Curly Black Gold! Best Log I Have Ever Had On The Sawmill,

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[Applause] welcome back to the sawmill friends we're going to finish up this maple today we started this one in the last video if you didn't see that there's a link down below you guys can go catch up to right now where we're at we should get about three more eight quarter slabs out of this i'll do pattern mode on the sawmill so we get exactly two inch slabs out of what we got left on here this is just a little over six inches so we'll probably have one waist cut coming off to start the pattern mode after we finish this one up we got a good one guys we're finally going back to some nice black walnut i got a eight footer over here and it's got probably two crotches on it so i'm really looking forward to this one i picked it up in virginia a few weeks ago when i got the dump trailer this is a shocker cabbage is up here with us today what's going on everybody i was wondering who's going to come up here i'm not seeing you all morning so stick here with me guys we'll knock out this maple real fast i'll get cabbage out of the way so we don't get killed and we'll move on to that walnut right there that walnut guys will be worth the wait trust me i've been thinking about it all weekend two crotches and a good possibility there might be some curl in it as well let's go buddies get you out of the way for a run over you [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] all right guys that has not happened to me since probably last summer when i had that terrible apple log up here and i was hitting metal with every pass but right there check it out cabbage you couldn't look at it too didn't you buddy we hit a nail and that's a risk that you take when you get logged from a tree service because most of the time with the tree service it's coming from a residential area from somebody's front or backyard and i usually have pretty good luck with my tree service guys but sometimes this does happen but it's not that bad because we have one more cut left here on this timber and we're done and if i get this nail pulled out of here successfully and i have to pull it out of this slab also that way it's out of there before i dry this stuff we should be okay famous last words i'll hit metal one more time with the nets pass but this does happen guys and it's always aggravating but the only good thing about it is that blade was at the end of its life as far as needing to be resharpened so i was going to change the blade out anyways when i finished up this log and moved on to the walnut so we'll do that now after i pull the nail out so let me get my tools we'll pull that thing out and finish this up cabbage why didn't you tell me that was there what's wrong with you you're slacking today buddy you're slacking whenever you hit a nail on timber it's kind of hard to get out i saved my broken screwdrivers for stuff like this i don't want to use my good wood chisels on something like this so always keep your broken screwdrivers for pulling nails out but the first thing i try is this right here and this is kind of based off of old design this is made by crescent and uh it's a nail puller you put it down on here you slam it down a few times and it hurts the nail if you're lucky and it pries it right out better work good for me there to have been sitting here bragging on you and this wheel damaged the timber just a little bit but that is what epoxy is for guys so i'd much rather have to fill a hole with the potsy than change planer blades because i hit a piece of metal here that'd be a bad day right all there oh yeah pulled right out much left on that one that was a little nail actually hopefully that's the last one before we finish off that maple i want to show you all the last slab that we just cut that hit metal on this is the best face the metal was on the other side of it man that is some nice stuff right there got spalting going on just about everywhere different colors popping out and right there at the top some decent crotch figure coming through not too bad other than hitting that nail i'm really happy with how this log just turned out guys it's been a good day so far even though we hit metal [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is an eight footer it's black walnut you guys already know that and uh something else i get asked on this channel all the time is how in the world do you come across so many nice logs especially the crotch walnut logs and here's the secret guys make friends with your local forester and loud buyers and i should have done that 10 years ago and i didn't do it probably until about four years ago and it will pay off guys because those guys are in the timber every day buying stands of timber off of loggers buying land sometimes to have logged by the company they work for and they come across stuff like this all the time guys so find those guys in your area find the forester the timber buyers not necessarily just the loggers but the guys that are going out and buying from the loggers most of the time a larger ain't going to deal with somebody like me who just buys one or two logs they want to sell truckloads so the law buyers will go out and they'll see stuff like this on the ground that's left behind from the loggers and they know people like me you're looking for they can get you that stuff at a good price guys i'm telling you the reason is the most unique walnut log i've ever had on the meal or the potential for being the most unique is because we have not one not two but three areas for potential crotch figure in the slabs so i think if i do things right today some of these slabs will produce up to three areas of crotch figure i've never had that on a slab before i've had him with two before but never three so this is gonna be really exciting guys let's check this out we're at the bottom of the timber and this log like i was saying has three potential crotch figures which makes it the most figured wood i'll ever saw probably up to this point but when you throw in some possible curl it just gets ridiculous right here so check it out you got these little ripples right here where the bark is missing and in my experience is when you see stuff like this it's like little mountains here on a map when you see those little ripples in the bark right there or underneath the bark rather that's usually a very good sign that you're going to have some curly figure timber inside of the log [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so oh my goodness right there in the middle huh some curl right there friends got some curl going on didn't see it until we put the water on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 144,564
Rating: 4.9745502 out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, woodmizer, wood-mizer sawmill, portable sawmill, out of the woods, wood, forestry, tym tractor, wood-mizer lt40 wide, norwood, timber, timberking, logs to lumber, sawing logs, millennial farmer, farm, youtube, wranglerstar, circle sawmill, sawmill videos, homestead, rural living, diy, timber frame, live edge table, black walnut wood, shorts, off grid, log cabin, off-grid, self reliance, my self reliance, best ever, amazing machines, firewood, log cabin build, alaska, logging, stihl
Id: QAYyp07xTO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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