Scammer Smashes Phone After Losing $3,000

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ma'am this is patrick will you please listen to me okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on a moment let me find out just do one thing just fill up the cancellation form do you know how to generate a cancellation from them yep there's these scammers that pretend to be from the refund department claiming to owe you money as an excuse to connect to your bank account it's an elaborate scheme to trick you into giving them gift cards but i've got a fake bank account and a fake google play store so they think all of this is real yeah yeah i am i'm just told okay man i i'm going to make an online form for you yeah okay oh online form that i don't know how to do i just know how to make forms like formerly no i'm going to give you the phone number i'm going to give you on your computer you know with something like like notepad or microsoft word or whatever and then you would print it um that i'm familiar with familiar with but not the online stuff yeah formally generation it was quite you don't do any online stuff refund [Music] i made a habit of never buying from a i never buy things or give my information to websites that say something's guaranteed safe like honestly them saying it's guaranteed safe makes me feel very unsafe if you know what i mean they should have just not said it in the first place like there was no question in my mind that i would have been safe purchasing from them but now that they're saying it's guaranteed makes it feel like they want me to feel like i'm safe but i'm not does that make sense yeah okay yeah it's kind of like it's kind of like when someone says uh 100 meat or something like well is it though because it should have it should have been meat i never had any doubt in my mind that it was anything other than me so why i don't know ma'am you need to fill up this info what are you doing ma'am hello the thing is uh as someone who is well-versed formally in my own nothing is required on this form except for your name so i'm just going to go ahead and try to submit it if you would like no matter hello can you just let me okay perfect there will be three phone verifications to complete it no ma'am man first we need to fill up this information okay um hello wait but it said that i was gonna it said that it was better so that's good right no man your refund is your account oh you have a business account now we're just going to do the transform transfer map so while we're doing the transfer you and me both can see the black screen for a moment so the idea is like right now they're transferring money in between my accounts or editing the html or something like that yeah man just get angry because of paper okay i'm going to give you the customer number i can't if you don't mind because this is taking way longer than i thought somebody just sent me a message on tinder and they said okay they said monkey it's like like a monkey with his hands over his eyes and then after that is a um a fly like an emoji and then after that is a um i guess this sort of looks like i'm not even sure i'm not even sure what this is oh it's a spork okay so monkey with hands over his eyes then uh then the fly then a spork then a crab emoji that says eleven dollars and then after that um a son what do you think they're trying to say okay i will give you the customer id man okay plea please help me with this sir no you don't mobster best is back but there's no cat like on the fly we're just winging it to eat crap you need to write down your customer id number for your security right it's cool i don't care that's cool just send me my money you don't care no i could care less about my customer id i never plan on talking to you again i don't mean anything mean by that like you seem super but i mean like i don't want to call you i'm i'm getting my money back because i don't want to work with your like you know okay all right so we do uh yeah we do online banking with the chase all right we have a business account all right whatever you yeah we yeah whatever we used to transfer to all parts of the world with the help of our change bank all right now okay ready someday when i'm growing up and professional like you i'll get a business account you have to keep like all right flexing on your business account hey man i see you bank at windy city credit union it's not that great i bank it chase you know the best bank in the world i'm a hot shot i have a business account you just have a personal one of the local credit union well stop making you know what i don't feel bad at all that i support my city the windy city in chicago it's a local credit union you know i'm all about that life shop local eat local yeah keep keep supporting big huge corporations keep keep supporting chase like what did they ever do for anybody huh okay okay all right okay i'm so sorry okay so you do one thing just go ahead and log in all right yeah we should get out maybe you should get a business banking account windy city credit union have you ever thought about that okay okay okay okay but it is appropriate to try to tell someone to get a checking account at when they're not gonna work with you anymore okay okay login once you're logged in just let me know you want your money back right mom correct yeah hello hello hi hello yeah can you hear me now can you let me did you know i could hear you the whole time i was just ignoring you oh you are ignoring me i'm here now though yeah i had a tinder message i got a message oh okay okay just get a pen and a paper fast i have to refund you the money as soon as possible all right because you have to move with another customer all right we we have a lot of customers to deal with it all right we have to transfer the money today itself right now well maybe i don't have a pen in the paper i'm not an important important business guy okay i don't have a pen and paper maybe i don't have one but i have lots of customers i don't have to write their name down on a piece of paper every time i talk to no no i you have to write down the available balance in your checking because i'm going to transfer you the money to your checking all right okay so whatever i have 3 000 dollars who cares it's right there [Music] right there i don't need to go through just ruin trees because you think it's important because it's a bureaucratic nonsense and some huge organization that doesn't even care about trees you guys probably burn trees for fun and you think i'm just gonna go through here and be like oh well nonchalant mr guy at the business and listen to everything you're saying you were supposed to send me money like an hour ago and now you're telling me to go through the process i'm not even getting paid for this i don't work for your company i'm not a business person well i mean i am a business person actually i've been um thinking about starting a business recently but all right that's a bad thing you're done right you're done all right i don't want to fill out okay all right so let me transfer the money your refund 500. okay all right they just gave me a moment all right so you wrote down the available balance on your rewards i want to keep going but is that correct i'm not used to doing that okay now i'm going to start transfer you the money okay all right so just get a pen and a paper pass oh all right let me start transfer you the money right now okay type your name i can't i can't type my name for some reason it's not working like you just type you just decide okay hold on hold on i'm trying on i said hold on hold hold on i'm trying to type in for some reason it's not working it's not working oh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on i said hold on hold on i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it yeah hold on hold on honey hold on hold on okay don't call me honey hold on i said hold on this is let's see the bees wouldn't want you to eat their honey because they destroyed their trees in there just type your name no no no no i'm not i'm not done with this you don't you're not even listening to me destroyer of the earth just type your name just type your name okay i said don't touch your computer don't touch your computer no you want i i'm going to say checking my savings i told you don't touch your computer i'm telling you okay you told me to type what i want to type i don't want my check who's typing checking i don't want it in checking no thank you ma'am please put it in my savings no i cannot send you the money to your savings because we got a checking account all right you you don't have a checking all right you got it we can only be money market no no no i cannot send a money market i can only be able to spend it in the city all right you put it in a cd all right so you're going to receive the money in your checking all right you got it here now he handed the phone in you're checking all right i don't want it in my checking why did you ask me where okay now your refund is 500 so just type 500. i can't even i can't even type hold on i said if you hold on just give me a moment if you hold on let me let me do it you don't have to type enter okay just type 500 okay hold on hold on a moment hold on hold on a moment hold on okay i said hold on just give me a second hold on if you hold on then i can be able to transfer the money go slow hold on i already typed 500 three times though oh no that's not the three times maybe if i do this jesus christ i told you hold hallelujah hold on hold on i didn't know that you were i didn't know that you were a church going all right now just type 500 not just by 500 no not in words not in words i think it's called hundred wrong um yeah five hundred yeah just type five with the dollar sign or no wait why does it say zero right now for those of you that haven't seen this before he why you got 5000 he's trying to make it look like i typed 5 000. no actually just says zero zero zero it says zero zero zero it's clearly on your little box look at it it says zero zero zero do you see that yeah you tag five thousand no i did not type five thousand i just told you it says zero zero zero i don't understand you buy five thousand the money has no answers all right okay no one typed five thousand just stop nobody typed five thousand yeah nobody typed nobody typed five thousand okay nope nope yeah the money already been transferred and then you have already been received that five thousand right this hold on give me a moment that doesn't make sense because nobody typed five thousand the most no that you you just made a mistake sir stop using my computer and just you're acting a little childish right now right i feel like kind of embarrassed for you so please please just listen to me please you're you're getting worked up over nothing it says right in right here i took a picture of the screen personal account zero zero zero do you see that at the bottom sir just let me know that you see it you already typed that out nope just acknowledge that you see it please so i know yeah yes yes it is all right okay but there's nothing to see because i only typed in 500 i've typed in right let me see how much has been transferred right just don't touch your computer your computer is locked up you know be like sonic now you have to listen to me what do you have to do okay now listen to me very carefully all right okay are you actually just going to the next page right now really yes you actually you receive 5 000 to your checking all right okay you got it clear now all right what do you have to do i'm gonna let you know okay all right from that 5000 you just keep your 500 your refund okay all right wait let me check i wondered if you clicked let me check my checking account to make sure that i have it in there hold on yes yes you can check it yes you can check it you can check it yeah i better double check and see if it got there or not right so you don't have to check my account all right well we better bet we better make sure we better make sure that no no we want to make sure that you actually you know yeah oh my god that's a real five head move we better make sure that um the money actually before we get too worked up about it no nope sir sir we'll just make sure that i said don't touch your computer okay your computer is locked up all right okay now from that 500 you have to keep your money from that five thousand now you're cheating you're gonna get back banned right now you're cheating okay you can't skip too far away yes there's a lot of people just trying to have a good time right now and you're just ruining it yeah so i just wanted to include that for my head at least you got an extra that's it okay that is how that is our money all right you have to return it back to me otherwise your computer will be get locked forever if you've been here before you would know that this guy's skipping back an hour so how are you gonna send the money back i'm going to let you know okay so just listen to me very carefully and concentrate on me okay i'm sorry i'm gonna refund my money back all right wait wait wait wait wait do go ahead whatever just are you gonna return my yeah how are you gonna return my forty five hundred dollars back to me i'm gonna let you know okay all right and listen to me the previous balance it was thirty three hundred dollars all right when you use your debit card the money will come out for forty five hundred dollars you will come to know that we have sended you the money you got it here now and if the money will not come to your account then you will come to know that we haven't sending you a single penny all right okay but please trust me for the last time all right just return i just returned my balance money back forty five hundred dollars which you've got an extra and i'm the man of my words i live alone with my mother i don't want to lose my job that's it okay this is my this is my personal thing i just want to discuss with you i just want my balance money back 4500 which you got an extra that's it okay and when you use your debit card the money will come out you will come to know that we have sended you the money because the previous balance it was thirty three hundred dollars i have the money will not come out you don't have to spend anything sir sir take a breath take a breath take a breath calm down take a breath breathe with me breathe calm down calm down do you know any target shop nearby your house no i don't okay tell me is it cool tell me your zipper tell me tell me what was that can you repeat that five times fast tell me your zip code yeah say that five times fast please yeah tell me a zip code fast 6652 tell me a zip code sorry six or six five two six zero six five two that's your zip code yeah that's your zip code tell me fast otherwise i'm going to get into your bank account i'm going to take out all the money it's going to take me only 20 seconds to empty your whole goddamn money i'm sorry what did you just say to me well do you want to see that yeah you want to see that just like what are you doing are you ready yes yes i don't even know what happened no no no not even explaining it i can transfer all the money from everyone's accounts yeah okay sure you can okay did you write down a piece of paper why you can do whatever you want with with anyone's account because you're just doing this and take that take that paper and put the because you just took 70 000 from someone else and they're crying because you're an evil person but on the other hand you're gonna lose your job if i don't do what you want me to do so i guess what you're asking me to say is you want me to know if i'm going to go to target and take the gift cards and then i'll come back and give it to you or if i'm actually redeem it or if i'll make a whole thing or you want to know if i'm going to take the money and give it back to you and when you were upset about it then he changes all the money back to you and then you went back and forth and back and forth and then after that what do you have to do then what do you have to do after that you have to tell them that this is for my personal use if they will ask you a question just tell them this form of personal use that's it okay all right or i'll give them a personal excuse that this is from a brand graduation gift or any like a gift purpose all right okay but now we've been talking on the phone for like an hour 25 minutes and telling me this whole thing and this whole story about her to take all my money she's going to move to the story this other guy the other guy you said that when he stole the money from him that he was really mad he was really upset what i'm trying to figure out is are you trying to help me or are you trying to take all my money because i don't understand i don't know if you're going to go to bed for park session for oh i'm just gibberish now now it's just gibberish are you listening to me finally i think i won did i win no i think oh no okay anyone all right okay so you know that did you know that very well what do you have to do okay okay right sir yeah tell me yes tell me yeah tell me tell me tell me sir tell me sir tell me sir i can hear you sir i can hear you so i can hear you okay i don't want to waste the time okay all right this is your cell phone right right so just leave your house okay yeah just leave your house take your cell phone with you okay okay all right and once you come back to your home okay with the gift card and then i will give you a call back this is your cell phone right so you don't have to you don't have to hang up the phone all right you have to take your cell phone with you to the target all right get into are you leaving your house yes or no are you stealing my money are you guys trying to steal my money right now are you i have i haven't still yet i haven't still yet it's gonna take this whole thing over again because i barely never even understand what's happening you were supposed to send me a bunch of money i don't even know if you sent me the money or not you just keep blabbing and telling me to the store i wasn't planning to go to the store today but when you keep telling me about all these other customers you keep threatening me about taking my money you said you're going to take 4500 future videos kind of funny but at this point it's kind of getting ridiculous you just keep talking at the same the same time as i'm talking and i barely understand what's gonna happen so if you would just slow down collect yourself breathe in the money is there everything in your checking savings all right so you don't have to be worried okay you guys here now oh okay yeah i told you it's gonna take me 20 seconds i told you don't try to mess up with me your account is i'm holding your account your bank account is already login in my system it's gonna take me a while it's gonna take me a second yeah but you've been saying it would take you 20 seconds for like half an hour so are you going to do it yes of course i tell you so just leave your house okay just your house and this is your cell phone right which i'm talking to you right now is this your cell phone no do it you won't is this yourself you know what i'm talking to you this is your cell phone i want you to do a cell phone right you won't i double i tripled i said this is your cell phone do it take all the money out of my account do it right this is your cell phone right which i'm talking to you right now i'll go get some gift cards do you kind of just want like do you want a little bit of everything oh i have your number it's the one that i'm talking to you right now that yeah yeah okay do you just want a little bit of everything like olive garden john silver you're gonna take blockbuster how long it's gonna take you to come back how long you're gonna take it to your home do you want me to get you a a bunch of different gift cards like disney xbox apple computer toys yes roblox chick-fil-a um stuff like that starbucks gamestop no no only a target gift card only a target and it's gonna ask you for wordpress [Music] it's uh how did he think that was gonna work okay so that was pretty easy to do though they want their gift cards they obviously must have teamviewer installed so i'll let them connect via teamviewer that way i can um control the connection a little bit better i make it so they can't control my screen there's settings in the in the team viewer to let like decide what you want people to do with your computer and so i make it so they can actually click can you hear me yeah who am i talking to who is this this is jenny this is patrick ma'am oh hey hi pat hey yes mrs jen can you hear me yes yeah so i went to the store i went to target i did everything when i went there i talked to the manager and was trying to figure out like what's the best way to get you the money yeah the whole thing that i ended up doing is i i went there and i was able to get four thousand dollars i got four thousand dollars worth of gift cards sorry three thousand dollars okay do you see the id numbers you're right kelvin yes this is this is patrick now this is did you see your id there your id yes do you see your id there is this kelvin mom this is patrick will you please listen to me hello yes hello is this the krusty krab ma'am sorry sorry is this the krusty krab or who is this ma'am this is patrick can you hear me this is patrick can you hear me yes i already put up a notepad and everything 500 yeah 500 each of it right correct right yeah i just want to make sure that you give me a moment hold on let me give you a computer back first i told you your computer is locked up no i already have my computer i already have my computer okay okay just uh tell me the card number all right yeah i wrote it on notepad i just wanted to make sure that um before i like redeemed it or whatever it's called that you were i just wanted to like you to know that i was giving you the money um i wanted to make sure that everything was like done so like i went on the back of the card and i read the whole thing it says if you want to redeem redeem the money that you go to the thing and you redeem it but i wanted to make sure that you saw me do it that way um there's not any confusion later what is that kind of what is that kind of what is that what is that i said what is that kind of a card which card yeah yeah so when i went to target they didn't have the target cards available to purchase in 6 000 or sorry 3 000. but they did let me purchase three thousand dollars worth of google play so when i was when i got you on the google play you got them yup yup that was the best thing i could do i just try to do it for you okay and on the back it says okay that in order to redeem the cards you go to definitely not google docs trying to do is just make sure it doesn't see everything now you understand what i'm saying patrick that's what i was looking for okay okay tell me the number tell me the number of the first card um the first card it's all wrong i just wanted you to see it that's what i'm saying no no no that's what i've been saying you don't have to redeem you i don't have i want you to know that i'm giving you the money so you won't come back later and try to say that it didn't happen like i'm giving you i'm giving you proof right now let me just go through each one of these numbers or each one of these things i'll give them all to you one by one you have proof that this is happening later what are you doing what are you doing what do you mean anything else has happened and i'll just give you the math what are you doing if you're man what are you doing if you're doing this thing i cannot be able to help it out man please please don't do this yeah i'm happy hold on what are you doing hold on what are you doing i'm giving you you told me to do this so i went to no no you don't have to add the balance to your account no no patrick patrick patrick we did this whole thing earlier i said don't touch it don't touch it don't touch your computer hold on hold on hold on hold on i said hold on to your computer hold on first hold on patrick yes patrick yes calm down yeah patrick yes patrick you added the balance 1500 to your account patrick patrick patrick tell me why did that you have to go to the so i'm just trying to do it for you earlier you wanted the money so i bought all the gift cards when i came back to my house i just unwrapped all of them i actually ended up like doing my hair and my makeup and stuff too because i want to make sure that you really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really quick for me because i want to make sure that you got your job back and i didn't want anything to be weird so now what i'm doing is i'm trying to make sure that you know there's nothing that can be discovered or anything like that you're crazy crazy you're chris if you redeem the balance if you rename the balance to your account i cannot help it all right let me tell you that calm down okay you read them four no you patrick why don't you um why don't you go finish your lunch and then come back okay that no no listen to me that is not your money you added that money to your account is that is that uh like a okay two with me i owe you another thousand no no no no you two thousand listen to me sorry sorry i don't know i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll i'll do it i'll do it that's fine sorry [Music] patrick okay everything should be good for you now patrick patrick definitely slammed his headset down and walked away [Music] you
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 546,776
Rating: 4.9341311 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, social engineering, trick, scammer, justice, revenge, payback, refund department, gift card trick, fake redeem card, gift card scam
Id: cr8Z4Sj-h60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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