The DANGERS of buying a Chinese Smartphone!

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in be okay because I'm about to go and buy a Chinese smartphone to give away to you guys my subscribers but I thought we'd talk about the dangers of buying a Chinese phone because it's not that straightforward and there are a couple of things you have to take into consideration okay I'm gonna skip over the whole conspiracy theories that Chinese phones are spying on you and I'm gonna cut straight to the chase a lot of Chinese phones do have a lot of bloatware on them you know all sorts of weird strange and very irritating software that kind of if you live in China makes a lot of sense see the majority of what in fact all Chinese phones run off of Android I mean they have their own special builds and their own special versions of Android on some of the phones but because Google is blocked in China and I mean all Google services are just outright blocked you don't get the Google Play Store which is something you have to watch out for because if you're in China and you buy a Chinese phone you will probably be stuck with the phone that you can't install any apps on you know outside of China unless you're using these sort of third-party Chinese app stores are they install now every manufacturer be it Xiaomi or Oppo or qua way they have their own kind of homegrown version of the App Store right and this can be quite frustrating especially since a lot of it's all in Chinese and in fact in some cases they only have Chinese versions so you as a foreigner will have a pretty hard time you know figuring out how to use your new Chinese phone anyway back to the bloatware yes Chinese phones very often come with all sorts of funny programs running on there that pop up and you know they're just incomprehensible gibberish to most of us because it just pops up all the stuff in Chinese you don't know what's going on a lot of these things have to do with just various convenience convenience is for Chinese people and in fact they are very convenient in China this is where China's really innovated I know and we can all agree that as far as the hardware is concerned although you do get good quality Chinese phones these days we can all agree that they're just copies of foreign brands and so what you'll have is you'll have a phone that's taking all the design ideas from say Apple or Motorola or something and they just kind of build something that looks almost the same uses the same components or similar components and you know they can improve on it but it's basically just a a knockoff of a Western design there's no denying that but when it comes to software that's where China's really innovated I did mention in my last video that everybody uses their phone to do everything that you know most Western people do on their computers well it's not a new thing man they've been doing that since when I first got to China in 2006 you know when you still had old phones like those crappy sort of um Java based Motorola's and stuff they had software on those phones that they'd you know built so the people could do everything on their phones so out in the rural villages if they have a phone a crappy Java based a Symbian based phone they could use it for gaming they could use it to read ebooks they could use it to actually watch videos I could do all sorts of things and this is far before smartphones came out and far before the Western world kind of caught on to this whole thing so as far as software is concerned they have a hell of a lot of innovation problem is it's incredibly floaty and like a you know blood work when you load up the phone it loads up all these weird Chinese keyboards for all the various different ways to input Chinese into your phone it also does all sorts of strange things it allows you access to your bank's allows you access to watching movies allows you access to all sorts of streaming services so you know it's it's annoying but in the Chinese market that's what people want so they want their phones to be able to do all these things and they don't want the hassle of having to download and install it themselves and that's why when you get a Chinese phone it's usually loaded to the brim with all sort of stuff yeah jae-hoon empire what did you man ha ha what she's a member so anyway that's basically what I'm trying to get at here is that you have this bloatware in China makes sense but for you as a foreigner you're not going to enjoy it make sure make sure what your pirate city mm-hmm so anyway let me go down because this security guards telling me I'm not a lot of film here Dalek rates are too silly ok now I've managed to shake that rather annoying security guard let's continue with what I was saying mm-hmm so the bloatware is an issue okay but that's that's okay there are international versions of these phones and you can also route a lot of them and just put straightforward vanilla Android on them which is fantastic and that's something I do suggest you do if you are you know if you are looking at buying a Chinese phone it's just get rid of the software on there and start from scratch you know but here comes the biggest problem and that is the phone may not be compatible with your country oh great elevator doesn't work escalator doesn't work guess I'm just gonna have door so especially America has a very complicated sort of system when it comes to their cellular networks and this comes from the whole American idea of let the market sort itself out so what happened was you know as standards were being made they kind of just played hard and fast with the rules and and let the market decide which would work best and because of this you have a situation where American networks so you've got you know Verizon it AT&T t-mobile all those they all use different bands and they're all weird bands they're not like standard ones that the rest of the world uses so it's quite frustrating I could literally go by almost any phone that I wanted here in China in these in these markets and take it to Europe and it's going to work and that's because you know the same standards the same bands are pretty much used in China that are used in Europe and I have to say that China's selling a cellular network is probably the best cellular network I've ever used or experienced in my entire life it's absolutely fantastic I mean I can be out in the middle of nowhere and I still get a strong signal you know proper 4G LTE signal I can stream anything you know it's fast it's reliable it's awesome but of course everything's blocked so it's good if you're using Chinese stuff not that good if you're trying to access foreign websites etc thing is their network is sound and solid so you know I asked everybody to tell me which one they liked the most out of all the budget phones everybody the vast majority of people said the Oppo a57 and I agree I think that's probably the one to go for but I have to see if it runs off of an LT LTE b4 system I think it's 1.7 gigs up 2.1 gigs down if it's got that sort of band range I'm gonna buy it but the determining factor of which phone I'm going to buy has now changed from personal preference to something that I know will be usable in America because it will definitely be usable in Europe but if an American subscriber wins it and I send them a phone that doesn't work it'll suck because they'll just end up with a colorful paper weight which yeah they could use it on Wi-Fi but let's be honest I don't want to give someone something they can't actually use so let's go find an upper shop and see what's up what's your money to the Koreans I make warmer yeah oh yeah okay yeah that's really cool mmm coma that's really cool he's saying that it can use the Google Play Store which is very interesting and to a power to make what a while Boonen young boy that's a creator you have you know I collected a coal miner yeah come on oh solution Agra LTE ma LTE beasts okay I'm happy with that well guys I'm going to be buying this one then geodes are doing in summer - sama pink again negative ad or I don't know guys pink or gold you know what this is a very Chinese color I think I'm gonna go for this one way are you considering all that very much huh changing see if it's legit in there [Music] Toyama huh huh don't you can't you okay huh so let me just count it out will chant give it up on your count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and that is my own cash guys I haven't been sponsored anything this is for you guys okay in be okay because go I got my one one year in back uh-huh drunk uber huh okay so what he's doing is putting in the Google Play Store uh-huh well that's alleviated a lot of my problems you know quite honestly that was my biggest worry was that I buy a phone and send it all the way to you guys because it's actually going to cost me probably half the cost of the phone to ship it to overseas and if it doesn't have the Google Play Store and if it can't work what's the point right so what I'm actually gonna do here is I'm gonna take a photo with that phone here in the shop you guys go onto my Instagram because I'm going to post it to my Instagram leave a comment there just say stay awesome and you know say you're interested in the phone and I'm gonna choose my winner from the Instagram comments so if you want to win the phone that's what you got to do 100 jump I go dog come on okay Piney mama II our son alright guys I just took a very very quick amateur snap here in this store so I'm gonna post that to Instagram you guys will be able to see the quality of the camera just being used without trying and go leave your comment there for a chance to win this phone just yeah Diana bye bye bye Nellie Nellie do double coincidence I do that was a very positive experience you know the guys here I just walked into the store they didn't have a problem with me filming I asked him if I could and it's nice you know especially after being chased out by that grumpy security guard so guys that was quite fun I've got the phone but good news my friend pulled through and I'm getting a second phone to give away as well that one's going to be a surprise so this coming Friday I'm going to be making an unboxing video of both phones and then I'm going to announce the two winners so you have until Friday to go to my Instagram and go and leave a comment on that picture so guys thanks for watching and as always you know the drill stay awesome this is really cool I've just bumped into a subscriber from Italy cool can you help me tell everyone to stay awesome yeah go ahead shoot you know that's awesome thank you so much Mary [Music] you
Channel: serpentza
Views: 1,063,142
Rating: 4.679636 out of 5
Keywords: Huawei, Oppo, Xiaomi, Vivo, OnePlus, Mate 10, Mi 6, Mi Mix 2, Oneplus 5, R11 s, iPhone, Apple, 2018, best, smartphones, smartphones 2018, top 5 best chinese smartphones, best smartphones 2018, budget smartphones, top phones 2018, android, china, serpentza, living in china, winston sterzel, life in china, china (country), shenzhen, Spyware, chinese phone spying, bloatware, Chinese apps, privacy, invasion of privacy, cellular network, LTE, 4G, Chinese government, india, truth about
Id: DGwbEOc8RQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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