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would you have any interest in selling at all sure thrifting ain't easy i'm feeling creepy comp and diapers on my ebay app though so so 20 on that one 25 on the air again i'm gonna try a little cameos here two on the little ones no 40 on the eyes so these three things yes okay so 46 63 are you interested in yardo i got a few pieces of that okay oh doing that you want to slide this one over there yeah yeah i'm gonna grab these from you uh last question um the juicer and the pennies um 10 on the pennies 15 on the juice okay i'm gonna grab these from you [Music] 20. yep any chance that you would do uh 15 on the uncle sam's bank [Music] okay so 30 35. thank you so much thank you have a great day thanks thanks oh my god uh everything is free look at there so so so oh pretty awesome [Music] oh now so [Music] [Music] so it's hard to beat for you guys everything was free there i'm sure i could have really loaded up but a lot of glassware i got some glassware though i mean morning how are you good thanks that's one of those in a long time yeah we used to live in cincinnati we had a rat's color in our basement oh really is it stuff in here too yes um everything on this side here is 50 percent off okay it's marked we just didn't you know mark like for instance that's four dollars instead of eight gotcha yeah and then over here is two for a dollar from here down and this is fifty percent off okay okay yeah oh and the barbie dolls are six dollars a piece okay it's okay if i lay this stuff down so i can look around all right were you guys open yesterday we were we did pretty good did you good so all right got a few things from your half off table 14 15 16 17 18 19 if you have one that'd be great so that just happened yesterday then oh man i'm sorry all right you guys have a great day thank you so much morning how are you doesn't feel too bad this morning at all did you guys used to run an antique mall did you a lot of the jewelry was my mother-in-law's and my grandmother's and stuff that i got at a vintage jewelry store oh really yeah when i worked i had to have all the coordinated stuff and now i'm retired so i hear you don't worry anymore [Applause] it's been quite a few years was it here in town i had one in indianapolis and the people had their sticky fingers too bad oh i bet but they did they they had a person there but i don't think they watched we didn't watch over because it was pretty big yeah yeah imagine a big area and we found working full-time and um trying to keep up with it was just it's a lot of work yeah just pricing stuff takes a long time yes yes i kind of looked on the soul he bought ebay to price this and then marked it like about half of what they were selling for on ebay [Applause] so the jewelry is a lot lower it's i really marked it because i'm going to sell it is a lot on ebay whatever i don't sell yeah probably but i don't know i may sell it individually i can get a lot more for it yeah would you have any interest in selling at all sure what are you thinking oh gosh let's kind of see what we got here um i would sell it all for probably a couple hundred dollars 200 for everything yeah all right let me let that simmer for just a second that's a fair offer thank you definitely a discount if you buy lots yeah yeah i like to buy jewelry it's a lot of work that's what i'm learning but but it's fun to look at it too bad to ship though that's that's very nice yeah yeah well i got to crack the part 250 to get the daggone thing shipped over here and then it was the wrong part yeah oh man oh god that's what i need to do is get out there you send me pictures and measurements so you need to get out there and measure mine he says well i just want this here if you think it will fit i said so i looked at the pictures last night i think it's right but i'm gonna double check it do you have a boot somewhere i have a booth at uh jw riley's over in greenfield oh okay um i do like a lot of ebay stuff too yeah um i i just started recently getting into jewelry so it's it's fun nice now this uh there's one here that is really um see if i can find it it's white and it is very difficult to find this oh cool yeah you can tell it's different what would you say like the time frame is here like like all pre-80s um i would yes definitely some of it back from the 40s and 50s yeah i mean there may there's probably some newer pieces yeah um for the most part it's pre-80s and a lot of it a lot older than that okay that's pretty cool would you include the cases for the 200 um i would i would probably want another maybe 20 for the cases so two 220 and we got the cases too yeah i think that needs a battery i had a guy that came by that knew all about watches and clocks yesterday and i had a bunch of old watches that he looked at and i was shocked at how rare some of them weren't 21 jewels and right they were my great grandmothers i kept those back but um yeah those i think just need batteries all right i'm gonna do that deal okay okay sure thank you i'm just gonna look around just a little bit real quick i actually had a box that all the jewelry fit in if i can find it i have some empty jewelry boxes too if you want them oh okay warning see you get out of your car how are you good all the men's jeans are 34 30's and the ladies pants are fives or sevens sizes sometimes they just run funny i have the keys for the cases oh awesome should i just pop these down in this box is that you had it packed yeah okay i mean it yeah it just fit right down in there and i'm going to put these in a bag sure so i'm not sure which ones are which but they're all there cool let's go down the box figure it out later so [Applause] [Applause] so awesome let's see we got 20 40 60 81 20 40 60 82 20 double count that makes the bees here they're not all new yeah you're exactly right i could probably buy a lot more but now i got my hands full so oh well thank you so much have a great day thank you all right guys we are back in the garage another pretty great day of garage sales got some pretty okay things and some pretty great things which is which is a combination of things that i'm pretty okay with even the free stuff i think turned out to be really good so real quick let me show you what i picked up to resell at the first sale there was some pretty nice high-end things but a lot of it was priced accordingly so i did manage to snag a few things that i think there's a little bit of meat left on the bone paid 10 bucks for this old jim beam car to canter i didn't used to really pick up decanters because a lot of them don't really do well online but i've recently learned that they do really well in my antique booth and i think this one will have no problem fetching 20 to 25 bucks so i went ahead and paid the 10 for it the uncle sam's bank was priced at 20. they took my offer of 15. i mean that's not a great deal i actually see these quite often uh they're they're almost always overpriced but i've personally never found an orange one so i went ahead and grabbed it they usually range in value from about 25 to 50 just kind of depending so it's not going to be a home run or anything but i just think it's pretty cool paid five dollars for this american telephone and telegraph company metal sign it's not one of the super old like enamel signs or anything but at five bucks i should still be able to turn this into between 20 and 40 bucks so that's people love their telephone stuff so that's pretty cool i really wish the western electric phones were a little cheaper because those were pretty neat too paid two bucks a piece for a couple little cameos not the best quality in the world but but the price was right so i did go ahead and grab them and i paid a dollar for this little carved zebra just thought he was kind of neat super heavy i just like little carved animals anymore so went ahead and paid the buck for that i think this stuff was from the third sale but we'll go ahead and look at this now it was day two so it was pretty picked over but a lot of the stuff was half off so so i still picked up a few things like this matchbox hero city um airplane set this is from 2002. i ended up paying two bucks for it same with this justice league mission vision solar cannon superman when things like this are cheap i go ahead and grab them a lot of times they're not really worth selling online but but these older discontinued toys do seem to do well in the booth also so so at two bucks my worst case scenario is like 10 or 12 bucks in the booth but i do look them up online before i take them there just to see if it's worth my time to sell them online or not this one might be old enough to to do something with a stroll light beer tap handle paid 250 for it not a huge score i really liked uh the other one that was priced at 50 which would have made it 25 but i just i thought that was a little high so i went ahead and grabbed this one for 2.50 this is an old smoking giveaway it's a fish salt and pepper shaker uh it was a giveaway from basic paid 250 for that after the half price deal a monster garage school bus model kit paid five bucks for that just thought that was pretty cool and a couple of belt buckles this one's a cb radio breaker breaker convoy and this one's a pair of handcuffs from 1981 made by uh bergamot brass i think as far as far as this sale goes this should pay for most of it i think this will probably get between 15 and 20 bucks and and the rest should be pretty much profit after that so really not great but not bad at all especially for day two of a sale the free garage sale was actually pretty crazy there was a there was a ton of stuff there a lot of cheap stuff that i didn't want to bother with a lot of stuff that i'm sure i just missed that was it was decent a lot of glassware i'm not a huge fan of glassware but i did definitely get some breakables just because i i couldn't pass them up so i think i did well um other people might have might have loaded up a lot more but i'm happy with the stuff i picked up first of all i got this nice wicker basket i don't really know what it's worth but i think if nothing else 15 or 20 bucks in the antique booth a very nice hand-painted duck made by house of gobel i think those are the ones that do like hummels and stuff i may pronounce things wrong because i don't i don't normally pick this stuff up but i do recognize the names just from reading them so if i pronounce them wrong i'm sorry but it's hand painted signed hand numbered i think that should do pretty well ducks are always pretty popular it seems a tazz attitude coffee mug there's a nice little dog it's not signed but it does say japan on it and has a number on it this is a marquee by waterford uh i think it's a samba vase so that's pretty cool actually a really cool german beer stein it's got the made in germany and everything carved in the bottom zen on the lid i think that should actually do pretty well that's in really good shape and i hardly ever find them with lids so very happy to find that especially for free a 1980 olive oil mug from popeye pretty cool right there a little bronze shoe i just kind of like the piece that it was attached to some ghost figurine salt and pepper shakers white for salt black for pepper don't know what these are but they were little so i just went ahead and grabbed them if anyone knows for sure what these are called or or if they have any special purpose let me know just uh ceramic figurines of some sort a nice military king form cap i'm sure that has a little bit of value and then down in this box we have a vase made in france by uh is it limoges there's a nice royal hager piece of pottery in very good condition some nice ash trays this one's made by maddox in california really cool look to it another cool ashtray also made in the usa by rrpco really cool ashtray should do pretty well on that this is like a little jerusalem gong it came off the peg but but that's okay and then a set of kirk pewter napkin rings um i think these should probably sell for between 15 and 20 bucks definitely not bad for just a bunch of free stuff look like maybe they uh were charging a dollar the day before and they just got tired of it so they just put everything out and said come and get it so definitely pretty cool probably actually maybe my favorite sale of the day however i did go kind of big on some more jewelry i'm pretty happy with this buy for a couple reasons i paid what like 220 for everything in here a bunch of vintage costume jewelry these are all empty boxes aside from just having like some some really nice art deco looking necklaces like some nice beads there's some nice necklaces in there a few of these i know sell for pretty decent money on their own a bunch more stuff she had bags up look i like this kind of colorful retro necklace we have some nice old brooches in here some some pretty old stuff from the looks of it all of her individual prices like she was asking quite a bit for him so so i definitely think i got a pretty good deal a bunch of earrings and pins and stuff down in there but one of the parts i'm most excited about are all the cases actually i've been pretty close to pulling the trigger on on buying a bunch of stuff just like this just for just for storage of listed jewelry like the locking cases the cases with slots like that one of these hanging things to like hang up pieces that have already been listed and actually when i priced all that stuff out it was going to be like probably close to 150 bucks for for all the stuff i wanted which was pretty similar to that so to get all that plus all that jewelry for 220 it was it was it was kind of a no-brainer for me so definitely a good day at these little local garage sales as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love you bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 414,694
Rating: 4.8922915 out of 5
Keywords: BUYING IT ALL AT A GARAGE SALE!, garage sale, yard sale, garage sales, yard sales, garage sale haul, yard sale haul, garage sale video, yard sale video, garage sale with me, yard sale with me, garage sale gopro, yard sale gopro, american pickers, garage sale ridealong, yard sale ridealong, garage sale deal, yard sale deal, garage sale negotiation, yard sale negotiation, garage sale ebay, yard sale ebay, ebay seller, ebay haul, ebay video, froggy flips, froggyflips, pick
Id: pjr1t03SA6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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