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you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] budget delayed one more time we're gonna take a hostage I put my phone on airplane mode it's rain off the hood this morning somebody's trying to sell me insurance in three or four states they call every day every single day they call me trying to sell me insurance it's the very end of the little phone call it says hit nine to be put on the Do Not Call list I hit nine every time well what happens they call right back every time I've called all morning I've gotten on airplane mode I'm just sick and tired fooling with him today this is American beech and a lot of people call this elephant tree and the reason being this child's this bark here on the outside it's not flaky like ribbon or bark will be on a tree it's really smooth a lot of people like to carve their names into this stuff there's a few carvings on this side actually hook there's no nails that's why they call this helping trees cause the appearance just looks like Elvis skin on the outside here it's great kind of favors birch a little bit so this will be my first time ever Salling up a beech tree I've tried get my hands on beach for over the past few years it's kind of hard to come by we got plenty of it around here but nobody cuts it the loggers usually don't touch it and if they do cut it down it goes to the pulp wood mill just round up in the paper so it's just not something around here the people like to full-width and it's pretty heavy the moisture content is pretty high on this law the dam there I think it's 22 inches and it's an eight footer and I could really feel it on the tractor when I was picking it up it's really heavy there's a lot of water in this Lodge my buddy over at the fire department that brought me this law told me he had trouble even getting it up on his trailer with this tractor here to use a winch so a lot of moisture in here a lot going on with it and be jostle has an interlocking grain and that's why we've got corner solid we flat saw this it's going to be a disaster with the air dries and Kealing dries just be terrible I think it will turn out at all very well so we'll definitely be quarter-sawn this one today and judging by the heart we're actually pretty fortunate because the heart is pretty straight in this Lodge it's got a little bit of taper on the top we'll take care of that on the first cut so we should be able to do some good quarter-sawn here and get some good stable wood out of this thing and then here in the operators side I've got to turn to the widest point which is about 22 inches which I'm really not concerned with when you're quarter-sawn what you want to make sure you do what a quarter saw one is get this pit at the same height on both ends of the log and if it turns out that's gonna be the widest point well that's a good thing right there you know you win both battles right there but the major thing you want to do is make sure that pit is the same height on both sides and right now it looks like it's about nine inches front to back so what I'm going to do is take one small cut on the top and just barely skim down I'll probably come down about two inches there we'll have a flat reference face to work off of and I'll measure down from that face to the pith of the heart rather and make sure we're still the same location on both ends there's not a lot of taper in this log so we should be in good shape once we saw that off there's that Fellig region I bet it's the insurance people will take your hostage just getting out of hand [Music] well this call is regarding a community outreach we are reaching out to families and individuals who may have a drug or alcohol addiction or may have a friend family members who are seeking professional help Jesus Christ I'll tell you what somebody sold my phone number to a call list and they're wearing me out non-stop [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] would have the blade then pretty good it didn't feel like a sharp blade by no means and it should be feeling pretty sharp only made by four cuts with it yesterday but it's cutting straight and true so that's what matters and I should be able to get this law done further to switch it out pretty stuff here not too bad dude this is head we'll go ahead and scrape off the dust on the top here and we'll take a look at this beach for the first time pretty interesting that's some pretty stuff right there not too bad on the first cut no lots on this face kind of reminds me a pine just a little bit and how light it is guys we've got the pious sinner on both sides so now we'll take the SOL head and use the Accu sent to system to set up our middle cut which will do what we always do here we'll square up that pith and take a slash right out of the middle and that way we'll have a really nice quarter sawn boards on the side you know we're getting rid of that path right there in the middle of it and after this is kill drive I'll put it back in a sawmill saw that PETA that up and throw the firebomb reach and I shall do it before if you want to I used to do it afterwards so let me get that kind of saw head and we'll square up this kid so I really liked about this accurate to system is the auto love feature so you can go down find where you'll start cutting and work your way up that's the best picture on here comes the accuracy it I think it's got the patter caddy which is beneficial but this this auto love features it's great I love their blue pill gotta be perfect just one get it before it's gonna be getting captured inside of the slab get rid of God yeah perfect drop there grab that quarter some grain on the sides let's hit the auto up feature saw on this first slab at team quarter two and a half inches right there so we'll make our first cut up and remove that top stitch and we'll come back and forth so it later then go back and huddle download finish up we're restorative that right here it's pretty simple and if you're wondering why I'm cutting this at ten quarter and not the usual Niner quarter that I cut slabs out oh it's blame that soon as we make these two cuts and see what we got [Applause] right guys that went pretty good then here in the operator side you've got the path right there in the middle lived a slab over a few inches of my goodness it's heavy heavy stuff come down here on the other end and right there in the middles the pith careful planning guys don't get no hurry and stuff like this will happen for you for round the saw me I'll try to get rid that pith if you can it is useless as you can see on the face up there all the cracking that's why you won't get rid of it terrible terrible stuff right there in the middle of his terror selected you rid of the pith you'll still end up with about ten inch wide boards on both sides our total width is twenty three and a half inches that's pretty good let's knock off this dust and we should have some nice straight grain beach with medullary race coming up there they are very nice right there very nice I'll put a little water on this and hopefully it will show up better I don't know if you guys can see the race or not but you got the REA flick coming up right here on the face man there's a lot of moisture in there I ran my water on the blade but this wood is just soaking wet right here just extremely high moisture content that's why it's a heavy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do is push this over in the loading horns and whenever done stalling the rest of this beach put it back up here and go ahead and take out this piece this stuff is so heavy and dense I'd rather go in just get rid of it now than full with it later then make it a lot easier to handle when I'm stacking it for air drying and when it goes into the kiln which would probably be here too from now this stuff you don't drive extremely slow I'm probably with this stuff air dry for at least eighteen months to two years maybe maybe longer we'll see I'll never drive beach before if you wonder what this stuff is for I'm hoping this will make tabletops for furniture since it's gonna be really stable being quarter-sawn and it's hard to find it's hard to find you know quarter-sawn Beach nowadays not a lot of people out there sawing I was talking about earlier and nobody's hardly harvesting it around here and also these to be made into planes the old style wooden hand planes from the 18th century and beyond that was all made was quarter sawn Beach most of the time so they're still guys out there making bench planes without a wooden I have a few the modern maker of hand planes in my tool chest in there so maybe some of these will end up as Jack planes and jointer planes one day who knows I don't mind making one myself so that's what I'm aiming for as far as what this stuff to be turned into I would say most of what we're going to told makers because it's just hard to find quarter-sawn Beach in this country if you make hand planes or spoke shades or anything like that a lot of these smaller sections I'm gonna salt five quarter and that's perfect size for spoke shades and promoting planes so let's get this pulled off and start working on the rest of this let's see how it goes extremely heavy even last I've had some help today
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 834,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, wood-mizer, woodworking, wood, wood-mizer sawmill, you must see, chainsaw, desiel, fastest wood sawmill, woodmizer lt40 wide head, homestead, kiln drying wood, out of the woods, my self reliance, tractors, amazing machines, building a log cabin, amazing woodworking project, woodworking tools, extreme, another level, farming, log cabins, logging, extreme fast, firewood, portable sawmill, amazing, discovery channel, timber frame, primitive skills, tools, diy, construction, alone
Id: soZ3eUhKk-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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