I Didn't Know My Sister Was PREGNANT (My Story Animated)

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I caught my younger sister giving birth and no one even knew she was pregnant hey guys this is a true story animation someone who didn't know that their sister was pregnant thirty eight plus two weeks pregnant man penis an entire feeding her Vegeta's less watch I was fast asleep when my dog Barney woke me my eyes stung and my alarm clock showed me that it was only 3 a.m. 3 a.m. that's when we go to sleep Barney what you barking about shouldn't you be singing I love you you love me he wasn't just barking he was also running back and forth from the door as if he wanted me to follow him oh the dog is about to be the biggest snitch of 2020 something's going on over here I eventually gave in Nomos tripped over one of his toys on the way out the door and they just managed to steady myself when I heard something it was faint at first but the further down the Holly went the louder it became okay are their parents here is it just two sisters living together you hear the dog barking is only gonna wake up the entire household and possibly neighborhood it sounded like someone was being strangled fear shot through my body the only people in the house at the time were me and my little sister Cassie our parents were away at a conference and they'd warned me about locking all the doors and windows oh that's terrifying you wake up in the middle of the night he's nobody screaming in the bathroom I would have been like okay she had a wild night out and now she's paying for it on the toilet no big deal go back to sleep before I realized what I was doing I found myself banging on the bathroom door the door was locked and when I banged on it my sister went silent all I could hear was Barney barking by my side that's scary oh you got some balls like something Crazy's going on in the bathroom FBI open up we got a noise complaint what's going on and then just complete silence Let Me In Cassie Lola go away I would I just thought like maybe she has some gas station sushi was not good maybe I gotta get this Taco Bell out of my system I'm fine I just feel it it sick please go back to bed then I heard her cry I couldn't just leave her in there like that even if there was someone in there hurting her I had to save her somebody in there hurting her like she just said and second of all Barney that dog is a little a-hole but you crying with the door closed in the bathroom when he going just stand outside I start barking I took a few steps back and then ran towards the door bashing it with my hips suddenly the door bursts open there was no one in there with my sister it was just her she was squatting on the floor her face bright red and that's when I saw it a bomb my sister was pregnant oh but how did you not know that your sister that you live with is nine months pregnant a baby can pop out any minute now okay you know what after I eat sometimes I literally look six months pregnant not even kidding Cassie what's going on she didn't reply she just looked at me and let out a blood-curdling screams the baby was clearly on the way what was I supposed to do I'd only ever seen this happen in movies same well I mean you busted down the door what now there's just you know she was pregnant you know that's I think there's been some people that don't even know that they're pregnant like what day they wake up and they're having to bathe me and they're like what's going on am i pig meat Oh like they had no idea until they went to the hospital and our real baby not right up wild let me just add that I didn't even know Cassie had a boyfriend don't need a boyfriend to make a baby you can use the mailman - dude that comes to mow your lawn your uber driver post me any fully-functional mail Cassie was the little baby sister I had always dreamed about and because our parents worked so much we looked out for each other our mom and dad were both bigshot lawyers who devoted almost all their time to work okay so mommy and daddy are lawyers y'all got money so now the story sounds fake not because I busted the door open and my sister was just like casually having a baby on a Saturday night yeah but she was like she was the little sister I always dreamed of what hey anybody have a little sibling and that's the type of thing an only child says cuz I've never actually had a sibling I remember when my little sister was born we were all miserable you're like God another one another child it was a battle from my mother's love when I was about ten years old I decided my little sister was annoying it wasn't cool to be seen with an eight-year-old hanging on to my arm at all times one day she tried to get into my room when my best friend was over and I shouted at her I told her to leave me alone and find her own friends that's sad Cassie ran away we ended up finding her in a field later that evening she was crying saying she didn't want to come home unless her mom stopped working so much I hadn't really thought about it up until then just how much our parents work that was just the breaking point she had run away for attention no it's sad but it's also true coming from someone who has run away and has known people that have run away yes I mean I'm speaking for myself yeah attention I want to come home and I want to be loved I want things to change so I'm gonna run away so you'll care about me more okay but no this is really sad and I feel bad for the sister cuz obviously she's been through a lot she pretty much went off the rails after that she was caught smoking behind the science department at school when she was only 12 and then when she was 14 she got suspended from school for cheating on an exam Wow wow this is giant 100% blame myself a bullying day if only out was a better sister if only I spent more time with her let her hang out with me now she's like my sister went through all this but you know why I just accepted that cuz that's what sisters do oh my sister got suspended she 12 and lamb why not that's what kids didn't know I wanna be like what are you doing yeah I feel like everybody in their life needs somebody to tell them when they're doing something wrong make your wrong decisions you hang out with the wrong people everybody well when they grow up and I realize like whole heck my parents were right about a lot of things like that's how I was 100% I used to be the bad kid I was with the rebel I don't wanna listen to my parents and as soon as I moved out a lot of things happen I know I'm like wow my parents alright I should have listened to that but I've been so caught up in my own world that I failed to notice she was pregnant honestly who can hide a baby bump for nine months obviously sisters that don't look at each other for nine months seeing her here now squatting on the floor like that I realized she was massive like a whale what bro that is so rude like your sister popular squad giving birth and all you can say is she was math like whale we needed to call an ambulance and I got up to leave she started crying and asked me to stay she said she was scared and didn't want to be alone any longer I told her the ambulance would be here in no time that's when she started bawling her eyes out begging me not to call one okay now I am convinced that her sister the girl telling the story is like well what's wrong with you like okay you having a baby in our i'ma call 9-1-1 okay the fetus has been needed walks away you ain't gonna stay with her she let out a scream that sent shivers up my and that's when I realized the baby was on its way back it was already coming out bro you mean I realized that maybe was honest way we don't realize the baby was on its way soon as I busted that door open and that's how I ended up delivering my little sister's baby bro what is this demonic summoning ritual animation or my sister's baby I will go into the gory details but let's just say I don't ever want to do that again no hey I don't think that's something you will do multiple times in your life deliver your sister's baby on the bathroom floor and that's what it coming out like me like oh yeah I'm never doing that again this is just a jerk Oh what happened to the dog didn't the dog come in and like start sniffing around where did you spit on the floor she loved something baby use that's gross I went to call an ambulance and while I was on my way to get my phone I heard a knock at the door I ran down to open it standing there were two policemen and they could clearly see something was up I had blood on my hands and sweat all over my face and it wasn't even the one who'd given birth oh hey the police are here me covered with blood sorry I didn't do it I innocent I baby at that moment in time I didn't know what was better an intruder or this surprise baby which is better comment below you open the bathroom door in the middle of the night you see your sister having a baby or an intruder comment below I don't even know it should be way both equally is traumatizing only when we were safely in the hospital room I realized the extent of what had just happened my sister was a mom I now had a baby nephew one thing was for sure our parents would go mental when they find out lawyer parents who were never home oh honey where did we go wrong we gave you everything okay at least y'all loaded on mommy and daddy can pay for it in the morning Cassie finally had enough energy to tell me what was going on a year ago she'd started dating a guy from another school he was a bit of a rebel and she'd said she had only been drawn to him because she wanted to upset our parents Wow looks like we got some bad kids doing bad things that's all oh she did it for attention and getting pregnant had been a complete accident she wouldn't tell me who the guy was she just said it was all a big mistake and that the guy was bad news oh don't worry about life-lessons big mistake what about the kid what you gonna do with it you're just gonna grow up and be like okay here was my story show them this animation mother said you are a mistake her parents would obviously find out especially because she was only 16 oh well hey okay next step dr. Phil step one become a bad child step two get kicked out of school step three get pregnant step four dr. Phil Step five internet-famous perfect Cassie said she had secretly been planning to give the baby up for adoption she said that she had the official papers ready and that there were already a few families interested and it was as good as a done deal Wayne people like baby you tell your parents that's like 10 20 years later maybe you sold my grandchild even I had a grandchild after breakfast a nurse came in and told my sister that she had one hour left with her son and then he would be taken to the nursery room to wait for his new adoptive parents what do you mean you one hour left with your son what a bit like no I only want him like take him my sister looked numb after the nurse left for the magnitude of what she was about to do hit her she was inconsolable I held her as she cried she didn't say it but I could tell she regretted what was about to happen okay that's pretty sad but I'm not gonna cry I'm just kidding but yeah that's something I'll never understand it's like I heard so many times it's like when you hold your baby for the first time it's like oh my god I love this thing I mean that's like that one ain't got my puppy he's like when I saw ash for the first time I was I would die for you the only thing she said that whole day was are youing credit I wanted that piece my baby please help me oh that is a big Yanks good thing both of your parents are lawyers mother I had a child and I saw them go get my kid back well I don't know what's the bigger mess this or what you did to that bathroom anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video smells like so it doesn't happen to you or your sister cuz this was that make sure you check out notifications today today make sure you subscribe to our the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,628,102
Rating: 4.9335508 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, actually happened, animation, animation short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, sister, pregnant
Id: yjGFJNilxMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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