Flirty Scammer Tries Stealing $15,000 From Fake Bank

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[Music] hello hello how can I help you ma'am timekeeper calling Geek Squad I I got a voice now if I knew about my legs you're going to charge $300 for a subscription yeah I don't I don't want to charge I don't want you to charge $300 so I'm hoping you ma'am I'm hoping you do you just need to do one thing go and cancel the subscription right now at the ever company's website you can see there's a cancellation form over there and after that we are you are eligible to get the refund or $300 which you paid us we are recording you the money it just need to do one thing go near three computer I will guide you how to cancel it can you please go with your computer [Music] clearer oddly I'm not like a hundred percent sure what exactly you know that you're wanting me to do like I'm just sitting getting them money it's just like the other day I was buying something from Sephora and like it only took like one minute to get my momentum oh okay just go get your computer are waiting for you all right no in there right now because okay right now you can cancel it right I will get the refund one more time okay I'm all more beeline just tell me when the computer is on okay thank you for your help this is so cool I didn't realize I was getting a refund okay well you need to computer man yes I am ma'am I believe that you are using a Google Chrome browser for Internet yes I am how did you know I just told you I believe that can you please open a Google Chrome browser oh it's like your religion I believe in Google Chrome oh that's open Google Chrome okay does it open ma'am yes okay now you can see on the top of the screen there is a long address bar at the top can you see that how long did you see that the transfer okay just give a click on that long address bar and you have to type what I am saying you have to type debut debut debut vww dot and it's a dot map it's a dog you you know what is mean by dot yes we're going to a website right now basically you have to write canceled subscription okay oh sure yeah just like welcome yeah seems like a quality legit website right welcome here you can cancel your subscription and get your refund you can see there is a two boxes catch I clicked on the windows ones yeah I know it downloaded something yes well yeah it's downloading something this rescue it says team via dot exe yes what is it like for I hello yeah I'm like having a little bit of a I don't know if you understand what I mean but I have you I don't know if you've ever heard of like I am way too busy for this I guess like I have I got seven Instagram followers yesterday things are really picking up for my business get back to making I have just like get some more pictures up there for my fans absolutely cauldron you can see a small balls with faith how I feel like I can do anything already so I am a dreamer person who I am working if I do anything wrong with you I get kicked out for my job oh my gosh that would be terrible I would feel bad if you lost your job like you man there are lots of customer like you like a goal customer we tell him like a god customer which you think is fired which you just said that I'm a god you basically gave me oh my god customer the first customer ever or that's unfortunate I mean that's great did you like that your idea for the hey can I ask you a question a boy well a man messaged me on tinder I'm not sure how to reply no ma'am I feel sorry for you that ma'am I didn't know what if tinder I didn't know what is tinder it's birthday man it's for deity okay ma'am oh yeah yeah yeah that's what seemed yeah yeah yeah yeah right see I was asking you for advice don't care tell me are you married or single I'm single that's why I'm asking you for dating advice you know what just forget it whatever what about you what do you use for dating my will be hell my god but I I'm only I'm already know having meeting she's very pretty man that's so great for you how pretty is she prettier than me she's prettier than you her voice is so melody man really I'll tell you it was so melody I really I appreciate your voice you want to get mad with her purse and what what things you need on him can tell me is this a very good-looking guy yes what's the requirement can't tell me yeah well I don't want no scrub a scrub is a guy that can't get no love for me that's that's one thing he has to be like yes I have to be taller than me but like he does have to be he doesn't have to be having to be like Tom Kane assume you people can other than I can find found you a better guy absolutely no no I'm not saying that on computer and the saying you can give me your facebook id be we help each other don't got angry I just kidding and just kidding okay I'm just kidding I'm my friend is also using one app it is also good he has four girlfriends in her life how does he have four girlfriend yes ma'am he's so smart no doesn't sound smart that's not a super sketchy you can see the form which is verified by Better Business Bureau we are one of them so the it does look like it was verified considering you at the picture there so that's good ma'am I'm trying my calls to my senior Accounts Manager and he will help you out for everything second [Music] yeah hello yeah mom this is Brian Davis from the cancellation Department how are you doing today hi bye hi Brian so what do you have on your screen right now madam did he tell me that is a good question I don't really know but apparently it is a refund authorization form is there a reason why it's so loud right now is it better now no okay so you need to now log into your bank online in order to process complete their transaction here so go ahead walk into your bank online and verify this transaction that we just process hold on let me just check my phone on my phone and check the app just give me a second it it will not own does not get updated okay you need to log into your computer in order to check it okay yeah I don't have any refund because you need to log into your computer because there is a verification that needs to be completed from URM well that doesn't make any sense but okay like to all the fish are sharks finish yes they are it's swim in the ocean right so anything in the ocean is probably Canada fish where is it mom Oh mom actually oh well it's a humongous fish it's one of the biggest fish I've ever seen well you can oh my god does that mean it when I'm swimming in the ocean does that mean I'm a fish like in a weird way wow that's so cool bla bla am i right I wish I have gills gills would be so cool what is your favorite animal mine's a mermaid yeah um whoa mom made the building is this and you prove that they don't exist because I sit him before you've seen them tell that to the Little Mermaid by the way so did you turn any payments as a response coming in no and Holly I didn't so right now I'll just simply connected to our cancel II like the finance manager right now it will take five minutes of your time and he'll get this done okay okay hello yeah what's so funny mom this is Jason the senior manager on the floor how are you doing today why are you laughing I'm not laughing uh-huh actually and you just give me my money so I can like I have a lot to do today could you please go ahead ma'am and log into your online banking first actually ma'am could you tell me in which account do you want me to give you the credit I filled out the form already you want it on your checking account right that's what the form says could you please take em out of the available balance that you can see available on your checking account yep now we are going to log in to our account right now so please do not touch your computer just leave your computer as it is as we are going to log into our online banking with Chase so that we can process the wire transfer on your checking account now you will see a black screen on your life doing that mom as we have to log in we have to log in to our account all right we are processing the refund for you so please hang on okay why can't I see anything it is because basically the installation of the driver that's him make the screen looks like I see anything so you guys can watch wait it now oh you missed it okay so he's transferring from in but he's transferring in between my accounts he's actually transferring from the wrong accounts he's transferring insufficient balance he's trying to transfer it from my credit card to my savings account so what do you thing it wrong not nothing I honestly don't have time for this you said I was going to take five monitors I made that a minute give me a minute I'm doing it wrong what they do is they transfer from your savings to your check-in and then they hide that they did it yeah so you'll see he basically drained like he moved all of my money from my savings to my checking all right man the refund has been processed and now you will see your that your screen will come back on and what he's gonna try the net came back on each team to change the type of transfer and he's gonna have it say something like Microsoft refund you will need three hundred dollars so yeah but as we have to separate the deposit into two separate amount so they were making a deposit of one hundred and fifty dollars first and then one hundred and fifty dollars on the second time while making the first deposit of one hundred and fifty dollars by mistakenly fifteen thousand dollars got transferred into your checking account okay how how are you calling right now if that's true and to why did you have to separate it in a to trick like just send me three hundred dollars I don't I don't understand mom fifteen thousand dollars has been already transferred into your checking account are you serious right now you can take a look on your screen right now you will find out the available balance it's now twenty seven thousand dollars it was twelve thousand dollars before and now you have a balance of $27,000 oh my god that's right oh my god [Music] did you like tonight is it because is it because that's that guy's first day on the job and so like oh my thank you so much you have changed my life thank you I gotta call my mom in a mistake and that money back to us are you kidding no I am NOT this guy is such a bad actor I mean if you transferred $15,000 accidentally do you really think he'd be saying ma'am I made a mistake you know what you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get your job you're gonna get fired and they're gonna give the job to me if you want your money back it was just a mistake it's gonna cost your job I know it can cost me for my job oh my how the turntables what do you think about that wait did you do this one I do not want your job anymore oh my god wait I'm trying to figure out what you're doing like are you trying to like launder money from your company I own you now you will get a form on your computer screen ma'am could you please fill that out now so we can do this through worse than you yet if you have the Western Union account no I don't know I didn't my dad didn't believe in unions and I feel like I should honor that vested the Union yeah Western Eastern southern nor the I don't care what Union my dad doesn't believe that there should be unions he believes that we're all sovereign citizens what I'm talking about you how old are you I'm 26 well you sounds very young by a wife though Wow thanks so much that's great okay I tell you what it is to reverse the funds back yeah let me call the bank quick and we'll see if we can get someone on the phone and we'll figure your money okay okay hold on a sec what are you using my computer right now no okay okay the other guy told me I just wanted to see you what I said I just wanted to see you do you have a camera on your computer and I see you yes of course you can I changed my mind I don't want to see you and I call my bank now mom it cannot be done through the bank it has to be on some other yes I can't I don't have all day I don't get paid to talk on the phone like you do we're gonna do this and we're gonna figure out a bank for money or back to your account but but I know that they cannot transfer funds to a business organisation yes my chance I've done it before it's not that hard yes they can they cannot there is a man named Elon who puts put a rocket together that can go up to space and come back again and then be reused I am 110 percent sure that you can transfer money between accounts over the phone well I can bet you on that I can bet tenth thousand dollars on that all right you cannot make but spirit time let's call my payment I'll call my bank and write if I lose I'll bet you fifteen hundred thousand dollars that I can send your money back to you that way either either way you win all right so if I can't I owe you the fifteen thousand dollars if I can you get your fifteen thousand dollars back how about that but you are just betting our money only I want you to bet your money okay fine I'll bet ten thousand dollars of my own money are you sure you want to do it I'm a hundred percent sure that my bank can transfer money yes but go ahead call up then all right I just think it's funny that you like don't even understand how banks work [Laughter] [Music] okay thank you for calling welcome to golden bull financial how can I help you today yes I need to transfer some money in between my accounts I have my friend Jason with me I need it transferred to his account okay okay that would be fine I'd have to get your account pulled up and it shouldn't take too long Don you said you have your friend who s name is Jason Jason yeah okay oh okay yeah so I got I got a Jason on the phone and and what's your name man oh my name is Kim okay Kim that is great she has an account with your bank I don't but she has to transfer funds hard second account to my checking account yeah he doesn't really know anything about because you're gonna have to forgive him okay so you guys are gonna lover's quarrel or something you know Jason how are you doing today I'm doing great what about you I'm doing dandy I mean what they say a deviled egg in the kitchen marks one bear down the drain you got two deviled eggs and that makes bucket what Jason can I get your last name just for my records it's not okay VAR k okay bark bark ur like a dog Burke that's cute oh wow really quick do you what's your relation to miss Kim okay and their friend I have I don't have anything on the other friend other than boyfriend/girlfriend no no no no we're not dating okay you two ELISA ha ha listen I don't want to get in the middle of something here you know you two lovebirds or whatever you got going out what is your dog's first name Oh which dog I do not know the answer to that question I just have your security question is what is your dog's first name okay well just like I have two dogs and like I had a dog growing up so I'm not really sure all right next question here what is your blood type oh I'm oh that's your final answer uh no no it's red I have a ride like normal blood all right ma'am I do have your account pulled up thank you for asking those questions I'm sorry it took so long which which particular account is in question here what are you trying to do I said she wanted to do a wire transfer from her checking account to our accounts like to my account we had a bet oh yeah that's easy we can we can do transfers I mean it doesn't take one no sometimes it takes a day or two to transfer but we absolutely can do that I mean let's be let's be honest banks have been able to transfer money for years so that's exactly what I told you Jason you're so stupid no I do I want to transfer money to him because he accidentally sent me like a ton of money okay you HOT it with the different but he was supposed to give me like a hundred and fifty dollars he accidentally typed in like three zeros at the end or whatever to zero and it we don't know what it does born okay ma'am or Jason what what uh what legal issues do you have that you can only transfer one hundred and fifty dollars at a time I have a limit on my account okay all right so you want me to transfer money to which kind of bank account there Jason with the PD Bank can I give you the details now yeah that would be fine okay I just need to put a reason down on the account since I visit the transfer since it is over ten thousand dollars but keep Squad accidentally transferred me money that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me ma'am how would Geek Squad why would Geek Squad accidentally if you don't mind me asking well yeah they owed me like three hundred dollars so they connect into my computer or whatever and then he accidentally transferred way too much let's put down as a mistake stronger okay but you were saying that you were on her computer yeah yeah that's that's how he transferred the money and his strange let me just make a note of that okay it actually looks like you don't have any money in your savings account currently or at least not not fifteen thousand wait what wait what are you talking about hey Jason what does he what is he talking about mom he's asking you from which account would you like yeah I guess basically I'm just trying to figure out like how much money is in my account right now Jason this is really really weird I had a bunch of money in my savings account before to make this one okay ma'am sorry we are having a little bit of a delay here but it looks like it looks like you transferred money from your savings to your check remember doing that right now right now I see your personal checking account has twenty-seven thousand three hundred and twenty three dollars and seventy cents in there yeah that's cuz he accidentally sent me like so much money okay yeah cuz the savings account looks like it is seven hundred and eighty three dollars in it yeah what the heck what are you talking about I don't know that's just what I see in the system right now I don't know why is there not more money in my savings account well typically when you spend money or transfer money it does go down and that right Jason but I didn't spend any money ma'am I gotta be I gotta be honest with you either way since you want to transfer more than ten thousand dollars I have to transfer you to the fraud team you know there is a lot of stuff going on these days with like Internet fraud and scams and different things so this does sound suspicious to me this is a little bit different I don't have a lot of requests like this from a date on a day-to-day basis we all sort the goal in the Bulova in the angel yeah representative will be us usually yeah oh come on financial yeah is it the fraud team what yeah we're trying to get in touch with someone from the fraud team oh sorry this is the I'm sorry this is the customer support line are you who are you trying to talk to you know their name or whatever what is this is this like who is this I actually work at the daycare I don't know how you got this number home hold on hold on a minute then you want the fraud team let me see if I can sorry um hold on a second come on hold on okay I think I have your account pulled up is this Kim yes it is why what's your name again Jason can I ask you what is it that you need what why is it that you needed her transfer $15,000 because he told me that $15,000 that is why right and it how did this get roped into some sort of a geek squad mistake it's not a mistake she owe me that money him claims it was a mistake so is that correction well you cannot you cannot her yeah I mean he was supposed to transfer me $300 but instead he transferred me 15000 okay but ma'am I'm looking into your account and I I'm you know I do feel like it is my job to let you know there have been no transfers to your account in the past 30 days except for the auto like there's some direct deposits from I assume this is your where you work what what do you mean what up what I'm telling you is there was not a transfer of $15,000 to your account recently no no Jason transferred $15,000 to me right yeah okay that's peculiar or did you transfer it from maybe I can look it up that way which account did you transfer it front bathing but are you the one that transferred the money from the savings account cuz I do see that yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so you transferred $15,000 you transferred money from her savings to her checking account correct wait what yeah and now you want her to send you that money to you yet do you think this is funny wait wait what's going on do you know do you not realize what just happened this man just admitted to fraud like to steal he's trying to steal from you honey what do you know I'm not trying to steal from her what I think well what what is it that you're trying to do exactly I just want her to transfer us $15,000 but you never gave me $15,000 ibid no ma'am he did not he transferred money from your yeah I bet there is no record that there's no record of the bank who's lying your banker like your banker is lying ma'am I'm sorry I I you're gonna have to trust me here I believe that this is some sort of a scam or fraud Schneider cave you're on the head of this man you have seven hundred thousand dollars and yours his account and this man transferred money from your savings so you're checking it's actually a fairly common scam that we're seeing lately it's been deemed the refund scam because these people try to make you think they've given you money yeah it happened to some of our other customers actually in the past month I don't understand I've been on the phone with him for two hours I was talking about that ma'am it would be if it were up to me I would say you should hang up and block his number and never talk to him again you know wait I thought you gave me money you did you ma'am he is lying your banking let your banker is lying to you about it he is I'm sorry excuse me now now you're saying that I am trying to scam her when you're who's trying to scam you are and how how do you propose that I would scam her right now so could you please hang up the call I currently stand to gain nothing ma'am this man stands to gain fifty thousand dollars I understand that if you transfer money to him it will be your own money and he will gain the fifteen thousand dollars that he never lost by believing me I gain absolutely nothing other than a smile on my face I loved miles why is Jason lying to me understanding to my best best of my ability here I believe Jason to be a liar a fraud and a thief he is claiming he gave me money although he actually gave you nothing and he transferred in between your two accounts I thought right there on my computer I saw that I had a bunch of money in my account yes you actually do have extra money in your checking account because as he admitted he transferred it from your savings account why would he do that so you would believe that he made a mistake and transfer money to you to him I feel it's a lie I feel so dumb I don't ma'am it happens to a lot of people Wow honestly you don't have to feel Jason I would have to ask you to probably leave the call at this point I don't think it's appropriate for you to stay on the phone oh I want to say okay Jason can you just leave please I don't hear on the phone I don't want to talk to you anymore I wouldn't mind hearing what that what this thief has to say they snap now oh that's fine it's not a recorded Lana I would love to hear what you have to say why did you just tell the bank to shut up that's like the most unprofessional thing I've ever heard did you hang up the call with the bank no why because I don't believe you and I want to hear what you have to say why don't you believe me how are you going to explain your lie the proof you know Jason that they say the proof is in the pudding and I don't know what flavor pudding it is you're trying to sell but it smells like I Prime smell what all right that sounded better in my head Jason I don't want it I would prefer to just talk to my bank okay I don't want to talk to you angry alone please I'm on transferred to $15,000 from my savings account right oh they hung up Oh got him I can't believe they would try to say that the bank was lying I guess I can't believe it I mean they're they're scammers
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 475,594
Rating: 4.938571 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, fake bank, microsoft refund, gift card scam, fraud, bank fraud, improv, scam call center, prank call, pranking scammers
Id: iid6mAGIkqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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