sawing the nicest cherry log on this mill ever # 364

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[Music] foreign a little bit better yeah you still got that coat hanging on there and uh it is like in the 30s it is damp and cold it rained last night it's just one of them nasty just a nasty date the good news is there's no wind hey super thanks us uh I'd like to thank Dave's not here thanks thank you Dave we appreciate the support uh that will go right in the fuel tank and speaking of fuel the price of off-road diesel in our area delivered to the mill is down to three dollars a gallon last time we bought it was 5.27 527 for you know we bought 100 gallons so I'm going to get 200 gallon for almost the same price so that is not bad so we're going to get that topped off the fuel filter problem is fixed uh the the main filter come out of the bottom of the tank was almost at a point where it's plugged I changed all three so we're in good shape the bus motor even sounds more mean than it did before also we hit 60 000 Subs hey everybody that's watching thank you so much for supporting us you got us here and uh we're on our way to 100 that's what we're going to do and we got license plates we got Texas and I think this is our first uh and he was our first Texas and this is from James Strickland he lives in Detroit Texas so uh he said tell the Eddie Horvath and ZZ Marky said hi and we will proudly hang these up on the wall so thank you James and we want to talk about the edger too everybody's asking when you get a new edger I talked to Robert from Cook's manufacturing uh Thursday in fact and he said we're still looking at end of February early March so it's it's a little ways off but uh they're building this thing from scratch and you got something there I do I get we wanted to because the holidays yes buy some help us out another way go to the store and buy some merchandise these sweatshirts are really nice yeah the hoodies are nice uh hats hats uh you name it and we got the stickers and uh so please go over and check it out it's down in the description uh markalichi and you can click on that takes you right to the store so what do we got going today more cherry more cherry this first log you're gonna like this first log is what they call grade law it's it's a nice fat one and a little punk on it money log a money log and we'll make money boards thanks to Ben key heed and uh awesome so we're not getting nothing let's get going okay everybody let's get started here and we got the bus motor all healed up new filter uh we're gonna be sawing some nice cherry I put the log on the carriage yesterday because we was uh metal detecting and uh loading logs all right I'm Gonna Bump It Forward a little bit here lasers looking all right relight my furnace it's a little chilly out here today so all right let's let's go with that we were solid last week that's when that uh filter was very noticeable all right take a little bit more of that out or off the bus motor sounds much better okay we're trying something different with the camera today so see how it turns out Oh What a Beautiful log huh old oil longer too and she'll warm right up got a couple of funky tapers back like you have a problem with them Bleeding Out trying to pump his sometimes you can't win with it you got the cold oil and this thing just don't want to work I think we got it where we things are cold they don't want to work right there we go a bit more okay that's the only thing I don't like about salt in the winter time but yeah the price of diesel fuel is coming down that just makes us happy that he likes it all right let's lay this down he's working on the two faces chewing is like all right let's get the knees out of the way a little bit slowly boom there we go let's start with that we'll get past that South Wood a little bit on there I'll take a thin one off for ZZ good save there Eddie this is just a beautiful stick of cherry yep that is a money board right let's go to the other face and hear a boom all right beautiful these are the kind of logs I can saw all day long not like that last video I was cutting them folks they were all split up all right I'm gonna flip that other face back out I'm trying to work the um the Box the heart here all right let's get back to it still mention piece of fas out of that so let's take one more let me see if we're riding that fifth real quick here oh we're about centered there so let's lay it down then we'll work them other two faces down we still got over seven inch wide board there just got to make a decision but let's get up to Mr laser you see a little shadow be good it brings you back pretty close that's just perfect porch your goal is to get the highest grade Lumber you can all right we're gonna saw that one more board off here let's see where that knot structure does there not too bad just take one more just work that last face all right all right let's continue all right now we're down below our six inches so the best we can produce now is a select not really worried about it because we're we're still pulling seven inch wide FAS Four Tops foreign boards down this small but we're going to see something here pull out four but they're still going to be clear clean that up a little yeah when you can work them down this small we'll take one more off the other side and call this log quits all right this long it's like I'm going to take it down to an even four inches all right let's just take a full board off it's looking good yet with it that has to be one of the best yielding logs that we had in a long time all right we got it from big and beautiful to little and ugly so let's get our next victim out here yeah he's cutting it into uh block pieces oh let's just go with uh this log isn't going to yield nothing too nice here oh well they all can't be good that piece of nonsense out of there pull some of that bark off the top of that foreign got a hold of her all right let's finish this little little guy up like that that's better and Tim probably zonked us already it's funny I mean the Paul Bunyan so yeah we was talking about that last night I was with us all fuzzy and uh we had such a good time um very humbling experience it's funny to something toward us let's just take that off right now there we go but these logs in general are in good shape for how long they set you could do this with really too many other Woods besides Walnut get away with it let's see where we're at oh let's turn that other face off we're getting too close to them all right sure up so nice looking board there take one more all right let's just work them other two faces a little bit more and we'll finish this up and we might even shoot a Friday video because we can't I got two more days to work for the year very happy get to get away from the micro mismanagement that'll help is a good thing yeah it's more of a fence board there take one off the other side call this one Bliss come on I didn't want to Coop right here it's hard to turn that little light ones nothing there that's where the manual Mills they can flip these little casts down real quick all right everybody we're gonna let you go here and we'll talk to you here when we're done all right and there's your bonus video this is that hard maple and anybody that has a sawmill when you're sawing maple you have to sticker it immediately if we flat pack this overnight this would be uh it would be all stained up overnight and that is just look at that this beautiful Maple there um that was just a random video I Threw it everybody and uh there's the Cherry there's more cherry there's more cherry and Over Yonder there's more cherry so I hope everybody likes sawing Cherry everybody'll get you guys into the picture here yeah we've got some more cherry in the back yep and Eddie's finishing up the sticker in here that way tomorrow the customer comes gets it and they're like well how come these boards aren't Prestige yeah it will not be prestige there it is there's the dog board the dog board we might want that and this thing you can see as you're looking down at how much that chair or that Maple Springs when you're cutting it that whole thing was just uh it was bowing that tree's only two weeks old yeah you talk about fresh but all right everybody I hope you enjoyed this video and uh please share please like and please subscribe if you haven't already and please go over and check out our merchandise store and get somebody some bus motor production stuff for Christmas well the hats are really nice yeah quality hat uh I don't know if they can still get stuff before Christmas but you can still order it um appreciate it help us out there but all right everybody we'll see you on the next one thank you all right [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: mark galicic
Views: 63,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gkYnXrOBrRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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