SCAMMED in China: Dashcam Scam

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Sasha: Welcome to another video [Music] So guys I'd like you to come along with me for a little bit of a walk And I'd like to tell you about something that happened to me about a month ago. Now - It's at the same time funny a A little bit annoying, and also very disturbing - all at the same time You all know that I have a car right here in China been driving a car for over six years now I'd say, yeah, over six years and Actually lately, I've stopped driving as much as before because, to be honest Driving in Shenzhen is just becoming too much of a pain in the arse it's expensive, and when I say expensive, I mean it's expensive because Parking rates are expensive. They've introduced all sorts of new special fines; there are certain roads that you cannot drive on during the day, if you have a certain license plate. A Lot of Rules which are very unclear, especially if you don't understand the the Chinese bulletin boards that they put up. They've got led signs and sometimes they just changed the rules and they stick it up there And you could be driving along blissfully and getting, you know, big fines and points off your license So it's actually a pain in the arse, so don't drive that much I still do drive, at least once a week though, up to my shop in HuiZhou and this is where this thing happened Okay, so here's the story. I was driving up to the shop on a Monday morning, as I usually do, quite early and As I was getting onto the highway, you know there's like an on-ramp This guy, sort of came out of nowhere, really aggressively in his... he had like, an old Buick Revving and swerving and just doing crazy stuff, right? next to me And he kind of intimidating all the traffic around us and so like a lot of people just peeled off or slowed down But he came right next to me and he was like, I don't know what the hell He was doing, so revving and swerving towards me the whole time. So I was like, you know screw this guy. He's dangerous he's trying to run me off the road here, so I just Accelerated and I went past like basically went past him on the emergency lane because this guy was just all over the place Right? So anyway I passed him carried on and That was that then couple weeks later I receive a fine because you get these apps that you can track if you've got traffic fines or not and I received a fine saying That I had received a ¥3,000 RMB fine, and I was like what the hell That's a lot of money and six points off my license Now 3,000 RMB is roughly $500 US dollars, little less, but it's about $500 US dollars So it's not like a small amount of money here. I'm talking about it's like a month's rent So I was like you know what I'm going to go down to the station and check it out like what the hell's going on, so I went down with my fiancée to the the traffic police station and they've got a computer there and On the computer you can type in your your car details You know your license plate and your registration vin number and stuff and it shows you the pictures and sure enough there I am going over the emergency lane on the highway and the photo is from a Dashcam and It's I can see by the color of the car. It's that bloody buick that aggressive horrible driver buick So it's like what the hell's going on here. How can I get a fine first of all the ridiculously high fine like that and It's from someone's Dashcam Well, here's the rub here's what what really is the whole deal with this situation is driving in China is somewhat of a free-for-all to Be honest, it's a very chaotic People are very selfish in the way. They drive. I've explained this before in in other videos in the past, but basically if you don't try to squeeze in you'll never get in and It's very frustrating so in order to try and combat this situation the ShenZhen government has enacted a new law where you basically get to tattletale on fellow drivers and by doing so They get big fines and it dissuades them from doing bad things in traffic. What people can do is if people drive badly and If they take a photo you can take a photo with your phone or your dash cam or whatever you can send it in to the traffic police and they will reward you so Basically they give you about ¥50 RMB if they successfully managed to find the offender So what happens is they send the offender some really big fine and then they pay the reward to the Tattletale guy who sent in the picture, right? So what that guy done has essentially run me off the road to make ¥50 RMB. Which is disgusting because it ended up costing me almost five hundred us dollars so what this is now cause this is cause people like that damn buick To go out there and on purpose try to entrap people in order to make money And this infuriates me because this is just like the lowest of the low scum kind of stuff, right? but it seems to be the case and Basically I asked my fiancee And she looked it up on on weibo and stuff and apparently this is what people are doing they'll do things like go in the in the slow lane of the you know of the road the highway or the Whatever road, and drive like incredibly slow like five kilometers an hour To kind of really annoy the people behind them so they get frustrated And then they pass them and then they snap the picture and send it off and get money And I was reading one of those weibo put posts with somebody like in one sitting made you know 450 RMB because nine cars passed them So you know here we go another little scam here to watch out for if you're driving in China if someone seems to be baiting you into Breaking the Road rules crossing over a white line going into the emergency lane something like that just ignore them Or find a safe way to get around them Because I had no choice. I had to pay the fine it was Painful because it was right before the holiday But there we go there was nothing I could do There's no recourse they've got me on camera going over the emergency lane on the highway Here are the pictures and so that was that right guys so basically the message here is when you're driving in China especially down in the south of China here remain extra vigilant Of course there's a lot of Chaos you have to watch out for cars and people and various things coming onto the road but now you have to watch out for scammers, too That's it really, oh, but speaking of driving. You know my little Chinese car it now has over 90,000 kilometers on the odometer so I'm going to make a video very soon where we take a look at it and see what's going wrong over the years and just How well it's held up being a cheap Chinese car So yes, I don't want to end off on a negative note Things are actually pretty good except for the weather as you can see around me is a little cold at the moment So I'll see you guys in the next video and until then as always stay awesome [Music] Be AWESOME, support me:
Channel: serpentza
Views: 640,218
Rating: 4.8087382 out of 5
Keywords: scam in china, scam china, dash cam scam, china scam, china dash cam, Scammed in China, Dashcam scam, china dashcam, chinese dash cam, dash cam china, dash cam scams, traffic rules, license points, chaos, road rules, Chinese drivers, Winston Sterzel, serpentza, Beer, Scam, dashcam, Adventure, China, scams, tea house, scammed, scammer, shenzhen, beijing, chinese, insurance, fraud, con, extorted, Bikes, Traffic, Scum, Police station, dash cam, reward, china scams, dashcam china, serpentza scam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2016
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