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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's about yes about 10:30 got a lot done this morning now I tried to just butternut knocked out here and get on the tractor take over to the truck and take them over to Jonesboro Tennessee to Curtis a shop now this is the SEC butter no doubt that last one that we've done or the same law grantor it was a 14-footer and we cut it to an eight and six footer this is the eight footer out here and unlike the six footer this one's going to pose some potential problems here when sawing and we'll try to address that before we even start to take care of it on the front end so it doesn't give us any problems later on once we start slapping this thing down to eight quarter slabs this is an eight footer my width down here is 18 inches I got it turned already to the widest point so we're looking at 18 inch wide slabs right through the middle the rest of them will probably be 14 to 16 so let me bring the cambrian guys and show you all the problem we're going to have this log and my strategy to hopefully overcome that and get some good slabs out of it it's kind of hard to tell this in that's painted the large yard done that whenever they sort them off the truck I'm assuming but the pith is nowhere near it centered right here this tree either groove and a dense forest and had to really grow kind of curricula find some sunlight or it may have grown on the side of the mountain who knows but right here is the pith and usually you want the pith right here in the middle but it's way up here on this upper left quadrant here upper left quarter I'm going back to my anatomy days in college so up here in the upper left quadrant we'll call that is where the path is and what we'll try to do is measure up from the bed and see how high this path is in relation to the other end and hopefully use our little log let works here and get these get this pith on the same plane so we'll be able to salt completely out of the and we're looking at 10 inches from the solid bed do you ever take your quarter of an inch probably toward the Pentheus all right down here on the far end it's not really in the same place on the other end it's kind of up here on the upper side this is more toward the middle not in the middle but more Florida this will be a lot higher up actually it's going to be 13 inches so what we're going to do is use these large Levellers there's one on both ends I've never showed them much here in the channel and we're gonna raise up the operator end toward the pith use 13 inches from the saw bed and we'll make a cut and kind of see how that's looking and then use the Accu set to come down and square at that pith in order to capture it into one slab then it will be out of the picture and will commence on sawing the rest of this log up so I've done that many at times I'll do it a whole lot on the channel but that's a good tool these sawmills have these little rollers on the side to raise up the ends when you got a taper like it we wrap if that really doesn't behave that's really that's one of the worst things you can have as a pith on a log and for one it's not centered and number two it's kind of twisted from one end to the other plus there's a small taper here as well there's also on this one side an old cat face it looks like actually that's a limb there's a limb on this side that's heeled over so maybe just maybe we'll have some crotch fitter here today wouldn't that be nice some crotch figure and some butternut look like it was a much of a limb it all looks like it healed over but we made get something right there so we'll see what happens so uh stick with us guys and it's just a solid here and so we knew what this path [Applause] highlight here today as usual had to make three cuts you're out there the first wound was not shallow enough now I made the second one and check my measurement and it was off just a little on these rollers so what I've done was I raised up the roller furthest one from me to label it out just a little bit better so we'll take this one off and we should have that get centered piss after that you can see the taper in this log that far in is pretty thick over here it's about a quarter of an inch on the operator side let's check your measurement now from the reference face right here on top the end of the pin and get protect about a quarter of an inch we should be right on the money on both ends here about 4 in 1/8 right here to the pith about 4 and 1/8 down here on the far end we're looking for about 3 and 3/4 to 4 inches to 4 and a quarter in that area and I'm happy and we're at 3 and 7/8 so we're off about a quarter of an inch on the pith so that's not too bad I'll take it because I can still get that piece centered pretty close inside of one slab and get rid of it we'll make our first slab cut then come down and center that pith in one of the slabs then get rid of it then we'll have about 10 inches left and get solid and no more worries about this opere alright guys even though I was off just a little here's the operator end showing you where the pith is right there in the middle and on the side of the board you see how it's offset right there got a barrier it's a nice crotch figure we'll take a look at that here in just a minute give you guys the results here and their strategy how it worked out right there's our path on this end just walk down here to the far end [Music] your pith is right in the center the lighting you're out there there we go when this send the pith is right in the center you know the other slab it's right here so this one's in the middle it's more toward the top but our soccer really helped us out right there being all four quarter of an inch now as you can see in the rest of the log there will be no more pith in it whatsoever that's what you're after up there so really happy how this turned out well here's the slab we just kept with the pith in it and there's that knot I showed you earlier in the video I was hoping for some crotch bigger right there it is not as obvious is walnut it's not too bad and it's lab may have some more in it actually as we work our way down through the rest of this log some nice wood even though the pith is in this slab nice straight green here on the sides we have here that we're getting on some of these slabs are looking at 17 inches and he needs at least 16 inches I think for a winter chair seat so what we'll do now is go ahead and unclamp it put these rollers down on both ends of flipping 180 degrees and work off that bark face at the bottom because it's easier to clamp off this large side then it is the bottom right there and I can also use the Accu set come down and start my eighth quarter slabs and get them squared up tore this bottom slab which will be the widest one will be exactly eight quarter on thickness so we should get about know maybe maybe three more slabs out of this total I'd give five out of it we'll see what happens at least three of them let's get this thing knocked out and load it up in the truck [Applause] if these two cleaned off and take a look at them get them loaded up in the truck and head over to Curtis the shop I just talked to him on the phone and he's got a chair making class going on this week so he'll he'll have maybe three to five students in there so I'm not sure how much filming would yet to do over there because that I don't want to interrupt his class but I'll definitely take the camera inside and give you guys a little glimpse of his a nice little timber frame shop here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you I love you I'll be there the only weird to the world all of this to the world [Music] all into I believe I believe the end if it means you won't be our [Music] Casali dreams my heart's desires they have withered from this way into the world you will to the world I love this who flew [Music] Justin girl when I found you there one day we have Nona lefty Vey it's on a pie fight too many times you need to [Music] to the world [Music] - the [Music]
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 496,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, woodmizer, wood, woodworking, tennessee, bandsaw mill, craft, windsor chair build, cutting machine, amazing, timber frame, out of the woods, wood cutting machine, desiel, you must see, furniture ideas, woodworking tools, wood-mizer sawmill, discovery channel, woodmizer lt40 wide head, extreme, amazing tools, sawmill machines, woodworking projects, amazing woodworking project, primitive skills, diy tool, another level, extreme fast, logging, woodworking skills, wood products
Id: TXjbLqt6hhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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