block in the first place would also get killed right so we we cancel this fairly early on if you put couple stone there the next sub chunk would get activated right I see and lose out again a nice effect to showcase this is in a future which our perimeter where we don't have to carpet you won't actually ever see any mob spawn on the slime yep and also just to give you an idea of how like frankly these parameters are one of these which shots takes about one fiftieth of the server's capacity to run so we could actually build much more of these that we actually have at the moment and still keep the server from blacking I would like to mention two things about this well first of all this one it's bigger than the last one it's about 16 million blocks in volume 16 million yep I mean that is basically render distance as far as the server endless chunks we removed everything 528 528 blocks and so was this automated by flying machines with this joy hand as well flying machines do ping that teeny chipping machines that you also used on your episode think flying over pomping stuff done and then we also have a sweepers at the bottom that get rid of the liquids that pop up so at the TNT can destroy the blocks below liquids as well and that way it's mostly automated they of course some obsidian blocks here and there that we have to remove by hand but everything else the machine is the machine does everything else and how long did that take so in terms of just sheer machines moving actually we actually got fairly fish knowledge at doing this and the biggest one just anyway let me talk in the beginning the beginning we made the perimeter in 36 hours and remove everything but yeah we got better over time you know we got to type down to eight hours to make one of those complete perimeters eight hours or we had a group of 10 to 50 people working on it but at 8 hours we got from normal terrain to everything bombed out and so you are you just getting much better at building the flying machine yeah we are all set a deciphering the flying machines yeah so like the first time we did this reduced a really slow world later that yeah well it all took almost I think 12 hours or something to finish because it was really slow really lucky yeah we didn't optimize it at all but then over time we just built better and better versions iterative improvement and at the moment I think the world later takes something like six hours a bit more to finish I think our current record for doing everything so pumping out the whole area building the whole stone generation all the witch farms doing literally everything you see right now here's was 11 and a half hours no 40 14 14 hours that is so bonkers that you guys can manage to do that within 14 hours I mean that's crazy because I mean I hate to keep bringing up the because it almost seems sad to bring up my little witch hunt that I'm building on the hermit craft server when I'm standing here because it doesn't look anywhere near suppressive is this but like we me and green were toting out the amount of time that I'd spent so far on on the witch hut and it came to like 36 hours or something ridiculous like that and that's for single which helped with a much smaller perimeter of only 1.2 million blocks so you've done 16 times the amount of space and also completely flattened it and also built the entire which huh and also surrounded them in stone and cover the entire area in carpet and you've managed to do that in 14 hours and that's that's so impressive yeah I would suggest we after we've gone over the farms so I wanted to point out the second thing about this perimeter this is the only one where we have closed on on the floor in the floor right yeah so in the beginning because this is the first one we made we weren't sure if you wanted the water so overnight we just placed all the clothes on in here and it's like also under stone because we did this one at the time yeah and yeah later on we decided it well bunch of flooded and future so it was also this is the only parameter that has carpet as we already said and that's because we wanted to make it look cool of course we thought maybe a huh we do a pixel out of each which drop in each perimeter yeah but then we placed all the carpet and the carpets actually get random ticked like for example crops or cross that it turns into dirt and so on for whatever reason carpets get random ticked and that actually there we have decreased performance by just a tiny bit and since we are so perfectionists then we decided to just leave the carpets out and safe that work and do it just leave the slime blocks in two other parameters yeah currently the service running on 7ms PG so 10-4 oh now it's five a tenth of the server performance and we are so many people here a server currently all jumping around I mean person takes quite a lot of performance actually yeah no I bet man this is this is I mean this is ridiculous this is totally ridiculous I don't know what does half of this I've never seen it's so difficult to judge scale in this sort of thing and I've just I've never really seen this sort of thing done in anything other than created my testing worlds and even then I haven't really seen anyone do it to this scale and a creative world so see this done in survival mode it's just totally bonkers there's something to be said about this builds on these epic scales in survival you know we we don't it's fun but it's also a partly out of necessity we've got people here who are most you know we're all adults you know day jobs some of us have kids we don't actually have the time to do this kind of stuff manually yeah so we have to invent solutions for doing it automatically I mean I always say I always say your own time is the most precious resource in Minecraft because you can achieve almost everything that's really just a question of how much time can you sink into it yeah it's so difficult so difficult to get a reference across of just how Oh crazy this is and I just the only way that you could know how mad this is obviously by doing it yourself yeah there's only a select few people that would do this sort of thing and they're all still on that glass platform right there I guess yeah we finally take 2a through all the other ones yeah a bit quicker because otherwise the video is gonna be like seven hours short it's racist we can also talk at the other locations a bit I guess yeah of course I'm just considering the other location so just make a bit of a time-lapse up anyone needs Rockets here as the rocket books to fly so you might wanna just move and talk sabers key if I can say best one of the diagnostic tools we have on the server is you can type log TPS yeah a little better key in the top screen will tell you exactly how many milliseconds per tick it does get a key state to the best he takes so it's so basically you can monitor on the fly pesky how's the server performing as n plus there's also a teak health command that will essentially basically monitor all the entities and blogs and all this other stuff that happens on the on the server in each dimension separately and it will display to you break down on what takes and where and how much time right so I was help like the does kill pesky vanilla in 1:13 has a similar thing to the same kind of usefulness so I remember Exuma was out was asking me about help but with the code and stuff like that she so it's it's roughly the same tool although it's a little bit like more painful to use because you cannot really do it on the fly when you are running the server just from your from the clients with this one you can just do I think it stick health yeah if you type take health it'll essentially tell you what runs and where and how much time is taking and from that we learned a lot of stuff like how to optimize those things so you only like with the witch farms you're only really the only thing that really takes time is to actually spawned a witch and let's drop it down right yeah and the rest is removed all the spawning extra spawning extra stuff that happens around this all removed because it's not really useful I mean maybe we should maybe we should explain the MSP T a bit more so you have two TPS and the MSP T yeah so as you probably know the 20 ticks per second yes oh yes yeah yes over the key game ransom ticks per second and there's 20 of them which means that one tick should take no more than 15 milliseconds if it's taking more than 15 milliseconds means that the game is lagging if it takes below 15 milliseconds it tells you that you have some extra like if you thought that was you have some extra capacity so if you if we can run a witch farm with one millisecond per tick it means that we can run 50 of them at the same time why okay that makes sense it's double which takes about 1.2 million seconds at it yes so so weak so we could run 32 of them maybe if we want that's crazy by the way tall tikal thing can m1 method I was wondering so I mean all of these tools I'm guessing were developed to a certain extent but spoke to your very unique set of problems yes so essentially at some point I thought okay like if there is something I'm missing from the game I can just I can just do it I can use at it yeah in the sense that it's still like in the sense that it's still vanilla in the sense that we are not adding mechanics you are not adding the new time that makes so that you can't really do it like if you're running of rescue vanilla server that is basically ships with Moya yes it's exactly the same thing except you get more insights of what's actually happening yeah well that that's I mean when you're doing this sort of stuff that sort of thing is invaluable because then you can work out when you activate something like a farm or something just how much damage you're kind of doing to the server by running and it gives you yeah it gives you a true insight as opposed to kind of playing it by ear you know that totally makes sense yeah but yeah legs getting better no okay for some reason server was looking a bit down I mean if you have 20 people basically running a piston vault in different areas then you're loading a lot of chunks it ones here is anyone here in the nether hub but the thing is 112 is about 60% faster than one one thirteen with all the changes they added with a bit aquatic so if you like so basic if you take any contraption in 113 it will run about 60 percent slower and on top of that what's actually really funny and I think they like they they got the client-side a tile entity duplication bug yeah in best in like the entire one like 113 so you can so the thing is like and I got this question from her first for example from impulse because he was saying that he can't run the tree farm for more for more than an hour and then the TPS so the FPS goes to zero yeah mi and I tested out and it actually was just a bug so you can't really run any contraption for more than half an hour in 1:13 period really yeah that's so strange and the same happens with the sorting system for Asuma so you can't around it and and and it's only client-side on the server it's it's a no problem it it only you you just need to reload and log back again and you'll be fine for another half an hour I know you guys want to tell a lot let's just keep it concise we can talk about a lot in the full servitor okay yeah sorry guys yeah just trying to keep it somewhat compact so we don't have to edit like five hours of video which is a pain remember you can just always follow me lead you in the right direction okay carpet model eat to put on players drag him around okay so uh below this like behind this thing there's a purple ball don't flick the lever just good thing to my car everyone can already ride it I only get out of my car don't click anything tech sitter okay yeah get the run Tron yeah make sure nut takes it the minecart okay yeah it's a string detection system that launches you yeah cool and this is a bit a bit of a longer piston bolt but still not quite like ridiculously long how long out of interest so how long would you consider to be ridiculously long the same kilometers and kilometers I'd say five kilometres east on the edge of like ridiculously long we have a piston takes what seven minutes to ride mm-hmm well if I'd won its footballs off another thanks once one I know one stint of it seven is five minutes in and of itself so scary to fly through because if you activate one of the golden pressure plates the others were crashing yeah I used on fly for this fix so so so building wise I mean how many this has got to be tons and tons of resources I'm starting to understand why 717 redstone an hour just isn't enough for you guys if you're building stuff like this I mean every block you travel here is redstone dust for a piston yeah redstone dust for the repeater no.23 so it's like every block is for for redstone dust and it's even more because you have one repeater and one dust for every block travel diagonal and they need more moral for that to build more business to be to build more dough to build more wheat farms yep yeah Biltmore Istanbul infinite redstone here somewhere you have to put all your resources put them in Istanbul we had I think we have over like I think we have over like 100,000 register just in piston bolts redstone well in piston bolts alone yeah actually it's a bit more because that would be only if they're straight once it's there diagonal once it takes a bunch more Wow okay so I see what you mean this is all slime sowhat's or slime farm do you think on this pretty much a fast one yeah it's about I think the rates of the Slifer would 300k an hour of slime balls free 30 like it's actually not even that much he made a bit a lot better it's still the fastest slime from a build on any server this but it could be made better this is gonna be interesting you're gonna start nudging each other off the top of this thing I think yeah I suggest for for the next which ones because they're pretty much all the same religious everyone it's time to record something for whatever montage they want to make yeah and then continue so we go to all of them at the last one explain however we are is somewhat explained but at the end of our intolerant of the item collection exactly so that's sort of the other thing I currently mission then I will time lapse going through the different ones infantry yeah we will talk about that in the end because the transitions into the storage should be which one next the purple board take the same end but flick the lever let me just give me a little bit of time to fly around get some not too quickly also lots of creative okay want to cut it just fly around you can always it's alright I'll chop in bits and bobs here and there yeah I'm sure I'll speak to someone here so that this laggy oh that's good idea actually a reminder about purple all only the first person who writes the bolt needs to make sure to flip the switches flip because if you flip it or you for yourself you'll wind up back at yeah yeah yeah like if like if everybody flip flip so that's gonna be funny sort of all to a twitch phones got 12 more what's better than a twitch farms which farts what's better we still have what two more two more airs to make something like that now if you exhaust I won't read that we were thinking about exploring but we don't have a connection yet so there's one missing I fried the stone brick vault one is missing we have two more destinations for double which Hut's and then potential triple double which Hut so it three double which that's quite close to each other but they are quite far away so we haven't really considered or we have considered but we haven't really started to connect them yeah and also but way we live stream basically all of the parameters that we do I have seen that yeah so that like if you want to see the eight hours madness you can should the piste Bob Becker seems to be I think Theo also got stuck because there's a minecart that got stuck don't stop then again just hop in Chris okay so this one and delivers flicked to a different position so I mean how annoying is it when you go on that like seven-minute piston bolt and then you realize that you've forgotten something quite annoying yeah every time but that's why we mostly crap our resources in inventories full of charcoal boxes and not like a twist X here twist X there and so on always count in like big numbers just have huge amounts of resources on you at all times yeah if you're going for poor checked of course then yeah yeah I I what I once spent 20 minutes replacing two light grey class because the first time around great loss grab it I've done it also like gone back and forth to a really far away project it takes a lot of time yes better just grab everything you need and it qualifies as a class excite craft issue yeah no I get odd as well as man ragu seriously also like dying dying is really annoying in some destinations not because you lose your stuff but because it takes like 10 minutes to get back yeah this is one of the five minute long bolts by the way of mumbo so you got time to take your hands off the keyboard that's fine that's fine well just wondering so do you guys have bases or anything like that or is it kind of like well member has a small base but like nobody really builds bases because what's the point of them ultimately like everything we share everything I do right nobody cares if you take like a shark or boxers key so yeah actually it wasn't a base it was it was just a sorting system for a project so yeah yeah that's funny that's it that's a cool mentality to have to just have one big communal server where everything is just built true bunch of projects and that's why she works really well I don't know if if it would work like if there are many many people doing besties doing YouTube at the same time but in like but in terms of productivity instead of making like 10 different times of the same type farms of the same type just build one bomb Chris one and then another person does something else or groups of people doing something else and then you have one storage that has everything that you need that's I mean the idea of having I see this is this is the thing because I've always played as like always build my base I always have my own stuff it kind of scares me a little bit like everyone having access to everything I don't know why kind of freaks me out surprise with me well someone froze colored chocolate boxes for something like a hermit craft where so many people have to youtube the same stuff that would actually conflict that's not gonna be really bad yeah because I was really interest this idea anyways but he is just but it may not work hundred-percent it's like you still have to have content for each individual person like that's absolutely my interesting not just yeah it might it might be a nice idea it might be a really nice idea in terms of the actual minecraft server functioning but from a content creation point of view everyone having the same stuff and everyone working on the projects all at once it might become challenging I guess side under hermit craft communal area or the big digging area yeah yeah not a lot of people actually work there right so some people did a bit of certain than the others but all the people are the people never really met up as far as I know and did something to get alright yeah I mean there's a whole bunch of different personalities on the hammering craft server that's the thing where you guys are all focused on the same thing if I came up to someone like green and said hey do you want to build like a massive perimeter and due to which huts and they're really focused on leg protecting things like that he would be like no and it would be exactly the same if he said hey do you want to build up a massive mansion that is really really pretty and spend hours and hours on the decoration it's like mmm no that's not really my thing so we have such a different kind of group any objects yeah but if any of us says that oh I need to run this farm for two weeks because I need materials everybody is sure so are we all here now I think so yeah I've got too much saw music in back in the background Oh take a look at the walls okay I'll take a look yeah they're blown up I see I think this I always think this looks super cool when the walls are blown up I love the way they look I forgot the people's here that's okay I kept them yesterday I actually went around five hours yesterday night just to fix up and clean up stuff around which farms here because we left storage is full of psycho here no one cared about one of my favorite part of any farm on side craft are of the upper farm the course farm like you 112 basically if you zero take a we'll get like that you've built farm like that oh yeah of course yeah we also have that just from a bedrock to sky limit I can imagine mine mine unfortunately on the hammer craft server if anyone else is logged on it doesn't work because connection issue it should be it shouldn't be clients or lag well okay fine I might have just built it wrong all right yeah okay don't go back to the purple purple we have another bolt behind it okay all right I suggest we move on to the next one yeah no problem no that's the point where good thing is we're just writing my own cards today it's a random location so it's actually the perfect thing to do to bring up Korean I mean spamming buttons and mining if you just go for a smaller one it's really not that much ripped or if it's not five kilometers or fixing your have to do it's kind of I mean right now with the ice and bolts is kind of redundant but that's it's kind of sad on one on one and well yeah well I love the sudden a great fun and another bubble this one is great agree another one so much diversity here is a different one I like the fact that they're color-coded this is a good thing because if they weren't then we could literally just be going in and out of the same now that well obviously we just changed the coating each time you know oh yeah less we lower which farm placements are actually a bit different but that's like minor no one will notice we surely just have a flying machine that see it's a huge blocks for yeah we can actually pop them out of the slime platform anywhere you know they just grow next project which should be the fun thing because that would actually be more impressive that's a good idea make a four directional mega flying machine that just moves it into place and bombs the whole thing and then waits to recharge then moves to the next location program is it's fun self self flying self build around okay there's another piston boat and there's another widget it's the one with the emerald blocks you can also take that just give me another minute or so all right or 30 seconds I mean a few people already went out of the port that they go back just keep moving it's just like don't go backwards until we say so because otherwise we're going to spend a really long time waiting when the psycho films could also just go back to the nest you know right yeah of course of course but I mean just for not reporting yeah because like I mean you can't really get out of the beast on boat we're not breaking it which is quite a thing I think it would be better if you stay neck booked mess yeah so swell just flyer behind or frequently Hind yeah also you mentioned the I wanted to say this that you mentioned the resource thing in like during community things it's actually quite nice that like it's another reason why we have so many resources instead nobody really cares if somebody takes like our double chests of emerald blocks yeah people just let go okay you need them for something Houston yeah now that's cool and is kind of like the mentality that if someone can take those items from you you can take those items from someone else and it's kind of everyone helps everyone kind of communist and those are just unused diamonds that are that amount we've used more for other things yeah I suppose I mean what do you what do you need diamonds for if you're not shopping or anything like that I mean that I guess they just kind of sit yeah here boxes and Chatman table double chests on each arm and heavy objects and traveling tables are because they have a very like pesky very nice hitbox yep and they're blast proof which is nice yeah yeah remember Doc's jumpy Calphalon hermit grafts real over CB mind crack back then and he had some slime blocks and then bill to chum because we have 288 by 280 H I'm be costly no what's also fun is that you can like actually dive done with analyzer to the slime floor he did without taking damage embarks on which is quite funny that is Danny's good fun yeah I need this all the way under my base on hammock craft so that I can never ever take damage it's also paid payment but to get out of this because you move really slowly on slide yeah that is very true so this is all white concrete all the way around yet the white concrete also pink concrete even a pink on tree ya know and we have pink concrete at the bottom slab as well because and that was of course many other place because you can like yeah I mean so just out of interest because but you kind of lose sense of scale I mean what how big is how many how many pink concrete blocks are used in this process because it's got to be a lot not too many because it's only two yeah outside of the shell and everything is number of lime blocks in the previous one o'clock at the bottom is filled with cobblestone or with stone and humid it to around which phones we have sent or crevel because we can drop that down from the top yesterday I build most of the the folders around the stone blocks at the bottom are always crept like 910 schalke boxes so it's not too much like 56 takes half an hour to make it just don't go back that's some mangoes last one number two X yeah but excuse you when you're making actual video that should be usable for somebody else to watch you can spend couple hours just to make like a 30-second clip so and you probably have time to build it yeah but you have to realize never makes videos it takes like a half a year to a year for one video yeah I mean I've said many times I mean you know I'm such a mega fan of a lot of the things that a lot of people in here do and yeah I always try and point out in my videos whenever I reference anything that you guys do how cool it is and yeah I mean that they're like the the super ridiculous farming videos that you make nimble just always there so awesomely well-made and they're super cool I I basically realized that I don't have much time so if I can put like a half-assed video I might as well spend double triple the time yeah and nobody would know this is because it's ready now oh you do definitely notice I would say it's definitely the highest quality content minecraft wise on YouTube yes some of the videos are insane from the quality like the time lapses you can tell there's no missteps this tons of editing went into this like one of my favorite things that you do I think it wasn't a sure cane farm video where you like talk then in the background you'd comment on what you're doing in the game right yeah the game speeds up but you keep talking normal and then game slows down again you're still talking over your gameplay it's multiple effects it typically takes me two weeks to edit one one view that boat if you notice the glass was actually also changing color the class was also like repeatedly changing color we have responible space here there's creep what there's the shark epoxy oh thing - creepers that this happens and as a defense the defense one creeper and one spawning space doesn't doesn't matter in the like in it like in the wood firm okay no all right goes like typical which firms they have right and all ten to fifteen mobs at a time yeah and then them and then the and then the more captives is seventy four players so so so you can have a lot of spots that you missed not a lot couple and still be handled with an efficient yeah lot of mistakes maybe show one of those bots should we do it the very last one oh yeah let's do it the last one okay yeah do all the redstone and so on right I might point out it's like way too expensive for how it works okay now we have to go back all the piston balls back to the nether hub so all the fall super long yeah it's a good idea actually just go to that yeah okay and write all the piston bolts back to the nether hub gonna take a while so is the server gonna struggle with this because we're all on different Pistons so the server is half but key on half of its capacity well that's not too bad and I mean what sort of service specs you guys running you they not crazy but it's good like I think it's I 747 90k and like 32 gigs of ram but we're running on I think at the moment you actually we're running on master server which is better right okay 6700 chaos or a server okay and there six clicks yeah allocated six cues from 47 think it's actually for four oh four only four at the moment yeah I've just rubella quite a bit more yeah about your case because like minecraft is really weird with from life you'll get six gigs it actually performs worse than four gigs in most places I was I was actually we should be doing some best key generation for like like patterns and stuff and realize that in 113 I had to use 128 gigabytes to run our world Wow what but it had a Mandelbrot set floor senpai bye bye 10k that I was generating with my script and anything is if you would unload these chunks they will still keep keep the memory round so this is all from serialization to nvt because it keeps those risky strings and you can't really freeze freeze freeze freeze freeze strings so that was the issue and I'm still is the issue with what I 130 even understand of what overt stuff happened 1414 mo so performance bottlenecks or god yeah so they actually fixed they actually fix the tile entity duplication on the client side so you can so you can really run contraptions for a long time and they and they K and and they fix it because they because they dangerous come become fires and those campfires we're actually duplicating themselves like every take or every 526 forever so this was causing massive program so by fixing town fires they fix all the other issues that's good in a roundabout way they kind of got there in the end they exit yeah so am i hoping in another yeah all the way back yeah after this you're still gonna Friday I think what based on both the purple one yeah no problem these things are fun to ride so with with Minecraft 1.14 coming is that is that an update that you'd consider moving onto if the performance problems are fixed there is a there is a significant problem that currently entities are only processed around the player and a very small radius around the player right so I showed the small video couple years ago how we can build the most which is varying skeleton 60 blocks down and so like will keep on shanks right now in 113 I don't think they process everything yeah I said you the player and it is our only processed around the player which means that all basically all full automation is impossible with like you always have to have a player which and you would especially what do we mean by our by automation over here see you probably the person to ask about this house for team's performance no he's muted I'm unmuted well ok so a lot of things are improved one of the biggest performance problems of 113 was entity collision and that's all 50% better you cut out this performance just went down he thought about 140 indirectly rip yeah I think the if I Pro s I was there as well if I pro actually took a look at the hitboxes I want to go back to ABB but they did shift it to something called some some weird hitbox system that they they home-brewed but there was flaws in it and they used kind of bad code they then one of the coders and I can like took a look at it to give suggestions then they took the suggestions and improved on it and the hitbox calculations are actually far better now so it's probably on par with 12 probably better and and then the there was other problems with chunks not being loaded and being dropped that's got fixed so there it's like they did much back and that they are now trying to catch up on and rehash and fix and clean up so by by the time fourteen releases it's going to be far better than 13 probably maybe maybe rather than 12 no no idea yeah performance-wise is still a major issue that they removed all chunk loading which is the killer for us yep yes like we that's a killer because like we can't really do much we will come to chunk loading issues at the last which had probably because yeah so I mean they have a showing any signs of reaiiy mean I'm assuming you guys are in talks with a lot of the guys at Mojang is there something you've made clear to them that it's not not good that they've removed that and are they not really fast by it yeah I guess we actually talked a lot with talked about it and last a live stream a few weeks back yeah and yeah we were actually really worried about the situation minecraft is heading at the moment yeah with all the stuff that's getting protein for example junk loading a friend of mine randomly asked me how can I get a mine cart through unloaded chunks and you can ask him what version 1 1 13 is that pretty much ripped theirs you could do it maybe with a bit of luck but not really reliable yeah and 14 you could do it at all and the developers don't understand that we as a technical community actually provide a lot of content to other players that are not crazy technical of course but also just yeah as I said someone wants a minecarts were and all the chunks we can do that because we know how to do it yeah but yeah he can't do it and if you asked us and it's not possible anymore I have to say to me oh sorry minecraft is heading the wrong direction right yeah I mean yeah we think I think I was mentioning to you guys before is that the thing that most people most people aren't gonna build the stuff that you guys build but you guys being here is incredibly important because it's it just shows what is possible like you need you need some what you need at least some people working on things that are totally ridiculous and totally out there that make no sense to the average player and and yeah if if minecraft are heading in the direction where the things that you guys are working on it's kind of putting you off playing the newer versions of Minecraft and I think that definitely hurts yeah the everyone community yeah um next piston poll we take is the tiger bolt that's on the north side the one with the mercy couple top layer a couple like magnificent like that soul found is notable that is like the sole son is Nolan responible and Biscay nobody noticed it was changed because nobody played it we got that changed back the issue still is so randomly decided that they want to change soul send you couldn't place redstone dust on top of it anymore radio when we talk to rock and whatnot and he tried to get it back as far as possible so now you can still place rails repeaters comparators all of that stuff on top of them but they're no longer a solid block so it won't conduct redstone power anymore don't suffocate mops it's just one of these completely random changes that no one really wanted in this system one part it makes Sol send unique yeah it acts like a full block but it really isn't it's smaller than that it's just a merging way of doing six I mean general like on but on the other hand like like we are like we've tapped out a we like the we're basically pestered rock about for example TNT or a drop rate and they changed it so it's now like officially 100 percent you got it's so good after occasions where they actually do some good stuff to fun and see it's very cool Oh everyone note number if you have to TNT exploding in the same time the one that can drop and that's gained the drop items sorry one can kill items from the other one yeah a lot of people mention that in the comment section by the way guys in the station look at those nice fences I mean in general like actually like changing stuff isn't really an issue a lot of the IRA farmers I know we're actually quite looking forward to building like new IRA farms with the new village mechanics but then implementing stuff it was just like yeah just like not at all a valid replacement the game played that you know first a new village mechanics offer it's like 10 minutes work and you have a max iron farm yeah that's the issue like removing stuff isn't a problem fixing exploits isn't a problem in general but just like removing them without a replacement is the problem yeah exactly no I haven't actually seen any iron thumbs before it wasn't to sound like super annoyed by no no no I don't have to worry at all we don't hate minecraft minutes we all love minecraft right but we feel that it's heading the wrong direction when the snapshot came out took us like two hours until sky rising read out all the code and we understood how the new system works and then mango just meant over 80 blocks and made a 2x4 hole through it and 60 villages and Austin that's the fastest fire of art this is why I feel like Mojang needs like at least one of you guys to be working on the team who actually still like lace again plays the game but actually plays the game - it's like fullest extent yeah look at where they all came from they were mostly working on moths before or custom maps but in a survival player that came from from London from that part of so no player please yeah and that that's what I feel like they definitely need because then they would have such a good insight as to actually how the vanilla players are the people who play in vanilla and take this game to its fullest extent actually playing the sort of things that matter to them because I mean I remember when I think in one of the snapshots like one tick Pistons were removed and things like that and it's just they just their response was maybe not the best and that I think they said just use regular Pistons and just oh man that was biggest role don't ever listen to grub the biggest role of the mall like the guys literally trolling everyone he literally showed up in iron craft and he just wanted to fix TP duping just at robux the tech career well I mean I can i I mean chanty duping is broken like it shouldn't really exist but it is so helpful yeah as long as there's no replacement a pyramidal like that wouldn't be possible right int to make a pyramidal like this that's you sure we always say we don't really love to exploit so anything is just the possibilities that are made possible I know if you've you would remove now teensy duping if you would get a get at least movable dispensers instead so could tourists still do the same projects without any of the glitches it would be still five dead yeah exactly there you go so yeah if you had moveable dispensers then you wouldn't need to duplicate the TNT and you can create carpet bombers that don't use exploits but right it looks like the only way that you can do it is by using exploits so that's how you have to do it because no one is going to mine out like 20 or ten of these double witch-hunts with their 16 million block perimeters by Pontius maduk yesterday there's an Ikea one is that is that what you're referring to an yep it's actually like this I also have two schematics to this is the schematic name for the witch farm gravity block fill okay sand was Swedish gravel fill oh very very cool okay now we should go over the Redstone may I'm very curious to know how you okay it's your design right to connection to Boromir yes I'm just ready right now and not just we go yeah just give it another minute so we can you know to finish the time-lapse part well I mean I mean I'm in spectator mode inside one of the farms and it seems to be working quite nicely lots of witches are falling through so generally feeling normal survival stay in a middle low and creative here and spectators just fly actually with this perimeter it doesn't matter because the corners of the slime platform are really far away from the register Oh mumble let's just script that you ask the same question again where do all these jobs go and then we can explain just wait a second until we're fully back in take two three two one my motion I'm back at the central part okay I just briefly and in survival and then go and to spectator again to you know alright so if I'm on the central platform up here yep then you can be happily in survival yep is everyone here oh man go yeah I'm spectator mode yeah okay I think everyone's back here follow you and this time thank you minute what an enemy no please alright let's zoom in three two one alright so we've made it to the last double which Hut here and yeah we'll go through some more details I guess um I hope you enjoyed so far the tour through all the different farms yeah they all look totally totally ridiculous I like the the color schemes on all of them yeah I mean I can't even fathom how long this would take to do all of these things I really don't I really don't know how you do it alright so shall we take a closer look at them are you gonna guess someone someone will have to stay in the center and let's stay here otherwise no you spectator mode here there anyways on a copy of it yeah we have to use the key remote just to not spawn stuff outside while this perimeter would work but so I'll just so we can really see what's going on right so I can see okay yeah there's plenty of which is falling through the bottom of this thing yep so with the shifty floors the top of course yeah absolutely so the items landing on the sole sand which is covered in buttons and then they're all going down I guess into these sorters what are these things sort of sisters so there's a combined item sorter and sheikha box filler right okay since we have area we do striker boxes on the service we haven't kind of unlimited amount of them we store everything in striker box because it makes it easier to transport but as you can see there's there's no storage here so everything's just getting stored in those sheikha boxes which should unbroken and fall down into the water stream once filled up so they've yeah maybe if you follow that water stream they just go into the nether but look things yep so I have we've been spending quite some time traveling to all of destinations it would be way too tedious if you ever need items just to go here so that's why you actually have a central which from storage yeah maybe if he goes through the portal next can see how we transport the troika boxes in screwed another dimension we should actually mention that we don't send every single box for an esse so maybe if you look at the dread stone system here we we fill up a complete chest yeah so this is under the quads there once it's completely filled up then we send a batch into the portal so we don't activate the whole transportation system for each like a box each time right that makes sense so every about 10 hours it takes into the double just fill up you send a batch true this is the room is just for Dig Dug out because then we can see the red stone and the red stone is mostly for chunk load so we can't load the area so every every chunk that you want to process empties him has to have a 5x5 area of chunks around it loaded so in order for the boxes to get picked up because they obviously arrived as items from the nether portal we have to load a 5x5 around them and then they can pick by the super my cart and get transported into this dropper right here that makes sense and this dropper line is this I super super fast it's 10 meters per second 100 meters basically we could build a instant drop a line all the way to around spawn from here yeah but then we would need to load all the chunks at once and that would cost like spikes yeah so we slowly load the chunks along the proper line and just yeah get them through in 80 thousands of blocks long the end of the dropper to start of the drop a line can already on lost art unloading while it's actually still has items in it that are traveling through it it's much more efficient to not do it instantly maybe don't go too far down the dropper line because it goes all the way up to spawn could actually just follow the dropper line in spectator mode continue we have more just gonna fly along here in spectator with a bit of a higher speed cos this is insanely long we scream that's even in the nether it's like over 7,000 blocks that we need to cover tunnel for droplets from all the Richardson I mean this looks like it'll be easier to build things built up yeah but is still better than the alternative to go to the witch films and grab the materials each time oh absolutely yeah we have about 20 kilometers off these dropper lies I think that's horrendous number that's just I I can't even I don't know I'm losing all perspective of what what projects are big in Minecraft at this point in time because you know you say 20 kilometers and you've just said that you've got like how many kilometres of piste and bolts did you say I think I wrong 50 50 all right yeah so I mean that's just that those are all that's just totally ridiculous that's a ridiculous number of blocks in a ridiculous project to do so at the end we would arrive at a junction here from the other side as cutting drop a line from another witch hut they all pretty much merge up and and basically go go back through and a zombie follow that drop a line so we would need to take a right turn here sort uh so what's negative X just always make sure your coordinates are going towards zero zero okay that's a good rule to follow well I'm just gonna I just flew into my unloaded chunks then that was the TPS is really bad because a lot of people are flying oh yeah oh yes no the redstone mine we passed that went over top the dropper line is actually the redstone line for the mod switch if I remember correct yep so so what does that mean what exactly does that mean when mobs which is basically loads of mobs outside of your render distance of the entity processing chunks right so you don't have mob spawning around you and we have done all dimensions so yeah really I looked in my account flip the deliverer at spawn and we put shackles into the lazy chunks around spawn okay and those are loaded then and that stop spawning all on just everywhere on the server and the only and we also have to same it for the nether and the end but there we use places and Enderman of course something so we had some technical difficulties at the end of flying through the instant drop Alliance system the Naza because a lot of people were spread around loading chunks and a server just ran out of memory and we had to restart unfortunately also my OBS recording for some reasons just stopped in the last a 20 minute clip Rhaego helped me out and sent me his footage for the next 20 minutes so that's why you have you seen the video from ragas perspective but really back later to my perspective we've almost all made it back some people are still struggling solve a very close here to all never hub and yeah well here's our central storage obviously it's not here in the nether but yeah I'll never have actually you can just slightly see it up there oh yeah that's where all the shocker boxes then go when they come from nether oh right here's just the drop a line coming in and well chunk loading grid around it and then we shoot it into a portal and I suggest we head to the other side and take a look at that I'm curious I also appreciate the fact that you guys mined out this massive area because you were bored I find that very impressive some of us have like over two million netherrack anyway so anyway so we have here also a chunk loading to it again to temporarily load this area whenever items arrive and yeah well thanks now you can see there's basically an item elevator going up and maybe you can already guess from down here what the storage is yeah regulus more explained because this chunk loading grid not only turns on the storage we also because of the way I craft works 1.12 I also have to make sure that the chunk Larry doesn't unload in order to not break the redstone on top right that's why in the north east corner you can also see instant line going towards the server spawn activating a program loader so actually saving yeah that's kind of switches so quickly it's really good in the lazy surround your spawn chunks yes I think 600 shot curse there right okay because they don't despawn if you go near them or leave the area and they count towards the mop cap yeah we shall cause a little gardens and widows in that case and all the other two anyways let's head upstairs and continue with that part i straight-up totally control Drago maybe explain the pot uh yeah let me just try to I got some ender pearls it's probably easier for the last part ah dang it yeah not the easiest thing to move around I mean Taylor mode probably best range would expect yep go ahead okay so got Shriker boxes in this case incoming through the dropper elevator and at first we check if we actually got a striker box so we try to fill it the item into another striker box a normal item goes in there obviously another shocker box can we put another shocker box so all the items that are not a shaker box get sorted out put in this chest here alright then we also have further control if the shaker box is completely filled up because sometimes when you build a new storage your hopper lens in a system or whatnot so then we also check if the striker box is completely filled up for signal string 15 if not also gets put in a box in there then finally if everything is alright it's put into the storage here yeah and we basically got the seven different item types you get from the witches but you still need to sort it in in order to do that we take one item out of the shaker box yeah run it over this filter system here if the items get picked up at a hopper then I check the box which parallely also gets put through the dropper system also gets put into debt slot and the items expect put foot back into the shaker box and that's how we kind of sort filled tracker boxes in this case right I mean and this is your storage on the offices that's done on the storage on the opposite side up okay so I can see that yeah as you mentioned down here on the redstone is currently empty redstone apparently there's a few chakras there so if there are no 15 yesterday a little bit I mean that's crazy so I mean I like the fact that if because for me I mean having you're having a few sugar boxes filled with redstone I'd kind of be alright with that I feel pretty confident whereas you guys forget that you have a few sugar boxes a redstone lying around and you need to have a full full storage system to be happy once you cleared after server I picked up like 10 charcoal books is full of redstone blocks that were just left over the server because no one cared about with this story I mean it's around about nearly a hundred thousand items per double chest isn't it when they're for each item type you can store five million you know how did you go through the wall with them right there and nothing else the other chests I mean we mostly use the redstone because we have an ongoing project that needs a million registan and we kind of crashed at it all we still need about like we still need about 250 k registan for the project so i mean you know just talking in rough numbers here how long will it take in just farming hours to get 1 million redstone is that is that horrendous or is that 60 hours Wow 60 hours that's that's nothing yes I mean bit over two days mm-hmm and then you just the problem is vv a lot of people are playing on a server and this kind of hassle to turn on all the witch films we don't FK too often we plan to change certain future completely fill up the rest and storage as well but it's still if you want to do that it's 300 hours of her if King and and yeah this quite a lot yeah absolutely well that make sense but still I mean when you actually kick all farms into gear for it it's glorious right guys shall we head upstairs and a little crafting system here ah so in case we want to have redstone blocks then you have a little crafting system your glows glowstone blocks can just put striker boxes in there press a button to dispense them and also hasn't actually never used it so far we just take out the items crafted over there put it into striker books here and then we can take it out of stress which is quite convenient like a box crafting system yeah really fast one more thing that we didn't mention yet is since some of the items fill up more than others because we use less of them or the sticks bubble and we actually have two switches at every which form where you can't just like say we don't want to collect this much this type of item anymore and once we are full here we probably took turn off the stakes and so on so he don't need to set the true nether or the chunky oh yeah yeah yeah well that makes sense because then yeah you don't want to be that's just gonna answer the like I guess but yeah man this is this is crazy in this storage system actually considering it is those five million items per item I kind of thing it's actually pretty small it's not it's not too crazy you like elevators right mumbo well this yeah this looks totally ridiculous if you see that button over there in the wall and push that car there so somebody is a bad news to mine card okay I can't see the button anywhere yeah Press that I love the place Wow there's one in front or reference and it's one to sixteen the scale I will sorry I can't math okay let's get myself some fireworks and then I'll shoot out the front because this I'm curious about oh you guys didn't even give me a silk touch pickaxe unbelievable we have pickaxes that don't have self touch yeah gave him some because we do the oral orangie later the full impression of this thing this is totally ridiculous so is the storage so the storage system is actually in the base of the witch hut is it yes wait we wasted one which HUD what is this even such a king who's just died there Oh for sake what did you mess up this time also all the internals are in place for the witch for which I do like the cauldron for example the mushroom that's not actually there in a Chava 1.12 it's future-proof man yeah so this is the cauldron and yeah this is fully formed it's also everything here is bomb-proof of course so no mob spawn around you that's fine slabs and carpets are here on top yeah that's sweet so this is all proof because of the the mob switch or because it's just more proof because it's just not proof yeah it's why not that make sense no often go there but which phones on running for example top of slabs I think yeah that must have been a lot of slabs actually yeah I mean as I say you start to lose you start to lose touch with how big these builds are like this this in of itself is there it's a pretty enormous build but after I've seen 20 which Hut's and piston bolts and item transportation systems and storage systems I'm not that impressed anymore so that's why we bought it too much to Ripley yes I think like I think we did it did this hole which nothing like one evening nah one evening more in the same part because there was like after server tour or something this widget was one week at least yeah I think penny get me designed at least for one day totally the the 16 times bigger a block format stone because this definitely took a week for it sure so how do you come up with ideas for this sort of thing do you all get together and talk about it or do you just did someone just start doing it at some point I think I just said and we have to check into cuiture project why don't we store it all in there check in take would shut yep yeah we just hit it and then you deserve it that's amazing that's so so cool I think enemy had the idea to actually do the central storage yeah yeah who came up with the idea to do this ridiculous which film project well we needed it it was kind of obvious yes necessity kind of wolf in the beginning we just plan to I don't know add another double which shirt time why not another one and we found out about the stone block generation so we save on leg and then we build more and more it was it was dog it had six widgets and we started yeah but then when you realize that you can actually bring the lag down to a certain degree the question is why not yeah you've got it down to a fine science as well where you can build them within a relatively manageable space of time between all of you yeah makes sense to just build 10 of them actually probably gonna add another two never satisfied I mean currently actually had another so we have two more piston balls already four destinations I think we're gonna settle at 24 currently for twenty right okay 24 for now but then we have something else to show maybe we don't need to which francais yeah oh yeah so I suggest since we are already dragging off for quite a bit let's move on and yeah and I'm really curious as to what this is have you guys shown this yet or is this no shame I'm sure that first time so line up the letter yeah that don't fly out fly out fly hot stand on the class if you are in survival mode if you expected you can fly around okay and the glass chunk so after we built like the eighth's twitch from I think XCOM to go and a bunch of other people edit this year after we turn on the mob switch real quick give me a sense yeah off of course probably the people recording should really go in spectator and go close yeah just take a look at that it was the gas and then stuff will happen the key mops which is off just give it a minute or few seconds is it I don't know yeah we'll just have to wait a little bit it's a bit finicky okay Ralph still 600 okay maybe my because my play was to load I think we're supposed to flick the lever the mobs are still loaded my labored us nothing has come oh no it does actually I'm okay loaded yep yep oh my god someone is in oh there we go and spike not clear yet is there anyone in the middle side because it can't crash the server if there is no one in the other side gotta go there takes a second to stop legging the hell out and then next we'll go to full speed yeah it's it's not even running yet you can already get an idea for this no it's working magic just give it a minute it's getting like little spurts mm-hm don't move around move okay okay in fact you're not magic it's just normal mob spawning yep completely normal here this is really special it's not even a good shot that's what I'm thinking I mean yeah you have no you have no witch hunt here i mean whitter spawn everywhere yeah that's true but ah not work I don't think it works at the moment I think someone did someone flick the lever to turn it off again wait okay I'm turning into zebra okay now everyone stand still please yes that's the only chance it's even inspected oh wait I flicked to leave or nothing happened is the server still stand still please wait why can't I flick the lever I think you should be able to just press shift like I can't interact with this lever what's going on already lost claps you want me to do it for okay thanks but something is wrong with my clients or something I can't get good oh my god oh man to have this building up that's such a finicky design tension rising such a tease I think restart that like that like it I mean it's always like it's like booting up and then showing itself off hmm yeah it is in a way I think actually got a single creeper for once I think I was just a random spawn I think we need a restart to be honest yeah let's restart the server I guess is someone moving around now I was moving around to checking the wire or something oh man - no come back up here itself it doesn't really technically mob spawn everything yes yeah yeah and witches can spawn in the overworld anywhere pretty where it's dark yeah yeah so is it this is completely normal that's your point come on expects calm okay I'll explain it very concisely intended this way come on the mob spawning depending on random calls the gist is that the game needs to figure out where to spawn mobs and but obviously computers aren't fully random there's and there is a structure to computers and making a completely random system is impossible so so the the thing is when you use a randomizer in the game you should keep in mind when you're programming that you shouldn't make it exploitable and they forgot a line or so and left an exploit in the game and that is - that is the exploit is that the randomize it can be reset and with you use that reset to to create which house for example and other structures such as mansions and such and stuff but you can trigger that reset every time you load a chunk and if you know how the reset behaves then you can get the same outcome every single game tech and if you know that if you for example the specific chunk loads and you get a witch hard to spawn in a specific location you can just reset that event every single game tickets like a command block right so basically we're manipulating the random number generator that spawns witches to spawn them in every single game think in that specifics that's crazy and and I mean is there any way that you could explain to me how you did this or is this hidden information it's more less code digging and yes coding relays basically the the random random number generator is reset every time you load a chunk in a special region in the overworld so we'll just load a chunk everything in the overworld we don't need that that for every tick that we do that we have a very we have a very predictable a basket turn of events so we know exactly where the game will try to spawn which mob we can do it to certain extent and essentially at certain locations you can say this will be always placed where you know you're moving around so by moving around but so by moving around you are essentially influencing this random number generation which messes everything up but if everybody stays still the game will every take try to spawn a witch exactly in the same place it's like a groundhog affliction searching yes I just wanna Groundhog Day every everything I think I think no me you mention yes how this was figured out or stuff yeah I guess the the short concise version of it is that this rng manipulation is very common this is a very typical thing to use in many are games I think see a skull had many problems with people orangey hacking and they could like predict how to shoot people and stuff and old games like Pokemon ins and stuff especially Atari games like people have died and like dissected the game and like read line by line how it should behave like the random generator how it behaves and they can get the same event and they can speed run and stuff speedrunners have used this exploit many times but it wasn't exactly very common in Minecraft and then then then like the first few person actually looked into random manipulation was back in the day when people actually wanted to brute force and 5-quart Quadra shots but no one had done it in real time running until Earth looked into is called enchantment tables and then after April a person called Amiga just randomly posts video where his world that has many lightnings and and then like all the cold it goes right nuts or this and we just all went all over to MCP register started coding and like one afternoon later we had like figured out basics of RNG manipulation and then it took another month to figure this stuff out and I mean this project right here is this a complicated thing to build or is it not that complicated it's yes - now you can put in what you what mop you want and then it spits out the location you have to build stuff basically on your seat so building it is super easy actually if you have if you have the tool available that you can download now so you just need those gas to push them over into a portal that's it and on the other side we kill them we can actually go through now maybe I'm mob spawning is not the only thing you can influence with this random number generation manipulation you can influence stuff like like me ice generation ice generation is different can we quick quick sake and the rates of this farm or of this one which have 75 normal which Francis so it's a thing is is that you building those twenty which house was totally pointless then yes and we never run that form here ever because it's too cheesy for us no an se trolled the server they were doing it which Hut perimeter and we were building at the same time that's strolling on Sai Croft the issue is with this concept it would replace every mob form this would be all the family formula would replace every ayran form - you can do this with iron golems yeah and get a 200,000 over 200,000 iron per hour like one pack of more this is one pack of which is per tick or 20 bucks per day per second invented bait basically after mooching attached it it was invented in 30 no that was already fixed because they were tampering with the chunk loading and by the time it was invented it was already patched but they had at 30 had in movies so basically when 13 released - three months later if 13 wasn't unstable and people didn't actually dislike playing 13 this would have never been like never they whispered I'm doing basically forgotten yeah but because people still play 12 and we're stuck in 12 we are stuck with orange yeah so I mean I guess it's worth asking are there any rng enchanting enchanting tables can still be manipulated I think you can orangey exact chance right there's theories people have theorized but it's completely pointless right also still in the development just recently XCOM and a bunch of others started to do random take our entries who knows where this leads into years it's all one dot well so basically all that content is gone for us if we update yeah one more thing to mention this random seed reset only works because they wanted to make sure that if you open a see unlike multiple times that they were mentioned and other things like that are always the same location it's why they do that research so without that they wouldn't have been fixed then I think it's because they wanted also mentions in all the worlds right so if you go somewhere and there is a dark oak forest then a mansion could spawn the even if there weren't or wasn't one before so basically if you load the chunk it tries to check for a mansion and off if a mansion should spawn and that's basically the since I mentioned is also in it because I I don't actually know exactly why not chose to use the world random there is a there is a distinct random that you could have used there was different than the world one thing is that there is two there is ways to to circumnavigate these bugs he did always think what happened okay but he they up with the maybe I shouldn't be swearing but not messed up he used the wrong random object he basically encode he was a one line one line change because he chose the wrong random it this is hurt this happens if he chose the right one you wouldn't have it would never happen so it's a very small subtle change very small one-liners you forget one apostrophe here or something like that then this happens yeah just to make this clear again this is just 1800 chunks of redstone lines that turn on and off that's all what this does so 1800 chunks of redstone lines so basically have a week where we have multiple redstone lines didn't total load in an amount of 1800 chunks can we show the chunk loading real quick should address I mean yeah the portal where you came out under the class and then just fly solo dude redstone line room is really decorated the prettiest thing I've ever made in Minecraft and they don't want this for me so I can't see any redstone lines in a minute other than yeah oh yeah no I can see them so what said this just ones ah just goes back and forth in a snake pattern to save them some space that's all it is these are excellent lines just turn on and they load the chunks and that does all the magic so essentially everything the best key every time you load one chunk it essentially resets that random number generator that's why you want to load those chunks one by one with certain delays and just so you have this reset of this random number generator everything right and also it's 1,800 chunks because every 15 seconds the game unloads all of those chunks and then it starts over I should also mention that this device was developed me to know a little bit and this particular thing over here with the hopper had dropper this stuff is to knows designer stuff and this is wow it's autosave detectors would say I guess a collection of many things put together and then the redstone circuit is the abstract thing that happens in the game that that was coding that was but the redstone stuff and whatnot the engineering part was a little bit more complicated than the coding coding is actually very subtle a simple comparator which had 16 million remove blocks tests because just also load chunk every single take if you place them at a chunk border okay yes but we also did that to somewhere else on the server but we come back to that later also you don't have to put this on the ground just because they want to hide it from up into the ground and keeping this secret and then it was all spoiled because the whole thing turned on during the case like a stream or something you have to imagine right you're doing this marathon live soon to make one of those switch hats it's like 18 hours of whatever we all exhausted and an ex-con is like hey I want to show you something and then he fell off very first time he shows us this thing like 75 times fast and what we spent last 18 hours on it basically makes all the work meaningless disgust craziness this I get it really rare that I am stunned by minecraft content and that time it happened I couldn't play Minecraft for three days straight because I was so stunned by all the technology it was not only that mob farm but also three other videos for iron farm and so on and I haven't heard anything about and was so stunned about it I mean now it's like from a lots again from a technical standpoint and just from like all this code thinking that has been done and everyone loves it I mean it's super crazy and this is exactly our thing but rather quickly we all went most of us went into like we actually don't want to use this yeah because it's it's just gonna replace everything we ever did you know it's like hey I have a super fast map form but you can RNG it yeah well I mean I mean in a way it's good that is patch then I mean I've never I've never seen this before and it's totally blowing my mind but yeah that makes it so that every single farm is exactly the same and you just have to do the same thing for every single one at least for more farming there's other parts of the game you can iron sheet manipulate and be totally fine using those alright so this was quite a bit of a lengthy tour for our project fans all over the world here and yeah hopefully you hope you enjoyed it hope you enjoyed the tour and thanks for joining us here liberals all with that I'll say see you next time and bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ilmango
Views: 465,898
Rating: 4.9244957 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, MumboJumbo, SciCraft, Witch Farm, Server Tour, ilmango
Id: CtJfvUp9HMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 31sec (7531 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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