Sapporo Snow Festival Street Guide - after a storm

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you see it don't you you see it don't you street-food as far as the eye can see that if there is a sapporo TV tower and this is your guide to the Sapporo Snow Festival its 2020 it's the start of a new decade actually that might be 2021 but nevertheless this is the year of the Olympics here in Japan it's extremely exciting time to be here and you know this snow festival was almost doomed we didn't think it was gonna snow at all and then last night it just snowed the entire month of January snowed in one day it seems like in February just dumped it onto us and now we have we're kind of still digging out of the snow right now the snow sculptures which I'm going to show you you're gonna want to stick with us for a couple of for an hour as we go from the start of where you probably should see the snow festival from the supper oh TV tower from here all the way to the end of the street so if you've never been to the Sapporo Snow Festival after this livestream and you're gonna feel like you have it's pretty exciting stuff at this supper no TV tower is gonna look a lot smaller in about 25 minutes but before we go we're not alone oh no oh no along the way we're gonna be looking at some street foods for the gifts they're some of the activities that you can do at the end of this guide you will be a veteran of this opera snow festival know exactly what you need to do and how to do it how to stay safe what to eat what not to eat and there's about zooming it can I have a good time we're digging out of yesterday's good morning we're digging out of yesterday's snowstorm I don't know it's sort of just dip it I think I said it was like six or six or seven inches last night though was at least four inches on the ground in front of my hotel this one's like up yeah how you doing I do have I have about I have about 10 foundry cards but we'll get officially start we walk over here let's get started now this he'll put a TV tower is a pretty good place to start because at the top of it you get an amazing view especially at night all the way down to the end of old or d-o-d Park Oh Dody Park is a long part that goes about 8 blocks yeah it's about 8 blocks here the middle of it is where supportive TV has a snow statue sort of sculpture that's usually one of the best but this year because of the lack of snow it's a little bit less stunning than I think in years past [Music] yeah it's large yeah it's pretty large we're gonna go check that out this this part here just yesterday we we met two people from it was B&W yesterday okay yeah here you go you get a you found me card thank you you're very welcome thanks guys thanks for saying hi what's your favorite place here yeah seeing your videos thank you to you thank you very much thanks for saying hi awesome alright let's get started um now you can go to the left to the right witness yeah that's right we're supposed to but I'm gonna because whatever people are doing I do the opposite and I usually discover more stuff that way usually or you just get told to go the other way one of the great things about the Sapporo Snow Festival is the street food and we we haven't eaten breakfast because we're gonna be filming another episode about just the food so you're gonna want to wait a little bit but we're gonna grab something you have to eat one one point that I want to I definitely have to tell you I said in you know in Sapporo in in Hokkaido we have we have something called seunggi's zan GI and it's actually cut out gay right it's pretty much karaage isn't one of the biggest difference is it's actually using by me instead of breast meat which I meet instead of breast me so it's juicier ah it collects more of the oil they're digging out some of the snow sangee but you won't but we don't really think karaage in hokkaido it smells pretty good actually these shops don't opens start really selling until about 11:00 a.m. around lunchtime we're we're about 9:45 but you could probably buy some stuff hello wanted you up this of yakisoba that's another staple of festivals man Oh see that that was a brief healthy serving this area's for Jay comm each street each intersection in each area has kind of a sponsor to it that one is Jacob Jacob is a local cable company and they have an ice skating rink on the other side this is really interesting here if we get too much ice or snow you can take this yourself and help people out I guess that's what they do or that patrols will do it this is sold right or sand kind of both it's sand and you can put the sand onto the streets just so it it's a public safety thing they have this available anybody can take it just to be safe and you put the bag when you're done with it in here I like these this system but one thing I would suggest is if you're gonna be here for a few days get something called a su Betty domain you know su Betty dome a is what are you laughing you need the sous vide domain yes it's like a rubber band with metals metal like grips on it are you having you got submitted of a and they're about you could have like like they're between maybe seven hundred and a thousand yen like seven to ten dollars you get the premium one yeah so sous-vide dome a will keep you from falling on your but if you without them be guaranteed to fall on your but at least once or at least half because I kind of did a people a lot of people falling yeah I fell on my but I guess it was a half fall because I kind of landed awkwardly and picked myself up so sometimes you shouldn't you shouldn't do that just fall it's it's you land a lot easier than if you try to Britt stop it and oh one one three five that's where I was last year but I was it was still like constantly and thanks to your main Channel video hope to come back again soon yeah because of the video that I did about five years ago there's no no really sense to do an entire new guide like this soap we're gonna do something different for another edited episode thanks Ando it been avails here food and drink fun find something hot and cozy you got it this is the next intersection um this one here starts off with the post office on this side that's the post office that's interesting here I like this over the last couple of years since I was here in 2017 the whole Qaeda has been embracing more and more of the Ainu culture i new are the indigenous people um a little bit more fair-skinned than the japanese and you'll find them all over hokkaido a little pieces of the culture but nothing is really like put together well with it and there's a new I know Museum opening up near nobody betsa the next station and its reopening in April and that's pretty exciting because I went there two and a half years ago and I thought they needed to make those changes I guess the views and the comments worked because they completely changed the I new park there and I'm really happy for I'm so really excited about it well they have snow festival stamps snow festival oh wow that's actually would be great stamp a postcard said interesting but the price is not Oh according to Scott postcard on the back sticker big sticker awesome so I like other post office is kind of embracing the festival too and you can get the supporter festival memorial stamps and that's pretty good for postcards by the way the International postcard is 70 yen but I always send my patreon supporters in an 84 year on stamp because they're usually more stylish that's the typical letter stamp in Japan I guess I guess they're buying something were they getting she got something she bought it you bought one you're the proud owner of a memorial stamp yes good I like what I like this wait a second can i we're gonna have is this a street food thing because it's a different restaurant this is some I new cuisine so you can get a chance to try some of it venison which is deer there's a lot of deer more than beef here because the deer population is out of control all over the place it is it's probably their land though they were here first deer eat or be eaten it's tough world Hokkaido was hundred years ago alright we're now moving to the next intersection this one here is a little bit less a little bit more empty but what we're gonna do now is is when we get to the sapporo TV tower or the ski jump after the ski jump we have this uploader TV snow sculpture that's gonna be really exciting hey Danny's here hi John can I and Matsu me have a nice day and have fun thanks Danny it's a little bit oh we got some goodies here Danny it's a lot warmer now than it was yesterday yesterday was like Montreal weather now this is more like I don't know Toronto weather yeah-ha there's something for Ellis some dirt I'm on yeah and then they have some commemorative things like stamps buttons listen pins oh yeah a lot of people have pin collections so these are nice to put on your hat every year that this is the 50th one this 56 no no no no this is the ones through the years the through the years so you can have a pin collection having hat just filled with pins all over yeah be like be really heavy and you need a new hat alright there's a red light right now so check out here at the snow festival they do put in these vending machines kind of special for it of course coca-cola wants to get on the in on the action coca-cola has special snow festival cans of coke I don't know if that your thing but a lot of people do collect these and they're only available here from January 31st to February 11th and then they I don't know what do they do then they go to the half-price store you could kick down there this milk coffee is only available in Hokkaido and there's a couple of other things here's corn soup and this is what does that looks like a B ooh mommy this is a shrimp soup so these are hot soups that you can get from the vending machine oh yeah look how far away from the tower let's crush G it's really like it's great like watch your step here you miss it they're very very strict with the lights because there's a lot of people crossing at around 10:00 10:30 patrols are there to make sure that you don't cross on blinky lights you have to make sure you are in a hardcore solid green and then they'll let you cross all right let me before we do that let's look back here at the SAPO TV tower we've made it quite a ways your about I don't know four hundred meters away and yesterday we were standing here we couldn't even see it because of there's so much snow going I did some Instagram stories there couldn't see it at all now it's the weather's warmed up a lot this is pretty cool here I guess we're getting ready maybe we'll come back a little bit later but in this in this part of the park I I guess this is some sancho may they have a ski jump they've been doing this as long as it I can remember at least for the last seventy seven or eight years no no longer than that the first time I came in this upper snow vessel was 2008 I believe Eve and they had this 2007 you know and they had this going as well it was pretty cool I remember standing here with the hot coffee just watching them do jumps with my mouth open going oh oh oh and I guess they have a contest here the winner there's a schedule you're not allowed to fly drones here by the way so if you're thinking of doing it don't I use a schedule schedule they're gonna bust you up if you fly drunk so but when's the next today is weeka which is February 6 afternoon is the snowboard snowboard event it doesn't have a times I guess because it's yeah the jam session isn't that they don't have time just afternoon afternoon afternoon one evening this is Yoda and yeah you know there's a night section it's a PVG in the house oh my gosh so let's let's go to the next intersection because this is the one that is I guess Wow you know what they're doing they're not they're actually removing snow it took me a sec getting around my head around what they were doing up there they're actually removing the snow because and stamping it down because of all the snow we had last night it was insane yeah out chicle please do it Peter said I don't have any idea I'm not looking so much at the screen there yeah I'm focused at not walking into one of these pylons or poles no feds to the people chatting in all right let's keep moving here it's just cover up music cover I'm into the cover here I'm here the copyright music cover every I say copyright music can trap remix its run rot past the copyrighted music so it's not as heavy in the in the speaker rent chopper our music just lets you know my face is slightly frozen alright we're past that okay I think we're safe yeah you have to do that I'm gonna have I don't know mean YouTube we've been fighting with live streaming we found that we just pick up a bunch of stuff could I what do you want to eat not eat have a tie [Music] I wanna eat a lot okay you have to be a little more specific okay seafood stuff from the sea ramen and seafood the good stuff tempura oh yeah okay that's coming up are the Ichigo daifuku is coming up these guys are really strict once the light gets blinky you can't cross all right let's get over here to the sapporo TV sculpture which is usually one of the best ones eat the next three park oh it's a bleak you like cops are super strict there's tsuki no over there that's the entertainment district and if you cross go this way straight ahead for like a kilometer and the less than that it's up out of station you see that straight ahead there so this is the main thorough way through way between the towns connecting the entertainment district with a train station and in the middle is old OD Park and once again stop at our TV tower just getting smaller and smaller this is ski jump all right let's go back over to the to the side we're supposed to walk maybe because they're looking at me funny like I did something wrong I don't know people when they stare at you in Japan is powerful isn't it right when people stare at you it's not one person it's like 20 like two just staring at you and they follow you they don't have to say anything you know what you're doing is wrong and then you get back on the right path you get hot when they stare at you don't you you can feel the heat like lasers and you're back seriously she had heat pads if you take their propaganda they give you something see that's it says one way we totally broke that down yeah that's right from the opening right here of the 20 2015 salvador snow festival guide for the main channel oh they just assumed oh there's a sumo wrestler ah so this is a company that makes houses and this is the first sculpture we're seeing 20 minutes into this sculptures as I said like it costs money to do these and all of them are sponsored this one is the utakata of the character mascot for the company and he's hanging out larger-than-life if he rolls either left or right it's up to him I guess he's gonna crush a house one way or another this one too is projection man that was for I thought it was so you could climb up there and do bungee jumping are you serious oh that would be cool look at the street food whenever you see something broken in half and cheese dipping that says Kenai all over it Mutsumi are you hungry for something whoa I had a half an apple pie that I did I couldn't eat last night I was so tired I literally just crashed I was like huh one bite and I went oh there's Takata miso ramen that's the ramen we had with our Chilean friends yesterday yeah they have just Chicago is the place in the center of Hokkaido they make some incredible ramen and can I really scarf that down faster than me she ate her super fast there's the butter corn the special miso ramen for Sapporo and I asked the I asked the owner point-blank I said all right so there's a ramen here at Southborough is it better than the one in 10 Chicago it would the head the head shop and he goes so if you read between the lines you get the idea but I think there's a reason that you should get in a car and you travel for seven hours to get the tissue kaga you had to go to the head office to the head shop the Wagyu beef looks pretty good they're just cooking it now that's the only reason that I don't stop and get anything just so you know but we're gonna be back to do a main a edited video on this I have a soup others DiMucci daifuku good night you want one now all right you can get one yeah I'm that I'm that hungry yet pocket change she took all the silver ones uh-huh she didn't what'd she leave me one yen I'm not I'm really not that hungry what - uh but my ski not wanna have a dinner show they take whatever you like she's a cheetah stick gold digger she's a gold digger why'd you take the silver whines oh because the five hunt didn't have any 500 yen one so you know she's not one of those she's no she's that a gold digger she's hanging out with me I don't have any 500 yen coins Luiza steam coming out if there's steam coming out that means one thing it's a jaga but ah jaga means potato and butter means butter oh yeah I never said never had that before and they have recently haven't seen this new body melon hot milk it's confirmed you are right in front of us yay how do you even had it nice to meet you how you doing it was pretty incredible wasn't it watching laughing and pointing and going suckers my main purpose was to come down here to see you John impact is the reason why I started going to Japan thank you that's really nice to say past year I've been here that six times in Japan now and yeah not no video you can show the beauty of it that's actually very true you have to jump through the screen and you have to grab it it's a it's just an amazing adventure going around the country you did get it I found me card which is ball always trying to find you I seriously they do a good job because they have a lot of experience doing this they first started this over 50 years ago was the Japan self-defense force that just started making these snow sculptures and they took off it was so popular they just keep increasing and increasing the size of the festival now well they're just limited to the size of all duty Park but right now it's pretty incredible the way it is right now it was six students from the local high school it did six statues for the first year and it ran for one day and then after that the defense both said Oh we'll look this is bright you know we should join in on this and so the second year that's when they came along and do these massive megastructures and and they're just beautiful you can't understand the size of them too you see them you when you get in front of it and delicious a little bit smaller this is the one from Sapporo TV that was telling you about they're doing some maintenance work well to give you a closer look in about a couple of minutes from now this is for you sir you found me watching you chatted yeah yeah so I started coming to Japan because of you and I started a YouTube channel because of you and I don't have many people go there and I'm not very good but hopefully I will hopefully you guys will encourage all abroad is the chair and also nosh and Jim and and UFO Bob and everybody this is all abroad he's been chatting in here appreciate your sculptures again tonight I know that's where you were last night it was hard going I recently just about two weeks ago I guess I saw tons and tons of post suspicion and the discord server from all abroad so very cool thanks for posting his a YouTube channel check it out I like to encourage people to keep making videos and if he was encouraged by me to travel Japan makes me really happy they put a lot of butter in there man and because it's like winter it's not gonna melt it's just gonna sit there like that in there oh my word sea urchin inside of a potato could that be good well we're gonna find out we're gonna be doing a lot of Street I guess if they put sea urchin in it you can jack up the price to eight hundred yen right that's that's very smart very cunning businessman oh can i we ate one of those yesterday those are really good these crab sticks ah look at that it's delicious wrapped in bacon that's not bacon that's pork right know why they doing this to me that's like breakfast rolled up on a stick ah what should I do I'm like soaked so conflicted that's asparagus I'd guess it's wrapped up in asparagus yeah issue Yoshi lover get some Genghis Genghis Khan thanks Genghis Khan to live game it's kind of here oh I will go check it out check out the Genghis Khan yeah that's the thing right the street food is really good I think you get it if you're really hungry want to scarf something down but the thing with the street food is it's not quite as good as the restaurant I'll be honest with you it gets cold really really fast unless you can eat it like six bites it's not good speaking of eating I forgot kinda has a daifuku in her hand I get out here that looks pretty good um believe it or not winter is the strawberry season in Japan are all made in greenhouses because it makes them sweeter yomogi right not don't move it too much yet inside red bean paste Nani yeah so yomogi is a kind of a weed or grass and you might think it's matcha but it's not it has a more of a bitter taste to it which balances well with the sweet red beans and the sweet strawberry yeah very nice can you eat that in one bite no go ahead this is for you she didn't eat any breakfast now I had a half of apple pie and a coffee good stir hey mo cheese is so wonderful we make that during show got to New Year pounding it out a lot of people the family little bit ah because of the the winter mmm the ice ice the cold weather has made a little bit harder that means it's natural if they put chemicals in it they could probably keep it softer oh this is the one they take like weed I ate this with Hana of the other day they take like mashed potatoes do you see that and they make these long french fries and deep-fry them yeah and look at that that is that Zanghi could I get takoyaki what is that in the balls I'm looking at the menu that's a takoyaki on a stick what deep-fried takoyaki I've never heard of that before have you ever heard of deep-fried takoyaki alright I don't know alright I'll try one well you have one if I buy one and Matsu me I don't think I can eat it all okay we'll try one this is experimental the street food here is usually between five and eight hundred yen it's a little bit more pricey because I like to think the ingredients are better but when you're using seafood everything's gonna be a little bit more pricey hey Saracen I guess takoyaki a hi Hey [Music] I can't takoyaki what is dad deep-fried takoyaki I don't know I'm really curious right takoyaki skewer I get takoyaki all right no millennia those name I said [Music] whoa check that out um it's weird I've never seen I guess you could you truly can't put anything on a stick how you doing Tokyo slim welcome aboard finally making his first live stream alright let's go Oh Dan I get distracted so quickly look at a mountain of Oh Dan I wish you saw I'll be I'll be back I'll be back I'm warning something now I can't just I can't do Arnold don't try it you can't do it right don't try it takes years of practice to do a good one all right on the other side of this wall we're Conan the detective is here is what you'll find and look at the look at the ants working to try to put this back together again do you see that because of the snow last night the artists have come back the team has come back and they're gonna be fixing it up and then after they're done they're gonna open this up again but look at the suspended truck this is what it's called all is one it's co-sponsored by the Hard Rock Cafe and I believe this is uh this is a Hard Rock Cafe Japan and stop it Oh TV all right you knew this one all right let's try this chuckle yeah a stick if it doesn't stick good night you are Knights it I Knight you queen of takoyaki good I have the power we track the Yankee through all right I don't want to there's our new friends tonight [Music] what did you think not anymore last one I know you do don't you oh yeah I can eat I can always eat mwah what do you do with this I can't I was gonna put her in my pocket but that could be dangerous we're always having a lot of fun here it's it's interesting just to watch them repair the statues from the snow we had last night it was almost a why I think it was a whiteout for about 30 minutes you couldn't see anything you can see on the back part of it it looks like about a foot and a half or 2 feet of snow fell pretty quickly on the back half of it and they've cleared it on the front but the teams are gonna be here probably for another couple of hours to clean it out and by late in the afternoon it'll be open again if you look back we're quite a ways now from this opera TV tower and yeah the chairs slept to watch the little ants working on a massive snow statute makes for pretty good photo tonight thanks for holding that stick while I hold this stick this is actually a smart phone on a stick I know who you are that's all abroad just doing this thing all right we are now adding another truck traffic light again respect the laws don't try to be hero and you know unless there's some imminent danger that we don't know how just don't cross out of her life with the reason why is because it's very hard for cars to break just something that should you should know especially after a snow the streets are often quite I see let me show you what it's like here you see that's why you want to have this to Betty dome a yeah you can't do this can you huh oh you can kind of give he's whistling so it's already started officially the whistle men are here this is gold show May or the fifth intersection five out of eight and we're moving pretty quickly hi Jackie could e chestnuts roasting in a battle gun Wow Oh yesterday there was a really strange utakata here oh boy didn't you remember that can I oh is that way just like the bazaar oh this is the world-famous I'm I do to loose it don't smoke unless your smoker don't smoke I don't I'm not someone who tells people what to do you make your own choices but don't smoke kids I'm talking to you it's smoking is not good I've never smoked that's not true I I tried it once and was so bad I'm sure I think was in college it was like why would you do this and I'm wrong I guess it's a I was like it was beer too though I wouldn't smoke so don't smoke kids but if you are a smoker this is a smoking a nice smoking Hut so we'll just take you around over there look it's a walker is this because supper is gloating because they got that marathon they stole the marathon because they so talk it's gonna be too hot they stole our marathon so they put marathon runners oh yeah you think you're so cool I'm surprised they didn't Road sopra 2020 actually they'll sly mayor sorrow like liquid I did it's a coup we're moving slowly to having to never mind the Winter Olympics you at the summer we know that's all the spots each others are it's better for the economy sure right that I can't believe the marathon is here oh that's an official program interesting baby interesting oh that's him oh he's freaky run away I can't go I can't do this I remember less than I was here melon melon melon kuma which is his ferocious melon bear bit my head off it goes like this he bit my head like us then he goes like this and then my body was going like this it was pretty violent and then at the end of it there's just a bloody stump but this year the cat I looks a little bit happier but he looks like a like like like something let me introduce you to the mascot of Hokkaido Hokuto she Hokuto she's way up in the north I believe isn't it because Hoku it means North what do you guys think wow do I get a picture could I again go ahead say hello okay I don't get the whole so a here's some long long fingers it's Gemma galaxy far far away the micro galaxy may be very cool very funny slightly creepy okay yeah I love Japanese you do Kara or mascots are pretty good trash can I didn't get the connect what do you guys think what do you think of the mascot she's utakata thumbs up or thumbs down wait no no don't put that on the stream this is totally non related to what you're watching right now click the thumbs down thumbs up if you want to see some more thumbs up let's see let's even get to 500 likes and then we'll maybe I'll buy some more food or something can I will dance can you do a snow dance can I she said maybe she said maybe it's up to you let's click the likes this is a street view of the suppleness no festival going on right now this is the next next snow sculpture all I see Steve sign just signed up on patreon joined us on a dime you'll class thanks Steve that means today we're gonna be sending you a package from Sapporo thanks a lot Steve you could if you see these at night it is beautiful yeah at nighttime I think they had something from the city of Macao when I was here last time and they had the famous statue there and then the projectile mapping of it was incredible and it made you feel like you were you were actually in Macau and this time it looks like this is sponsored by like horse-racing Japan Racing Association I know they were asking a lot of YouTube influencers to come to their horse racing thing and I told them no I'm not gonna be into gambling and stuff but I guess some of youtubers didn't do it there they're giving them quite a bit of money too but it's pretty impressive when you stand in front of it like it looks cool on the screen but when you stand in front of it it's even more impressive it's a reason for you to make the trip to come to South borough in person what's up behind there I guess that's like Rome or something back there there's some information here the galloping thoroughbreds name for the world multi-tow is the major thoroughbred producing region it accounts her 98% of the thoroughbred horse produced in Japan and has turned out countless famous horses the Prix de l'Arc trail is a race held at the Paris longchamp racecourse in France okay so this is taking the arc of the tomb the Arc de Triomphe Triomphe and horse racing and promoting the thoroughbreds Hokkaido a very creepy voice right there [Music] the world comes together holding hands reminds me of a coca-cola commercial from the 70s I'd like to teach the copywriter if I do it wrong it won't count dan dan dan dan dan so that was one of the my favorite commercials in the 1970s maybe you want to drink coke now I just drink carbonated water I found that I didn't like the sweetness I just wanted the bubbles bubbles are almost free alright so that was see that that was the Japan Racing associations snow sculpture Kenai does not like the Utz QT bacon you said right and I didn't want to eat that one but the fish ball soup might be in all right so this intersection the street crossing is closed down and brought to you by blood bank give blood when you're here if you are a blood giver they always need more more blood so give what you can and you get some some apple juice you get some Happel you get a present of a bento a yakisoba bento and some hokkaido juice there that's pretty nice and you can give your blood and out of here it's good cause give a ligature or two all right this is an impressive area the card the card where'd she go are you it over here all right yeah good court yesterday I was it was so cold and so snowy we bought Kenai and I bought some stuff on sticks again and what what are they doing there we bought some sticks on there and after 30 seconds it turned to ice hmm oh very nice that one huh this is the corner area she was this lady was here before too it looks like we did not meet our threshold of 500 likes I'm very disappointed we should have surpassed 500 likes 500 seconds ago this is where we bought it last time too and after we bought it it like turned into a frozen stick this yeah crow @ob he swooped down it can I hate can I make a snowball from this and then throw it at him see if he appreciates that seriously and wonder if anyone's ever throw a snowball at a crow well the crow fight back you see him in the center of your screen that Toby there's more crud oh there's one right up there throw a snowball at him you think he'll fight back Hindman is his posse of miscreants crows would totally fight back what's he gonna do what can he throw it all right he can just he has a different a different way he'll use gravity throw back at us so this is a food area you see some people are eating some ha odd food let's see what we can find and maybe we'll try something I'm not actually here for food because we're kind of eating a lot of it in about an hour - what's your favorite food here mud city mat-su me about this frozen what's your favorite food here the Connie mine Oh the this or this Connie Manas steamed buns with crab inside of them oh wow that is pretty amazing head scallops soup a heap scallop okay my eyes are getting frozen - squid mayonnaise cheese there's some good amazing combinations I've never seen that before well Tata yaki and Connie Connie soup Connie Mon what's up Wow and they have kebabs with crab crab kebabs no wow so tonight you want to try Connie Mon okay let's try one here you pick which coin do you want to take good okay Wow six dollars for one they kind of a racket going on yeah but I reckon if it's a festival they want to make make some money up they should yeah exactly and they're suffering in the cold although it's hot and it's hot it's hot in there but say let's take a look and see how they're where they cook it up in here this is grilled scallops in the shell on on the fire here and these are very very popular you the whole keidel scallops are mammoth I've seen them even bigger than this I was in a place called walk on I I was in walk on I back in 2003 in the summer when did I hitchhiked it was in the begin September and the guy gave me 20 scallops for 500 yen I know and they were monster scallops and you could you could barbecue them and eat them right there underneath the wave domes it was pretty amazing I passed you time tonight oh you got snow snow fell on them can I getting a con Eamon alright there it is oh it's snow just felling me too oh my god that is huge its massive [Music] we'll be back tonight we're gonna come back in a couple of hours for some Street good that's that's what we're gonna be doing here where's she so we're coming back for Street food this afternoon like but I don't know if you want a picnic here this doesn't seem like the best spot for picnicking I don't know it just kind of looks cold but hardcore people at night you drink a little bit it's just weather as our friends in Montreal say this is probably nothing but my hands are getting a little cold oh we better eat it fast all right check it out everybody this is from Huckle day all right let's see could I give it a bite oh they wrote it on here Connie Mon stamps take a bite shows the guts just the crude guts crab meat inside yes you don't eat it with sauce or anything like show you just son of mama didn't did it crab crab it is it's very nice really you think so hmm yeah you think it's nice huh it's all crab nice really good hmm you on it I can eat the rest of it see you later tonight nice knowing you I'm taking all the crab meat kind of mix it in a sauce or something like Joe's a batter or something made a meatball and then put the bun around it and steamed it and made a steamed bun I think that's what they did but it's really good it's got some seasoning in it I think it's cheaper there yeah I'll pay that extra hundred again traveling to Huggle day would cost a lot more [Laughter] [Applause] there's no much crap you're giving me just a carbohydrate so old club homie yeah guilty you need the carbs I need the crab all right let's march march along we're almost at the end of this everybody there's only two big snow sculptures so there's knows one more there's more oh okay it's two more all right we're 53 minutes in we're gonna have to book a little bit because we got then you have to speed it up but pushing the express button now where's the Genghis Khan did you see that steaming steaming sticks of crab meat and bacon wrapped around asparagus we use this voice it's so much cooler that's it the Genghis Khan she'll called ginga's Khan this is what but we're talking about about 20 minutes ago so very cool actually this is pretty reasonable it's pretty reasonable you get a bunch of meat for six six 600 yen yeah snow mica drink nómine it's basically dominate out you're saying yeah and everybody loves mica but nothing is better than a snow mica she's got a little bit of that snow and mica is a really popular anime the character with the blue hair it's all over the place if you ever see the blue ramen episode I did you would have seen Miku over there but I'm gonna pass on the make a drink yeah Happy's on get to you - I love Zanghi we're gonna get some zangi could I after this but it's it's cool that the street food is very varied special stewed awful produced in in Hokkaido so it's monster knob a kind of Jota more quota one yeah it's a guts rich sea urchin rice okay safety first jeonggi is karaage deep fried chicken but matzah me said that they use a different part of the chicken where they do I think they use the but the thought days the thigh yeah the moneka I thought Momo was the breast I'm always confused a moon a yeah moon is a breast moon a is a word I know quite well for chicken I never see I don't know it's hard for me to associate moon a chicken cuz it means breast meat chicken it's quite cool all that hair my mouth is not working in the same directions typically dies yeah it's neat you can if you do want to pick up souvenirs like pins and buttons and things but more things to remember for snow Miku bags yeah so this is another snow sculpture a lot of local artists will make something but it's just completely covered in snow this is snow ice block or ice block on top of it on the bottom of it snow all over it so you can't really see it the I think the artists wake up a little slower and the company wants the local artists but something will come to clean it off clean it up yeah the yesterday snowfall was beautiful if you if you check out the live stream that I did yesterday last night and Suzuki know it was pretty incredible to see to see the snow falling as much as it was and to just walk around it didn't even matter what we were looking at any time the streets have snow falling like that at night with the city glow around it it's really spectacular too bad I couldn't do slow motion I guess we have to go to the Main Street right this is the complete Sapporo Snow Festival experience we woke up early so we have a better signal you tried to livestream here yesterday Matsui yeah I found yeah that night there's more people but I found that you if you turn off all the other apps that have access to the cellular oh oh oh you can't control that that's just awful alright what's that some Russian what do you call those the what do you call those Russian nose tchotchkes I don't know I don't know if the word is I'm not sure Russian stacking dolls that's good thank you pinball reviewer make your pinball reviewer that was nice I'm turning it over now to the other side I see you do see the giant sculpture and then in the distance there I'm gonna turn the camera now to the left and I'm that I'm not really a big fan of that so I'm just gonna keep going and did get away from there music that's the I know cover I'm music Japanese idols they cup they're so greedy they cut everything is so copyrighted and they just will slap you in the face with with greed if you oh yeah this is a very famous company right I'm not sure can I take a selfie with the okay was passing not really I it's good you know I like it no okay but I don't know let's keep moving I like how they make sure that you know about the photo spots here that's nice yeah this should have a like a really annoying man who's photobombing and you have to pay that man to take a picture without him that's that would be pretty interesting look at all this soup here Oh Qaeda is very famous for their soups corn soup potato soups chowder's things like that because Hokkaido has a really good dairy industry in Japan and it's got a lot of corn and produce so what are all these people take your pictures of you're about to find out as I pan to the right from a strategic location that's interesting you see it do you see it you see it you see it what is that what's that flag on the left side Matsuri do you know yeah the white and the red one yeah that one is Japan I'm not sure the other one is it could be Canada blood-orange says this is something in Ottawa maybe I don't know that's just Poland on the bottom so I'm guessing that's Poland hold on dog yeah it looks like this could be the from Poland yeah that's the Polish flag white and red so they'll shout out to our friends in Poland you are represented in ok oh this year it's really beautiful umm I love the details the pillars in the front of it the windows the architecture of it but what impresses me is the balcony up at the top the details that's in that and the gargoyles or statues on it it's pretty impressive it probably looks realistic it if I had if I could use this phone for googling I would google this and then you'd see what it looks like the real building but it says here Poland hit Oh Bob which means Plaza I guess this is something in Warsaw maybe it's pretty nice yeah oh that's right that's a stage okay and what's actually do my book whoa usually there's some really talented artists that get up there but when they have the idols and stuff I kind of walk with hey it's okay it's just that my not my scene whoa she's penis taking requests and I we would could I know I would have chest something from Ghibli probably Ghibli please play tonight in a Totoro steam song yeah how are you yeah what are you selling here oh cool yeah I'm just we're walking from the suppli TV tower and going straight to the end oh yeah yeah we got some in Germany some Santa's with the smoke coming out yeah we really like that yeah where you from Lithuania cool yeah from I live from us but living she's my wife so we she can't get away from [Music] [Laughter] do you come every year okay it'll be our next year yeah come say hi buy some some of these smells really good thank you thanks for calling us over that's cool that's not so good that area I could spell the air oxygen because my nose is stuffed up from the intense cold it's slightly going into the nostrils in certain all right this is more more this is more important information than my nose problems this is what's gonna be on the stage the schedules on the side and here's some information in Japanese about what is actually HPC Hokkaido broadcasting has put here there's something in English over here so I'll take you for everyone all our Korean viewers there's something for you and the Poland square lousy Anki la zenki park palace on the Isle on Chopin statue Chopin statue so Cho may blah blah blah blah blah this time with the theme of the Republic of Poland for which 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of stablish and diplomatic relations with Japan will produce the palace unwitting il which stands in the capital city Warsaw's legends the park I'm probably didn't pronounce it right in the statue of Frederic Chopin the poet of the piano which stands here that's a pretty good backdrop but here is the original oh here's the original so very cool to be able to see what this looks like in real person like what a real picture looks like and then to look up at it from here made in snow they really put a lot of love into creating this and that's nice to see every detail standing out from the original right there beautiful that's a good backdrop for a stage as well for for performances paying respect to Chopin Chopin all right so this is the end of the road oh my Jimmy's got a mighta got a head out and we got to go back and refresh and get the camera for another shoot snow Ponte this is eight Hachi Chow Mei this is what what we walked all the way from the TV tower for safety first let's look back to the left you can see that now the sapporo TV tower is so small look at that it's takes an hour to walk this so it gives you an idea of what it's like to walk this up but a snow festival it took us 60 minutes with food stops of course you're probably doing 45 if you have to catch a train you can probably do at 30 but should be running but if you do be careful and buy some sous vide domain which is will keep you from from slipping yes what series got some sabeti domain domain means like prevention right oh there's the DoCoMo 5g Hut sorry I think we hit a dead zone at the 5g booth we had a dead zone sorry that's kind of weird hey Jeff defensores here hi Jenica died so cool and cold livestreams will try to go next year and get one of those inside burners definitely say hi to our lithuanian friend there those instant burners he brings them from Lithuania every year to sell here and he says they'll be back again and he's been here for the last three years so that was nice of him to call us over and they say hi it's probably smart to do that to a live streamer so get some attention smart guy nice guy this looks healthy from Germany I don't know it just kind of looks Imperial the strong lookin statue I guess this is it I knew related one I don't know its nature [Music] yeah April 20 at the new I know Museum opens up and really so this is to commemorate the new opening of the I new Museum and I'm want to come back and bring that to you because I was at the first one and it was so so poor bear was there kind of suffering in a cage and they they did I heard it was adopted by a zoo in the UK yeah so he got he got a nice two-week boat ride I don't think you take a bear on a plane can you check it out over here guys this is the Japan self-defense horse booth says so right there and we could thank the self-defense force for defending us that's what they do the Defense Force and so for for providing support for the Sapporo Snow Festival sup it was such a big open land a lot of the self-defense force will be training here and I guess practicing training in harsh conditions perhaps and you too could be one if you put your head in there we have to have a thousand likes should get me meet up on my head in there yeah and you kids take a look at the history of it this is a 71st Sapporo Yuki Matsu T so they've done this 71 times it's pretty incredible you see that right there 71 times and we can give some give our thanks to the self-defense force represented with the character with the flower and the helmet I love that be all that you can be yeah put a flower in your helmet there was that reminds me of that reminds me of that that's seen in a Full Metal Jacket where Joker has Joker has the peace sign in his helmet because you know what's the purpose of this and he gets yelled at for having an ironic symbol on his hat oh they're cutting it oh okay let's go check it out so this is that making this it's kind of neat to see the process in front of you I wanted to come to supper Oh to to record and document how they do it but I know this year they just did not have a lot of snow until yesterday and they had the truck in the snow you can see this is a snow transportation they write this especially this year when when they don't have a lot of snow it all comes from the north or from snow making places I heard it just depends but the festival must go on and you can see the tractors heaping it up and then the self-defense force is carving it right there making it all putting all the pieces together and the process started in January January 10th right oh no hold on it started February 15th to the 12th they were planning right and then after from October they start planning and then they put the plan into action at the start of the new year so as soon as 2020 started that's when this place started to go in here and started to come together and at the end of it we got this here and that was finished on February 2nd which is just a few days before their Japan is really good at constructing things just look at the National Stadium they finished that early and look it's finished so it's snowing again it's not copyrighted all right so there you go everybody if we keep on going a little bit further this is the community submissions right the communities sculptures international yeah so there's there's even more so you can go and check that out this is where we're gonna stop because here's what the yeah April 25th April 24th is when the new I new park opens and that place that I did the livestream up two and a half years ago is gonna look like this actually they used to have all these huts do you see the huts back there that doesn't change so much but we're this square is used to be a really tall wooden statue and then this is where the bears Park was there's really bad and then there's a little Park and that was the entrance into it I can I can see the layout of it I'm just so glad that they're redoing it it didn't represent the Ainu culture as well as it should have been represented so looking forward to going back and checking it out yeah all right guys if you have any questions I want you to leave a comment in the down below we'll probably be back again in another year maybe not next year but in the next year after that so your comments do help us put together a good I showed you have anything you want to plug Mutsu me any channels or anything I'm pretty good too thank you ouch tickle Atsuko thanks for joining us on patreon as well I saw that I catch it I catch everything almost but starting to snow down stay warm wherever you are in the world I might oh not gonna sleep there yeah she's still hungry so we're gonna go back regroup come come back and eat some more so if you're in the area definitely join us joy enjoy the last 20 seconds of snow thanks so much everybody we'll see you in another livestream probably maybe tonight tomorrow real soon
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 54,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, sapporo, snow, festival, snowfes, guide, info, when
Id: AhaaWU2Id4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 59sec (4439 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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