Woodland Mills vs Woodmizer sawmill comparison

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that's cool George feels his comparing this whole container up there is that what you do yeah yeah which that's not fun either it's more fun than getting wet hey man there you go the higher you lift it the small of a stream yeah you're a little baby puny arms little baby arms all right Mr camera man you get up here Hoist the bucket George write down your material list of what we're making here four by eight by fourteen so what are we doing 10 4 inch by eight inch by 14 Footers and what's that for all right Sawmill this this so your future Sawmill shed yeah that's really the goal of the day the dueling Sawmills is all about click bait no well I mean it's good for people to see differences yeah somebody's looking to buy a sawmill at least they'll know what they're getting overall you're happy with your purchase yeah you've had yours a year you know I mean sure sure but I have an Austin so I it's great it's great because it came with an Austin just this is the best song ever well I went and put options on mine after I bought it so you want to give a quick overview of yours yeah it's an lt15 wide got the trailer package so it's the lt15 go and then I bought toe boards which were here I bought the stainless bunk covers which are there and that's it and you can Mill how wide uh it'll go 30 35 and three quarters for the saw cut 35 and three quarters yeah they said it'll hold a 36 inch log that's 16 foot long so this built to hold them and horsepower uh 25 I think 25 horsepower twin cylinder yeah and the blades you went with a thicker blade right yeah so they come with 043 thick blades and I think they're 172 inches long because it's a wide Mill and I didn't like the o4 twos because they they go Way Beyond me because it's so wide so then I tried the o45s and they were better and then I noticed they had 05 fives and I figured out I'll give that a try and man I love them this is the same blade that's on like an lt70 no kidding you can rip through wood with that I mean it it is solid what's an investment in a blade 32 bucks 32 bucks yeah when you buy a box of 15. so you can buy them somewhere else probably get them cheaper but I've had the chance to run your mail a little bit and I like the power feed feature oh yeah so it'll feed into the log without uh I mean we're just talking about some of the differences but you've added some stainless covers um what else have you added toe boards toe boards you gotta have toe boards those are so nice but what he's got is he got an automatic feed so it's actually a rope so this rope right here will power the mill and I was shocked so some of the things I notice about it is it's the this is so you flip it up and you turn the knob and it comes Bob down and it stops that's a nice little feature and then coming back just comes back full speed which you can see I bent my bolt already because you came back so fast yeah chipped a little paint there George yeah so George has his bucket so one of the things I find odd is the is the sawdust discharged same side as the operator which is odd I it's harder to bring your Mill down than it is up yes you cranks up really easy there's a counterweight in here there are two gas shocks and they put 300 pounds of lift on this thing so it's lifting 300 pounds right now gotcha these gas socks I already went through a pair because in the winter I lowered the head all the way down and parked it in the garage well they're under maximum compression when you do that the gas leaked out over the winter months so I had to replace them so now when I park it it goes all the way to the top parked yeah and then I'll park it for you know a day or two or whatever gotcha so what do you have invested in this George uh with the bunk covers and the toe boards about 17. so you've got Georgia 17 000 on this unit and then we'll go through some of the things that you like and dislike about this unit I love that unit I mean I think it's an awesome little Sawmill man and then Austin's got how many hours you got on this often this says 45. our other meter reads like 50 88 or something like that gotcha so I don't know which one it is it's around the 50 hour mark So major differences um this is wide yep 30 inch wide Mill right um which is awesome for such a homeowner Mill that can go 30 inches wide I mean an lt-35 it can only go 25. that's it you're maxed so you can feed an lt-35 with that thing it's about half the engine right 14 horse Kohler 14 horse Kohler uh some of the things that we did is we want to know we added an RPM meter awesome explain the RPM meter and how it helps you so I mean you can see it's just this wire it's not attached very well at the moment but this wire comes up and wraps around the ignition wire at the spark plug and it's actually sensing the electrical firing of the spark plug to kind of tell you how many times that spark plug's firing can give you how many RPMs your engines running at what it does is tell me if I'm running at high enough RPM if I'm having issues with wavy Cuts they're not smooth they're not straight whatever I'll look at my RPMs if they're not high enough then I know I got an issue it also tells me when it's time to change blade as your blade gets dull it works harder to pull through the wood your RPM drops so when I put a brand new blade on I'll be holding between four thousand and forty one hundred yeah we juice the engine a little bit beyond what is recommended based on Dan Reed's recommendation at 4000 RPM it cuts better 40 to 41 it cuts really well I can do good Cuts maintaining 39 when I start seeing that RPM drop down around 38 I know it's time now the engine's designed I want to be clear it's designed to run 3600 RPM we just we upped it a little bit for the amount we use it you know if we end up having to buy an engine sooner then so be it but the time we Mill is less so the big things I notice about this is the uh strength of the steel on this unit compared to the wood Miser like the bunk thickness you know just the thickness of the bunk compared to the thickness of this I mean what is that 3 8 that's pretty thick 316 steel and then this is not as thick this comes standard with the stainless bunk covers which is nice we've noticed running some logs probably at the very Max of this machine we've maxed out the woodlands hm-130 Max with the Mills right here you can see we have push the log on here and took that weldman out and that's actually look at the short bunk right next to the shortstop right next to it I think it's this one yeah a log or something hit it and it's just just a tick off let's see that yeah a little bit but the other ones are still in square so if you just go by the other ones you're fine gotcha so when you're running heavy production on a middle like this but we have 8 500 invested in this machine so it's 5 000 for the mill with the extra what 10 blades and then this is a Dan Reed Trailer from Argyle Wisconsin so it was like 2000 2200 for this trailer and it allows us to Mill 16 and a half foot long but uh yeah I'm happy with this I'm happy with it I can see the advantages of both machines for sure so it's a little harder to crank this up but this is what I call like a serious homeowner unit where this is more of a professional build no this is a homeowner unit but it's for slabbing I got you so because both of them are manual Mills both of these are manual Mills there's no Hydraulics turning the logs uh we are Austin they're not production Mills yeah they're not high production Mills so if you see this pile of logs this just made George laugh because this is a lot of Milling that's a summer's worth of logs that is a lot of logs so and then our goal today George I want to cut 10 beams so cool and then I'll introduce this is my son Jared my son Jonathan this is Austin and George and we're going to Mill as much as we can today so these two are here to help off there and one of us is going to run the tractor uh Austin's gonna run the mill and Jordan's gonna run his mower's gonna help each other and try to know as much as possible that's really cool yeah it'll be a fun day there's the inside of the Woodland Hills so the wheels they're about the same size as the wheels on mine in this Frame I mean that's 3 16. they got the wires they run in this little Channel runs down there trailer for this thing so this is how you move thank you the blade guide as opposed to a lever up here that you can reach while you're cutting [Music] there's your oil drain on this one oil drain is here [Music] and this is what I was saying removing that it's 11. [Music] as far as the rollers go this is a little thicker on here and these are covered and on here this is a little thinner and these are not covered but they got the wire to clean them out so it doesn't really matter they work they they're good so here let's see we're at seven and a half in the handles left so I'll go around once and then move the quarter inch per turn over here one turn is two inches so you can see there I'm gonna go back up one full turn and you're up there two inches so that's another difference you could do a lot of cranking on that but this has the gas shocks which go bad sometimes so yeah it's six of one half dozen of another these are the differences though here are the throttles here the throttle also goes to this see that valve there when you turn the throttle on the water turns on really nice feature I mean the hose is kind of small but it's a nice thing to have this this little valve is awesome you have a valve up there you can adjust the flow from that right there and then down here you have a ball valve and I actually adjust the flow here um to engage the throttle this goes down this right here pull it down like that that engages the throttle and the blade and the uh it hooks the blade up the drive belt and the blade starts spinning on this all you got to do is push the throttle in right here and it starts going and then in here this is a centrifugal clutch so like a mini bike and when it goes faster the clutch grabs and starts this spinning the blade guides this uses two plates or a blade guide [Music] so the blade is like sandwiched between two plates and it does have this to keep it in so it can't come all the way out and this you have wheels for the blade guide they spin I have had one of these go bad already but that's because they had the wrong bearing in it quad clamps these log clamps are I mean they're they work good slip the lever down it locks it in these log clamps you crank them in [Music] um you got a 36 inch wide bed but these only go out to and then you can see you can't go that far over [Music] so if you've got a log that comes out to here you're not going to get that clamp on it you're going to have to put Chuck blocks under it or something like that same thing with this this clamp isn't going to come all the way out to the edge and it goes out this way so I mean it's not full width I think every Sawmill is pretty much like that his tires these are bigger tires than those like about four inches bigger this is a car tire and that's like from a Hugo now [Music] all right we're on it there are you guys on it down there 23 inch sawing with Sandy a big 22 down here and it's 15 foot long 15-4 15 4. so this Mill caught a great big lawn man oh yeah eight months long even bigger if you'll go 30 inch well do you have 30 inch across the blade uh when you're wide open wide open it's more like 30 and a half 30 and a half perfect um that's what's important on a Sawmills is the big three that we have is making your four by eights I have to be careful which way I cut because I only have oh yeah you got a cup four high right I only had seven and a half clearance above the blade come and measure this above the blade I don't even know what it is it looks similar but I think it's closer to 10. yeah so you're getting like 11 11 okay which is is nice because we have run into that all right you like paper if you had toe boards I'd say yes I'm gonna do it just because slabs are going to be so ridiculous ridiculously hard to handle because when you fat down at the one end right so here's here's Austin's toe Bloods you got to see this this is clever I really like this we got this c-channel this one was supposed to fit sideways and it never really worked out so we just the sea Channel slides wherever I need it to and I put a piece of that's a dried out piece of uh popcorn on there because with these soft Woods if you just go directly to the pine log then the foot of the Jack will sink into the bark shouldn't you turn that so it's facing you or no so the lever's facing you I know because if I do that I can't get on the switch to let it down ah okay the sidewalk important tip learned that one the hard way and I'm not quite square on it the hardest part of this contraption is just making sure that it's squared up good because if it's not you wind up kind of kind of taking it off of it it starts rolling yeah the stops a little bit all right okay so the other one should pivot through but I gotta lose this one I should have gained enough right there and it's about three quarters of an inch so we're eating like 22 22 and a quarter there oh Nate's bringing the other lot and my stops are on that side so I can't put glove stops up that right there [Music] three inches I need down here we go Nate [Music] [Applause] oh yeah I don't know about this [Music] with this I got it up a inch and a half how'd you mount that on there It Bolts ah Georgie Georgie Georgie yeah you can see that with Miser never considered the stainless conference no that's kind of loose bud I know the Bottom's hitting it's not going anywhere yeah this is a wood Miser if you're watching stainless covers this what else your grip everything needs to be redone yeah yeah the grip an easel man that is uh I think it's high enough I think we got it I mean it's not perfect but where's the pit because the pit is off center here yeah you're like 14 with a fifth there all right and 16 down here so we're gonna add 17 16 3 4 17. oh man all right this is half inch you get a six-sided one though like a six star yeah instead of this 12-sided yeah so I gotta go find a six-sided socket for mine this is a six-sided this here this is 12-2 no C6 that's six but that's not big foreign I'm not sure which is easy jacking it or lifting it this way yeah I don't know I mean your jack picked that other log up pretty easy yeah our logs probably about 800 pounds lighter than this one is yeah I don't know Austin these wood misers they're like high maintenance so you just gotta wait wait until we have to roll this over oh yeah you know what oh you sure yeah you got wheels on your uh log stops yeah they're well look at these babies why don't you just grab it and roll it over yeah no problem oh they need grease if these were greased I'd totally do it Austin no I just need to square up the one are you gonna use a doll one so George beats you it's oh okay how many are on yours George zero locks oh I see where this is going I see I gotta have an excuse I can't get beat and not have a reason right look George it's not a race it's not a competition this is showing people that's not a race but if it were I'd win [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice black cut what it is down here I think it may have a hump on this knot that looks pretty good the pass I'd say right there with the only spot there's a little bit right there but not really you're winning the 16th all the way down that's good enough pretty happy that's why it's called rough cut look at that [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] in position okay [Applause] Go real slow hey hey one of you hold it up you gotta come around this side Austin let me move the bottom over okay let's go yeah [Applause] go the other way [Applause] all right you want to just get under it and lever it over if I don't hold this I don't want yards to be right listen you got to pull the bottom out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey that actually all I did was bounced it a couple times I got a knife what say it again [Music] awesome I can't believe they flipped that by hand [Music] so this is the latest slab here see there's like Orange in this there's more orange over here there's bees all around me I hear them buzzing and then down here check this out got red in it is even red up there it's like bleeding and as we go down here you got the tight little knots there's some more red special I'm amazed that you had a log that I could cut all of these out if that blows my mind yeah well your old time that was huge George is Wares here are the four by eights for my Sawmill shed so you got two four six thirteen of them 10 12 13 yeah nice and those are true four by eights and the only thing we screwed up was I cut a dip in one at least I think that's mine I think so I think all the ones I did are on the bottom yeah I'm pretty sure they are and these are 16 foot long so shouldn't be a problem cutting off you know the broken ends or anything so those four by fours those are nates just some blocking that we cut and then over here made a bunch of 16 foot true two by twos a couple four by fours there's some boards underneath I think with normal sized logs that's a nice Mill that cuts through everything yeah you cut four by eight so without any trouble at all I mean you cut way faster than I was but I was cutting a bigger log but yeah I like the auto water on feature mine was just pouring out water every time we turned around I had to chips we're not used to that so the auto water on is good but that water system needs beefed up yeah that doesn't handle small doesn't handle in particular very well it doesn't handle any particular and it just needs you just it just needs to be more flow and then be able to then hold it back a little bit the only thing I saw on your mail that would cause me any problems at all is that seven and a half inches you have above the blade and you run into that because you want to cut an eight by eight and you can't do it above you have to do it below yep so other than that this is I think only that maybe the second time or third time we've run into that being an issue yeah but when you run into it it's really a pain in the butt it's half the investment it's not as heavy duty as this but so on this one when I was cutting the standing four by eights they kept hitting the slanted part of that if I went eight and an eight I couldn't get by it I had to go eight inches exactly okay and it was so I saw that yeah so the way you get around that is you leave a four by four along the edge up inside and then you can go 11 inches high yeah so that's called the throat right yeah yeah but that slanted part that's a pain in the butt that why would Miser doesn't do something to move the engine over just a hair or I don't know the trailer having the stainless pieces with your um the toe board the tub boards work they do they do that was a heavy lock that was a 3 600 pound lock we lifted it from three feet in from the end so I mean that that toe board worked it did 1800 pounds yeah yeah if you're doing an 18 inch log it comes up and down no problem at all so that was probably pushing it on an eye level no I mean pushing like what do they design for I don't know I know I know I want one more to go right up there so George pointed out that these are designed so the wheels are on the ground that has the wheel above the ground so if you step on it lean on it it'll spin right or this is designed for no safety standpoint if you step down off the mill yeah but you know what if you're on uneven ground there's always one wheel off the ground is there such small wheels and I've stepped on it and ended up on my butt yeah and I've done that on this one I see why the did you pull the cranks off and just use a was there a crank like see how yes there was a there was well no it wasn't a crank on the jack stand there was a hand crank that you used it had a socket that went down over there I got you and I said heck with that I put it on my drill one much easier I see uh Austin has put a nice little dent in a couple yeah we need one what'd you hit that way to break it like that I think if I remember it a while ago we were loading a log that found its way over a stop or something and it came off the backside Might Have Been Me remember when it happened because the handle didn't come off when it happened it came off the next time I went to use it okay so it's like come on but I mean as far as sawing there's some differences between the Mills that I'd be happy with either middle Community me too yeah you can cut some good stuff you know I do like the power feed oh Power Up Down would be nice I'm pretty sure they have a feed for it too really I I thought I saw something about them developing I wouldn't it wouldn't be surprisingly if someone built one yeah it wouldn't be that difficult to build really but you know what you know what Mill would have done us really proud today the uh Timber King Timber King it's a Timber King Mill it's 40 inches wide so it would have and it's hydraulic so it handled any of this and I think they're about 60 Grand is that all compared to eight or six well I paid less than that for this entire property yeah well you know what though it's a nice milk and so is the lt70 wide and the lt-35 well the lt-40 wide I either of those would be great the lt40 is two inches narrower than this so we would have had problems with this lot how is it that when we get a mill we just push it to the Limit every time yeah that's what I'm wearing it doesn't matter you can say oh I gotta get the next size bigger it doesn't matter if you get the next size bigger you're going to get slightly larger logs and you're just going to keep pushing it's not the Mills you know what I found is that there's so many Sawmills in Middlefield and they all want 12 to 18 inch logs they'll go up to 24. I understand why I understand why so finding lots that are bigger than 24 inch is cake yeah no one wants them no and I'll take all of them you know and I do so I'm used to beating myself up with big locks yeah but it's a good time I mean look at this I enjoyed it that was fun I liked having two saw notes it was cool you know when you were cutting the boards and I was still doing slabs I'm like we should give them a slab to cut up because that would be handy to do it in stages I wish I wish it would have worked out that way I wish we would have been able to because that would have been a lot quicker oh it wasn't can't hook falling down yeah good time all right guys I'm out I'm gonna go pass out get these boys home I'm gonna go eat the other half of that enormous calzone Woodland Mills you pull the trigger and the water goes I want him standing next to me they do thanks for watching Okay so how many slabs did we get here one two three four five six seven eight black walnut slabs there's one over there that's a partial slab this one is four and a half inch thick that was a big lock and these are what are they 35 inch wide about 34 35s so they're they're pretty big after 30 inches I don't pay attention yeah so yeah so all I got to say about this one is crotch crotch crotch crotch crotch crotch crotch I'm telling you this guy in his Crotched all right so thanks for watching
Channel: Middlefield Custom Sawmill
Views: 190,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ze9XiueMWDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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