Really no, no no. No mean. My culture
is not your damn subway passenger. So here I am like never before full scam baiting. Outfit, I look ridiculous and getting terrible - Looks from everybody on the street.
Any foreigner that walks past me because - there are tons of foreigners in Beijing. They all look at me in there
like this guy's such a noob. you can tell the the looks of disapproval and disappointment from all of them. And to be honest. If the roles were reversed. I think I'd be the same. So the scam baiting thing actually
worked really well I look like, - well, I look ridiculous, I've never never
been one to (chuckle) first of all ever wear baseball caps
and second of all ever wear... You know this kind of touristy stuff, you know,
with my cultural appropriation gear. The other thing is it worked,
worked like a charm. I got approached by two middle-aged women you'll see in the main video, but they took me for a long walk. All the way to their friend's
little like scam bar. But, unfortunately. As I walked in they've got they had like a doorman the doorman spotted me filming them with my phone. And he walked in there and in Chinese told him. Hey, hey, he's recording. He's recording get him out of here. And then they made these like ridiculous excuses.
And it's funny though. It's all on camera so. so as soon as I kind of got booted out of
the scam, you know, I got found out. I spotted another foreigner actually just about to fall for a scam and I managed to warn him in time. So that's... pretty cool. Anyway, you know. scam baiting. successful, it's pretty cool to check out
Tienanmen Square and... You know this... whole sort of area. It's kind of nice
if you if you're a tourist. For me... you know, I've been in China so long
this stuff is just... it's kind of like looking at a backyard of just a lawn. It's not interesting because I've you know, I know but. it's still a nice place to come if you are in
Beijing just to stroll around. And yeah, even more fun if you spot
the scammers trying to scam you. Now want you guys to know
that not everybody - who approaches you in and around
Tiananmen Square is a scammer. First if they can't speak English, you can pretty
much be sure that they're not a scammer, - I mean you can't be a hundred percent sure, - but in this case this girl and her friends approached me and basically said they wanted to take a photo with me. Which does happen and it happens
a lot in China, especially, you know - these guys are probably real tourists
as in you know they've come up to Beijing - from some rural part of China and they maybe the first time they're seeing a foreigner. This happens, - but be careful. I was still very very careful with these guys - because they're about four or five little guys who came and stood next to me, very close. So I just kept a very close eye on my pockets to make sure that weren't trying to pickpocket me - because that is a scam that happens. So you know it they very well
could have been scammers - and they just didn't get the chance
cuz I was too aware. but at the same time I don't
want to block myself off to... genuine people who really are friendly and just want
to have a photo taken with foreigners because - this happens a lot. And in fact, I have a time lapse from 2016
when C-Milk came and joined me. We got so many people coming up to us wanting to get their photos taken with us just because we're foreigners. But please be aware that this is also
a ruse that's used by scammers. But usually in English, they'll come up and say,
"Oh, we're traveling." "Can you help us take a photo?" and then they'll say "Can we take a photo with you?" and that's their opener. That's how they get to start to talk to you
and then they ask you, you know. "Do you want to go and have tea together?" or "Do you want to go and see my art gallery?" or something like that. So be aware that there are a lot of
innocent people wanting their photos taken. And I'm pretty sure this girl and
her friends were innocent. And just tourists but at the
same time, if they speak English. it's probably a scam. If, like these guys, couldn't speak English, then you, you're okay. You're probably fine. But always be
aware of your pockets. And then don't go follow these
people and you'll be fine. Right guys, just one more of these Beijing vlogs to go. It's which will be up tomorrow. Remember, if you see the MiniDisc intro,
that means that it's a vlog, and not a proper... feature-length Serpentza (Serpent Zed A) video. If you see the VHS intro, then you know, it's the real deal. I will be making more of these vlogs
because I'm planning to go up to - Shanghai to do some scam baiting up there. Which should be quite epic because Shanghai's way worse than Beijing when it comes to scammers. So yeah, I'll vlog the whole way up there
and also any time I go traveling. I'll do these sort of daily vlog things from now on just to spice things up and change things on the channel. I hope you enjoy them. Anyway, there will be one more tomorrow, and until then, as always, you know the drill. Stay awesome