I Ruined This Scammers Wedding - The Professional Ep. 3

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alright okay playing or danger okay how to get the Google plugin let's go to the Google Play Store click the Redeem button and then you type your code that's how you convert it into the cash $100 at a time so like here's the next hundred dollars and send this over to you right now then we got another $200 redeem you agreed and I click redeem watch what it says you are heading the gift balance and then it's got my Valen breath on there and then I click confirm okay ma'am are you there Maya yes I'm still here okay so the charge I don't think we want to dis beat it is that James is that right that my name is not James okay just just I don't want to be speed it I think there's been like a mistake or whatever oh okay so if everything is fine then I will just close out your case is that is that correct just be clear we cannot open up the case later afterward James my name is not James I know - OH that's James okay I'm actually not authorized to talk to you with someone else on the phone unless I get their prior authorizations those do you authorized to be on the phone with you right now yes yes I do okay great hi James how are you are you a customer are you are you a customer of second community American mutual no I don't think so would you like to would you like to be customer second community American mutual I will think we'll think about it anyways what would you like to be a customer of second community American mutual James no no I'm not not for now but obviously think about me but no issues no issues anyways we have transaction but I don't think we need yeah you know we don't need the help am I not am I not good enough for you you got like the customer service no it's great okay that's great thank you thank you thank you ma'am okay so are you sure we do have like a promotional thing or like if you sign up for an account now you're okay I'm every nothin foot now okay yeah he wants it thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it okay cuz right now if you do sign up you do get a free $100 gift card for like a business of your choosing like like Olive Garden's like Beth buy a whatever whatever you want oh I mean James that could actually help our case what no nothing for now thank you thank you ma'am thank you James are you sure that's $100 but yeah that we're done with the bank thank you would you like to be a customer of second community American Mutual are you reading off of a script or something ma'am Your Honor I find that actually like really rude okay well we're yeah I think thoroughly we probably could just help you a few just hung up on her that was some next-level yeah that was a typical customer service customer service not like yours though I mean your service is top tier isn't it James yeah yeah anyways so I will simply stay on the line you can put me on speaker okay and you can simply leave for the best by school I'm there with you on the line and once you are in your car once you start driving just let me know okay I'm staying online all right yeah James really quickly I'm gonna go tinkle okay sorry I gotta go tinkle so I'll call you back I'm staying online as I told you I cannot hang up oh right right I'll hang up on you that way it doesn't look bad no and then I'll call you back all right I'll call you back after I go to the bed hello Walker can you hear me yeah can you hear me yeah can you hear me Walker yeah I can can you hear me up yeah can you hear me okay I got you on this okay are you in your car right now yeah I got you on speaker can you still hear me yeah I can I can so I do not want you to talk to me while you're driving just for your safety and once you reach this job all right once you reach the Best Buy parking lock before you enter the store like when you park the car talk to me before you enter the store alright Walker yeah hey so could you real quick am i meeting am i meeting a McAfee representative there or not no no you simply go as a normal customer simply enter the store as a normal customer and simply ask for Best Buy gift card for Best Buy gift cards for $500 each simply be normal do not talk about McAfee do not talk about any transaction nothing all right simply be a normal car I mean Morris wasn't exactly your normal you know so I'm gonna ask someone from the Geek Squad to get me a McAfee Best Buy card no no simply get in the store and simply ask for Best Buy gift cards do not use Geek Squad do not use McAfee nothing simply ask for Best Buy gift card that's it is there a handshake I should know or will Walker you're smart enough to handle this I think I think a guy you can do it easily alright so there's not like a secret handshake or anything I I think you are smart enough to handle all this stuff I do not have to guide you because you are a fan of James Bond and you sure no obvious you know how every idea I've had I've had a dozen different ideas if said we're all bad so I know but obviously you are a fan of James Bond's I know how you need to handle this is there anything special I need to say to him after I purchase it nothing like no no no that way they know not to make an ability transaction no nothing you don't have to talk anything simply get him simply tell that I want to buy for Best Buy gift cards for $500 each they will give you the cards generally they do not ask you anything but in case if they are why are you buying just a normal conversation simply tell them it is just a wedding gift or it is just a gift for your kids your your pocket so it is just a gift for your kids graduation give anything like that how did I walk I think you should I walk do you think like any special kind of like what's a normal walk or something like this like a business person Oh what are you trying to believe me no I I think you're trying to believe me by asking me these questions I just want to keep I just want to make sure I keep a low profile you know you just be the way you are that's it you don't want that the way hazel nah just be the way you are that's it okay you are schmuck I'm talking to you for so long I know you are so smart so just be the way you are you are a smart force that's actually really kind of to say no you are that's why I'm saying it why are you buying it just tell them it is a Christmas gift or a wedding gift or your relative that's it okay anything okay Christmas gift or company any kind of gift ready to give anything yeah and once you get the car to come out of the store and then talk to me I'm there with you on the line simply put the phone on your pocket okay wouldn't it be a lot easier if I just hung up on you no no do not hung up I'm there with you on the light I'm holding the line I will not talk okay I'm simply staying online okay but what happens if you know if they find out I'm on the phone with McCafe that's why I told you you keep your phone in your pocket they will not come to know about anything once you're out of this yeah I'm gonna go ahead and do you a favor I'm just gonna almost how about I just leave you in the car then would that be better in the car and then here's what I'll do I'll put you on speaker okay yeah you still hear me oh yeah it's okay okay okay normally I guess I should I'll come back and get I'll come back and get it actually don't lie bring it with them so sometimes we play music like one time we muffled music a lot so it sounded like a car pulled up next to it let me see if I can pull that off again although it's better I think it's better if I get the bring the call with him because then I can have them like talk to a manager or something so maybe I'll do that huh how your back I'm actually gonna take you up Speaker I just realized I should probably bring you with me in case they have any questions yeah if there is any question do not ask me in front of them come out of here me okay or not if you've got any question do not ask me in front of them come out of the store and then ask me okay okay into the pocket you go yes I can you hear me yeah I can hear you ok I just thought I'd like to have someone I've talked to you while my doesn't work no no you talk to them directly just be normal and just ah yeah it's more casual I think it's more normal or casual if I'm on the phone with someone so you could be my uncle I am being normal talking on the phone 2 semanas normal I guarantee you 50% of the people 30% plus 50 80 90 % of the people in the store a bit if they're talking on the phone you hadn't looked in your way you are smart enough and okay thanks yeah or else you can go to the customer service and over there tell them I want for Best Buy gift card for $500 each they will bring you could you speak up a little bit it's harder here it's not kind of hard to hear you in the store so I said you can directly go to the customer service and you can tell them on the customer service you want for Best Buy gift cards for $500 each they will arrange it for you are going for gifts right yeah there's someone over there there's someone over there in a red shirt they probably work at McAfee right you guys got like a red look hey hello hello sir this is the right you guys have like red a red logo riding like a red t-shirt correct don't go anywhere are you a McAfee rip Oh Mac I never mind I think he worked at McDonald's red rabbit or something he was a little upset good luck talk about maker fee Geek Squad do not talk about anything just be normal by that you've got to come out of the story yeah is any let me ask you a question James is any of this any of this at all normal for you what do you mean being normal I'm at the store on the phone with some random dude buying gift cards to save a woman's job house as normal I can understand but I do not want apart from you and me anybody else yeah I can go here what were you saying it I said apart from you and me I do not want anybody else to know about the matter which is going on that trip that's why I told you you can just handle it from yourself if you've got any doubts come out of the store and just talk to me that's it okay just go to the customer service if you cannot find the car that's fine you go to the customer service over there just ask them to give you for Best Buy gift cards for $500 each they will give it for you this is so complicated I think I found I think I found them I think I found him oh my god okay there's best buy cards Google play cards iTunes cards a whole bunch of stuff do you think do you think do you think the best thing to do then if we're gonna go along the story of like it's for Christmas or for for like Thanksgiving gifts or something do you think I should buy do you think they sell like any what do they call it decorations like at Thanksgiving or Halloween or Christmas decorations maybe yeah you think I should get some like Thanksgiving decorations maybe like a turkey or something yeah and then I can say these gifts are for that my kids for Thanksgiving yeah yeah yeah that that would be perfect that idea intersection not even not because they have mm oh there's my friend hello hello hello okay all right this is this is Walker Texas Ranger signing out over and out I'll call you back once I get the cards Roger that I hate when you hang up how many cards did you buy eight well I got I got four and she got bored eight cards for $500 each yeah to Tuva work best buy cards there they didn't have enough pinspot cards but as I go what cars did you buy the Google ones yeah we got six best man to Google I know you like the Google thinks best way to Google okay and each of them are $500 each that's right that's right I'll be home in like two or three minutes so we can talk this out okay I'm I'm on the line okay do not hung up the call I want I knew that line was coming so are you in front of your computer right now I really hope I really hope she's able to keep her job - yeah I'm actually the computer right now I got I got just about everything taken care of I think so okay now can you now can you see the TeamViewer icon the blue color icon TeamViewer icon with two arrows going in two different directions TeamViewer give or double-click on the pinion gear icon at the very bottom left at the very bottom on your taskbar okay you can see the team gear icon right now just people click on that icon alright okay okay so what I did I got your James Abram Abramovich or whatever your name and and everything and I have it going to McAfee address going to the McAfee address and I got the McAfee espresso machine the my coffee expresso machine there was one for three hundred dollars right two hundred and so I bought ten of them you don't okay and I'm having those go right to your location about ten of those okay so you can see I went through and I typed in all of this the cards and I redeemed those and so you can see it's got the total gift cards redeemed 2900 there's another sense and so I just I'll have these sent over to you and then you'll be able to save the job what what did you do you bought the card right yeah you bought the card now it's not going to work like that okay I'm sorry you are you on the computer or not it is not going to work like that I know it definitely does work I mean look at it it says thank you your order is being processed it's definitely working no look it says order place thank you your orders being processed we have sent additional order details to the email Wester you provided orders place before 5 p.m. PST or process that day that means she's going to be able to keep her job give a paper give a paper and pen you have a paper and pen James let me write the confirmation order number for you it's nine it's nine one five nine four four seven one six seven nine five I'm are you listening to me how many cause did you pour tea from the best buy store six well eight but six best by Carl a six best buy gift cards go Google Play card correct yes and I just purchased ten three hundred dollars I make coffee cards for you got my coffee things for you that way it looks like a personal transaction and I redeem all the cards that way the whole thing is untraceable and no one will know that I just purchased these for personal reasons you're gonna get you'll be able to save your job and her job it's perfect listen to me that will not come to my company's refund account okay now yes it will and everything how many cards you got just tell me first thing I always forget you should be thanking me right now I just need to give you the Google play cards it is not that is not going to work okay yes it is going we're not going to work let me scratch off them let me scratch the Google play cards hello hello no first review scratch off the Best Buy gift card I'd used the Best Buy gift cards of course I scratched him off no you don't have to you don't have to use it I already told you listen to me wasn't me James I placed an order for $3,000 worth of mr. Coffey cards mister sorry mr. coffee products you understand the order was already placed i redeemed the $3,000 do you remember what I'm telling you Walker listen to me okay okay I gotta give you the rest of the thousand so that you understand what happened correct James just to be clear you understand know what first you scratch the Google clay card then I'll come back to the Best Buy card okay cuz I don't think you really understand what's going on but that's okay all right so I gotta let me get the other one done here yeah I'm just I'm just scratching them off or whatever maybe paisie and this these cards are the same kind of thing and then you're able to get the permits like a personal transaction or whatever correct what I'm telling you are you listening to me did you scratch the post Google Play card actually scratch the move yeah you scratch the booth okay yeah now take the first card in your hand okay now take the first card in your hand and just read it to me the alphanumeric code just really to me carefully with the help of the phonetics this were easy to meet from the big at the back side you will find the place where you can scratch it once you scratch that you will find a 16 digit alphanumeric yes then you see the alphanumeric code now just read me the alphanumeric code slowly one by one okay okay yeah I actually see I actually see it on here are you on the computer still all this type of mail for you easy peasy no no no I'm not on the computer right now okay I'm tapping it on a notepad for you I'm not on your computer so I cannot see anything oh how do you get back on the computer okay okay so let us first get back on your computer and at the very bottom okay can you see on you are you on your computer screen just come back okay I had to get the team hopefully he'll understand I think they understand the Google Play Redemption a lot better because it happens all right before their eyes this is gonna be fake but he'll believe it most likely ok the TeamViewer icon again for the TeamViewer alright and so it said on the back of the card the Google the play.google.com to redeem them alright so I got the card all there it's like the f8 yjd thing and then when you redeem it to me oh wait maybe I'd type it wrong oh no I coat it I coated it I changed it last night I forgot I gotta switch the cup ok let me go back hold on let me go back I must have type it room although now do you know what you're doing I think you know what you're doing how do you - jeez it's g8 dang it ok so yeah I don't know are you still on the computer screen or not because it's like it looks like what happened is I accidentally did GG for can you see the cards it looks like I accidentally did GG before so I should be able to just tap do it this time you should go through are you sure are you sure you want to add this to your account and just click confirm here okay five has been added to your balance okay then let me do the other let me do my balance I'm sorry what did you say I said it's not added to my balance it is added to your account understand reduce yeah this is for you and Katherine I get how it works okay you do not understand look it says right on the back of the car to redeem it okay so I got the second card in name redeem that is being done for you what I bought these cards personally for you so when I redeem this card it's going to you so you can save her job and you're going to me understand me how you Caillou right thing like are usually in it you should be thanking me right now when when you are you shredding with the oldest to your cap telling you I'm telling you I'm telling you something I'm telling you something it looks like they close down I'm not sure why let me just try that again you are doing it for me right yes I'm doing it right yes I'm doing it for you listen to me what I'm trying to save your job I'm saving both of your jobs right now I don't think you realize I'm telling you I'm telling you okay I'm redeeming it for you okay perfect I got all four thousand dollars sent to you before the end of the day I just read the I redeemed the three thousand dollars at so I spent $3,000 at bestbuy.com and I purchased I purchased the coffeemakers the mr. coffees because that's a very personal item mr. coffee and you know what have you done and that is tolling that's going to the mccafé the McAfee office and then I spent $1,000 after the Google Play and I redeemed those and I think those went right to you I believe so you're able to now free Katherine from from jail or whatever and or not jail but they were interrogating her so there you go I guess I would expect you to thank me at this point but you know I don't need thank you I don't need to thank you I I guess I'll just be the hero today uh yeah hello oh uh I don't want to forget you owe me $50 for gas $50 per guest so how are we gonna square up on that all the way hello hello hello can you hear me yeah can you hear me yeah hurry what do you know what have you done I saved you yeah okay the card no tell your mother excuse me take the card it gives me don't honey what did you just say to me what have you done you know you said you were gonna go to church after this with that kind of mouth I mean young man not just you saved your you know have you done I see a little job how did you save my job but I born not been in my country thousand dollars worth of you monster costume right can you imagine five hours thinking he's gonna get his cards this is manager yeah hello yes I you're talking to Wilson yeah how do you do that oh hi Wilson how's it going are you the one who's gonna give me the $50 from I guess money or what I'm the senior senior accounts officer by the way you're just having a word with what one of my same colleague and the card which of course is by the way for the Google Play you have used the cards for yourself no I have named email no I've no no no no no what no I sent I sent it to you James is the one I sent it herself no no I understand I completely understand your concern as well but James as I did informed he told me as well that you have foreseen the best buy cost is that correct correct yes and I purchased $3,000 worth of cards and then what I did because he told me he told me about how it had to be personal this is the drawing that he did what we both did it but he gave me very clear instructions so I have to I had to buy the best buy cards see by the best buy cards and then I need to purchase something personally like the mick coffee mr. coffee or whatever so I purchased three thousand dollars mr. coffee machines and like a coffee thing and I sent those to your head to the address to the the the what's it called McKay McAfee address now you don't understand I literally have been on the phone with you for three hours and for almost four hours today do you understand I say I saved two of your employees jobs and no one is even thinking you haven't acted me yes I did cry yes I did yes I did I spent four few thousand dollars and I sent you one thousand in Google Play and three thousand or is it gonna be coming tomorrow I did express shipping to the Mick McAfee office Gigi no real easy way out we're gonna go just just thank me now do nothing so what I can do is what I can do is for you and the best part is I'm just keeping your $10,000 is you have got on your checking account on hold will that be okay what I'm keeping a hold on your account that counts which you have got only checking and your savings okay but you can't worry about how much you can't do that so totally that food will do that we have got a collaboration with all the back but no no he actually he actually told me that you don't have any collaboration and that's why I had they go to Best Buy so nice trial we have a collaboration with your bank as well you have the Apple Robertson your bankers well you don't and that is the reason why what's the name of my bank account exact I'll tell you the exact name of your account number I'll tell you the complete details just give me one second so don't mind the bank name is second community America mutual your personal checking ends with one three three seven your savings account and with one nine three zero your bronze credit card ends with nine one double eight and what does it start with sir Ector I know not collaborated with them because I told I told James before that I would just transfer the money via the bank and he said very specifically multiple times that you are not collaborating with any banks yeah you know what then let's call the bank right now we'll just call the bank you think you are you know I don't know I don't I think I helped you say I think I helped you innocent people have their job today no don't tell me don't tell me that you have saved my job or his own idea business still stay because you you idiot you have used the card for yourself no I have not and I do not talk to me like that okay that's not that because my job my friend will be losing job when I gave you the cards and now what you're gonna do something illegal dumping you know what call the bank here I'll call my back right now and we can straighten this out our conference call the bank and we'll get this straightened out right now okay hello welcome to second community American Mutual how can I help hung up so fast the second I start talking yeah could you speak up listen two things first of all I don't want to talk to you me you're a terrible customer service representative I do not appreciate you cursing at me and calling me names you're acting like a little boy I'm sorry I want you to write down the best by card numbers no you can thank me for saving those two innocent people to jobs and I will be on my way thank you so much all right thank you so much every day sir have a good day announcement the problem what happened yesterday is for example if I have to give you one thousand give you the card number you will redeem it then you will get the money what you did was you got the card you were supposed to give me the numbers right right I gave you you redeemed it you're so right so you guys can get the money so you can get the money yeah yeah yeah you got no no I will not get the money well I mean I don't want you to get the money there would be you know they would be stealing if you got the money I just meant I want the company yeah the company to get the money yes the company would be getting the money when you if yesterday if you would have given day four yesterday and you would have given the card number to my boss he would have redeemed it and put it directly back to the company's account okay but because you redeemed it the company never got the money and when I came in today in the morning they told me that I need to get the company for $1,000 and then leave they asked me to leave the company so I spent what the better part of the day yesterday getting you your course correct speaking to was it James I believe James mm-hmm okay now James he gosh what's a turn what's the terminology I'm looking for James was doing his best his darndest I believe to help you know get everything situated so you could save your job right and he and I put our heads together we made quite the plan actually it had to be a personal thing because if it wasn't personal man you were gonna you'd lose your job you know because they'd be tracking it through business purposes they'd be tracking it through business purposes so what we did is we came up with a plan now this is genius this most of this was James idea most of this was Jim did so what I did is I picked out a mr. coffee like a coffee making machine to mr. mr. coffee you're familiar with mr. coffee right like the coffee machine uh-huh now and I shipped I believe ten of them to the McAfee office in Chicago they should have received it today it was free overnight shipping so I redeemed all of the best buy cards personally and not disguised it not as a business transaction Katherine but as a personal transaction now personally I would have went with a personal pan pizza if you could because that's way more personal but James said something about mr. Coffey did you get the ten coffee machines or or not no time here right now it's 10:40 in the night in the night what happened yesterday you got the card back oh you saw the numbers yes and you put the numbers on a website yourself right yes just for you okay that was the mistake you put those card card numbers by your from your end you put the card in you put the card numbers in in there on the website so that was the problem they told me four thousand dollars was missing from the company's account it was my fault wherein I have nothing to do but anyway James is my boss so you can't win Katherine calm down calm down listen to me first of all how long did they have you in the interrogation room since the morning almost of 45 hours after I spoke to you did they give you food or drink everything nothing I've been living on coffee all day today okay you understand that that's that's illegal right I don't know Jane I don't know what's that but then I got an idea Catherine listen listen I got a good lawyer okay we're gonna be able to get your job back easy-peasy I mean why do you even want to work it listen here's the thing Catherine I got a plan okay listen to me listen to me you're a smart cookie all right if they held you at the headquarters of McAfee for five hours with no food and drink in an interrogation room that is incredibly illegal I mean you cannot do that to in a United States it you can't do that to anyone we're gonna be able to get you compensation you don't have to work there again and the rest of your life honey I'll help you sue myself what I went to school with the guys named Bob Loblaw he actually writes a killer law blog Bob Loblaw aa blog I swear he can get you the severance package of a lifetime okay Walter the problem here is right now if I don't if I don't go ahead and give them $4,000 personally with it now I will have to if I if you cannot help me then I'll have to personally give them $4,000 and as you know just around the corner I mean it's in December why would you do that thank you it's the company okay because the money has gone from the company's account Katherine let me get this straight let me get this straight you've been working at McAfee for how long Orma coffee mr. coffee whatever it is 12 years 12 EUR is this the first time that they held you in a dimly written dimly lit moist room all alone yeah this is the first time this has happened yeah and you didn't even did they read you your rights they were just going ahead and asking questions they wanted explanation whether the $4,000 go and of course James being my boss put everything on my head and do you think that's normal Carrie do you think that's legal they can't do that to you okay toss me Walter at this moment I cannot get into legal issues but you're already in a legal issue honey either you're gonna lose your job and you owe them $4,000 which is a legal problem they're gonna sue you for $4,000 or B they interrogated you wrongfully practically tortured you I mean you did you got nothing but coffee said they didn't offer you like kool-aid a slim jim maybe like a marshmallow like a smaller right they didn't give you anything you should call the police for kidnapping for heaven sakes oh this is probably kidnapping okay Walter trust me the only reason why I got time until this weekend is because I told them that I had a word with you in the morning I guess mm-hmm what's that yeah I'm just talking yeah I'm talking to Catherine this is a problem have to give me a second no no no second Catherine used to live the music darlin okay I got a record a couple things kid are you still here Catherine yep I had to move to the closet so you can still hear me correct well I hear you okay why are you in the closet my wife you know she gets a little bit I don't know jealous I guess what you think yes my you know would be husband and if my in-laws will come to know about the situation that I am in in the office the marriage will be cancelled I'm sorry you said your marriage is gonna be cancelled because of this yes yes because if I I can I can hire a lawyer I can go to the extent of everything but the only problem is why would your marriage be canceled that doesn't make any sense who is Katherine dang it and why are you on the phone with her this late honey relax okay how do you know it's Katherine by the way I heard you talking okay hello yeah hello hello hello you could say yes ed now I mean I'll call you tomorrow morning if it's a problem no I mean at this point you know you said your wedding might be awful my marriage might be off but we'll see now the problem is that the guy I'm going to marry he's parents my in-laws my would-be in-laws are very strict about making sure that a girl that the son is marrying does not have any legal issues now I can go ahead oh my gosh right now either I would have to pay the company four thousand dollars which is impossible right that's a lot if I lose my job if I lose my job right now in that case I have loads of debts have taken up a lot of loans for my wedding and everything and the wedding goes off I'll be in big trouble now Ben very big trouble okay so basically you want gift cards that way you can still get married that's the basic idea yeah have you ever heard a GoFundMe No I think this is the perfect situation for GoFundMe account basically what it is is you can crowdsource you can share it on social media and your friends and you can tell them like I need money to have my wedding and then you could pass the link around all your friends like an email chain and you can just say like well lose my job lose my job oh no we just got to raise four thousand dollars I mean I'll be the first one I'll put in forty bucks maybe fifty I'll put in fifty bucks right now well it doesn't work that way say it but she's like this these guys are probably one of the better except for yesterday with James there were a couple points where he had no idea how to answer the questions yes you would me you can imagine her manipulating someone who is actually like falling for something like this no I'm sorry what the calls are getting recorded I cannot give you my personal cellphone or personal email id or anything why what would happen would you get fired they wouldn't ask the second question because first of all is over you know way past eleven o'clock and I'm still in the office and yet the coals are getting recorded so tomorrow when they come back and listen to the calls and if they know that I've given you my personal details that'll be a bigger issue for me they wouldn't even wait until the weekend tomorrow itself I'd be like God I mean well not to sound rude or insensitive but it sounds like right now you're going to get fired either way unless we get this cleared up soon what what happened that's what I'm telling you the only way that I can still have my job and thinking go normally as if you can go get me those cones get me those eight gift cards from that bar get me the numbers are redeem it and then everything would come back into normal do you think tomorrow you can get the car maybe I'll call you after your work and you can just give me the numbers so that I can get back the company's money to them okay I'm trying to think of what we could do she might be crafty but she's not getting off that easily we got to make her shake in her boots a little bit huh I hope you enjoyed the episode three we've got a couple more for you in this series and then a lot more after that happy painting god bless
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 369,578
Rating: 4.9418836 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, refund department, social engineering
Id: 9RcLt4iwbAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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