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hello friends with me your favorite messy hair youtuber but today with new merch but can your merch do this so we're gonna do a little tour of the new merch and I've been working on this for a few months now for like a month I've been testing this out wearing it make sure it's perfect it's comfy hey can we talk about the back this is the main event over here we got a waltz it's a wolf pack and Japanese hell yeah I wanted to make something comfy some that look good something unique and here you go okay so today's video is about first kisses now your first kiss it's probably not gonna be great it'll probably suck you know what I'm here to tell you that so you don't have like super crazy expectations Billy over here just kissed the girl for the very first time you got everybody else in the background what kind of bird is this okay here we go [Music] go do this Cibola I need to know like they're just recording themselves I could get someone to record their first kiss and it's just so awkward when they do it and then their lips touched it's like two Barbie dolls like you got somebody like pushing them I got it like hmm kids do it okay did he kiss a girl or did he kiss I go cuz we got the whole village screaming and chasing him like what did you do [Applause] what is this cult meeting let's meet at the park after school so we can all have our first kisses and get it over with so just take it turns kiss it everybody like hey hey I won't want to like anybody who want to practice kissing meet at the park after school and like boys are kissing boys girls are kissing boys everybody's documenting it it's really weird but I see it happening kiss kiss on the cheek do it just the kiss on the cheek how many times is your mom kissed you on the cheek how many times is your grandma kissed you wanna cheat I mean even your dog has probably went farther than that I smashed like a beer dog has ever kissed you on the lips I know it's unpleasant but it happens you know sometimes it's just looking your cheek or your chin and then it just goes a little too far you're like no this is where I draw the line I am your mother oh she was a bad go for it and he hit her with the swerve holla what were you trying to do you wench where did they get this footage of when I was a kid one time I tried to hug a boy I liked and he ran from me like he actually ran so sad [Applause] and she go reject him like that like how am I gonna kiss you now nope that look like an actual baby like that is a legit baby should shall be making slime or some smother house priorities for her children [Music] oh man regurgitating bomb in point two seconds that was one quick esophagus I wonder what those lips tasted like gotta be hot trash that's tank doodoo breath I wonder what it was that was so bad Oh [ __ ] feels like oh my god that was my first kiss this isn't how it was supposed to go what did I do wrong that poor boy probably never gonna kiss another girl a rest of his life are gonna have PTSD about this situation like imagine somebody kissed you and then immediately ran to the bathroom battle throw-up you gonna be scarred you're never gonna want to kiss another person again you know stuff bored so terrified like how do you do this again uh like that the mall on him all day she's holding his hand that's all she done it before he's nervous when you go in for the kiss and forget that you don't have lips you know stuff for short studying you this is so awkward I can't like it's awkward for me a stranger a bystander watching from the comfort of my own home through a video and I still cringed those looks like a ten-year-old Justin Bieber this look like Zoey 101 before she got pregnant you want to explain to Alyssa what you saw her what oh no what I saw was you stole my heart Ali would you go to prom with me her face looking at the teacher like where you went on this don't lie like you really set me up though your son can ask me out would you consider it do you think about it oh yeah if you'll think about it for him do my yes or no sometime soon oh man hmm oh man they need step-by-step instructions on how to do it like each other kiss Wow they knew exactly how to do it I'm not roasting everybody right now but I was 110% like this when I was a kid I was a hella awkward I used to type rawr and XD on a daily basis so like yo girl can't really roast anybody my whole existence is roasted ah okay I was very awkward I didn't know how to act around guys people growing up I was never a social person I wasn't a social person until I started doing YouTube and making videos I used to be really awful at speaking like translating my thoughts into words you know it took a few years after doing YouTube videos for me to like to be more confident in myself I feel because when I was a kid oh I was the most awkward child like you take all of these combined and I still would have been worse holy oh there they got all of these kids on a bike with a camera recording their first kiss why don't they go to Hogwarts so they got all the boys lined up we're like okay we're gonna do this we're gonna document this we gonna do this today after school yeah he's like so happy for him oh man pushy pushy like you see I should just grab it I'm like come come come here come here you're mine my man I claim you this is my good boy I like ran away from me I try to hug him like this but so pushy he obviously doesn't want to be your bf you just want to scape a [Music] little young to be kissing like a no three years old let's hurry up and just get this out of the way so we never have to be awkward so weird I don't even think I hugged a boy till I wasn't like 5th grade we got three year olds getting their first kiss already do it do it or Zeke yeah we're kind of peer pressure is this you got this kid holding his arms back like brah got you don't make any sudden movements I got you feet firmly planted all you got to do is open your mouth he had over like this Chuck I ain't kissing his teeth go like this or even like don't have to go like what's the worst that could happen also where are your parents I don't know what to do my hair she says kiss guys do it do it she didn't want to kiss him but now she gonna tackle him she wants him to kiss her but he won't do it she won't do it either nobody wants to make the first move he's actually gonna run away this is what we're doing we're running away running away from my problems like most of all for people to know anyway when she captured her friend just did a 360 spin like Wow achievement unlocked let's do it in the cheat do in the cheap one of you over neuro and the other one goes inside the mouth and kisses in the cheek this is peer pressure I'm calling CPS I don't know who you are I don't care if you guys don't know each other I'm playing matchmaker I want you guys to kiss yeah she got the whole face protection like no uh-uh not this boy you will not steal this first kiss from me no siree she really didn't want to kiss him she was I know uh this is my stocks is my bus stop oh I get to go home and now I'm nothing you cannot get off until you do this kiss complete the kiss and then you can leave see Jesus on the daily don't be recording it he's my main chick finds out anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know when you had your first kiss was it epic or not epic if you guys have had your first kiss already or enjoyed this video make sure you tell like Belinda and subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,926,749
Rating: 4.9469147 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, first kiss, my first kiss, kiss gone wrong, kissing, kiss, kids first kiss, boy, girl
Id: lkP-uNuEMQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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