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[Captions by Judy V. at Y Translator] [Music] [Music] Hold up! This boy over here. He's literally twelve. He should be at home playing Fortnite. But instead, he here in a cafe after school catching these hands. Not just any hands, he catching Miss Frizzle's -- Bath and Body Works scented hands. ...hands on tutoring. Do you think anybody from school will be here? You let me worry about that. Good, okay. This is. I am already very uncomfortable. So this is actually from a show called What Would You Do. It's basically a fake situation that they set up in a restaurant with a bunch of hidden cameras where they basically get people's reactions. So I'm reacting to people reacting to a teacher and a student getting it on. Not really, but they do touch each other. Brittni Colleps is accused of sleeping with five students. So apparently, this is a problem. Teacher, accused of getting it on with five students? I know some of y'all gonna look at this like, Hot damn, if my teacher look like that. No guys, we are all about equality. And if it was a dude, and if the teacher was an old guy getting it on with little girls. No, that's just not gonna fly. Nah, you gotta think about it that way. It's one thing you having a crush on a teacher and it's another thing taking it to the next level. See a couple of my friends, they had the biggest crush on one of my teachers. But how will people react when the student being targeted seems to be a willing participant? If you heard this, have you ever been with a real woman before? I like how she says, Have you ever been with a real woman before? I ain't talking about Mercy. This bitch, nah. Sally from the playground. Hell nah. I'm a real woman. Don't worry, I catch on quickly. Don't worry, I catch on quickly. I catch on quickly. Obviously not quick enough. Don't worry, I catch on quickly. Not quick enough. Class is in session at the Tom Sawyer diner in Paramus, New Jersey. And our hidden cameras are rolling as our hot teacher strolls on in. Ms. Anderson. How are you doing? Hey, hey hey. What's going on? Sorry. I'm so late. Whoa, Susan, what are you looking at? All they did was hug. You hug your mom. You hug your teacher. You hug your neighbor. You hug your dog. She already here giving her the stanky eyes. Like, why is this bitch get hugs? Why don't I get hugs? I want a hug. How's it going? Alright. Couldn't take my eyes off you in class today. Oh my god, a hot blonde while I'm old and miserable. Like nothing even happened yet. And she's already, she closed her damn menu so she could take a better look. I hope my husband's not looking at her. And then she gives her husband the stanky eye. Like, oh, I hope he's not looking at her. I hope he didn't just see her take her jacket off. I hope he didn't see her jiggle. Couldn't take my eyes off you on class today. Me too. So far, it's normal. Until she said, I couldn't take my eyes off you in class today. I mean at first, I would just think it's his mom or something. Our teachers behavior draws disapproving glances from this couple. Do you think anybody from school is gonna be here? From school? Yeah. Not here. Okay. But let me worry about that. Okay? They're like, what the hell? Where is this boy's parents? Why is he not at home playing Fortnite like other boys? Why is he in a cafe by himself? Is he drinking espresso? Now, they're the most attentive students of her behavior in the restaurant. They got no shame man. This dude just straight-up turned his head 90 degrees just staring at what's going on like, man, why couldn't this be me thirty years ago? You could teach me math, Ms. Anderson. Maybe caress my balding head while you teach me the times tables. Behavior in the restaurant. Have you told anyone? What do you mean? About us? Have you told anyone? I have kept it between us. Well, that's good. I've never seen somebody just like, About us? Have you told anyone? I have kept it between us. What's they doing? What's they talking about? They just so nosy. I know, I know. It's like a little boy and his teacher, and she's touching him. But they just straight up like, About us? Have you told anyone? Can you keep it a secret because I could get in a lot of trouble? Yeah. They've heard enough. So they're obviously talking like hell aloud. Like, did you tell anyone our secret? They've heard enough. And decide to secretly document what they're seeing. Are you tense? Yeah. You want a massage? Sure. Yeah, it feels pretty good. So low-key man. So low-key. Okay, this is just straight-up weird. She's massaging him in the middle of the restaurant while he does his times tables. Oh honey, is all that math stressing you out? Let me tell you. When I see someone recording me, I know they're recording me and I will call them out on it. I thought these two nasty-ass old guys sitting on a bench, I was wearing some sweatpants. Just got my hair dye, I looked hella cute. And then I was walking towards them and then I saw his phone right down here. And he was looking at it like this. And then I walked by them and then as soon as I look back, there he was holding it like this. And then he put it down real quick. I gave him a nasty face. I'm like, Like I know what you're doing. And then when I came out of my house, this one kid was like, like sitting on the street, and he's like when I walked by. And I went to him. I was like, Are you recording me? He's like, No, I was texting my dad. I text my dad like this too. If you're gonna record somebody, do it like this. With photographic evidence secured, she decides to put a stop to this teachers lesson plan. So she took pictures. She got that evidence. She got them receipts. And she gonna go up to her. May I speak to you please? Outside maybe? Outside? Yeah. Would you mind that? Either that or I'm gonna call a police officer. So go outside right now, please. Damn. Get called out. She took her outside. How dare you? That, that's how you conduct yourself with that young man. I've heard the entire conversation and it's disgusting. You should be appalled. I'm gonna call the police and you should leave that young man alone. He's not even of age. Stepped her ass outside to tell her how disgusting she is. Yes, I'm a teacher. Great, because now I have your picture on my phone so I'm gonna find out and I will go district by district. Your face is gonna be on every channel for news by the time I'm done. Damn. You hear that? I will ruin your life. Don't you decide on what you're gonna do right now, and you can tell me the district or not, but I'm gonna tell you. I am your worst nightmare. The dude stepped outside to check on his wife. Let me make sure she's not snatching her weave right now. What would you do? Are you kidding me? Well it's a pleasure to meet you. You really jumped into this. I have two sons that are teenagers and -- They ain't got time for girls. They're at home playing Fortnite. So what would you guys do in the situation? Comment below. If you see this going on at a restaurant or whatever, would you get up and say something? Would you be quiet? Would you mind your own business? Well, the whole point of the show, kind of like to convince people that you shouldn't always be quiet and mind your own business. But I mean I guess sometimes you should. 'Cause there's some crazy people out there. What if they just like whip out a gun? And pop, if you interfere. Alright, so they try it again with more people. Alright, so Ms. Anderson, she trying it. She back at it again with Johnny. Am I had the first teacher of yours that you thought was pretty? Oh yeah, pretty much. I wonder how loud they have to talk for everybody in the restaurant to hear them. To try to get reactions like, Am I the first teacher that you thought was pretty? Oh my god. I mean I'm gonna give yo an A no matter what. But I want you to get it right. Okay. I think you got pen mark on your cheeks. Really? Yes. This couple starts to burn. Should we say something? Alright, you know what, let's go back to my place. Sure. Yes, let's go. She was just holding his hand. She's like, let's go back to my place. They're like no, we will not let you corrupt the youth of this town, you wench. Begone thought. Get out of this restaurant. Oh, she going in after her. You don't have to go with her. Are you his teacher? Yes. Why does he have to come home with you? We're just gonna go hang out. We like each other. We're gonna spend it-- We like each other. We're gonna go hang out. Yeah, we like each other. Yeah, I'm his teacher. I think you like him too much in a wrong way. Why are you interfering? This isn't any of your business. No, it's not. 'Cause we're making it our business and if you don't worry about it, I'm gonna call a cop. That kid got nothing to say. He's like, nah. Ms. Anderson, that's all you. She's just teaching me. That's right, he's underage. What right do you have to tell me what to do? I'm telling you whether you think I got a right or not. Damn. Dr. Phil, we need Dr. Phil here. Oh, this guy will do, On the temperature. Sir, excuse me sir. Oh no. We see this on television all the time and I say, how do people fall for that? Guess who fell for it? Considering they shoot in the same damn restaurant. Sometimes you just can't help yourself. You seem so tense. Relax a little. Who does this? Does that feel better? Yeah. She about to throw up. Look at this nasty bitch. That ain't how you give a massage. I'm a real masseuse and seeing you do this is disgrace to my profession. Teacher goes to find the ladies room. She's on her feet to find some help. Oh, she's about to smack her. Do you know that boy sitting there? I think I would do that. I wouldn't like go up to the person unless it was something that pissed me off. But I would go to like the waitress or somebody that works there. I'd be like, "Hey, check this shit out." He's with his teacher and she's like fondling him all over the place. You guys don't see it? I didn't notice. And she's like, keeps touching him and rubbing his shoulders. I'm sorry. If that was my kid, I'd kill her. If that was my kid, I'd kill her. She's just gonna go snitch to the waitress, The waitress was like, Nah, I didn't see anything. I didn't notice. What happened? What's going on here? I like, I just take the orders and get you the food. Now, our teacher is back and ready to go. Let's go back to my place. I took care of the check so we're good. She just let him leave. But anyways, that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Comment below. Let me know what you would do in this situation. If you saw this going on, would you say something or nah? I know there's gonna be people that be like, oh, I'll be the kid. But yeah, if you guys enjoyed this video, make sure you get that like button in the face. And subscribe to join the Wolfpack. I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys. [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,059,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, teacher, student, school, teacher hits on student, funny
Id: d1jtMzJDaHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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