10 School Trips That Went HORRIBLY WRONG

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's Charlie here and today we're going to be looking at ten school trips that went horribly wrong we all loved field trips at school it really didn't matter where you went it was just better than being stuck at school but these students would rather be in class because their school trips ended up going horribly wrong and in some cases changing their lives forever before we begin be sure to click the subscribe button and the pill icon to coming in at number 10 we have mountain school trips can be really fun but it always helps when your teacher isn't totally brainless this wasn't the case for one class trip that took place in 2014 in the UK a teacher took her class of thirty nine girls up a mountain for a trip the mountain was one of the largest in England which meant only people who were serious hikers should go up it but despite the mountain being 2500 feet up in the air the teacher thought it would be fine for the girls to wonder up there in skirts and sneakers they soon found this to be impossible and freezing cold but that's not all the teacher had also forgotten to take a map or compass with her it soon got dark and they became lost and were stranded up in the mountain before finally calling 9-1-1 a mountain rescue team soon found them wearing old garbage bags as they were so cold thankfully they were rescued but hasn't changed the amount of danger this dumb teacher put those kids in I'm not sure if she got fired or even sued by one of the kids parents but our very least she shouldn't be allowed near any mountains ever again next up is Monkey Sanctuary in 2016 33 students and 6 teachers from North Cobb High School in Atlanta went on a school trip to Belize among those students was 14 year old tamari Elijah Jackson who was a freshman at the school they were visiting a monkey sanctuary for five days and the first day their first activity was to go into the Sabine River they were to wade into the river and then after that go hiking however the hiking never took place because while the students were waiting around the shallow water tamari was reported missing they searched for a while all around the monkey base sanctuary when finally his body was found however his passing is said to be very mysterious he was a good swimmer and the wood was very shallow nobody saw him wander off and his passing appeared to be a total mystery in 2017 his family sued saying the staff were aware of his disappearance four hours before doing anything about it the school had been doing the trip for four years and nothing bad never happened before the school now goes to Costa Rica instead since the incident next up is more field trips usually define inspiring places to get kids excited about learning or just a theme park to brag the class to be quiet however back in 2010 a New York school thought it would be a great idea to visit the local mall for those who don't know the mall guess where bodies are stored after the people have passed away so the high school took a group of students to Staten Island morgue now that's already creepy but I guess it did give them a better understanding of science they saw many odd and scary things but the cherry on top of the cake was a brain in a jar the kids were fascinated by it and as the tour guide for more information about it she said it was a brain floating in formaldehyde that they used to keep brains first so they can examine and experiment with them however one student turned the jar around and saw her name tag that sent to chill down their spine the name on the jar was of a student that went to their high school before they were involved in a terrible car collision months earlier of course the kids on the trip told the entire school and word quickly spread to the kids parents they were furious as they'd barely gotten over it happening in the first place but what's more they weren't even told nor had they given permission for the medical examiner to do this it really makes you wonder how many other people they secretly did this to as well the parents do to the medical examiner for 1 million dollars for doing this and I have to save rightly so next up is plantation back in the days of the slave trade was a terrible time in American history however it's important that we learn from our mistakes which is why it's taught in schools boys schools take care to explain delicately to young kids what took place but one school is far from sensitive during a field trip back in 2013 the fourth-grade class went to a plantation house turn 4 you see him in Georgia USA everything was meant to be interactive and authentic and even had actors who dressed as slaves or slave owners the kids also did activities including some rather cringe full ones such as cotton picking but wait it gets much much worse the class was split into two groups with the black children being sent to cotton pick while the white kids tried on old timey clothing inside the house I'm sure the plantation museum employees didn't mean to be offensive but talk about an ill-advised activity I'm guessing they were trying to recreate how the old times were but they really didn't think it through suffice to say the parents and some of the kids were not happy and the school implantation quickly apologized at least nobody passed awareness sure but it must have been pretty uncomfortable next up is nudist beach in 2015 a group of Cub Scouts aged 9 and 10 were visiting a beach in San Diego they were being chaperoned by parents and Cub Scout leaders until they saw one man getting undressed they assumed he was crazy or something but as they continue to their hike they realized they'd wondered him to a nudist beach the parents in group leaders quickly tried to change the route they were taking to get the kids away from all the naked people however they took a wrong turn and got lost on the nudist beach the parents were less than impressed when one of the leaders tried to reassure them by saying he goes through here all the time eventually they got out and had to face a pack of angry parents when it came time for the kids to be picked up it just goes to show even something simple like a walk on the beach can turn into the worst field trip ever or maybe the best of those Boy Scouts for just a few years older afterwards they even had to have a meeting with the group leaders parents and local officials in order to assess the situation the Boy Scouts of America said proper protocol was followed during the instant however the parents disagree one parent even said she was nauseated by seeing all the naked people on the beach okay that is a bit of an overreaction and kind of offensive to the people on the beach too geez next up is water park so some of these trips sound a little boring and educational like going to an old plantation or a morgue however going to a water park during school time sounds fun and is perhaps every kid's dream however in 2015 a class of kids from the UK went to Barcelona Spain and visited a waterpark the teachers told them all to use sunscreen as the temperatures were near 40 degrees the teachers offered them factor 50 cream however the kids being kids didn't want this thanks to this for kids for sunburns so badly they had to go to hospital 15 year old Connor Pritchard had to spend weeks in hospital since the trip however believe it or not the parents were mad at the teachers about this the teacher said they told the kids to apply sunscreen but of course can do it themselves if your kid burns themself at a water park that's not the teachers fault especially if these kids were always enough to make their own choices but now the school says they might ban all future school trips if the children can't follow the rules next up is beach one day in 2015 a Texas school went on a field trip to a beach now that sounds nice enough however as kids sometimes do on beaches one went missing it was a 12 year old girl named samira kala despite being at the beach with 19 classmates and two teachers she went missing while swimming she was fairly far out to sea standing on a sandbank with the teacher and several other female students some of the other kids began to get scared by the waves and being fairly far out in the sea so one teacher brought them back to the shore however when they were back at the shore they turned around and didn't see samira risky teams the police and Coast Guard search for four hours before her body was finally found her mom was spotted at the beach devastated as anyone would be the next day the students were blue into class which was Samaras favorite color and many students also wore bows to commemorate her this is one of the saddest and worst field trips ever not to mention the teachers really should have kept track of what all of their students were doing if they were going to take them so far out to sea next up is movies watching a movie doesn't sound like a bad school trip right I mean the movie theater is overpriced and sticky but it's not all that bad will once you hear about this field trip in context your mind will change one day the Dallas Independent School District transported 5,000 boys from various schools from the Dallas area to a movie theater to see red tails red tails is an inspiring movie about black men overcoming barriers in the military due to their race but what about the girls you might be asking well they had to stay in school and watch Akeelah and the bee which is all about a black girl competing in a Spelling Bee the school board meant was they were just trying to empower black students and teach them some black history however the segregation of boys and girls made parents pretty mad women in the military also got mad too and don't even get me started on black women in the military the district defended themselves saying the movie theater couldn't hold all the students however there was just too many holes in that excuse next up is pregnant this one took place at a high school in Florida one group of students went to a rural town and bunk together in a hotel for the duration of a field trip the trip was five days long so not that much could happen in that time right well that's where you would be wrong when the student returned it was discovered that four of the female students were pregnant there were around 20 boys and thirty girls in the trip and they'd all stayed in the same hotel the parents were livid and they said the teachers didn't do enough to prevent this happening and they were extra mad seeing as the students were only 17 years old at least the students had fun on the field trip even if they will have to put up with a screaming kid for six years and to top it all off their even too old to appear on 16 and pregnant and make some money out of the situation next up is Disneyland do you think you have mean teachers well I bet then nothing compared to the teachers of this school as a reward for their students graduating teachers at Rosedale public school taught their eighth graders they'd be going on a Disneyland school trip brochures were printed and a long presentation was given to the kids they even made the kids do roommate arrangements and created a schedule for the Disneyland trip the kids were obviously very excited as what could be better than a trip to Disneyland with all your friends however it wasn't long until the teachers bring some bad news to them they admitted it was all one big prank you see the teachers have lied about going to Disneyland and really they were going to the local bowling alley the teachers got a cheap laugh but the kids were furious and the prank was even caught on camera next up is snacks this is one of the smallest and weirdest school trips on this list one day at wells middle school future Heather Kaggle was teaching math however she got a little hungry as you do but she decided to sneak eleven students into a car for a snack run seven went in the backseat two in the front seat and two in the trunk it must have looked like a clown car no offense girls they drove to a local Walmart and grabbed some snacks on top of all this she had to leave two students alone in the classroom as they wouldn't fit in her packed car she was obviously immediately fired and maybe the most irresponsible teacher on this list what do you think check out the poll in the top right corner to vote for the worst school trip on this list and guys definitely subscribe to my new channel crafty there'll be a video for the crawe fianc Crean in a second so be sure to click it but as always thanks for watching check out some more videos on screen right now leave a like for you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for subscribe to top tens
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 12,863,265
Rating: 4.782506 out of 5
Keywords: school, high school, middle school, school problems, school trip, feild trip, gone wrong, worst, best, the most, things, the, funny, back to school, everyone, things everyone does, school videos, reaction, water park, theme park, children, kids, students, teenagers, teens, teachers, class, classroom, worst school trips, gone, went, wrong, stories, top, list, education, teach, entertainment, video, fact, facts, schools, america, scary, punishments, ever, all time, went too far, pregnant, girls, boys, men, women, scouts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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