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[Music] welcome back to the sawmill it's all just tonight it is 8:20 in the morning I just took Bruno to school it's foggy day here we got a lot of fog back here on the mountain behind me fired you're supposed to warm up later don't be a hot one real quick here before we get the day started the t-shirt should be here by Monday or Tuesday at the latest I got approval on the final design just a few days ago and they look phenomenal I just I love this new design that my buddy made up for us with the the beard and the places on the back of the shirt and the new logo here on the front I think they look really well too gray in the drain both look good so appreciate you guys to order them and fed it should have them here hopefully by the first of the week as soon as we get them we'll package them up and ship them out to you now here checking the Kinlan as well before we get to the sawmill this is day number seven of this lo the lotto about two or three hours from now we'll come back out here and check the moisture levels of the wood and the temperature by then we'll be up in about 125 we're probably higher than that actually depends on how hot it gets today everything's going well in this load it's about 12% as of yesterday I'm hoping today will do another reading and hopefully get to about 10% maybe 11 why don't you just dry kind of slow because it's prone for defects some kind of babying this load a little bit that's why I'm also not running the compressor at night and let that wood rest of the night and just being extra careful on something else here guys I was asked about that London to kill and wideout what I'm going to be doing with it the main purpose for a lot of it is to build some gates here at the farm just about everyone over a rough shape I know to get some new treated post here as well well how long these things have been here but a long time as you can see a rotted down there at the bottom these are some Oh telephone pole this one over here is in pretty poor shape also there's it really wobble as much when you push on it but as you can see it needs to be replaced as well these are old telephone poles they might get post going there John they're gone they also make a really good perch for the cat to set on see the gate right there it's also in poor condition so we're gonna take it wide Otis in the kiln soon as it's dry and mate to old style timber frame gates here to sits footers to replace this 12 footer but that's still not free soon guys I'm really looking forward to building this gate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Laure guys I screw up these measurements real fast I am anxious to get this thing open I bought this logged about two weeks ago off a buddy of mine he's a fireman he does some tree working some logging on the side and he's always bringing me some good stuff and this walnut here looks like it's gonna be a real good guys this will be a nice log length is eight feet if I remember I yep ain't feet in about three inches I got the large hands in here on the operators side now I've got it turned to the right orientation to get the widest boards which is will be about 24 inches double check something yeah it's throughout orientation down here but more importantly the orientation here on the crotch so stick with me here guys let me explain it to you here's what we're looking at we have a lamb right here on the side one on the top and this one on the top actually would get a wider board it would probably be about two inches wider if we orientate this right here parallel to the saw head and cut slabs this way but this right here will have better crotch grain because the limb is the bigger diameter it's about 13 inches this one up here is about nine inches so you'll have more crotch figure getting captured right here than you would on this side so that's the main reason we went with this crotch would even though it's not as wide we'll have a lot more figure in here and the second reason is down here towards the bottom as you can see down here towards a small limb the diameter down here is about 21 inches we have another knot right here it's only about seven inches but there's a good possibility on maybe one or two slabs we'll catch some of this crotch feeder down here and have two highly figured areas on maybe one or two slabs at least one slab maybe two do a quick check over here everything looks good bark is pretty clean it's not too dirty not a lot of mud in there should be pretty good on sahlan today what we saw these in the nine quarter slabs as we always do here in the channel when dealing with highly figured walnut like this using the wooden ties are double hard number seven degree blades and the thickness on this blade is old 55 so it's a little bit thicker than my usual blade but it cuts really flat I really like these blades I anticipate a blade change probably after 2/3 slap cuts that's the same blade that me and Dad used on the wider theater date I noticed it's getting a little dull toward the end so hopefully I'll get about 2 or 3 slabs cut the day before change it over so let's get to it should be a great day of sawing here guys after this one is over with American beech I'm never even solid beach before I'm really looking forward to that all right [Music] [Applause] so this is the second slide that we're looking at right now the first slab was decent and had a lot of SAP wood in it and no figure nothing like that going on and the reason I stopped to inspected that one after I solid it was I thought I hit a nail I heard what I thought was metal getting cut halfway down through it I don't know if I would come through the video or not but it sure sounded like I hit metal and I looked all over that slab underneath it on both sides and I just didn't see anything and I kept on kneeling and we cut two more slabs after that one and they're fine so apparently I hit maybe a really hard knot or something in there I don't know what it was but there's no signs of metal and just in the teeth and the blade are still set so it was you know it's usually a sign of hitting metal you'll lose your set in your teeth because I'm coming in from down here I'm going through this crouched feature and going out the other end and smooth I've got a little bit of a ripple around this crotch figure and that's due to speed and this open grate and this face drain rather right here a lot of ingrain coming up in this crotch figure it's kind of solid and all and it's hard to solve and I went a little too fast through there which is no big deal whenever this is killing dried I'm playing down the sides you'll never see these so no big deal there either so these are pretty nice we've got a lot of SAP put on the sides which is expected but right here once we get this dust off and throw some water on it should be some really nice figure hiding in there [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 412,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, out of the woods, logging, forestry, wood, woodworking, log cabins, my self reliance, building a log cabin, chainsaw, firewood, timber frame, tennessee, kiln drying wood, farming, tractors, wood-mizer sawmill, primitive skills, fastest wood sawmill, construction, diy, homestead, you must see, desiel, amazing, tools, amazing machines, portable sawmill, extreme, another level, woodworking tools, discovery channel, extreme fast, woodmizer lt40 wide head, amazing woodworking project, alone
Id: rMONrSw3iwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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