GE Patterson | Anger

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[Applause] well give them a handle freeze everybody hallelujah and now God our Heavenly Father we ask today that you would send forth your word as you promised my word is gone out from me and it will not return unto me void but it will accomplish where and to I have sent it so let your word go forth today that those who bound with chains might be released and set free and we take no credit for anything that you do but we give you all the praise the glory and the honor through Jesus Christ our Lord amen any man give the Lord another hand to pray then you may be seated oh my the last sting potion more than friends alive to me this pilgrim journey [Music] say let me walk will leave close to the close to the [Music] close to the [Music] this hill the ground journey say [Music] Miwa we'll open your Bible with me to the book of Ephesians chapter four my message today is going to be very brief and I don't even see any preaching in it really just something that the Lord I believe late in my spirit and the purpose the day of message of the day's message will not be to try to preach anybody happy about hopefully you'll consider what is being said from the Word of God and at a time of prayer that someone will be delivered and set free I want to talk about something that's not designed to make anybody happy because it's really one of the great evils of our day in Ephesians chapter 4 if you have it's a man read with me verses 26 and 27 you have it's a man it simply says here be ye angry and sin not let not the Sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil as one where verse 26 be angry I'm gonna talk to you today about anger as I said it's not designed to make anybody happy but if the message reaches this point it will save somebody's life because this one little word top licious is behind more human suffering than any of us could ever imagine anger is responsible for broken homes broken relationships murders destruction of property I mean the list goes on and on and on we even have generational anger we have ethnic anger we have family rivalry that's calls is a continuation of anger that that's been I heard something the news a few weeks ago that the Hatfields and the McCoys that certainly the suddenly decided finally decided that they were going to end that generational feud to families that start feuding years ago over century ago and it's just been going on and on and on but there are some people who hovers anger within that bosom and time and nothing else won't stop it if you think about it that the great problems that we're having in the Middle East today is really the continuation of Sarah and Haga angry with each other and it was passed on to Ishmael and Isaac and on down the line and as a result the whole world is paying a penalty fine go back in 1994 we had here in Memphis what came to be called as the Memphis miracle of the predominantly white Pentecostal churches Assemblies of God Church of God Church of God of Prophecy and the number of others had an organization of long-standing called the PF in a the Pentecostal Fellowship of North America and after we had talked down in Atlanta Georgia in that meeting in 93 they said well we need to set a place for our meeting in 94 and I invited them to come to Memphis and we went down to what was then called the Ellis auditorium and had daytime sessions where there were different papers that were read and submitted by different bishops and pastors and at night we had the evangelistic service and I remember that night when I was called upon to preach and I said something to the effect about how that we've had this thing about whites and blacks disappearing and and basically the blacks we get angry with the white slave master and as a results as anger angry with that descendants who had nothing to do with what their fathers did and many of the whites were angry at the blacks because of the various things that had happened over the years but the fact remains that it does not matter of what my great-great-great great-great grandfather did and what somebody else's great-great-great great-grandfather did you know if I've never done anything to you you have no business to be angry with me and I have no reason to be angry with you but anger can even become institutionalized and it's passed on down from one generation to another and the result of anger will always be something tragic now in the Bible the Bible is really replete with stories concerning anger and its result but I'm not going to go into but maybe two or three of these stories anger is not always caused by the misdeeds of others as we would like to believe to the contrary it is often caused by our own shortcomings I don't think that's a bad example then if you would make a note and read when you get home Genesis chapter 4 verses 1 through 15 because here we find that when Adam and Eve again I tell you it's not Adam and Steve it's Adam and Eve remember that it's not Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve and it's not even event but when Adam and Eve brought into the world their first two sons Cain and Abel anger started at the altar well you could set the offering table because the altar and the offering table were one in the same it was time for giving Cain brought his gift Abel bought his gift and what happened God looked at the two brothers gifts and he rejected both Cain and his offering but he had respect unto Abel and Abel's offering now Jane got angry with his brother and killed his brother when really all the brother did was what he thought was right in bringing his offering and it was God who was the determining factor but he got angry with Abel and what does he do but kill his brother as a result of his own anger he was cursed with reduced productivity and non acceptance you go back and examine it and that was his curse as a result of killing his brother his curse walls reduced productivity and non acceptance in other words God said to him if you read verses 10 through 12 and kind of paraphrase you put your brother's blood in the mouths of the earth therefore the earth will not give you back full strength when you go back to till the soil and not only is the earth going to deny you a full productivity but you're not gonna be accepted as you go here and there you're gonna be like a vagabond and a fugitive everywhere you go people are going to reject you and you're gonna have to move on now God said something bad that you'd be surprised what he really said that while you are angry at somebody else because they were able to do something that was blessed by God you are angry with them and it reduces your own ability to produce you can never do your best while you are busy jealous and angry with what somebody else is doing and then the other thing the non-acceptance nobody wants to be around an angry person that's always complaining you can come and choose a person that you know you new to the church and so somebody that I just met this is gonna be my partner and every time you get near that person they always got somebody that they are downing they're always angry always upset and eventually you just make sure you go away cuz you just don't want to hear it you join the choir and here's somebody complaining he'll never let me sing somehow the director he don't like me they don't know that and I mean you may hear that the first time but when you hear that two or three times I know no preacher even in this city that so everybody all over the country used to just really admire the fella but he complains they know him now as the kojic complainer that everything that happened he complains and nobody got it going on with him and everybody else is just you know eventually you see that that person is like the woman who was down on the corner watching the parade as all of the children went by and about a hundred and fifty of them but she pointed out to her other parents there see my boy he's the only one watching instead everybody else was off eventually you learn that the whole world didn't off and only one person his own now this anger that we see in the book of Genesis between Cain and Abel it is the anger of man directed to man but the Book of Jonah tells us of a man whose anger was directed at God look in the Book of Jonah in the end of chapter 3 here is a holy prophet and you got to watch it now you can be saved sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost but if you give space to the devil you you may think that there's nothing but a little almost microscopic cracked and a big old devil can't get in there but all you got to do is just let him find any kind of open and he will come in and not only will he come in he'll bring all his little demons and imps with it here is the holy prophet by the name of Jonah that the Lord speaks to at the beginning of the chapter tell him go down the Nineveh cry out against them their wickedness has come up before me and what does Jonah do but he does just the opposite instead of going the Nineveh he goes down to the seaport town of Joppa buys a ticket pays his fat head and fatah stris trying to flee from the presence of God the one thing you can't do you can't run away from him God sent a storm and the storm stopped the ship in the middle of the water and the Mariners became afraid and tried to lighten the ship so that it could go through the storm they threw everything overboard but the boat still wouldn't go why they had thrown everything over but the right thing sometimes we throw stuff over but we don't throw over the right thing that that ship wasn't going nowhere until Jonah got thrown over and when Jonah got thrown over everybody else was free some of y'all carrying some Jonah's that's another sermon I won't throw that way he got thrown overboard but when he was swallowed by that great fish and that's all it says and Jonah God had prepared a great fish in Matthew Jesus tells us that it was a whale and I know I've out at this point for so many years I know all of you great scholars will tell me that a whale in the fish that a whale is a mammal and if that's what your book says fine but evidently Jesus said the father has a different library card in heaven according to my library card he's a fish and if Jesus called him a fish I don't care what you call him he's still a fish and I also understand that you said he couldn't have been swallowed by a whale because it's big a monstrosity of the world is his throat it's too small to swallow man but you forget to read it says God had prepared a great fish and if God could make something that big it was a minor adjustment to enlarge his fruit to be big enough to swallow Jonah three days in the belly of this whale and he stopped praying and when he prayed God released him you're in a lot of folk into the whale's belly you into some stuff you think you can't get out of you tried everything except the one simple thing that'll bring you deliverance and that's prayer you've tried appealing to friends and high places you've tried pulling strings and working tricks you try everything now you tried everything else why don't you try prayer when Jonah prevail got sick you can meet make contact with the Lord and the thing that's holding you down will get sick of you the thing that's been carrying you down to the bottom of the ocean will suddenly realize that you've got to be released that whale came up from the bottom and went over to the show and vomited Jonah up on the shore he got up and ran to the city but when he gets to the city he is preaching a gospel of doom without race what does he preach forty days Nineveh will be overthrown that's another side to this thing we see doom and gloom and destruction everywhere but the dog we serve has still said that it can be turned around he said if I shut up to heaven that there be no rain if I send the locals to devour the land if I send pestilence among my people hallelujah if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways they don't have to see a continuation of destruction because there is another side he says when you pray out here from heaven I'll forgive the sin and I'll heal the land Jonah didn't even tell the Ninevites that the God who had promised to destroy them was a merciful God he didn't tell them that if you use the right approach God will turn his wrath around he just went in and City that should have taken him three days he did a quickie went through then one day everybody Nineveh God don't destroy your forty days and ran out the city and went somewhere waiting to see God destroy the city but the people somebody in there must have known Israel's God and the King got worried told everybody let's go on a fast I want everybody man and woman the fast don't even feed the cattle don't even feed the babies the everybody is going fast and when they fasted God turned his judgment around and Jonah was over there watching the see the smoke listening to hear the yells and the screams is something wrong with you and you say you say and sanctified and sealed what the Holy Ghost and you looking to see God destroy somebody cause you don't like them and when God didn't do it verse 10 which really ought to be first one verse 1 of chapter 4 because to read chapter 4 you got to start with verse 10 if you go understand it verse 10 of chapter 3 says and God saw that works that they turned from the evil way and God repented of the evil that he had said he would do under them and he did it not but it displeased Jonah exceedingly and he was very angry angry because God would not destroy a whole city sometimes I can be so totally misdirected so I see how you're looking at him and some of y'all looking at me just as angry as you can be Jonah got angry because God did not destroy the city and then the Lord gave Jonah a lesson and the lesson involved two little things a gourd and a worm Jonah's lying that waiting to see the city destroyed and all of a sudden God just let the wind began to blow from the east and ever then to the east winds where he was was like the south wind for us the more the wind blow the more it pumped in he and it just kept on and then the Sun was blistering down on his head and the Lord said even though this is my prophet and he got the wrong spirit I'm gonna give him some shelter and overnight he let her good this is a plant of undetermined origin nobody really knows that much about it all they know it was this some kind of a plant that grew up overnight and it became a shade tree for Jonah Jonah relax land back in the pool and while he's laying in the pool then God brings in a warning and the worm the Bible said smooth it up bidded I began to eat on it and the good that came up overnight died overnight and Jonah got angry again this time he's angry with the worm for killing the good Lord said Jonah do you think you're doing well to be angry I'm angry and I got a right to be angry how did you feel you were justified being angry because a worm destroyed the door and I refused to kill a hundred and twenty thousand people you got more compassion for God than 120 thousand people God had to show the Prophet himself in the mirror and when you read the Bible you sign instances of forgiveness the man who the king he old the King so much that went into hundreds of thousands of dollars and the King forgave him and then he went right out and found a man that old him about twenty-five dollars to him in jail so I'm not gonna let you go until you pay me everything you owe me and when the King heard about it he said if you gonna be that kind of fella then everything you old me is back again and God even put our forgiveness his forgiveness of us based on our forgiveness of us if you forgive not men that trespasses against you neither will your heavenly Father forgive you long as you're angry and mad and walking in unforgiveness because you don't know what she said about me you don't know what he did the Lord said long as you can't forgive I'm gonna snap back up the stuff that I forgave you of and when all is said and done have nobody ever done to us what we've done to God oh I know I know when I was coming along as a little boy and we would testify you know and the picture was you know I was a miserable sinner I was into this I was into that and the Lord forgave me washed me in his blood and now that's been 40 years ago and ever since he forgave me I've been living right and walking upright before him now see you just lied then because even though you didn't go back into the pit of sin every one of us have done something for which God had to forgive us it was either sin of commission of sin of omission something that he told us to do and we didn't do it but no matter what it is we serve a God who loves us enough to forgive us of our trespasses and yet we can hold things against each other angry stop praising God and start over to the side and see that when you angry and I'm sorry this in which all want it but that this is what the Lord gave me for the day intent and I'm not about to be - Jonah got angry because God refused to kill a whole city we got that same thing today maybe not on that scale but how many people are there who get angry because God chooses somebody else instead of you hello God chooses whom you win and sometimes look like the person God chooses like I'm a better person than them and maybe that's the reason he didn't choose you you know God God has a strange way of doing things he has a way where he does things in such manner that you can't do anything but give him praise and glory you go back and read in the book of Judges and when the Lord got Riddick ready to deliver of the Midianites and he chose Gideon getting raised man on it he raised the volunteer army 32,000 men and the Lassa oh no no no I can't let you win you win with 30 2012 you'll take credit so you got some folk here didn't want to come no way they they count what's tell him to go home send all the cows home he's still at 22,000 us so you got two minutes ill then he pulled him on down to a body of water where he could handpick those based on the way they drank water and when God got through handpicking 300 folks and they were gonna have to go up against Midianites that went into the hundreds of thousands how're you going with a hundred and some thousand uh three or four hundred thousand for with three hundred men the answer is you can't do it and if you get the victory you can't take the credit and God has a way of doing things so that nobody gets the glory but him sometimes God didn't choose you because you knew how to do it you were the best person and he reaches over and get somebody who don't have your skills haven't been around don't have your senior there and yet he says I'm gonna use them because every time they get an opportunity they're gonna be giving me the glory while you'll be bragging on how well you are prepared [Applause] anger has this whole generation upset here's a young man he's angry that you don't know he's angry and he's angry for a week and he's angry for months angry for a year and when you know that pent-up anger is down as when he walks in school with automatic weapons and began the fire indiscriminately at anybody who sticks their head up you had marriages people in the same house not talking to each other angry and sometimes the thing that they have been angry about is years old and then you know I don't go that way sometimes that one this angry and then you drive them into the arms of a waiting third party and you angry with the third party when it was really your fault I know you need ready for that one [Applause] parents that drive their children to other folk who they become so attached to that they'll obey that person before they obey their own power the Bible says parents provoke not your children the wrath you a fierce disciplinarian but you don't ever take time to appreciate them for every once in a while doing something right and I'm not saying that anger is always wrong that's such a thing as wholesome anger first time you'll chapter 11 tells that story tell the story of Saul when he was first chosen to be the king in Israel nobody wanted to go with him because they saw him as a big old clumsy oaf how he gonna deliver us he went home to Gibeah but only a few men whose heart God had touched but such as the nature of things that if God assigns you somewhere he will allow I will see to it that situations arise that will validate your appointment and the situation the roles that the men of Jabez Gillian were confronted by Nahash the M&A and when they saw nae hash and his army coming against that city they said rather than have bloodshed we'll just surrender from the beginning but Nate hash say uh-uh I won't even let you surrender unless you surrender on my turn all the men in the city got the line up and let me put out their right eye and they said we'll give us seven days and in those seven days they sent word to the little town of Gibeah where sol was solid been anointed king but he was out in the field plowing and when he came out of the field following the animals out of the field everybody was crying and he wanted to know what's wrong and they told him what nee hash had said to the men of Jabez Gilead and the bible says in 1st Samuel 11 and 6 that the Spirit of the Lord came on Saul and he got angry see every once in a while there's some things God want us to get angry with get angry when the enemy Satan is trying to steal your possession get angry when the devil keeps on putting cancer on members of your family get angry when the influence of the streets have come into your house and a spirit of drug addiction and alcoholism and the desire to commit crime these are things you ought to get angry with and when you get angry righteously so then you're ready for spiritual battle but you got to remember that when you're on a spiritual battles the weapons of your warfare are not calm but my to the God to the pulling down of strongholds when you fight in the spiritual battle you don't need 357 magnums and thirty eight and nine millimeters and all forty folds when you fight in the spiritual battle you don't need nothing but breath the word and the spirit and I'm here to tell you that when you're in a spiritual battle you ought to get angry with the devil tell the devil you're not gonna destroy my home tell the devil you're not going to take the life of my loved one tell the devil you're not going to keep killing my family with cancer tell the devil you're not going to destroy my finances because God's Word say I'm blessed you got a right to get angry with the devil but that needless anger that does not bring anything to pass that you need to get rid of I'm closing the Paul says here in Ephesians I know you're human I know you're gonna get angry but I'm gonna tell you something why are you angry don't see why are you angry the end it may tell you to cut some out but no open your mouth yeah why angrily the devil is don't try to whisper some stuff to you but all you need to do is just take some deep breaths some we'll deal with this but I'm not gonna deal with it now I'm gonna deal with it but not while I'm hot I'm gonna deal with it but not till I cool off [Applause] that's a human being you're gonna get angry but you got to watch how you act while you are angry easy angry and do what send naught and then tell somebody and there's a limit to how long you can be angry let not the Sun go down on your wrath it may happen at 10 in the morning it may happen 12:00 at noon but whatever it is that comes over you to make you angry God said I'll allow you to be angry until sundown but when the Sun sets give it up because you can't do nothing about it no way vengeance is mine and can you nobody pay like the Lord my God when folks see you angry sometimes that's all they want to do is do something else because when you get angry and out of control you become a puppet on that string but when you can stay cool calm and collected I don't have to fight because I got a God that can fight for me he said of me just like he said to Jehoshaphat the battle is not yours no matter what they did to you at the schoolhouse no matter what they did then you own your job no matter what they did to you in your neighborhood reach up and tell somebody it's not your bad [Applause] [Music] the battle in the laws and when we learned how to put it in his hand I heard somebody say he's a man a wall okay nobody beat him faint my god I remember when Joshua was getting ready to take the city of Jericho and he went scouting the police out and went over against the wall and he saw somebody didn't recognize said who are you what side are you on are you with us I had Masseria he's I'm not with you of them but I'm come as the captain of the Lord's host in other words if you obey in my god then I'm gonna fight for you but if you are not obeying him then I can fight against you just like I can fight fire but when you on God's side he puts an angel on the run and by the time you get to praying what Allah I don't know who it is I don't know who the Lord gave me this message file but be honest with yourself quit fooling yourself if you know that they any man yeah this thing's been oval in your life so long and you still angry I don't know if you angry with man or angry with God but God says today I've come to set you free hallelujah and if you'll be honest with him and get up and come here now the yoke of anger is going to be destroyed in your life the iewk shall be destroyed the calls of the anointing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on he's ready to set you free from it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as an old song that some of y'all who might have been at Pentecostal temple back in the 50s early 60s might remember it septa says God is the answer in the time of need it just simply says God is the answer God is the answer God if the answer in the time of me God is the answer God is the answer God is the answer in the time of me can you just bring it out give the answer God is the answer [Music] if the answer in the answer [Music] that the verse that says one day I was burdened my soul what he ladies I was searching for an answer and a fine Oh God God [Applause] ah yeah I'm gonna step down and anoint you will standing here and God is going to free you the yoga Vanga is going to be destroyed by the anointing and the thing about it when God destroyed that you that's condition of sickness illness infirmity whatever they of the devil has tried to attach not all the will and will be gone but God don't leave a blessing behind hallelujah and you don't know you free because that person you may never will you don't go to you gonna love them you gonna embrace them and you gonna let them know Holden lobha hallelujah suddenly you're all oppressor on the Tuesday night and the white ego building when the young man he's dead and gone now but the young man who shot at me with an automatic repeating rifle 14 bullets looking through a telescopic lens and not waived those bullets over the cod hit the meat market next door and later on he called and said to me did you have bulletproof windows I I looked at your head and I shot and I don't know how I miss and one tuesday night he came in church came up to the altar and i prayed for him and embraced it let me tell you when God removes the anger hallelujah began to give it please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] once I'm not you can go back to your seat praising God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now whatever it is come on in the game to give God some praise tell us about I gave it to Jesus and it's alright now I ended to Jesus hallelujah [Applause] [Music] I'm no clothes this is what God ordered for the day and have some people in here that you will never be the same okay you will never yeah but slang hallelujah just tell somebody now testify to them and say it doesn't matter what they did and then matter who it was that didn't and have been released put it in the hands of Jesus [Applause] now we want to meet the brothers in the quad stand after church [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] last weekend last weekend we went into a shut-in and huh this is what we asked God to do but it couldn't be manifested the Lord showed it to me after 7:45 this morning until Bishop released it in the shut-in we kept saying something will be news we can always set the stage through prayer supplication what it's loose [Applause] Oh Fred step 9 my mama saying I wish I couldn't be dignified today but okay have myself right now my mom she thank the Lord thank him huh this is what we've been asking and Bonin he believes in its release now we are set free we've been delivered when the oppressed have been lifted up the Pope in heaven put together [Music] now come on shop now we can go all about the business at hand my God my oh thank you Jesus thank you cheese somebody autorap back and get him up thank you [Music] thank you thank you we're gonna give haha we're gonna get supernatural giving now huh go over thank you thank you I wish I could express my thanks I was a cheerleader when I was in school and I hit my head on my little should I do a cartwheel [Music] [Applause] don't even know how to Canon thank you I feel like man I can't just rolling across the floor [Applause] because I don't even know how to thank you I don't need no harm a second because he's learning he's done what we've asked him to do that girl was set freedom within that white dot set her free today guard setup treat she's been trying to be set free but God delivered her today my god I thank you I want everybody in this house he's shot I love the Lord he heard my cry he you didn't break room long as I live in trouble Ranas are healthy son to his throne oh I love the Lord he heard my crime and he peed every wall long as I live and trouble - is wrong I want a thousand of you to come and bring $25 I want you to come now and with the rest of you to give the very best gift you can give he he's heard our cry saying we're gonna hold our leader up that God get him strange strength physical strength Kiko Bosch I know he's a he'd all but it all oh the anointing is already upon him he just strength God hey it his natural body hey strength somebody say straight
Views: 5,528
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Id: PpnrSrdCGMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 30sec (6690 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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