Savory Crusty Artisan Bread - No Knead and easy to make!

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everyone today I'm going to teach you how to make the most amazing artisan bread it's a no need recipe it's very simple to make and it's very fast you can make it in one day easily come on with me and I'll teach you how to make it alright and excited to make this for you guys today this is a very fast very good recipe and it's super simple to make all you're going to need for the ingredients are salt olive oil flour very hot water and some active dry yeast super simple let's just get started here we're going to need three cups of flour so you measure out three cups of flour into this just a large mixing bowl you guys are going to be just so happy with this recipe pull four it's easy to make and for its taste oh and we fantastic so there's our three cups of flour and I know this is going to seem strange but all you're going to use is 1/4 teaspoon of yeast we're just going to add our quarter teaspoon of yeast and we're going to add 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of salt and this is a little little extra salt but I love the flavor that it gives the bread it's just the perfect amount in my opinion whisk that together distribute all the ingredients and then we're going to add our water remember this is very hot water it's not scalding hot you're not going to hurt the yeast I'm just going to mix it together it's going to be a very loose and shaggy dough they call it and that is good this is going to make for an amazing looking and tasting bread and it's gonna just work very very fast as you can see I'm just combining any ingredients really quick and you know Talent Italian bread is a savory stout bread as I mentioned before and the olive oil is going to make it just taste amazing I had about a tablespoon all right so we're going to do with this is all that we have to do mix ingredients together very quickly we're going to cover it with a warm towel or a towel and set it you don't even have to set this in a warm place all you're going to do is let this rise for three to five hours now in my opinion five hours is the best the last batch I made I increase the time that I let it proof by an hour I usually did four hours you can do as little as three and it will work just fine but five hours let the flavors develop and it was amazing after five hours this is what we have looks very bubbly it's puffed up quite a bit maybe twice this size that it originally was and smelling fantastic what we're going to do is we're gonna turn this out put a little flour here under the counter we have our oven heating currently to 375 degrees you can see this is very a very sticky dough very shaggy as they call it I'm just going to drop a little bit of flour keep it from sticking here we're just going to turn it a few times in on itself very easy recipe there's no kneading involved with this this one is quite che so we're going to give a little bit extra flour here just kind of bunch it up in a ball here turn it in we've got some parchment paper here we're going to turn this onto the parchment paper let it rest in another Bowl cider oven we have something very special we have a Dutch oven so while the oven is is heating up you want to put this in the oven to get this hot as well you want to make sure that you've got one with a metal handle here and this is going to be extremely hot what that's going to do is when the bread is cooking inside the Dutch oven it's going to create steam it's going to give it the bread a a beautiful crustiness and that's what a lot of professional bakeries do so we'll get this in our oven we'll get this heated up in about 30 minutes we're going to drop everything in here parchment paper included and we're going to cook that bread for about 30 minutes all right everyone we're gonna take our heated Dutch oven out of the oven here careful this is extremely hot we're going to transfer parchment paper bread here we're gonna leave it just like that put the top back on back in the oven for 30 minutes all right it's been a half an hour what we're going to do is we're going to take the top off we're going to put the bread back in the oven to crisp up the crust that is looking beautiful just the way it is but we want a little bit crispier crust now I found that about eight minutes is perfect for this there it is folks that is gorgeous pull this out of here look at that gorgeous artisan bread we appreciate you watching subscribe to our channel have a great day we're so happy you joined us and we hope you enjoyed the bread please click on the video on the right-hand side of the screen to see our review of the marbled small cam packs also click on the subscribe button we'd love to have you here on a permanent basis give us a thumbs up on the video and then go visit our blog at country living experience com appreciate it thank you
Channel: Country Living Experience: A Homesteading Journey
Views: 865,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artisan bread no knead, artisan bread no knead recipe, artisan bread recipe, artisan bread dutch oven, Savory Crusty Artisan Bread - No Knead and easy to make!, no knead, quick bread, crusty, artisan, savory, How to make no knead bread
Id: T_DzHnR28Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2016
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