Scammer Begs Me Not To Redeem $2,000 Gift Cards

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lately scammers have been sending emails claiming that somebody made a fraudulent purchase on your account or that they stole your identity and used your money to purchase something from amazon dell microsoft the whole thing is a ploy to get them connected to your computer and then your bank account so in an attempt to fight back and raise awareness about these scams i decided to take on the role of some sort of boston or long island uh you know voice maybe pitch shifted up a little bit higher so i sound like a grandma and uh you know call them up to see what i might be able to find out and after about three hours we left them uh very disappointed to say the least i do believe say you have a computer in your home right ma'am ma'am but yes yeah and we long time ago your subscriber was serious for your computer computer from the wireless that might be true it was expired all right so that service was expired now it's auto renew all right and for the reason i will probably charge on your checking account for 499 so it's already charged from your checking account so this is a confirmation call from our company that you want to renew this service or you want your money back so what you want to do what do i want to do uh yeah you want your money back or you want to cancel the service or you want to renew the service what you want to well i def i definitely don't want to pay um 500 that's for sure type over there www dot be as a boy as in boy or or baseball be i as in not sure be as a boy after b b then i am not a boy i am a grown woman okay i'm not saying your boy i tell you be as a belly all right b is in boy i wish you would call me something other than sir i am you have a woman alphabet okay i know that you are a woman i know that too i i already so you have to face the uh i keep telling you that all right ma'am all right man i said look on your screen now what can you see sir what can you see ma'am can i can i can i just say okay yes finally they got you're listening to me uh background noise so remember uh now i'm going to do what i'm just going to transfer this call to my account manager who is going to guide you from here okay okay all right yeah just hold on good lord hi are you is your internet connection are you connected with the internet my my connection with the internet is a little bit complicated it's you would say it's kind of on and off again what's taking so long why why do we have to work securely so because we are just logging into our account okay so that's why they were locking it i mean among other reasons but all right mom um so he thinks that we can't see is it logging into our account the other reason why tesla when you search for things on my virtual machine it takes you to the seventh page of bing so if you search on google you go to the sixth or seventh page everything which makes things a little complicated he's trying to go to the chase demo bank account but he can't find it because i wonder why the thing is opening up i i wonder why i don't know is that normal no that's not normal that's why yeah that's not normal sir that's the reason why i'm asking you very weird like that's very weird that it wouldn't open ma'am by the way yeah because all right mom yes right you do online banking okay so now we have some of that yeah so we i'm just going to add you in our account as an account pay all right you're just going to add you you can see please transfer just trying to refresh because i couldn't really see it very well anyway um we should reach out to chase again if i remember correctly i'm not trying to take credit for this but what i remember is there was someone when they first started doing this someone watching the stream uh worked at chase and they changed they contacted my guest and they added that those two big banners at the top which was cool and it worked for a while but then the scammers realized they could just do that right so okay um we should maybe ask him to change it so like it constantly flashes on the page are allowed to work in our [Music] [Music] you know what i was doing earlier this morning i was uh trying to memorize it was trying to memorize the entire b-movie script you ever seen that movie the b-movie you like jazz honey it's a good one if you like if you like jazz you're definitely going to want to watch it that's for sure you'll find there's a small box no not at the very moment i mean bobby sorry not at the very moment bobby all right you just put up your information you know my maiden my maiden name was kendall and everyone called me bobby bobby kendall no bobby candle [Laughter] when they made the internet they made it with types right but they made the internet they didn't have the type of infrastructure that they had once before you know when they put everything together that's like the best thing to do would be you know like let's take the pipes let's take the pipes and we'll lay them out all over the place and then from there we would transfer the internet data there has to be something other than pipes that we could use to transfer the internet data i am once again asking you for your support in my adventure of getting rid of internet pipes if you would support me surely we will definitely try to do something you know you can brush my hair yeah my daughter played my my daughter played with the barbies oh okay you want to go for a ride no no no no not at the very moment come on bobby let's go party right now hey made a plastic you can touch my hair and touch me everywhere imagination life is your creation come on barbie let's go party i'm somebody let's go party ah yeah i'm a baby [Music] i didn't know you liked that sound put the user right you know put the password you sing the ken part and i'll sing the bobby part so in the beginning you would say hi up higher bobby and i would say hi kevin want to go for a ride sure kelly life in plastic it's fantastic you can brush my hair keep my clothes on everywhere imagination what do they want to sing the bobby song with us maybe you think about it you think they want to sing with us so no yeah hey hello yeah go ahead i'm listening oh you're listening on them yeah what's the justin bieber song you're going to sing justin bieber you want to sing you want to listen justin bieber's song yeah yeah baby baby baby my baby [Music] come back [Music] smacking him in the face if he doesn't give him a gift card what the heck is that all about [Music] all right now what can you see here no no no no no who is that yelling back there you want to call the police if that's one of your bosses who who is it uh one he of my representatives manager he was selling it to it to our agent like he did yeah that was my floor manager who was yelling at the team member why to get a gift card he said he threatened to slap him in the face this is california you work at him yeah we do understand the thing is that like he owed that agent or the manager some money so he said all right you can't get me the money you can get the card for me all right so i can give it to my children unfortunately yeah it's someone's birthday yes it's someone's birthday okay there was a birthday in any on the floor among the team members we provide them with the gift cards okay we for the birthday we provide them the gift card so he told him you're telling me he told him that he was gonna slap them in the face if they don't bring a birthday present no he told them and they're very joking kind of working right now you know the fact is very well that working in a huge massive place no you need to call the police you need to call the police that's not funny you don't need to jump for them of course he's going to hurt somebody and besides you can't require that someone gives people birthday presents it's up to them if they want to give birthday presents what if they don't want to give a birthday present huh so they've been trying to edit the html probably for 10-15 minutes but i have a giant transparent box that covers everything um okay i'll tell you that we were about to do the transaction okay but when you are putting the amount okay what when you are putting the amount i said the time when you were putting the amount you saw it that the amount was not being displayed correctly right i mean instead of 499.99 yeah i'm talking about the refund among the refund amount was 499 but by mystically the amount that has been is unfortunately the amount that you have received is 4 000 right right right so i don't know i'm just going to log off okay so as you have seen i'll just show it to you now for you okay why don't you put it on speakerphone and we'll also happy birthday we'll put it on speakerphone and we can all do it we'll all we'll all do it together all right i'll put him in everybody's going to sing a happy birthday song yeah why not happy birthday to you can you stand up actually they're all gone they are already cut down he just got the cake i apologize for that he jumped on the ground he just got the cake okay all right what am i supposed to do okay so we cannot just reverse back that money back into our account okay so bobby can you just tell me is there any best buy store nearby to your place best buy are you that's what we're gonna go with um yeah i'm saying no right so you need to understand the fact that this money this 4 500 does not belong to you you need to return that money back to us you've never and this has never happened before normal like you guys work at the refund department like this is your job yeah you do this every day every single day you do this yeah that's what i'm saying we do it every day but this is the for the person just because the internet of your computer i hate i hate to say it to you but i think you made a mistake i think you're really messed up oh god they didn't give you oh they will give me the cake i told them to gig you're done no they're going to keep my share for me no worries no they will they i will get my cake okay that's sad that's a sad day what is your obsession with gift cards you want me to buy gift cards for christian's birthday happy birthday by the way not about christian birthday happy birthday wow so why do you want me to buy why do you want me to buy gift cards you were telling someone else to buy gift cards he said you'd slap him if they don't buy and now you want me to buy gift cards all right if you don't refund that money back to us that money is going to get deducted hold on a second hold on a second listen listen i want to make a deal with you i don't want him to lose his i don't want him to lose his job i don't want him to have to do that i bet he has a family right like 16 kids [Music] he's kind of in the you know the bedroom and stuff anyway uh probably a lot of kids so i don't want him to lose his job or wait is it david or christian who's losing his job who's losing their job david on his birthday he's losing his job yeah the mistake has taken place he had to pay the consequences oh david's losing israel oh who cares about david it's not his birthday never mind i want to make a deal with you okay so i bring the money back i bring the gift cards back and right he's gonna keep his job and you're not gonna dock any money from his salary correct correct and i want you to guarantee that he will have a job there for the next year at least a year guaranteed okay i want you to write that down i want you to make a document i want proof do you have a printer do you have a printer no no don't write it on my don't write it on my computer i don't care about that i want you because you guys are going to have to sign it you and david are both going to have to sign it so it's a legal binding document we cannot do you want to speak to david no i'm telling i want to talk to you you're the manager i'm telling you what you want yeah i will get you the 4500 you don't need you rework about do you remember the right piece of paper that you were not you're going to do it our leaking documentation right now yeah i want you to i want you to know you need a copy of that he's gonna be keeping his job and then i want you both to sign the piece of paper he will be keeping his job but we can i cannot sign a bond for him do you want to prove that i'm going to kick him out of the job you want me to prove you that right now no i want you to i want you to prove that you're going to keep him on the job if i give you i said i am going to keep mark my word when i said my word does that mean i don't know be simple and free that you don't want to repent that money back right you're just trying to make an issue that you don't want to make ripping that money back no i'm not i want proof that he's going to keep his job and then i'll go get you the money i just care about the kids do you want me to make you talk to david i want you to write down on a piece of paper that david will keep his job and i want you to decide david tell hey are you there or not all right and if you're talking about the salary does that matter 4500 hello all right you need to cover you need to type a resignation letter right now i need to submit it on my desk i'm really sorry sir you need to type a resignation letter and just put it on my desk i'm sorry i don't believe i don't think you're talking to david right now it's not very good rp i guess you're going down to the documents i said he is going to be yes hello yes or no are you going to make a document yes or no yes i will all right i will go to the store i will go to the store then give me a couple minutes to go to the party i gotta go to the bathroom give me a couple minutes if the people they ask you what is the purpose that you're buying the gift card all right kindly don't mention it that you are buying it for any business purpose all right just tell them that you are getting it i have to buy it for your business purpose that's the whole reason i'm here no but don't tell me that i can't buy it you said that i can't do a personal thing with a business so i have to go to best buy i guess yeah that's why that's what that's why but you don't need to mention it because if you're going to mention it they will charge you extra i'll call you back after i get the 2000 gift cards i'll talk to a manager or something okay you don't need to talk to you just go to the room just go to the culture and get it yeah i'll go to the counter and i'll say yeah give me whatever cards are best for personal business david hi david hi did you get did you get a document from your did you get a document from your boss yes you can give me a note right now you never give me anything to talk to anybody give me a note that he did allowed me to continue with my work okay great i typed it i i typed all the numbers on my notepad um and i'm looking up right now how to get those cards over to you but it says after that um tap menu regain enter your code okay now don't don't don't don't do anything okay i said don't do anything no i'm honey you're gonna get your job correct give you the code hold on a second wait you don't need to do anything don't really image don't redeem it don't i said don't redeem it you don't need to do anything no you're not giving it to me wait i'll let you know what you need to do listen up a young man i don't know very specifically that i owe you two thousand dollars so i bought four google play cards i bought though what i'm telling you and i said you don't need to do it don't do it okay see there you go five hundred dollars to do it don't do it why are you doing it from your end are you understanding bobby can you listen to me for once hello i tried calling you you weren't answering i looked up how to get the cash off the card and they tell you how to do it i already did it i did two of them oh you don't need to do it again you're doing it if you want the rest of the money i just i have to prove it to you that i that i did it so he can keep his job you are not providing it to me you understand that you're not providing it to me you are not providing that money to me i know sorry to your company to your company not i'm sorry no you're not going to get your company you are receiving it by yourself that way he can keep his keep his job i understand you are redeeming it to yourself okay yeah you're redeeming it to your own account you're not redeeming it to me you can't go back on our deal this is why i wanted it in writing this is exactly why i wanted it in right now oh god this is why because i know you would do something like this no i knew you would do something like this i went i got you what you needed and now you're not happy you're saying you're not getting all the money or something what do you want more yeah you're not getting how much bread have you given money i told you i would have done four thousand i told you i would have done four thousand and you said no do two thousand you promised you promised before god and country i typed them all into google just like it says yeah you have typed it are you trying to cheat me out of more money what's interesting is i feel like he might just be done no you didn't you
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 1,302,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, social engineering, voice actor, tech support, google play redeem prank, kitboga redeem, scammer redeem, angry scammer redeem, scambaiter, scammers, gift card redeem prank, scammer angry, angry scammer
Id: eqg0cRVed4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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