The Best Homemade Artisan Bread Recipe | How to make Open Crumb Rustic Bread / Crusty white Bread

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This homemade Rustic artisan bread has an amazing  golden caramelized crunchy crust with a beautiful   light and airy open crumb inside. You will love the  chewy texture and wonderful flavor of this bread   In this recipe we are using a unique method and  technique. We use 80 percent preferment or Biga to   make our bread which is slowly fermented which  gives that delicious flavor to our bread and   while making this bread the actual hands on time  that we need to work with the dough is only less   than 15 minutes and so we can make this bread with  the least effort and in this simple bread recipe   we use only five basic ingredients flour water  salt yeast and the special ingredient that works   wonders is "time" so we'll prepare the pre-ferment  in the evening and we'll make the bread the next   day morning so in this video let's see how easy  it is to make this wonderful and flavorful bread let's start by preparing the biga or pre-ferment  into a bowl i'm adding some room temperature water   into this i'm adding a very little yeast it's  difficult to measure using a kitchen scale as   it's only about 0.1 gram by weight  and so it's better to say it's a two   pinch of yeast or almost 1 by 12 of a  teaspoon stir and dissolve it in water and now i'm adding flour into  this and using the rear end of   a wooden spoon i'm mixing them together  until it forms a shaggy massive dough we don't need to knead the dough but just  make sure there are no dry patches left behind   and now cover it with a cling film and let  the dough sit and slowly ferment for about   10 to 16 hours so it's been 14 hours and you  can see our dough has risen slightly and it's   best to use when it is at this stage  when the rise is at its peak; just before   it starts to collapse and before  bubbles starting to form on the surface so what we are going to do now is to prepare  a small bread dough so into a small bowl   i'm adding some water 1/4 of a teaspoon  of yeast and stir until it gets dissolved and then i'm adding flour  and combine to form a dough   i'm sprinkling the salt on  the surface of our preferment and now i'm stretching this dough and spread  it evenly on the surface of our preferment and now let's combine them together  to form a homogeneous dough   now our bread dough is ready and let it  proof for two hours and in between this two   hours of proofing time we will  try to strengthen the dough   so that our bread dough can  make a light and airy bread so it's been 45 minutes and now you  can see our bread dough is very sticky   but when our hands are wet it  will not stick to your hands so don't forget to dip your hands in water before  working with the dough to strengthen the gluten   strands of photo we are going to stretch and fold  the dough so stretch the dough from one side and   fold it onto itself and then turn the bowl 90  degree and then repeat the same on all four sides and now cover it again and let  it sit for another 45 minutes so after 45 minutes our  dough has risen slightly and now using a wet bowl scraper i'm  detaching the dough from the sides of the bowl   and then transferring this  dough onto lightly wet surface   and now stretch the dough  to form a rectangular sheet and then fold one third of the dough  from bottom and then from the top and then from both sides and this will help  to give more strength and shape to our dough   and now let's place it on another bowl  i've applied some oil inside so that   it will be easy for us to release the dough and now cover it again and let it sit and rise for  another 30 minutes so while the dough completes   its proofing let's prepare our proofing basket  where we will proof the finally shaped dough we   can use a "bannetton" which is ideal but as i don't  have one i'm using a rectangular loaf pan here   i'm dusting a kitchen towel with some rice  flour as rice flour is a gluten-free flour   it will prevent the dough from sticking  to it and now our proofing bowl is ready   so after 30 minutes our dough has risen slightly   and now let's take it out i'm  sprinkling the top with some flour   with the help of a dusted scraper i'm  scraping it from the sides of the dish   so that we can smoothly transfer this dough  onto the work surface and also don't forget to   dust the work surface with enough flour so that  the dough will not stick to the work surface   so now let's shape our bread we are not  going to do any fancy shaping just   roll it from both sides and pinch the seam  together so that it will hold that shape   and then place this onto the proofing pan with  the same side on top and again for creating more   surface tension i'm bringing the ends together  and pinching just like stitching the edges and now it's ready for proofing so cover it  and let it sit and rise for 50 to 60 minutes   and after 50 minutes our dough has a risen well   and now it's ready to go into the oven so  carefully flip it onto a parchment paper   and dust off any extra flour on top and now at this point i took out the  preheated oven dish from the oven   and carefully place the bread dough on it with the  help of a sharp knife or blade or with the help of   a lame we can score the bread dough and i'm placing  the lid back and it's ready to go into the oven so bake it at 480 fahrenheit or 250 c for  18 minutes and then reduce the temperature   to 450 fahrenheit or 230 c and bake for  another 10 to 12 minutes without the lid and after baking we'll get a beautiful loaf  of bread it has got wonderful oven spring and   i love the crust to have a very deep caramelized  golden color which gives a nice nutty flavor   which is so incredible and the crust  has a fine crunchiness which is so good   and you can see the inside of our bread is so  light and airy and as our bread dough has proofed   slowly it has got amazing flavor our bread  so delicious we can have it even with some   plain butter and i've worked on this recipe  to make it simple and easy to make it at home   i hope you like this recipe and i hope you will  make this at home and i'm pretty sure you will   love this bread if you like this video please give  your valuable thumbs up and please don't forget to   share this recipe with your friends and family  who love homemade bread and thank you so much   for your love and support and thanks for  watching this video see you next time
Channel: Bincy Chris
Views: 1,042,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easy Bread recipe, Rustic bread recipe, crusty bread recipe, crusty white bread recipe, crusty white bread, artisan bread recipe, artisan bread, best homemade bread recipe, homemade bread, Bread, Bread recipe, how to make bread, how to make rustic bread, easy artisan bread recipe, making bread, dutch oven bread, yeast bread recipe, yeast bread, simple bread recipe, best bread recipe, best artisan bread, best rustic bread, easy rustic bread, bread with biga, bread recipes
Id: Bzr1Pf2EotM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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