The Ultimate MEXICAN STREET FOOD TACOS Tour of Mexico City! (ft. La Ruta de la Garnacha)

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- I hope you're having an amazing day. It's Mark Wiens. I'm in Mexico City. And Mexico Cit is one of the, I mean without a doubt, it's one of the capitals of food in the entire world. I have an incredibly special day to share with you today. I'm about to meet up with Lalo who is from La Ruta de la Garnacha. He makes videos. He's a passionate food lover, and he's an expert on Mexican street food. And right now, he's gonna take me and you on the ultimate best tacos tour of Mexico City. So get ready to eat the best tacos in Mexico City. Okay, say hello to Lalo. - Yeah! (upbeat music) - [Mark] Where are we going to first? - We are going to eat, this is a taco, taco, the best taco guide in Mexico City. So we are going to eat tacos de canasta. - [Mark] Oh, tacos de canasta. - It's for the morning. - [Mark] In the basket, right? - [Lalo] Yeah, in the basket. - [Mark] Oh, that's something I haven't tried yet. - [Lalo] It's amazing taco. It's cheap. - [Mark] Awesome. - [Lalo] It's easy to get, and it's very delicious. (upbeat music) - Are tacos de canasta normally eaten in the morning? - [Lalo] In the morning. - Or all throughout the whole day? - No, no, no, only in the morning. It's more like seven to three p.m. - Ah, okay. There must be a couple thousand tacos which are just stacked up into that basket, and they are steamed in there. And what's amazing about these tacos de canasta is that they remain warm throughout the entire time that they're selling there because all of them kinda hold their heat together. They're stuffed within that basket, so packed so tightly. And then what's also awesome is they've got a blanket to keep them warm. Oh, this will keep you warm in the morning too. (man speaks in foreign language) (Lalo speaks in foreign language) (man speaks in foreign language) (Lalo speaks in foreign language) (man speaks in foreign language) (Lalo speaks in foreign language) - [Lalo] Gracias, muchas gracias. What's up, man? (Lalo speaks in foreign language) - We're moving over here to the salsa station, and they have a couple of different salsas. This particular salsa right here, it includes chicharron. Oh, man. How could they think of anything better than that? (Lalo laughs) So we're gonna start with the chicharron taco de canasta, and we added salsa de chicharron onto it. So it's chicharron on top of chicharron. It's fried pork skin on top of fried pork skin. That is all you could ask for. Oh. Oh, wow. Oh, that's insane. - [Lalo] So flavorful. - [Mark] Yeah. It's so soft. It's just absorbed all of the flavor from the sauce. - Yeah, it's so flavorful. That chicarron, it's amazing. - So good. Mm-hmm. - It's really big one, really big taco. You know, for me, I think that the taco, it's the most delicious thing in the world. Why? Because tortilla for the Mexican, it's our plate. So we eat our plate. Taco, it's everything. You put it on everything. Sweet, so sweet. - Very sweet. Oh, really good. The next taco is the mole verde. You can see the green mole in there. You can see there's some meat, and then you can see potatoes in here too. So it's actually quite hearty. Mmm, oh. Oh, that's good too. - [Lalo] Good chicken. - So good. You can taste the, maybe the green chilies in there. Then you can taste the potato which is kind of creamy, and then also the shreds of chicken throughout there. I think it would be even better with some salsa. Awesome. Man, that salsa with the chicharron in it, that's a game changer. - Yeah, we need to close the video. That's it. - [Mark] That's it, man. - [Lalo] We end it. We end it and say the salsa is the best. - The tacos are amazing. But with that salsa, chicharron, it's unbelievable. (upbeat music) - The salsa chicharron, it's heaven. - It's superb. Now that I've tried all three of them, which one is your favorite? - Chicharron. - Yeah, for sure. - Way chicharron. - Without a doubt, that chicharron taco with the chicharron salsa is the best. Wow. - The name is Tacos Joven, Taco de canasta Joven. - [Man] Muchas gracias. - Muchas gracias. Hasta la huego. Muchas gracias. I couldn't think of a better way in the world to start the day. - Yeah. (laughs) - That taco de chicharron, that will change your life. (Lalo laughs) With that salsa de chicharron, oh, man. (upbeat music) - Okay, this is the place. This was a really small place. But now, it's almost a corner. See that. - We're gonna eat carnitas. This is another meat palace. This is a huge production here. They have all sorts of meats grilling over here, but Lalo is taking me over here. The main reason you have to come here is for the carnitas. - This is the place. - It's just like falling apart in that glass cabinet there, and they're just pulling it off. They're chopping it up. Oh, man. Oh, man. - You can order whatever you want, the part of the pork. - [Mark] Okay. - If you want-- (Mark mumbles) All of the pork are in carnitas, so you can order whatever you want. (speaks in foreign language) (cook speaks in foreign language) (Lalo speaks in foreign language) Look at that. - Oh, they're huge. As they pull the meat out of that tub of carnitas, the whole thing shakes because it's so soft. - Yeah. - It wiggles. And then you see them chopping up the meat, so they chop up the meat really fine. Then they stop and they put it in tortillas. They're double tortillas. - Double tortillas. - And then they add on the, wow, they add on the cilantro and onions. - Cilantro and onion. And Mark, this is your gift from Mexico. - There's a little indented hole on this plate. We're gonna show you what's that for very soon. Gracias. (waiter speaks in foreign language) I got two different types of carnitas. One is a mix of meat and fat, and then the other one-- - [Lalo] Costilla. - [Mark] Costilla. - [Lalo] Yeah. - It's a whole rib. And you can see, in this taco, there's a whole bone in there. And look at that meat! Oh, that just looks fall apart tender. Oh, that is unbelievable. It's gonna just slide off the bone without a doubt. That style, man. That taco style, man. We've got our tacos. We've added the salsa. And now, this is the most genius plate you'll ever see. And it inserts just perfectly. - [Lalo] On Coke. - [Mark] Lalo, you're a genius. So you have hands free. We can be filming, we can be eating tacos, and we can hold our drinks-- - I'm drinking. - [Mark] All at the same time. - And answer the phone. Hey, hi, mom. I'm eating tacos. (both laugh) - I'm gonna squeeze on the lime just to get that extra citrus component which is a must in tacos. And I'm gonna go for this one first. This is the carnita with a mix of skin. You can see the chunks of skin down there. Wow, that's a lot of meat stuck into a tortilla. Oh. Unbelievable. - [Lalo] The skin is soft. - [Mark] It si. - [Lalo] Yeah. - [Mark] It just sorta like melts. - Yeah. - It melts. - The salsa, it's a little spicy. (upbeat music) - One of the things that's amazing about this taco is it requires very, very little chewing. Chew twice and you can swallow it because it's so soft. And it's just all, it's melting together with that meat, with that skin. The onions in there give it a crunch. You've got the refreshing cilantro. And then that salsa, and then that squeeze of lime, it just all comes together. (upbeat music) I have never had a taco or seen a taco like this with a bone, an entire bone rib in the taco before. So you can see, okay, so there's onions and there's cilantro, and then it's the whole bone of pork in here, the whole rib. It's inside of the taco. So Lalo told me that you can either take out the bone right now or you can just start eating it and just work your way around the bone. I think I'm just gonna work my way around the bone. So you can pick up this entire thing. I mean the tortillas are jus there to hold it all together. - [Lalo] Tortilla is so soft. I think that rib or costilla, they have a lot of, a little more flavor because of them. (upbeat music) - That's absolutely incredible. You can see the bone in there, so you just kinda work your way around the bone. That was like eating a taco drumstick. Those carnitas were absolutely spectacular. That one with the rib was a total new taco experience for me. That's literally like a taco drumstick. It was amazing. (upbeat music) Okay, we picked up Ying and Mica. They were sleeping before. They missed all the breakfast tacos but now, they're coming with us. (Lalo chuckles) Where are we off to next? - We are going to El Pescadito. It's a fish taco. This is called El Pescadito. They are from Hermosillo Sonora. This is kind of restaurant I know, but this is fish tacos. So I think that everything of the sea, we need to give due respect. So this is kind, you know, it looks like fancy, but it's cheap, and it's great. And they make you the tacos in front of you. (cook speaks in foreign language) - Muchas gracias. Wow, oh, man. Things are really starting to heat up on this taco tour. I think I'm gonna have to take off my jacket. (Lalo laughs) - [Lalo] And the belt. - I'm gonna loosen the belt, man. And we're gonna go season them with the salsas over there. I'm just gonna load them up and they'll be ready to eat. I can't wait. (upbeat music) This is our third taco stop of the day. And still, I've never been so excited in my entire life to eat tacos, man. (Lalo laughs) Oh, man, these are beautiful. - [Lalo] And so much different. - [Mark] The colors. - [Lalo] You know. - [Mark] Yes. - [Lalo] Yeah. - Yeah, totally different. What I love about these tacos is that they stuff either cheese, we've got one with cheese and one with fish. It's marlin? - Yeah, marlin. - Marlin fish. They stuff it into a jalapeno, and then they batter it, and then they deep fry it so you get it all crispy. And then after that, they assemble the taco. So they grab the tortillas. They chop up the jalapenos with the cheese or with the marlin. They chop it up. They stuff it into the taco. Then they add on, he adds on some of the fried shrimp after that. And then you can top it with all of your onions and salsas. This thing is just exploding with ingredients. It's just bulging. They're massive. These are huge. - Huge tacos. - Okay, alright. This is gonna be a big bite. Oh, wow. - You hit it. I tell you. (laughs) - Wow. That's almost like impossibly delicious. That's almost ridiculous how good that is. The fish is so soft and tender and moist. Then you get those deep fried shrimp which have a little bounce to them, that bouncy texture. But they're covered and deep fried too, so they're crunchy as well. And then you get all those onions, the refreshing pickled onions. You've got the salsas in there, the squeeze of lime. Oh, that's, that is, it's unbelievable. It will blow your taste buds. And not to mention it's just absolutely huge. That's just a mouth explosion. There's so many ingredients in this taco. I don't even know how it's being held together. It's just barely, barely holding on, holding together with that tortilla. But the fillings are just oozing out, just exploding. You've got the salsa splatter all over. (Lalo chuckles) (upbeat music) So one taco down, one to go. But these tacos are seriously monstrous. A normal size taco would maybe be like a third this size. But actually, come to think of it, pretty much all the tacos we've eaten today have been monsters. - I'm ready. - Yeah, this is a taco workout. (both laugh) We are on a taco marathon today, and we've only just begun. - Yeah. Actually, yes. - Actually, yes. (both laugh) - This is only three kinds. - Yeah, we've only-- - We're going to go to-- - I don't even know. I don't even know how many we're going to. (laughs) But if you can see below here, you can just see all of that melted cheese in there, oh, melted fried cheese. Cheers. - Cheers. (upbeat music) - [Mark] This is really good. It's rich. It's kinda salty. You can taste how it really mixed well with the jalapeno. - [Lalo] The jalapeno is not as spicy. It's not as spicy. - Oh, oh, I got a shrimp in that bite. Okay, final bite. I got a little cheese down left there and also a half a shrimp. Absolutely insane tacos. So the cheese and the marlin, for me, the clear winner was the marlin. But both of them, they're absolutely stunning. But when you come here, you cannot miss. It's the chile relleno de marlin with the camarones, with the shrimp, with everything. The works. - The cheese. - With cheese. That's all you want in a taco. That's the life changer right there. - The name is taco tote. (upbeat music) - [Mark] We're on our way to the next place. - It's called Tacos Charly, the best suadero in all Mexico City for me, for my opinion. - That was about a 30-minute drive or so. So that gave us a little bit of time to rest. This is the next place. It's a jacuzzi. It's a jacuzzi of bubbling suadero. And Lalo was telling me that's from the front part of the cow. - [Lalo] Yeah, cow. - And it's boiling in fat from the cow, and it's just bubbling away, slow cooking to ultra tenderness. - In this taqueria, I love the suadero. That's, for me, the best tacos. - That suadero specifically. Okay. They also have pastor here, al pastor, but we'll be going to another place for al pastor. So we came here specifically to eat the jacuzzi (mumbles). - The suadero. (upbeat music) - The ultimate move that he pulls off is he takes the tortillas, he dips just a little bit into the bubbling fat so the flavor coats the tortilla. And then he adds on just some onions and some cilantro. And then there's a big bucket of salsa which he just adds on a little bit of salsa. And Lalo has told me that they do have salsas over there, but he says the meat is so good here so we're just gonna eat it as is, as they give it to you, as the chef hands it to you. These are like two or three biter tacos as opposed to the gigantic tacos that we've been having so far today. - This is the original way to close a taco. You put it one way, the other way, forming like a belt, and you put it three fingers. That's how don't spread all the meat. Keep this little finger up because that made you class. - [Mark] Taco holding skills from an expert. You kinda wrap it like this, and then you hold your fingers like that. - [Lalo] Exactly, and the little finger. - [Mark] The little pinky goes out. - [Lalo] That's it. - [Mark] That way, the meat is encased into the tortilla. Your fingers remain clean. - [Lalo] Exactly, and give you class. - We're ready. Cheers. - Cheers. Wow. Oh, that meat. - [Lalo] Ah, but the sauce. - Yeah, the whole combination of everything. But that meat, you can like taste how oily, but that oil is pure flavor. - [Lalo] Exactly. That's the fat. - [Mark] You taste the cow. - [Lalo] Yeah, you taste the cow. (laughs) - That is awesome. Just taco after taco of pure joy. - [Lalo] But you know, it's different. - [Mark] Totally different. - [Lalo] Every single taco, they have a different flavor. They have a different recipe. Everything is (mumbles). - No two tacos have been even close to the same that we've tried today. Another one. - Another. (upbeat music) - That is meat heaven. Oh, man. Stunning. (upbeat music) This place is not that busy now, but Lalo is saying that in a few hours, they would be packed. You can see the entire tub is just full of meat bubbling away. That's all gonna sell out by today. And you know why it's gonna sell out, because it is outstanding. I'm outside now and it's looking kinda dark. It looks like it's about to rain. Oh, I just felt a drop. (Lalo speaks in foreign language) - Now it's tacos de tripa. - That's good. That's coming up next. (upbeat music) It started downpouring on the drive to the next taco restaurant, but we made it. This place is famous for tripa. There are just poofs of steam just wafting through this entire restaurant and along the sidewalk and throughout the street here. And you can smell the organ meats. So they specialize, okay, Lalo has been (mumbles). I mean again, they have all sorts of different tacos here, but the taco to eat here is tripa which is the intestines. And they have another massive vat just full of the wrinkly, curly intestines just slow simmering away in their juices again. Yes, you know I love it. The meat steam bath at this restaurant is just insane. Wow. These guys are absolute taco wizards. They chop up that meat and they chop up that intestine so fast, and they rip it up, chopping on the board. He gets the tortillas in his hands. He just covers it and like scoops it up with the tortilla. The most magical part is when they sizzle it on the hotplate, and they bring it up and it's just sizzling. - I like your way to say he's a wizard. - [Mark] Absolute beauties. You can just see how crunchy everything is too. Cheers. - Cheers. Taco de tripa. Crunchy on top, but soft in the middle. - [Mark] That is on another level. - Yeah, yeah. - It's crunchy. It's soft. - At the same time. (chuckles) (Lalo speaks in foreign language) - Yeah. The beauty of tripa is how it's crunchy and gooey and soft and tender, all textures in your mouth at once. Oh. Muchas gracias. Gracias. Muchas gracias. Those are one of those foods that it really is not the most pleasing to look at. They're kinda ugly, to be honest with you, those wiggly, curly intestines just sizzling. But when they prepare it that way, the flavor that comes out of them and the textures, the diversity of textures, oh, it'll blow your mind. Okay, we still have more tacos to eat. (upbeat music) We've just pulled up to another taco. This is a street food stall. Oh, this is the lengua spot. - Exactly. This is one of my best favorite tacos in Mexico because this is a real street food. If you came here, you can order whatever you want and it's going to be one of the best tacos. I love it. I really love it. This is called Los Juanes because sir is Juan, and another is Juan, so all of them are Juan. (Lalo speaks in foreign language) Gracias. - Again, they have a mix of different tacos here, but we went with tacos de cabeza which is from the head meat, and then tacos de lengua which is the tongue. - Yeah, a big one. - I have to tell you something. When I was in university and I would eat tacos a lot, in Arizona, both of these two tacos, especially lengua, was one of my top taco. So it's one of my favorite tacos of all. Okay, we're starting with the head tacos, tacos de cabeza. These are just like, they're like cone shaped. They're just sprouting. - It's so soft. - Just taco after taco of extreme deliciousness. - For me, I need to say that I need more head tacos to pull me. I don't know why, but it's like okay, I need more and then more and then more. - You know, I mean head tacos are one of those tacos that a baby could eat because they're so soft. - [Lalo] It's really huge. - [Mark] A beautiful thing. - [Lalo] Yeah. - It's a whole slice of tongue. They give you a tongue steak in this taco. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - It's just bulging with tongue. - It's a lot of tongue. - Yeah. Oh, okay. - I think that this is the best part of (mumbles) tacos, head tacos. - Yeah. - This is the best. - Yeah, yup, okay. Oh, yeah, we have to toast this one. Oh, yeah. That is just ultra tender, ultra flavorful. Dude, you still kept your fingers. Lalo is an extreme expert. Look at those clean fingers. - [Lalo] Look at that. - [Mark] Look at that pinky. Look at my, there's like 25 different salsas on my fingers. (Lalo laughs) I think some more taco practice. - And the class. (upbeat music) Thank you very much, Mexico. Thank you very much. - Gracias. Muchas gracias. Something that I love about them is that it's just a really small production. There's just five guys that are cooking tacos. It's not a commercialized-- - [Lalo] It's like a family. - [Mark] It is, yeah. - And the customers are like family too, just relatives. - And even as we were just sitting here or standing here in the street watching the customers come, you see people come from all walks of life. I mean they're just coming from like their condos right up here. They walk down. People come in their pajamas, come to get tacos. There's no hate here. It's whatever you wanna do, you come to eat tacos. They serve you tacos. They're honest. They're so friendly. This is an awesome spot. This is the type of place that I love to see succeed. - Exactly. - Yeah, they're good guys, such good guys. - And the funny thing is that they are just front of the gym. - Of the gym. I will save the gym for tomorrow. - [Lalo] It is ultimate tacos tour. - [Mark] Yeah, how are you feeling? - [Lalo] I'm fine, I'm fine. - I'm feeling amazing. - But the next place, it's the star of that. Tacos al pastor is one of the best tacos all around the world. Because the really-- - The grand finale. - The grand finale, exactly. - [Mark] This has been a mission impossible, but we are gonna complete the mission. - [Lalo] Of course. - [Mark] We're not giving up. We're putting in the taco fight today. (Lalo laughs) (upbeat music) - This is El Vilsito. The history about this place that I like it, in the morning, it's a mechanic shop. - [Mark] That's awesome, that's awesome. - But at night, they open a taqueria. So that's amazing. I love the pastor here and the salsa roja. It's so spicy and really, really (mumbles). - One thing to know about al pastor is that it's on the vertical spit. Al pastor is the heavyweight of tacos in Mexico City. It's the number one taco, right? - For me, it's the number one for Mexico. - It's everywhere. It's everywhere. It's so popular. But what's interesting about al pastor, the method of cooking was brought over by Lebanese immigrants, right? - Exactly, exactly. - So it's, I'm getting water dripping on me. (laughs) - It's raining now. (upbeat music) - My favorite part of him making it is when at the final end, he reaches up to the top, there's a whole pineapple. He slices off a little piece of pineapple directly into his handheld tortilla. This guy is the absolute al pastor master. He just flies on that knife. He's been shaving the meat and making tacos for over 18 years. So 18 years to perfect his skill, and he does it flawlessly. We are ordering something that Lalo has just told me is gonna blow my mind. It's called a gringa. And what they do is they take a flour tortilla, they put cheese on it, and they actually flip it over so that the cheese kinda caramelizes on the hot griddle. Once that browns and once that's caramelized, they take that tortilla, he puts it in his hand, and he shaves off the al pastor on top of the cheese, into the tortilla, a bunch, and then it's like triple the size. (dramatic music) And that is a gringa. Gracias. It's the grand finale. This thing is taco perfection. - This is a gringa. Why? Because the tortilla, it's made by flour. And then they put a cheese, and then they put meat of the al pastor, pineapples, cilantro, and onion, and that's it. That's beauty. - [Mark] That is, yeah. I mean I've just been impressed all day with the different tacos that we've been eating, but this, oh, man, it's like-- - [Lalo] Mona Lisa. - [Mark] It's another level. This is another level. - [Lalo] Like the Mona Lisa. - He has so much skill. It is time. You can already tell it's just gonna be a messy just overflowing taco. Look at the size of that. There's so much meat in there. Oh, wow. - It really was a nice day. - An amazing day. - An amazing day. - Wow. - [Lalo] Tacos al pastor is amazing. The pineapple is so sweet. It combines and mix with the meat. - The meat has a little bit of sourness from that vinegar. You taste the cheese on the bottom of that tortilla. - [Lalo] It's completely different with a corn tortilla. - [Mark] Yeah. - [Lalo] Completely different, gringa. - That is absolutely as good as it looks. - Mark, do you want a really spicy salsa? - Yeah, I'd love it. - Great. - Yeah, for sure. - [Lalo] This is chile (mumbles). It's only for the people that... That's it, really. - [Mark] Okay. - [Lalo] Really? - [Mark] Is it gonna be spicy? - Watch this, watch this. - I'm up for it, man. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's awesome. That is spicy. It's awesome. - It is so spicy. - [Mark] We have come to the end of this ultimate best tacos in Mexico City, Mexican food tour. This is the last bite. Salud. - [Lalo] Salud. (dramatic music) - We don't need to say anything else. That's it. - Yeah, what can I say? It's like. - We have come to the end of this ultimate best tacos tour of Mexico City. A taco is just one of the greatest foods in the entire world, without a doubt. You cannot argue that. It's like a gift to humankind. Tacos are insanely amazing, and we ate so many different types of tacos today. I can't even, the tacos that we ate for this morning seems like it was yesterday. (Lalo laughs) We ate so many different types of tacos. - We loved the chicharron, with chicharron. But now, these. - Oh, man. Oh, yeah. You can't decide. You can't decide. It depends on what mood you're in what taco would be the best for that time. They were all absolutely incredible. So I have to say a huge thank you to Lalo. - No, no, no, thank you. It's an honor and a pleasure-- - It was an honor, man. It was an honor. You gotta check out Lalo. He is La Ruta de la Garnacha on YouTube. He makes awesome videos. He loves to eat. And he's just such an awesome, awesome guy, man. - Thank you very much, man. - So thank you very much, yeah. - And garnacha means street food. - Oh, awesome. - Yeah, it's kind of the street food in Mexico City, so that's why I take that name. - The route to the street food. - The route of the street food. - Cool. - Yeah, it is. - So yeah, he is the man for street food in Mexico City. And thank you all for watching the video. Please remember to give it a thumbs up. Leave a comment below, subscribe. I'm gonna be publishing lots more food and travel videos. Thanks again for watching. Goodbye from Mexico City.
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 7,558,704
Rating: 4.8452454 out of 5
Keywords: Mexican food, Mexican street food, street food mexico, Mexico, Mexico City, street food mexico city, best tacos Mexico, best tacos Mexico City, La Ruta de la garnacha, mejores tacos ciudad de méxico, El Vilsito, Al Pastor, Taqueria Los Güeros, chicharrón, La mejor comida callejera, comida callejera, street food, mexico city travel, tacos, tacos tour, Mexican tacos, al pastor tacos
Id: OO9kSxcT9Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
Reddit Comments

A ver, voy a hacer mi recopilación chida de donde están los lugares.

Tacos Joven. No tienen su dirección en su página...pero aqui está.

Taqueria El Abanico.

El Pescadito de Sonora.

Tacos Charly.

Tacos Los Güeros.

Tacos los Juanes. Guadalajara & Puebla, Roma Nte., 06700 Ciudad de México, CDMX (está en la página de Lalo)

El Vilsito.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/CapAWESOMEst 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Lol... thanks. Ended up watching the whole 40 min. video. Tacos are the food of the GODS.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/ThugPanda404 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Seria genial que pusieran las direcciones, pero igual la neta en Mexico no se necesita salir de tu colonia pa encontrar un buen taco.

Tacos Joven - They are known for their tacos de canasta, which are basket tacos, famous in Mexico City. They are served from a basket, and they keep hot the entire day as they are served. The highlight here was the chicharrón taco with chicharrón salsa. Price - 13 MXN ($0.70) per taco

Taqueria El Abanico - This is Lalo’s favorite restaurant in Mexico City for carnitas, the wildly popular braised pork taco. The entire rib in my taco was the highlight, so tender and flavorful. Price - 20 MXN ($1.08) per taco

El Pescadito de Sonora - Originating from Hermosillo in Sonora, El Pescadito serves Mexican seafood tacos, especially shrimp or marlin tacos. Their tacototo is a taco that will change your life. This was as good as food gets for me. Price - 35 MXN ($1.89) per taco

Tacos Charly - When it comes to Mexican street food, suadero is one of the greatest, a massive pan of slow braising beef in its juices. When you order your tacos, they slice up the meat, dip your tortilla in the fat, and you eat it with onions, cilantro, and salsa - pure meat heaven. Price - 13 MXN ($0.70) per taco

Taqueria Los Güeros - Tacos de tripa, intestines, are very popular in Mexico City as well. They may not be the most pretty tacos, but they are immensely flavorful and have all sorts of different textures going on in your mouth. Price - 13 MXN ($0.70) per taco

Tacos Los Juanes - This is a great Mexican street food restaurant in Mexico City that serves all sorts of different tacos. We came for the tacos de cabeza and tacos de lengua, both of which were fantastic Price - 10 MXN ($0.54) per taco

El Vilsito - For Mexican street food in Mexico City, the ultimate taco, the most loved by everyone is no doubt, Al Pastor. Cooked in the vertical spit, a technique brought over from Lebanese immigrants, Al Pastor is usually made with marinated pork that’s juicy and flavorful it might make you weep tears of joy. Lalo and I ordered, not just your ordinary tacos de al pastor, but the King of all tacos, the Gringa! Price - 50 MXN ($2.70) each

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/zurdopilot 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Voy a confesar. Soy el puto cerdo que fue directo a los tacos de canasta Joven después de ver el video

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Stingerc 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

I can't watch this; it makes me miss Mexico City too much. Some taco memories:

Tacos de canasta every day from a lady hanging out near the Tlatelolco metro station

Tacos de suadero every other street corner

Young man serving hordes of taco lovers from his little grill under some metro station.

Getting grossed out by nopales on my tacos

The taquero lopping of chunks of pineapple from the top of the spit into the taco in his hand two feet below.

Ordering five tacos al pastor at a time on a bright red plate with butcher paper on it.

Tacos and coca.

I want to cry.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/philbegger 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/BoSicle 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mah boy Mark Wiens

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Ramsesmfg 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sí, por varios años estuvieron en donde pusiste pero luego se quejaron los vecinos por los malacopas que hacían mucho escándalo de madrugada al ir a cenar, entonces se movieron hace unos meses a la esquina que te puse, que es dónde grabaron.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/zenboy23 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

No mamen, una delicia.. nomas falto la cerve bien fría!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Yorkoholic 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
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