Best moments of 'THE BUTTON' | Hermitcraft season 7

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so this is my life now this is what I do on the server now standing here staring at the patent 24/7 for real thanks mumbo [Music] the button is a game some would call it a social experiment where you have a button and a countdown timer that is it when you press the button it resets the countdown timer and then their countdown timer starts ticking downwards and eventually the time will run out and the button will die and this is all of the Redstone engineering behind the button system and now I guess I have a little bit of explaining to do in terms of where I'm actually going to built this thing it's actually going to be constructed in the nether this seems like the perfect place to construct something like this because obviously there's going to be plenty of people walking past it and the entire system was designed to fit within a 16 by 16 area so that means it should it should all slot within this chunk right here that is right opposite the shopping district Zoomers papaya nice he's checking out what I'm doing he looks I was gonna say looks a little bit confused and one thing that I haven't realized as I've just step back is that this thing is not spawn proof so we could we could run into some issues with some gusts and things I guess as you go and grab some carpet and place it on top of all the surfaces and things but this is the barrel itself and it looks really really cold once you see it is a cyclops okay you then can't unsee it as being a cyclops that's the one thing that I found with it but outside of that it's a it's a wicked looking build here we see a zombie Cleo correctly following the rules of the button game she is a good habit her mama had just logged on and he was checking on his new minigame and I didn't know it was open and apparently it is so we could potentially get home oh my gosh it just clicked over to green this is amazing oh this is oh this is really good so if you're not familiar with this game you know what we're just gonna push this now just so we lock in the green come on give us that grid give us that green block yes oh this is so funny that it clicked over to gray when we came over here all the timing cyclops easy as it turns out am 77 was camping the button an entire day now I hang around for a good while open the door would eventually just let me have the green oh I've got about just stealing the lime green right in front of the ice and stove so I came up with a bit of a plan first I brewed up some invisibility potions are then whispered to stress monster to say yes to anything that I would say in chat which for some reason she agreed - she's cute like that but the goal with this whole messaging stressful was to bring you folks guard down and so I drank my invisibility potion went back to the buttons knock around the corner impressed it now due to some unfortunate positioning Duke actually managed to pick the green concrete block up no no no dog seal it upward but that being said though being a gentleman a few arrows later he dropped it on the floor and so goes the story of me obtaining the Omega balance yep because everybody knows that for me there's no better color that lime green I've just looked into the server to see this oh my goodness look at this he's got he's got his green belt that he's wearing on his face and obviously because I'm just a pathetic powerful belt I'm now being blasted I think doc is also chilling over by the button he's trying his best to get an awesome belt I think he's actually been waiting here for ages and then his scale came along and just hit the button while doc was waiting which I don't think it was particularly about these are some tweets that I saw the spot me all in all it seems like the button is doing exactly what I expected it to do which is yeah cause the caused issues between Hermits this is hilarious there's nothing stopping me just pressing it again a blue belt I could I could up I don't know I mean cannot do I want to do that I think you could potentially ruin his day though and I do quite like doc I don't think I'm gonna ruin his day [Music] who did that oh sweet Jesus about to leave a go to the shopping district and I turned round as I was going through the portal and I saw it resetting I felt oppressed it looks like greetings to wanders breasted so now Green is a green rank and dog still doesn't have a rank he's been here for hours oh dear I'm gonna leave before things heat up because I feel like fights could break out I am now gonna claim the blue belt let's press the button and I heard a piston go up right before wait I thought yeah there you go something gets dispensed all right cool I am now a blue belt this buggy is gonna cause a war this button is gonna tear us apart why is it here I can't believe it I just come back to check it after waiting and observing it for hours and tango just locks on casually walks by impresses it and it was still enthused age why would you oh my god yep this thing will be the cause of war the next person who Snipes my potty Shh I know it's for everybody but come on I I'll announce it in chat and I was saying please don't snipe the button I'm waiting for it for hours now and monitoring it and he just casually locks on for five minutes I don't know why goes there press the button locks off this oh sorry is this not how to be meant to play the game just granny oh my god this button this button will be the cause of war that is for sure oh it went down again great now I can wait for another 50 hours pivots and green again this button it sounds like the Bell is currently blue and I don't want to let anyone else to be Bluebell look the debating over it I'm gonna take you wait a corner to the press in Abudu magic is this slack what's going on oh I think I know what's going on here here we go here we go stand visible yes surely it's enormous Stan oh here we go here we go press the bun oh it's blue it's blue and it's mine right yep dodge left oh he's gonna hate me for that and that my friends is how you play the game this guy right here sent me a message this morning saying that the button was dead okay and obviously this this had me freaking out I I couldn't understand it because you know everyone's been playing the button there's been people camp in the button I couldn't understand how this thing would have died that it just didn't seem possible and I login all of the redstone lamps are on and I'm thinking to myself okay well this is that's strange I mean it seems it seems perfectly fine Exuma okay Exuma thoughts that the redstone lamps gradually switched on instead of switched off so he walked past the button and saw all of the redstone lamp switched on and he thought that meant that his health bar was empty when in reality was at full health let's go and check what's going on with the button but we have to be careful because I think people might be stalking it at this very moment yeah there's someone there I'm not sure who it is that says duck m77 oh that's someone else that our goodness it must be must be pretty good color to be honest if it's those people stalking it oh my goodness there's so many people here what's going on all right we need to know what color this is so we're gonna go up high we're gonna fly because in the nether there's actually quite a lot of fog in fact there's so much I can't actually see what a button is and it looks like it's a green it's a green belt we've already got a green color so I guess we just need to bide our time until that's yellow it looks like everyone's trying to get a yellow belt at this point part of me just wants to press the button at green I don't know why I just just kind of wanna spoil her this miss standoff is going on so I'm Preston you know who it was I think I think that live in scar ha ha ha you agreed for life copper Scott let's go oh excuse me what is going on here there this is such a mess oh my goodness this is totally unacceptable what what have you been doing this is I think I have a skin just for this occasion I have like I have about 30 old skins that if I need them they're there and it's about time I got to use this one let me put it on boom dad it's agreed I'm ready to clean up let's just let's just clean this up this is just this is just no this is just not good this not good unacceptable totally unacceptable wait we didn't even check what it was on oh it's on blue it's on blue play it cool play it cool play it cool look at all this mess I don't think I'm on board with this I'm genuine about this janitor thing I think I don't think we should make this mess I like the button the way it is mumbos made a beautiful build and everyone's desecrating it no no no no no no roller coaster no no no mess mess mess mess mess gotta tidy all this up sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep I can I can stand the chair you should you should obviously you should all be ashamed ashamed of the mess what a mess and now I will press the button scoop that up load them into a false sense of security we still have three over the halfway point that's very close to yellow it might be worth sitting here for a while and waiting just for that to tick down cuz it can't be too long you know as I literally wasn't here that long and it's gone down to yellow I won't just take it as it is this online I don't know if I want to take the risk I could theory in theory wait a little bit longer but I think these are like hours and hours you know I can't I I'm that I'm an impatient man Oh doo doo doo doo doo yay a fine addition to my collection what if I stumble come here looks like dope is once again camping the button I know that by now doc has made it to yellow the questions we ask them at every craft server they're thinking about it they're thinking about it yeah book definitely has the yellow bellies I'm out of here cuz I believe a mr. doc m77 that's doc - go I'm sure like shall I go and pinch the button I'm just gonna pretend I'm not interested ah this is Dada da hai and of course my chats completely off how's it going haha everybody is just literally copping this bub everybody's capping this but why focus not even look at it because look an ESCO should I I'm so tempted just run and push it taste those watching me oh you know what that's a bow work on a button I really want to just grab a bow just shoot it from here you know it's that time guys I was bad stop building this you can see how just place the cops but the button is now on green it's there nice that dock 40 red you know live streams the buttons so again I go check my step away real quick and it's only cross on right now so I'm hoping cross I'm gonna try go for it if he does the GG to him but so let's get my armor off let's give him this potion ready get a notice and people to get out there if I need to get across this works and doesn't like to do bad I'm gonna get that way between them go Troy be really really quiet just slowly just so that you know nicely put the statue by sneaky-sneak Nia Pines pool please listen to music I think so I'm gonna show you he's still dancing stuff oh I reckon I record this or me I reckon he saw me he definitely saw heard me definitely that's the case I'm just gonna sneak around here I'm gonna hide behind it I can't hear my footsteps I don't know why he'd hear mine to do we just wait out for 8 minutes probably that five now yeah let's wait for a second CP moves because you think someone's coming for it right now I guess [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thanks to the green belt I might make it a little bit more obvious perhaps for dog not only am I wearing it around my waist I thought you know what let's make it so he can see it oh I really hope you press this tab and sees that cuz this is the funniest thing to put together the green belt I myself am the green belt it is me green belt faults so I thought you know since duck isn't covered for me I'm going to him let's just go say hello that it's also agreed I think here as well let's go say hi look how easy it is to go get the button by the window we're all about the green where's the green bell at me there is something going on with mumbo Jumbo's the button game I flew by there a moment ago there's like six Hermits all standing there doing all sorts of craziness trying to get different colors I've decided personally I'm gonna stay at Green who knows maybe we'll make a cult I don't know but I do know none of them have employed invisibility potion or the art of trolling grabbed up some invisibility potions got some trolling materials here and I'm ready to go have some fun with our Hermits in the nether we have arrived and it looks like the light is on the green and let's heat things up here a little bit I don't see anyone else like what I was just here there was like six people they must be waiting for another color to come by hmm I don't see anybody talks like where did the fire come from oh this game is so much Oh Carlos is here you can see oh how can we troll our good friend Corrales here look at those big beautiful eyes and are they following us oh no no how do you see us why how did he see us were invisible okay okay easy does it Corrales how did he see us he's got a keen eye that one and he's also a PvP master so we gotta stay back you might not know it but that man he's very good with the sword you gotta be careful hello hypno has arrived and he put a little kid he by the button no Hardy kitty hey I'm gonna defend that cat at all costs I'll give up my belt the button the green colt I defend cats at all guns interesting turn of events here doc is letting false nose is getting close to yellow we have a false head you control them a little bit hot I'm happy for someone else to get it hmm interesting things are getting very interesting here oh no dog is totally on to us attention guys invisible dudes Nick and hub watch it it's almost time for us to defend the green it's our sole purpose in life now is to defend the color of life Green Green the middle color of brings balance to the force that is our tagline now I guess for the cold the funnest I've had in a long time goofing with people the house has just arrived along with Cub add grid and as you can see the green lamp is just about to extinguish and as the sole member of the green cult or green Club Green Team whatever we are I have to save the server and rebalance it by pushing that button so I stand here on this throne and dedicate to you with a wink of the nod I will protect the server trolling all the way along as a green member of the green cult we're just gonna move the kitties and long live the green my friends long lived the green bringing balance to the force and maintaining peace and order and I'm out of here I feel threatened green for life let everybody know green for life cross is coming after us the basement right out of here but now that we're in a like a cold or a club do we need like a clubhouse okay he's still on me um we need a clubhouse we should build a clubhouse have you maizing arriving here at the button it is time to start working on green team's founding and Clubhouse and I think I've got a pretty good idea for this over in this direction we're going to build a tree house and I think that fits the aesthetic of the green team and I wanted to be something small to start with and we can upgrade and add to with rebuild as the progression of the club gross so I think that'd be really cool so with that we cannot use grass or leaves for that matter here in the nether so we're gonna use a lot of concrete powder concrete and terracotta to build one beautiful little tree to start out the green game I don't know what the name is I keep making up names we need an official name Oh what have I done Oh have I made mistakes here that's a good question I thought about building the little house and then surrounding with the tree let's see how this really comes out in the end maybe that's starting to look like a tree let me know if that is it's time to start trying to drop down some green and I've got some green materials here and this is our solution to avoid having to use leaves in the nether which are very ugly and very Brown taking a quick break from the tree build here it looks like we need to save the button and as always we bring balance once again to the server someway somehow we have made ourselves a treehouse in the nether and I think it actually looks good in the end I was panicking that this would been a complete disaster and honestly it might still look like a disaster I don't know I don't have to get your opinion once this video goes up but yeah we got lots of little details in there to really bring out the color of the green and I think eventually we can really transform this whole area into a green team Clubhouse I think that'll look really fantastic keycard access meeting rooms all sorts of things and yeah let me know some ideas in the comments for this now the interior is a bit Hollow I guess that's truth with any cults that's uh there's not a lot of substance inside there so yeah I think this is looking I'm pretty pretty cool and I'm really really happy with it and once again we're gonna save the server as we sign off for today see it is actually late in the day for me and I'm gonna be heading to bed soon and I've been thinking about running my own little experiment right here in the neva to do with the button you see every now and then I come past it and it's getting close to yellow so I thought if I just stayed here overnight afk then this thing might be better in the morning but it might also die if no one comes by so I'm actually gonna tell other Hermits that I'm going to be loading this overnight and then they'll probably come by and press the button from time to time right which will keep it alive and then in the morning hopefully no one's pressed it for a while and we might be able to upgrade to yellow but this is a risky strategy right here I don't want to not being the one who makes the button die so I'm definitely gonna tell the other Hermits and so the experiment began first of all I announced my intentions in chat to the server and it drew a crowd as hypno and Skaar came over and then I decided to make a little afk cage and put a sign on it explaining the hours afk simply loading the button and then I decided to hit record and overnight I actually found that scar was the only person to press the barn once it hit green because he's part of the green team and he wants to stay on the green team forever but what would you know later on I came to the computer and it was on yellow and looking at how long have been afk for this was actually pretty close to going to the next level so we are definitely gonna try this again in the future but that was it super simple I have now upgraded to a yellow belt now the funders will stop there my friends for I actually woke up in the middle of the night ok and I thought back to sleep you need your rest forget about this silly little game and I did I went asleep or what did I dream about the bum and I dreamed till I went and got the yellow bar and so when I woke up after that I fought ok I'm actually gonna go check the computer and what do you know it was on the yellow barn and that over my shoulder there is a little bit of sadness that comes with this we are no longer part of the Green Team and scar has built this gorgeous tree over here in the never celebrating the Green Team as you'll see down below it says Green Team only which means I can't go in there anymore I'm now on the yellow team [Music]
Views: 521,436
Rating: 4.9518747 out of 5
Id: bYOslsedDCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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