San Diego Food Tour - MASSIVE BURGERS and CRAZY TOSTADAS in California, USA!

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The tostadas looked AMAZING!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/elainesbighead ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 26 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
good morning i hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in san diego california and today my brother-in-law should be arriving very soon but we're gonna take you on an ultimate san diego food tour uh we're gonna eat some legendary places we're gonna get some trendy places we're gonna eat some amazing food we're gonna share it all with you in this video and we're getting started for breakfast right now [Music] yeah you're gonna love it okay be good for your vlog okay what do you normally order uh i just don't know okay cool thank you yes you guys were the shirts what's up derek how's it going good to see everybody again good to be back and this is my sister pam good morning we are gonna start it's called northside shack and yeah they're known for their acai bowls uh this is the place we're gonna begin now i'm gonna go with the organic acai base but then you've got all the toppings to go with the bananas the strawberries the blueberries the blackberries the mangoes the organic hemp granola ah we gotta get the large size we're gonna sit here and dig in but this thing is gigantic look at the it's like the it's definitely the height of my face yeah i don't even know where to start with this i feel like half of it's just going to fall out a little yeah and you can just see those layers there's granola there's bananas down there i got the acai which is uh it is a a type of berry from a palm tree i think especially from brazil and did you get oh we did the acai and then the dragon fruit as well oh it's happening so we did the half and half oh so you can see that bright pink dragon fruit down there drinking italian difference absolutely beautiful mixture of fruit on top everything is incredibly fresh yeah delicious delicious fruit so tasty nice cool um they add just a little bit of honey they kind of sprinkle over everything oh yeah but i especially want to try some of that acai which is you can see that that redness down there that deep red uh it's kind of frozen so it starts to melt as you keep on eating it this is fantastic i think i would go here every single day if i lived here good um good treat to have in the morning for breakfast to say the least [Music] i just pulled out a supreme bite here just about everything is on this bite there's oh there's even a raspberry over here on the other side [Music] that is incredibly good and incredibly refreshing the next place that we're going it's one of it's probably one of the most legendary places to eat the most well-known one of the most popular places to eat in all of san diego okay oh yeah it is a cold day today in san diego and then after that acai the and it was frozen it's cold i got the chills right now uh but we're gonna go back to the house we're staying in oceanside uh we're gonna relax for a little bit because the next place will open in about an hour and a half from now [Music] oh yes that's actually pretty comfortable i love the van seat couches uh but we have a little bit of time before the next restaurant opens which is within walking distance to where we are staying so we decided to have a quick cup of coffee here at home whoa jehu it's called hodad's and it is this is one of the most popular one of the most legendary restaurants in all of san diego uh there's a bit of a lineup they're about to open in about 15 minutes and we're gonna eat that the burger just looks insane we're gonna do three double bacon cheeseburger baskets uh can we do two with fries one with onion rings you can see all the stickers all over they have license plates it's just fully decorated and graffitied out with stickers uh [Music] yeah wow that thing is fully fully blooming i have absolutely no idea how i'm going to eat all of this not only not only how but the you need a strategy this is a burger where you need a strategy it's going to be one of those where you like bite at the top and then you're gonna bite down at the bottom maybe the ultimate jaw opening two patties there's bacon there's melted i think we got cheddar and then i got the the basket with onion rings and their onion rings are also known to be very good derek also got the the same thing but his basket came with fries it's like a flower in full bloom seriously it's going to dislocate my jaw when i take my first that's insanely heavy yeah yeah it has to be i'm guessing at least like three to five pounds yeah at least you could do exercise with this burger it might be bigger than myself it is the size of my son's head over here guess is that burger bigger than your head is the burger [Music] i got a little bit of my nose okay oh wow okay it's actually really good yeah it's awesome you get that really crispy bacon the meat just sort of crumbles i got onions on that bite onions lettuce tomato add some good acidity to it definitely [Music] that jaw oh boy nicely done derek there we go that's coming along nicely juices are leaking out of the bottom everywhere oh yes look at the bottom of my paper it's starting up it's starting to become soggy just filled saturated with the juices that are squeezing out of the bottom of the burger you can tell everything is made fresh to order straightening oh i don't know if it's i don't know if it's meant to be eaten with one bite [Music] you have to just fully extend your jaw and even then you have to put your whole face into the burger and you just get soft all over your whole face are you taking the diaper off i'm trying not to i'm trying not to okay okay i'm gonna do the perform the dangerous stunt of setting the burger down though and going for a for an onion ring you gotta be really careful not to topple over your burger you can see how crispy and golden brown they are try it with the chili sauce as well oh man onion rings are awesome yeah they are really crispy they're just that juicy fleshy dissolvable onion within the crunchy wrapper i think the owner came around and she said it's very dangerous to take off the diaper which is the paper here but mine is just sort of dissolving off but i'm gonna i'm gonna hold on to the diaper as as long as physically possible that's a good idea oh the chili sauce is good a little bit salty has a tangy kind of vinegariness to it as well we had a little unfortunate a tragedy here ah below i an onion fell out onto my backpack [Music] what happened with my strategy is that eventually all the meat got pushed to the end and then i lost my bottom bun ended up with just a tomato and lots of juice and then my diaper is just completely soaked last bite i got a few vegetables left oh yeah you still gotta pick up cheers cheers feels like i've used lotion on my hands from all of that juice those burger juices and that sauce yeah definitely was a good choice highly recommend i'm kind of stumbling out of hodad's that burger will disorient you a little bit but i'm just my my fingers are covered in sauce my the camera is covered in sauce my backpack is covered in burger again derek just said i have a little burger on my nose too oh yes he is correct jehu did you like the burger i'm here from here we're walking back to the house we're gonna jump in the car or or the van and we are gonna drive over to i think it's in close to downtown san diego but this is one of the restaurants that i am most looking forward to trying i know derek has been there already are we talking about next stop next stop oh phenomenal i go every single time that we're in the san diego area awesome [Music] we made it to blue water seafood and grill this is one of the best places in san diego for seafood pam and derek have been here a couple times already but this will be my first time and they said usually the line is always out the doors order up at the front and then you sit down at a table and then they deliver your food so it's sort of like i i think a lot of people do take away too but it's a nice place to sit uh you can see all the fresh seafood in the cabinets all the fish of the day and a selection of different seafood it's all very fresh uh and now it's we're just trying to decide what fish to order all looks like a hotel that's mommy's friend i think i got some acai on my arm from the spine i'm fully coated in food from today there's lemon we got the spicy sauce with it with it ready to dig in they're just melting yeah how about we hit it with a little bit of squash of lemon a little lemon i think the first one we just do lemon and then the second one we go in for that spicy sauce i like it oh these are little little one bite beauties absolutely refreshing yeah that's so good with that squeeze of lemon absolutely they just disintegrate in your mouth all you do is grab it and then tip your head back okay this is yours is this your first oyster yeah you ready here you go buddy so hold it up to your mouth tip it [Music] that's my nephew jehu that's his first oyster i think he likes it for my next oyster i'm gonna go with the sauce and i think it's acceptable just to kind of pour this for the sauce on okay that's good and since we have already had a gargantuan burger today about an hour ago uh we decided to get one full plate which comes with rice and we also got a piece of fish just uh a la carte just just just the steak now both of these are going to be local so we have the black sea bass here that's blackened for the marinade and then we have a lemon ginger no lemon garlic yellow tail um so yeah definitely excited about both of them yes look at the breaks apart oh yeah that just not over beautiful cooked maybe a little bit of rice just because some of those juices are in there yeah it just flakes off black into black sea bass hands down my favorite oh i've missed it oh i missed it it's just incredibly fresh that's what you noticed from your first bite the seasoning is very minimal yeah absolutely but it just has a little bit of a paprika kind of roasted flavor to it yeah a little bit of that a little bit of pepper that's on it lightly salted oh that's perfect it's all about the freshness a tiny bit of lemon there to complete the bite [Music] got that creamy factor with the fish oh it's so good now you're gonna make me try it it's so good you have to yeah looks just like steak just like pork wood fantastic avocado does definitely add another element to it yeah brightens it up just a little bit this one is the yellow tail i'm gonna squeeze on some of that lemon this one was cooked in lemon butter i think um you can see just the juices of it over down here you're starting to get maybe into the bellier part it looks a little juicier down there i'm going i'm going down the bottom side down there probably some of the marinade as well so might be in there yes yeah that definitely flakes off quite a bit pretty easily as well oh yeah they definitely taste the lemon plus the garlic as well immediately it's very light you know and then it tastes juicy at first but then it starts to get a little bit dry i mean that's the way that's the texture of yellowtail it could almost be chicken breast yeah with a little bit of a different texture that's a good call yeah chicken breast would definitely be a good yeah good equivalent yellowtail is awesome but i think the blackened black sea bass wins though but they're both both incredibly good and i would have loved to try everything in that entire seafood cabinet oh that is the blackened black sea bass wow we're on our way to a place called communal coffee derrick and pam have been there already but it's we are in desperate need of a cup of coffee and then also we're gonna try something that looks really good is their avocado toast maybe two maybe two cups i like the way you think [Music] what's interesting about this place is that it's a half flower shop half coffee shop okay thank you the water the water i went with an americano hot americano uh so this is a lavender honey latte which is completely from my wife and not for me uh even though i'll sip it oh yeah yeah yeah okay and i got an americano all right let's try the americana oh yeah very very smooth and kind of kind of i mean roasted but fruity at the same time [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is kind of hot i do need to put it in a cup holder oops okay i'm not gonna lie this is actually really good wait did you actually order it for yourself you did right i did along with the coffee we saw the avocado toast on the menu we had to order it uh it is it's so dainty but so beautiful yes one piece of bread uh toasted the i love how they slice the avocado perfectly and just layer it on this might be my first official trendy restaurant avocado coast ever i've eaten it thousands of times at home but i've never had one out and this is the best one to get out this is the best it looks amazing absolutely i'm having flashbacks to the burger we just we used to hate the plate that's not the first time today we've taken a bite like that oh man prosciutto gives a great saltiness to it it's so awesome you've got both the creaminess of the yolk and the creaminess of the avocado with that crunchy toast on the bottom a little saltiness simple again from the prosciutto [Music] i lost a little yolk i can't get it back up it's stuck on the table [Music] oh i just washed avocado and some yolk and washed that down with coffee i get to enjoy the smell of flowers yes oh yeah the aroma of lavender yeah on our noses on our nostrils from the flowers the roses as i continue to drink it i keep tasting new flavors uh there's some definitely some fruity tones in there some nutty tones i think it's a very light roast but really good coffee a really good atmosphere ambience in the coffee shop nice friendly staff and that avocado toast be sure you order it with everything [Music] final stop a little stretch this is a seafood truck it's called nine seas there's something on the menu called the crazy tostada the crazy tostada which is what we're gonna eat what does that include everything he just had some food two crazy tostadas for here please and one green sauce ceviche fish and one green sauce ceviche shrimp we started off with some just some fish and some shrimp tostadas before the crazy tostadas arrived hold up the lime juice in there the the pepper and then the fish is just it just soaks all that flavor up oh yeah derrick oh my goodness okay so we ordered the tostadas these are the crazy tostadas they are just it's just a pyramid of ceviche a mix of seafood there's fish there's shrimp there's uh oh yeah on the menu they say almost all seafoods so this is almost all seafood's piled height is a monstrosity of ceviche piled like a pyramid shell break kind of that tostada shelter to dip in and we could add some more salt we definitely will add more salsa as well but first gotta just taste it as is oh man there's just there's just an insane amount of seafood this will be my first bite before we add some more salsa oh that was delightful it's so awesomely good that mix i got some octopus in that bite the fish just it just juices in your mouth with that that acid lime juice a little more salsa though yes that is the color i was i was hoping for [Music] oh look at the color of that salsa right there this is a beautiful thing [Music] how does it with the salsa oh it's so good with that that's awesome you taste some garlic in that salsa and it's a little bit spicy too it has mmm oh that's incredibly good mmm oh wow that's so good with this also has a good little kick to it mm-hmm the muscle and derrick was mentioning that the the juice down there the muscle juice was really good and i am going to hit that with some of the salsa as well [Music] how good is the juice the mussel juice and it has a little bit of a mostly lime juice yeah you'll see lime juice maybe almost a little bit of a soy sauce flavor to it okay i'm going in for some of that avocado okay now i'm just addicted to this salsa it's so good wow [Music] this is insanely good wow if you think it's beautiful and you are amazed by all of the color believe me it actually tastes better than what it looks like yes yeah and it looks beautiful yeah but it's even more beautiful in your mouth two three four i think there's five different types of seafood just on this one chip what a spot that crunch [Music] don't drop the juice yeah there's this is the best thing of the day for me this just tops it off hands down hands down we've been eating for a while now and we're just now getting to the actual base of this tostada just to one lonely one lonely tostada down here that's just soggy oh that was a good bite still a little bit [Music] we only actually finished one of those crazy tostadas they're huge and then we got one to go and my my my mouth my tongue my entire mouth is like zinging with flavor that was so good that was such a mix that was gigantic we're full we're so happy we're so satisfied san diego has been so good so i'm just going to end this video right now i want to say a big thank you to derek and pam for hanging out today for eating with me around san diego and thank you for all of your recommendations uh in san diego san diego you have some amazing food i fully enjoyed it and i'll leave all the information of the places we in the description box below so you can check that out and thank you very much for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click that little bell icon and then that way you'll get notified of the next video that i publish thanks again for watching goodbye from san diego
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 4,619,632
Rating: 4.8903098 out of 5
Keywords: san diego, san diego food tour, mark wiens, usa food, american food, Mexican food, California, San diego food, best restaurants san diego, best restaurants america, america food, burger, hodads, best restaurants, USA food tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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