Kyoto Station's Escalator Mountain Climb

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welcome to Kyoto station it is raining but that's not gonna stop me because we have an entire station to explore I love this face it's got one of the most epic ceilings of any train station in the world it is really high I don't know I'd say like 60 meters huh and the entrance to the to the trains is right over there but we're not worried about the trains today oh no today it's all about the escalators and we're gonna go take a trip to the top of escalator Mountain there's a nice view up there by the way okay so I think from the top or be able to get a nice view of the station and maybe if Kyoto I haven't been up in here I have not been up here in years I made a video about escalators in Japan and that was the last time I was here that was about four years ago so it's nice to revisit an old place the air is rare up here fine on a day like this I'm fine with being inside because it's been raining I left Tokyo about two and a half hours ago it's been raining ever since oh-oh-oh-oh slight problem I forgot about this so the escalator goes outside when you get to the top how could I forget about this well it's not raining too too hard I guess we could just go up there and take a quick look I don't have an umbrella all right let's go I'm not gonna little little water stop me to the top of the mountain we will go let's make it at the top of the mountain escalator Mountain Oh so right now in Tokyo it is around 10:30 in the morning I left Tokyo it's on the 7 a.m. Shinkansen it takes approximately 2 hours a little bit over 2 hours to get from Tokyo to Kyoto it's a pretty nice trip you want to sit on the right side of the Shinkansen because that's where you gonna get really epic views of Mount Fuji just not on a day like this because today is cloudy raining and it doesn't well this vehicle Jun de Jun is the rainy season in Japan so you're probably gonna get rained there are a lot of escalators this is this livestreams been going on for 4 minutes and there's we're still I guess give me closer to the top you could give me the top stylish umbrella very nice where do you go shopping Hey going over to the yellow for escalator I don't remember this stairs that's not part that's not part of this episode I didn't wasn't counting on stairs yeah you know what Rocky you know you get climbed the art museum steps in Philadelphia why don't you come Kyoto and climb these steps cuz you don't have to even climb their escalators but it is pretty nice up here I'm gonna give you a very very quick look around before I go back down because I am getting wet it's pretty cool so this is the top of kyoto station we're now on the roof the roof of kyoto station let's go look on the on the backside of kyoto station then we'll do a quick look around now the windows are 10 did that's all right so there's the backside of Kyoto this is the side that a lot of people don't go to there's a 1:1 temple which is very famous I think that's a toad I thought desserted ideas at Toto G so G it's a five-story pagoda and you can see this from the Shinkansen and today from the roof of Kyoto station this is maybe the one spot in Kyoto that's not crowded there's so many turrets down there in the station most of the people most of the people from like other countries in Asia officially Taiwan China Hong Kong because you can hear a lot of Chinese language Toby thank you brother Toby's making a rainy day a little bit better ah thank you for that super chat Toby so one of the reasons I've come to Kyoto I don't look there's an observation observation deck all right so I'm gonna show you here the other side you can see why this side is a little bit better maybe you can't see that's a little bit better this is this is might be the worst view of them all see this here is this here is omec dicta it was being renovated for like two or three years now it's finished I forget the name of that one there's so many darn temples and shrines here and you could tell a shrine is Shinto because s s Shinto shrine Buddhist temple that's how you can tell the difference what's the difference between temple and shrine shrines are Shinto temples of Buddhist temples have these Mong Mong ji or the swastika looking thing on it there's a Buddhist here is an entrance to easy town I don't want to go in a department store apparently has a better view these people know something I don't know we're waiting for a helicopter we're waiting for somebody maybe not just OG you can see here the training tracks these train tracks are leading towards us Oh I don't know what those old ladies are waiting for it might just be shielding themselves from this this weather but not a lot of people out here either it's not a very popular place or it's because it's raining I don't know which one this is the top of kyoto station so if you do come to Kyoto station I think just take a couple of minutes out of your time make the trip up here does it get a little bit of orientation you get to see both sides of killed wow I am really getting wet it's time to go down escalator Mountain but coming up here is pretty cool they do have a bamboo garden it's kind of nice it's always kept really clean so if you can't find a place to sit you can always come up here especially on a sunny day try to avoid the rainy days geez these little bamboo groves are kind of cool up on the roof and now it's time to go down escalator Mountain so this this station was built in 1998 but it started construction well before then but it was intended to be to show how far Japan has come and the technological advances to the world during the nineteen 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano and 1998 1998 is the year that I also came to Japan for the first time and I moved here and I remember coming to the station going Wow and right now I'm back here in this station 19 years later and I'm still going well because it is really cool the station in itself is an attraction that that's a walkway and you can see it pretty good from from the ground looking up but from here it's just a different perspective of everything here I level with the stuff and now we're on the escalator affiliate or mountain going down are you gonna get little little art art stuff going on here little amphitheater so people in the summertime especially between July and August when a lot of tourists are coming they'll come here and sit and they'll eat eat a bento box that they'll buy inside of ISA Thanh etan is the department store that's also part of the station and they have some pretty good if not a little bit more expensive bentos that you can buy and then you bring it up here to eat so you don't have to spend a lot of money in Japan eat outside I love picnicking with a bento Wow [Music] one more view I want to show you down of the plot of not the platform but the ground level of the station and then I'm gonna cut cut this short because I got an appointment at 1:00 p.m. at 1:00 p.m. I have an appointment I gotta keep my appointments ah there you go does anybody know what that is that is kyoto tower not as impressive as tokyo tower but it's still pretty impressive i mean it's a tower you can go up there but i've never been up there Thank You Connor I've never been up there because I don't know why I would go up there the view from the top of the station is is just as good I think as here at the tower that might be one of the reasons why they tinted the windows because if the view from here was as good as cute as killed the tower who will go to trip the tower you can go up this escalator for free right this doesn't make any sense that's it no so you have we have a view for the other side this is about half way then we've come that's a lot of stairs now that's a Rocky challenge alright next time I do a live screen from Kyoto I'm gonna try to take this thing down that must be a thousand steps this is very very this reminds me very much of a lot of the Shinto shrines or some of the Buddhist temples that have stairways that that take forever to get to the top it's like earning your way to the top the problem with these stairs is the only thing you earn when you at the top is like a little bamboo park if you don't have a place to pray or anything like that I'm still really impressed with the station after 20 years okay so the trains they don't come in on this side they come in on that on this side on the on the side I'm showing you this is the backside [Music] that's the Shinkansen that's what I took this morning but this is of course a different one and I'm gonna show you right here you can look down on everybody and it's one of my favorite spots to be perched up above cocoa station and this cafe we put all those little ants down there you can grab a coffee and sip sip it right up here I think that right here is a Starbucks and this is another catback this is the entrance to the trains and that's the exit that we entered in we came in this way because the stage those are two tourists because they're carrying suitcases taking a selfie escalator mountain or panoramic picture ahead that I just ruined sorry ladies so there is escalator mountain this is where we came up from and you can see everybody making their way up escalator Mountain as well most people are getting off at this stop at this floor right here or right here but not that many people go up to the top and I think that's a shame so once again when you're in queue at the station make your way to the top of escalator Mountain because there's a park up there that's about it and you get a bird's-eye view of everybody down here and it's just really cool so I'm going one more place today so this live streams are going to continue here in Kyoto I got more to show you we're in Kyoto all day and I'm taking the train back tonight I'm going after this to a little a little city called oksu which is on the base of B wakow byi lake and I'm gonna if I have a chance I'm gonna show you a little bit of that area too just depends on this weather because right now in the rain it's not really a good time to be traveling anywhere luckily you're grab an umbrella just about anywhere for about three to five hundred yen or three to five dollars and yeah you know it's just weather right people from the UK have a nice day see you again later you
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 65,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Train, Kyoto, Kyoto station, Train station, Escalator, Japan, Mountain, Climbing, Summit, roof, garden, JR Station, JR Train Pass, Shinkansen
Id: 9d3mNk-5Wus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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