The EASIEST Bread EVER! Crunchy, No Knead Recipe.

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] good morning everybody time to go milk the goats [Applause] [Music] in the spring Kevin made me an automatic goat milk girl and I use that on Rory who is our oldest doe recently I was asked why I'm hand milking why I'm not using that automatic milkers and the reason is I really just don't think that over time the milk er is the best thing for a goat I think it affects their milk supply and and it shortens the length of time that they produce milk so that's why I've spent a lot of time and effort getting these two ready to be milked and working with them I think that hand milking is much more natural I think it mimics the way the babies suckle from them we haven't had any decrease in milk production with these two and this spring I would have been down a lot by using automatic milker the milk er is great for when you have a goat that just will not let you milk girls like Rory or in a situation like if I would have to go away to take care of you know one of my parents or something it gives Kevin an option to use tune-up with goats and I also I enjoyed hand milking or expecting another winter storm to come through our area tonight so it's gonna be another great soup night on the homestead so I thought I'd show you guys an easy bread recipe you're gonna be blown away at how easy this is it turns out to be a nice crunchy loaf of bread perfect to go with soup and it only takes a few minutes of prep time a little bit of waiting time and people are gonna think that you spent hours and hours making it so let me show you I've also made this for our farmers market to take along and sell I can tell you this really great seller at the farmers market because it looks like a real artisan bread that you spent a lot of time making we're going to start with three cups of flour you can use bread flour or all-purpose flour we always use organic all-purpose flour now in our homestead we don't eat any bought bread so everything we eat is homemade so that's why I'd like to have a number of different recipes to make because then you don't get sick of just having the same thing over and over and over so we're gonna start with three cups of flour we're gonna add a quarter of a teaspoon of yeast and you can use either just the regular yeast or the fast yeast it doesn't matter and then we're going to add one teaspoon of salt we use the pink Himalayan salt but you can use regular table salt if you would prefer and that's it as far as dry ingredients go I'm just going to whisk that together [Music] so other than the dry ingredients the only other thing is one and a half to one and 3/4 cups of hot water you want this to be a fairly sticky dough no you don't want boiling water you want like hot tap water I just let our tap water run as hot as it'll get and that's what I use I just pour that in and again it should be a sticky consistency I always start with one and a half cups if that doesn't seem like enough just add like a tablespoon more at a time until it's you know a sticky consistency what we're going to do now is really just let this dough rest we're going to cover the bowl with plastic wrap and then we're going to let this rest just on the counter just at room temperature for three hours while the bread is rising we're gonna come outside and get a couple things done if we have a cold spell that's come in and so there are some things that we need to do to get ready for that specifically we need to add more bedding to a couple of the goat areas and as we're gonna work on that now and get those things done [Music] looks good so head down boy [Music] the last thing we need to do before we go back in and check on the bread is we're gonna put some straw in with the rabbit let's go our winters here in Missouri are pretty mild and we don't get very much snow at all so these rabbit tractors are still appropriate for our rabbits now if you're in the Upper Midwest or Canada where there's a big snow load I'm not sure that these would be sturdy enough but you could probably make some modifications to keep them in housing like this [Music] all right we're back in from doing our chores it's been just a little over three hours since we started our bread and so far all it's been doing is sitting on the counter while we were outside working so you the bread has doubled in size inside of the bowl you can see that it looks fluffier and so now all we're going to do is we're going to use a dough scraper if you don't have one you can just use a spatula but a dough scraper works best and we're just going to put that onto a floured board I get a lot of questions about my kneading board all this is is a piece of oak plywood I bought this years and years ago the thing with kneading boards is the more you use them the better they get that flour kind of gets worked in and so it's nothing special just a piece of good quality oak wood so so what we're going to do now is just again use the dough scraper and it's it's a sticky dough and we're just going to get it out of the ball onto that flour now we're going to use our our dough scraper well first we're going to add some flour to the top of the bread just sprinkle a little on top of the dough and now we're going to use our dough scraper to just flip this a few times and our flour we're just going to form it into a into a ball and that's really all you need to do so we're going to take another ball and a piece of parchment paper now we're gonna take our dough ball and just put it in like that now we're going to cover this with a towel and we're going to preheat our oven well the next thing that you need to do is preheat the oven to 450 degrees but while it's preheating you have to have a Dutch oven that will go inside to preheat with the oven it's important that the bread will bake in a already heated Dutch oven so we'll put this at 450 and we'll put our Dutch oven inside and then we're going to set a timer for 35 minutes that's how long the bread needs to rest and that's all we need to do until it's time to put the bread in the oven all right well the oven has been preheating for about 35 minutes so we're going to go ahead and take the Dutch oven out the Dutch oven is heated up to 450 degrees so we're going to go ahead and get the bread put in now you want to be careful not to burn yourself when you're doing this part so we have our bread in the parchment paper we're going to put the dough with the parchment paper into the Dutch oven now we're going to put our lid back on and we're going to bake that in the Dutch oven with the lid on for 35 minutes at that point we'll take it out take the lid off and bake it for about another 10 minutes with the lid off that's it we'll set a timer for 30 minutes and checkout it then oh and while this is baking Sarah's got the soup started she's gonna be making a black bean soup to go with the bread and it's gonna be amazing so I'm starting off just with some vegetables onions a bunch of different kinds of peppers carrots garlic and some of the chili peppers that I grew in the garden I'm just softening them and a little bit of lard let's start adding some other things I'm gonna add one pint of diced tomatoes from the garden one quart of poultry broth and about 4 cups of already cooked black beans actually made these black beans for a soup I made in a video from a couple days ago I still have more beans so they're going in the soup today and I'm just making black bean soup that'll be really tasty I've got some spices to go in there some herbs and then we'll just let that cook for a while right before we serve it well blend it up with an immersion blender it'll be so tasty all right it's been 30 minutes let's take our Dutch oven out and see how the bread looks you see the parchment paper is a little brown but that's okay look at that that is turning into a beautiful loaf of bread so now we're going to put this back into the oven with the cover off just to get it even a little more Brown this is this step is really just watch it I might take ten minutes I might take five minutes when I take 15 just keep an eye on it this is already looking pretty Brown so I don't think it's gonna take a whole lot longer so I'm going to put it back in I'm gonna check it in five minutes alright so I ended up leaving it in it's been 8 minutes and I think it's about perfect look at that loaf of bread go ahead and take it out now that is an awesome loaf of really crunchy bread that will be perfect with soup you see what I mean about how it looks it looks like you really know what you're doing and you don't really need to know what you're doing it turns out perfect just every time I've never had to not turn out well so we're gonna let this cool while Sarah finishes up the soup and then we're gonna slice it and get ready for dinner soup is done I just have to blend it up now the spices I ended up using was some chili powder cumin coriander a bay leaf that's pretty much it Oh oregano it's not all but in your some salt and now I'm going to blend it up and hopefully it turns into this gorgeous black bean soup okay that looks great now I didn't completely turn it into a liquid we like it just a tiny bit chunky but I think it's gonna be fantastic with the bread that Kevin made so we need to put this on the dinner table and we need to slice up that bread because I am starving and I can't wait much longer for dinner all right so the breads been cooling for about 10 or 15 minutes no need to let it cool any longer we're hungry and want to eat dinner so you can hear how nice and crunchy that bread is let's cut some and see how it's gonna look so nice and crunchy on the outside but super nice and fluffy soft on the inside perfect I'm gonna cut this all up we'll take it over the table and it's time for dinner well it's finally time for dinner just the three of us tonight are your oldest daughter is playing in the band at a basketball game tonight so we're gonna dig in the soup looks amazing the bread you can't beat fresh homemade bread you guys I hope you try this recipe it's so easy again it's one of those things that just will impress people when they come over because they'll think that you're a real artisan baker and you don't need to be so if you enjoyed this I hope that you will hit the subscribe button before you leave if you know someone who would enjoy this share this on all your social media don't forget to check us out on Instagram as well and until next time thanks so much for stopping by the homestead take care and God bless god bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 748,752
Rating: 4.9221172 out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing, artisan bread, homemade bread, no knead bread, no knead, how to bake bread, bread (food), bread recipe, how to make homemade bread, how to make bread, dutch oven, bread baking, easy bread recipe, how to, fresh bread, how to make no knead bread
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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