I Made a Mistake Challenging Jschlatt...

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when he goes on stream he's just this right all right boys how's it going oh that was actually a fantastic impression of me dude I was watching that and I'm like holy [ __ ] he's right I do just turn on the camera and move my mouth a little bit yeah yeah you're like uh you're like a seven-year-old man stuck in a 20 year old's body [Laughter] so how does this work so the way it works is pretty simple it's a first to five we have 10 games total first of five game wins wins the entire event they're the better gamer on the day uh we can get our list of games going right now but there's also a more important question looming which is what are we playing for do you have a statue that is worth approximately fifteen to twenty thousand dollars [Music] yes so I have the big boy monkey balls which I'm sure you know yeah um but I also I have a brass one that is probably it's like a perfect desk size it's like the size of an Xbox how much is it I think he was uh like nine or ten thousand dollars I have a life-size statue of Jackie Chan that was approximately sixteen thousand dollars really yeah oh my God wait hold on [Music] now as you can see like you could imagine what you could do with this oh my god oh wow yeah plus the bidet that's a fun that's a fun evening you know what yeah [ __ ] it you've got yourself a deal all right my monkey balls you're a Jackie Chan all right we're playing we're playing for pink slips today we are oh this is the chat's gonna be devastated if I lose this but there is a common theory in the game of Battleship people shoot or they're scared to be shot no oh Lord okay we're in the same vicinity well just one hit don't don't be too cocky you know I missed I missed to the right okay there's a chance that it's left or down or right or up could it really it could be anything let me go down nice I think you used your giant l in the corner facing into it I have no idea why I would do that um you don't you know I was single no let's sing No I really I really oh okay how do I switch the orientation of this little carpet guy you have a carpet yeah what the [ __ ] there's no way there's no way bro okay so you just you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so you placed a mine around that area no I see what you're doing no I get it I get it you place the mind the number went up to four I can see it by the ship the ship grew that we had like a like a little crew yeah a [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] nothing you play another one another one okay I ca I will not hit another [ __ ] mind in the four radius it's not gonna happen again yes oh yes yes okay and it's got to be this one come on and you're here [ __ ] me you knew there was a mine okay okay I'll take that I'll take that that's all right so one ship down two ships down three ships down this ship has to go left or right Jesus oh where's a good spot maybe right here oh my [ __ ] god what kind of [ __ ] luck is that what kind of [ __ ] luck is that look I just know how your mind works I can see the overall what do you mean you know how my mind works to aim for D7 what does that mean yeah oh my God there's no way I'm gonna finish out right here [Laughter] schlatt it's been a pleasure it [ __ ] sucks just like some [ __ ] ass convoluted [ __ ] version of Battleship that is in no way the what the original Creator wanted it to be yeah [ __ ] it I get to scan I get to scan I get the carpet bomb come on bro get real uh the score is now one zero which means it is your game you get to pick yeah let's try bowling let's try bowling I I actually have not played this game before me neither it came out today [Music] well we're only worried about me versus you who are these people I don't know who the [ __ ] Patrick is oh you're going down baby it's about a Royale of bowling got it oh wow there was no spin on that ball whatsoever I I had a similar issue I had a similar issue what did you get there oh five yeah that's tough but the ball isn't spinning time out we've never played this game this can't be there has to be a warm-up there is no warm-ups baby it has to be warm but I don't know spinning that's a spare baby oh there's no there's no curve on the ball no I just curved it oh baby dude the ball is not spinning to the right like it always does in Wii Sports listen can we treat this wet this one like a warm-up I'm down because I don't think I'm losing today and I'm down also to call this a neutral game it's so like bro you just throw it straight and that's all hey look there's one guy who got a strike in this Lobby in it to me so I think there's a little more to it I actually just realized that the game is not fun and stupid and there's no skill required whatsoever so I'm just I'm literally going straight lining it up perfectly straight and throwing it like a robot okay straight forward bro it's it's ridiculous how dumb this is I actually this is actually upsetting me man you've got a strike yeah I simp it's a self game [ __ ] I I dude I'm throwing to solve game Ludwig it's a solved game did you get another strike oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on are you choking now we shouldn't have done a warm-up we shouldn't have done a war I should have just taken it I'm not sure to take it in Iran I really did hand it to you on a silver planet that first game this time it's a little different oh it's a turkey that's a turkey no what did you figure out I just stopped trying to have fun [ __ ] hey what about a classy best of three huh yeah you know what no how about no and we keep this in my game category deal deal it's so [ __ ] bad the game is so bad did you get another shot yes what even though I absolutely [ __ ] you in this game I am not happy because they took one of the best games on the way and they sucked all the joy and the life out of it 241. [Laughter] oh man all right now to close that software and never launch it again okay it's my game Let's uh let you know what let's start out with some a little bit small here let's start out with some type racer just so you know it does count any typo so you have to you have to make sure everything's correct no it don't miss out okay okay look look good luck thank you foreign what the [ __ ] schlatt did I beat you you got 111 111. what you're supposed to work good you said you weren't good I didn't know it I've never done one of these all right Boo back up to our next race yeah yeah next race next race [Music] [ __ ] I [ __ ] up yes 120 huh oh my God all right game three this is everything good luck good luck let's go [Music] 110 baby [Music] best [ __ ] again hmm all right two to one inch slots favor yep schlot uh here you go here's a little Geo guesser link for you oh sweet I have a I I had a stint in high school when I played a lot of Geo guesser but I really haven't played it a lot since then I just don't think I have much of a shot here I hope so otherwise this will be a very quick Pro versus bro right we're in the desert could be Arizona oh yeah of course this isn't this is not Arizona my friend I can already tell you you guessed yeah yeah yeah I was way off it was Lesotho I wasn't that close either [ __ ] you guessed already yeah yeah yeah yeah I happen to see a website URL that ended no you saw URL come on now tell you it's not Spanish as a hint brazil.br well this will be a quick game Jesus Christ this is me taking out my anger what no no no you didn't guess already I I did 15 seconds did you see a country no I saw the text though I think I might be wrong it's either this or Sri Lanka hey that's Sri Lanka dude what what's going on why are you so good at this Thailand was a good guest though I I pointed I didn't even know what I was clicking on well that's interesting oh all right all right okay now this this is the 1.5 x damage round which can be good for you yeah sure when it spawns you in a [ __ ] Forest that's real great where are you guessing look I don't want to drive and then you find information okay I don't know how how how did you know what country it was well okay so often times like these trees look polish but they're a little more birchy what the tree the trees look polish she said the trees look polish but but it was clearly more Northern because the trees look polish well it's more Northern than you said that to me with a straight face this [ __ ] said to me the trees look polish I am going I'm gonna hear that in my head all all week and what's the score it's two to two let's do punch yeah let's do punch what the hell is this I don't know what this game is but when I Jiggle It I really don't know either his boobies move when I jiggle him we're in all right all right warm-up warm up how do you play I don't know f okay F picks up a rock he's gonna are we just going for this let's just go for it all right [Music] it's so bad where did you find this game no get away from me man oh you can grab two rocks I know that's what I've been doing there we go there we go no how does the winner get decided I don't know I'm just waiting for the two minutes in oh what what you sniped me I sniped out I was like a 40 shot oh my God oh my God so is that a win we doing the best of three what's going on here can we keep playing yeah let's do the best of three all right where are you bastard oh you weren't looking at me oh you weren't looking at me the aim the way you aim and this is so bad man oh [ __ ] oh don't get away get away from me stop knocking away oh that was just a read you gotta stop man you gotta stop you can't be playing this good you can't be playing this good what the [ __ ] dude wait hold on can I get up close wait wait you get away from me no get back here get back here get back here [Laughter] psychopath no my God I I I'm electric today I swear to God bro stop stop you're running down the clock oh no no it can't be a draw it can't be a draw is it I have to win that [Music] oh good play good play there we go oh that's it what all right uh the White Rock is an instant win I guess what yeah apparently I don't know good game hey good game GG's GG's game good game nope you're up 3-2 now right uh yeah three two three two your game fine let's do Mario Kart oh you're such a gross man oh wait what do you mean I'm a gross man what is that you went you went with such a hard one you're booming Me by going DLC and I've never played it I've I've played on that one like twice you're a crafty oh my god get a grip listen if I want to be a dick I could pick Sunshine airport the whole time you just think your lights out there I'm absolutely positively lights out I found the part it's a soft map how do you use an item how do you use it did you say that to say out loud yeah yeah I did say that were you joking no yeah yeah yeah yeah it was a mean huge it was a meme it was like a teehee it's like one of those uh Rage Comics yeah yeah that I see a little time I'll take it I'll take it that was huge for me what are we at what are we at red team okay bye [ __ ] damn it [ __ ] toad is stealing can we get it you wanted frantic items usually you don't get bombs in first place look that's that's not my problem my problem is toad is just lights out I'm okay with your lights out but your CPU [Music] Pink Gold feature not even trying yeah I I missed the item I'm an eight oh Mario oh my God oh my God it's the Morpheus sweep no holy oh God damn it watch this line right here I got the best line in the game [Music] [ __ ] he's doing the same lines solve the map I'm telling you solved map he was silly and naive to pick this link in third why am I getting oh I dodged the blue shell what the [ __ ] really yeah how'd you do that I think I used my mushroom at the right time I didn't think that was possible I thought you needed the super horn oh that's huge team lightning how's this oh my God it's too bad your team [ __ ] threw the [ __ ] team Gap bro oh my God that's embarrassing that's all right I won I won one I feel good you got one three to three schlatt three to three let's stay on the switch let's see what Wii Sports best of three now I'll I'll kick us off because this is my game all right yeah yeah I'm gonna start with soccer what the [ __ ] wait oh my God how does this work I don't know oh that's it that's it yeah what the [ __ ] I'm standing up this is rocket League that's off what kind of what kind of game is this yes my house oh no oh oh oh oh you must do what do you what do you mean I kicked to the right oh my God no [Laughter] yeah yeah baby oh that's in that's saying he doesn't block this oh he does oh I just figured out how to dash that's in yeah [Music] let's go oh [ __ ] they catch my [ __ ] breath come on come on baby let's go let's go he's out he's out yes [ __ ] the own goal was so [ __ ] volleyball okay I made our CPUs powerhouses come on [Music] auntie wait I don't understand how many times fight that [ __ ] how many times are you gonna do this here come on come on come on get up there ah what do you mean I do I literally don't that was me oh come on come on [Music] no no oh yeah I can smell them can't smell him I see me and his hand in the future get a good block here it's like you're not even trying that was Yoshi I got left side oh I don't even die for it oh yeah Yoshi's so bad you're so bad how where are you blocking where oh man I am meant to cover the left and you what are you doing oh my goodness oh [ __ ] embarrassing that's [ __ ] embarrassing wow I got two options here anything to deflect blame I guess you know I got two options it's either Connect Four or spy party oh oh you know we gotta do feels so good to be back how many you want to do uh what do we usually do best uh best uh about three one by two yeah it's fine let's do it what's my tell again in this game uh you know I wouldn't worry about that I wouldn't worry about that what's my tell no I think you've moved on all right I'm ready as ever let's see what you got baby I will hit owl boob head head have I been doing my uh my tell I mean that was a bit of a tell alone right there was it I got an inkling here got pretty close to the Ambassador there didn't you have to leave that Circle soon no I'm sorry did you see something I don't have much time is [ __ ] crazy you don't check your watch did you know it was me did you have any idea yeah I look look at the highlights I feel like you just have a better game since when it comes to spy party man that's why that's why I thought this would be a better one for uh for now in the finale yeah because I think I got myself a decent shot but we'll see banana bread not Wheels you can't be Wheels damn that clock does tick down huh you adding more time I'm just saying have you considered something to consider you surely got your eye on the clock you'd know hmm What's um I don't know I really I really couldn't tell you to be honest I just straight up do not know what to [ __ ] look for I have no leads at the moment man I've seen this guy at the statues a couple times I think I'm gonna take the shot oh was that right no ah [ __ ] I was uh I was I was I think I would have won because I was about to bug yeah I had no I had no clue oh all right all right that's a that's a threat so that was a that was a tough one all right man the fate of our ten thousand dollar statues comes down through the uh what do you want RPS or Connect Four It's gotta be rock paper scissors oh I was embarrassing about him saying that I was nervous we could do a best best of three best yeah yeah I was just thinking that shall I have a question for you though real quick yeah what's that now you ever watch anime I'm not a big anime guy how come oof oh what happened there wait what happened what happened I don't know I sent you a new room code I was not in the lobby I okay so I picked in that one paper and then you were scissors yeah yeah just so I won that round yeah let's just do it again okay so click scissors I'll go paper yep you [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you no I'm leaving this one you're gonna make a new one you gotta you gotta do what's right man do what's right thank you I actually got dc'd from the first one all right all right you're already picking on this assault game it's a soft game right here okay is it fair enough I already know where you're going this time you're so obvious you do yeah you know where I'm going yeah interesting you just switched to paper no I didn't all right so that's a three that's a five chat so if I lose this it's not over can I ask you a question yeah ask me a question what what's your favorite episode of SpongeBob uh dude it's probably the one where he rides that big rock [Laughter] oh bomb ten ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay all right you win game one listen you you you're one you are one let's just came away from losing him forever forever and I'm gonna have him on she's just gonna be mine I wouldn't come on there's a lot a lot of game of people here and he's gonna be mine he's gonna be mine I just have to think I just have to think just think just think man probably won't help you any I think he went rock y guess lucky guess lucky guess he wants scissors he wants his again you almost had me but then in the end a little bit I'm going rock I you know what are you though are you going rock you tell me right now tell me right now Ludwig are you going rock and be honest with me because this move it could be this one right here [ __ ] you were right [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is everything then I think you want paper oh my God how do you how why why is every time you say I think he went why is it correct if you've changed your starting one every single time you went wrong that's not how it works I think you're desperate select I think you went paper three times in a row everything for the win here everything to lose [ __ ] oh come on What's it gonna be what's your favorite SpongeBob episode man it's the SpongeBob episode where they pass chocolate around wrapped in paper yeah [Applause] my heart can't handle this Jackie means so much to me oh just make it easy on yourself man just give me the statue just say that's it that's all you have to do just just I'll give you my address right now just give in okay you ready you ready man up man up man up one two three no I don't know what what do you mean you don't know will you be here this is how this works you gotta pick up three I don't know this is not valid anymore the game is important no no no what do you mean he stopped okay several times but I think I should go paper I'm going scissors Rock You just said what oh Jackie Chan do I'm gonna have Jackie click this one Jackie with your [ __ ] juicy Wiggly fingers foreign oh my God [Applause] [Music] I'm going to the bathroom and I'm spraying warm water up my petite little [ __ ] for the next hour do not talk to me do not try to contact me everyone leave me the [ __ ] alone [Music] you know I made you right you know I made you you know if you go to Ludwig .youtube.com and you look at most popular videos no I know it's and you know if you go to Ludwig clips and you go to most popular videos like you did you understand do you understand you're right what this is do you understand do you really get it do you get it do you understand don't you ever think that you did something here okay also twitch Jeopardy so this is awesome it's my first video that blew up I'll send you the [ __ ] stamp [Music]
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 4,507,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: CXpZaJUu--w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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