Street Food in Copenhagen - MUST-EAT DANISH FOOD in Denmark! 🇩🇰

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens i'm in the gorgeous city of copenhagen denmark and today we're gonna go on an ultimate Danish Street food tour of Copenhagen we're gonna visit some of the markets some of the traditional markets some of the modern creative food markets we're gonna eat a lot of delicious food I think it's just past 8 a.m. we're gonna meet up with my friend Espen and so that's the plan for the day it's gonna be an amazing day and I'm gonna share all the food and this entire experience with you in this video [Music] good morning s ven [Music] and you helped me to pronounce the name one more time toll call Cha has on a toll he'll add me so it's a bit of a Danish Street food market okay it's a very like gourmet a lot of artisan ingredients as well as restaurant stalls and so I spend notes and people here we're gonna walk around we're gonna eat do some eating and then also see the produce man step in here immediately greeted by seafood and the aroma of like smoked fish smoked wow look at the size of those I think those are monkfish there's lobsters all men okay this is a very cool market so some of the things available all of the different seafood there's lots of different salads there's even some international products so we can eat like whatever you please they're selling like a local products no there are a lot of fun also some canned fish yeah yeah let's try that so maybe you go there now and then you can go in and we get more fish later perfect tough words hello thanks Amy - Marc Danny welcome thank you I think we should try this one out yeah sure so this one is scrapped with Heather and camera mom okay I'm just gonna grab a little piece of bread for you okay so to begin with we're starting with a can of preserves there's actually smoked Spratt Spratt fish then actually just even home yeah and then you need it with the bread pit yeah so it's a little bit like I sought to use Andrew Andrews funny oh yeah the smokiness of it and really suck okay I'll get another and then off taste with some of this bread and this bread oh the bread is incredible it's so fresh be on the outside and then like so airy bubbly on the inside never clear so it's really really good you barely even like feel the bones there's just like one solid piece of meat Thank You chicken salad on free-range organic chickens with pickled mushrooms trumpets and chanterelles going on silence as it should be on good day nice Rio de Janeiro's wasn't a very Danish very very very [Music] oh wow that is creamy so creamy so rich and then like shredded chicken within that's like really almost like sticky delicious like thick sauce and then it just kind of crumbles into that right but I thought it was really good it's good this yeah mm-hmm they're both really good both really different that chicken salad it's like party that is thick it's almost cheesy it's so thick that was a delicious first stop this place is called omean and venner and the owner he's very cool but all sorts of cured meats preserved things cheese's really good handcrafted quality artisan things - yeah that was delicious okay we are moving right across the lane so this stall right across is just like the cabinet full of all sorts of meat products and they have a lot of raw meat that you can take home and cook but they also have a number of things that are meats that are cooked so we're gonna try some of the wicked Eller which are the they're kind of like they're like not like patties of it's minced minced meat kind of like meatballs kind of like Paul actually saw makes up all canned and beats about very traditional Danish food we're gonna try some of that now [Music] they're kind of like giant meatballs patties and they're kind of like like one side is more caramelized than the other really puffy really really thick I feel median like sponges you can there's the onions in them mmm so that one side is more caramelize than the other okay so it's like one side down yeah maybe like adding in some [Music] and you can eat this with bread it will go do it with bread it's also fantastic just as a steak just like straight meat [Music] so we're now entering into the next building and this one immediately you can smell coffee I think there's a lot of like coffee shops there's wine there's bread similar but kind of like different different products to the platform okay maybe we should have sighs okay this is called a float above and is there a correct way to eat this you just got a buddy will a collapse oh yeah or do you just fight from the top yeah okay okay it's definitely a unique shape for a chocolate no don't eat the tag by the way [Music] okay that's good now I understand why it can be so big it's filled with cream and then just the outside wrapper is chocolate actually it's not actually cream on the inside it's made from fluffed egg whites so it's more like a meringue yeah but it's really fluffy really creamy made from eggs [Music] okay so next up we've stopped at a place it's called I love Fisk and this is mostly fish they have but they have mostly prepared dishes and their specialty are it's a fish trick a teller so it's a big like fish patty and we got the traditional one which is made from Cod it's kind of minced up there's probably some egg in there there might be a little bit of flour it's kind of like a like a very thick kind of meanies dressing salad and also served with a slice of rye bread so you kind of get some of some of the fish patty and then some of that and yellow salad Rumble a rumba come on Oh rum banana banana while that roman ellos it is thick and creamy you've got fish patties almost kind of like puppy it's it's good really good yeah like a giant fish meatball kind of like airy and fluffy and spongy and then again pan-fried so it has that kind of crispy crust around it no and that like the fish patty but I think especially that salad because there's so much main agenda the creaminess of it it it's rich and heavy that's hearty now it's filling and we are gonna move on to eat a little more seafood I think before we move on to the next Street food market mostly different kinds of oysters that's actually the English one of the big ones is there one more thing we should try here like just what okay yes we ordered some oysters a couple of oysters Danish oysters and also a shrimp kind of mixed salad and we're moving over here and hit some counter space where we can eat them [Music] so we just yeah I mean so also eating the very traditional way things always just [Music] Shayne is oysters Cheers vendors Cheers [Music] yeah very fresh still good briny with the lemon that was delicious that was a bite of pure joy we also got a little tub of this is a traditional Danish shrimp salad and I think it might be there's some kind of a dressing but there's definitely some dill in there may be some kind of herbs or vegetables maybe some onions in there oh wow oh that's amazing oh the freshness of the dill the texture of the shrimp and then just the cooling like creamy mein easy dressing oh that's really good no go really good with rye bread but also do spit on its own oh just straight let me know Phyllis in cooling table eating there was and then finally to wrap up I think our snacking at this market we got a mixed plate of smoked fish and smoked fish is very common very traditional throughout the history of Denmark we've got the the main fish is a smoked herring and herring is very popular but we also got some smoked eel which has then been like peel the skin peeled and so it's just the the meat and then also some smoked salmon along with a couple slices of rye bread and the rye bread in Denmark is just it's just incredibly delicious like a crumbly graininess of it I love it so we're gonna pay some of the smoked fish next it's not so easy with this kind of knife cut all your skinning yeah so especially by this you know money no we don't need this game okay it's normally a certain on rabbit maybe better egg yolk and some chives and a little bit of mayonnaise so I'll just start on some of that that hearing before trying with the Rye bread just now a pair of hearing on oh I love it oh well that's awesome it's like free me and Dexter it's so smoky and salty it's so flavorful and you can almost like cuz it's smoky and moist you can almost like spread it you can almost spread it on bread and then this one is the smoked salmon oh yeah that is like so oily and rich and just like so smoky yeah it's so buttery I'm really good salmon okay and then finally for the to try the smoked eel oh wow like a totally different texture it's kind of like jelly do mm-hmm and creamy and you take the first bite and it's like cool but then like the smokiness just like comes out of it as you take a bite as you chew the heels awesome feels so good okay next up I'll try some of the herring on the Rye bread like literally like spreads onto bread um I just love the Rye bread in Denmark like it's so it has old greens of rye so you feel the texture and it's not like dry bread at all the Rye bread is not dry bread it's very moist again I'm gonna have that piece of eel I think that eel is the best for me but everything is ready I loved all these I love all these smoked fish with the right berries salmon is good herring is good but the eel thank you thank you so much okay that was fantastic thank you oh man that actual ending smoked fish tray was one of the highlights for me really really good from here we are driving to a street food market which is called Griffin [Music] [Applause] we have arrived to the street food market is called the reffing and it's in it's on an island across from the Copenhagen Harbor across from the downtown Copenhagen but this is a very artistic area it's a very it's an industrial is a former industrial area and shipyards but now it's a really like yeah artistic kind of trendy area and I love what they've done is that they've kept a lot of the traditional warehouses and shipyards but they've just turned them into different functions and so now there's a lot of restaurants in this area there's a lot of like hangout social places and then the street food market up and through market which is made from old warehouses as well as shipping containers hello again hello again yeah so we're gonna walk a lot more through the market and eat some of the food but just walking through use notice a lot of there's a lot of international food stands and I just love how it's so artistic it's kind of like permanent makeshift but Jesper was telling us there's over a hundred containers that make up the market and every there's no like print design everything is hand painted everything is each own person's creativity's but you said from how many countries are there food there's seventeen 17 different countries okay so really yeah it really is like an entire international culinary community back in here first in the memberid yes yes okay okay I like it I piece yeah with some garlic oil on hub oh yeah very good then go this is one of the stalls that will immediately catch your attention at the street food market it's a Mexican inspired stall the meat here is pork and it looks kind of like cochinita pibil ooh and they have a pan of the meat which is just like simmering in its own juices over charcoal all this is some scope you just want to bathe in the hand and just inhale you know you shouldn't inhale it okay but it does smell really really good tacos and then you make it for Joe jr. and then yeah so fresh yes [Music] gracias pico de gallo yes continued abuse Asuna similar similar Eskimo no combination entrap a storm [Music] and these are some of the like tortillas that he makes as well as summarizing some some guacamole and some of the vegetables very well yeah very very good [Music] I asked mark nice to meet you thank you so Mike I guess that you wanted some hot dogs here right yes who is and I heard something about you like to make them yourself is there is the chef-owner the one I use oh you're filming okay just put it on like this all right and then so I'm about to head into Nordic dogs inside the cart we're gonna make the we're gonna make the hot dogs and actually they're not even hot dogs they're like most of them are venison dogs or a mix of beef hot dogs and we're gonna make them we're gonna fix them let's go in let's go ahead great [Music] while me and it also Spencer just ignore it and it's like can almost smell is like pre-op sweat oh yeah with butters and then three minutes and it's today for the one we make that's a bit and they you know to quit and this first a mustard in this case is that extra apple in so it does always add a cutaneous sitar sauce and then it's derivative raw onion fried onion yes and that means that they still have a little class of really good taste to the pork sausage ok see you in the north and Denmark in general will love chocolate melt so I'm just gonna give you a half bath and if you love you always okay really ready thank you this is one gourmet beautiful hot dog and then we have to talk about oh wow mmm the quality of that hot dog the bun just like yours completely pillowy the different sauces the caramelized onion and then just that vinegar eNOS from the pickles mmm very there is a reason why it almost last 400 years now 2021 will be the 100th year anniversary for vaccean Wow so some Danes don't eat hot dogs without the chocolate some days eat hot dogs to have the chocolate Bell right okay does anything I never knew Wow oh man that's just like that's the liquid chocolate all right is and still creamy well the only I think our ingredients in it mean say organic Danis milk a hints of salt sugar and then the red oval of chocolates and then artists that's the only thing that contains out of corn I think organic like it reuse like I think that might be our first time to ever have hot dog and cold chocolate milk combination mm-hmm that's the flavor combination as well come on come on okay we're gonna try one more which is a special for today which is a venison hot dog and so he's just searing that off and then gonna dress it Jen venison fusion hot dog and this one yeah made from venison with that beautiful salad on top oh it looks good that is number two yes yes you have a taste [Music] there's a quality huh doc I mean there's been dog yeah how's that a deer dog that's what it is it's a deer dog [Music] what's up nice to meet you nice to meet you thrilla in manilla this is an awesome little stall serving Filipino street food oh yeah mmm crispy pork playing her like a garlicky kinda nutty tasting shot it's been so V thanks and what's your name healthy LV Escobar awesome you have it healthy in the kitchen by the rollin vanilla thank you so much he's doing some amazing Filipino Street View in Copenhagen and he's making for us a sous-vide chicken yeah with my sauce called mango sweet smells good you're a spicy sauce a drizzle of lime juice oh yeah and then yeah I think that that's good oh it's still good like a kind of hanging this of it to spiciness of that sauce all that and because the chicken is to view like it retains its juiciness and it holds in that unit at all and something else is coming to degrade okay ready cheers guys Jews Wow yeah it's tender juicy ohh fati juicy Park and that's us maybe a little bit like a little hoisin flavoring slightly sweet salty a little tangy you know Neal and then really really go realize my feeling really good it's how our with the Christian nice he said you could thank you so much Trillo thank you I thank you miracle also a massive thank you to Jesper and too soon for hosting us for showing us around the market as well [Music] we're just walking through the central train station right now massive bike parking lot Bohr walking next up on this ultimate Danish Street food tour of Copenhagen we're walking over to Tivoli Gardens where they have a food hall and it's relatively new but also another like public social dining hall atmosphere where we're gonna maybe look around and get a little bit of food before we eat eat one more thing on this tour so we're just stepping into Tivoli food hall and this is actually connected or right on the side of Tivoli Gardens which is a classic it's a historical entertainment amusement park in Copenhagen very very famous but we're just gonna walk around here see what they have to eat and it's also a very mix of international food available here everything from tacos there's pizza there's like chicken wings there's even Asian there's a sushi there's some meat places but it's really high-quality it does look really good but a lot of like organic quality high quality ingredients that they're using in this market as well one of the most famous or well-known of all Danish food and I'm gonna need you to help me pronounce it again small K abroad shmoop well here and well goodbye we got three different types of the smoked Oh smoky abroad I'm gonna before I leave Denmark I'm gonna learn how to say that properly but when is the steak tartare so it's like a minced beef Rob minced beef so it's like a minced beef Rob burger patty over rye bread with a bunch of different toppings there's onion there's capers and I think it's served with raw egg yolk and horseradish all on there I love steak tartare and then we got a couple of different pickled herrings which is also very Danish very traditional so artful so beautiful decorated open-faced and those are capers there's red onions little sprouts this one is the spices again try this on first and always like buttered bread too right the Rye bread is buttered with the smoked pickled herring and red onions and some sprouts on there too [Music] good really the herring yeah it's kind of like pickles is kind of like brining kind of kind of like sweet and sour then with the the rye bread that there's crumbles the crunch of the red onions and the like kind of like pickled peppers as well well kinda heads like almost up there could nutmeggy taste to it mark oh okay so it's not running anymore it's better and now for the steak tartare alright then with horseradish with onions with pickles with and mix everything with that yoke that is a beautiful touch as well just they were running yoke at first it just kind of plopped a minute then it popped my first try at getting steak tartare with a fork it's not very pretty but it will work [Music] that is awesome with the crunch of the onion with the coolness of the Rob you maybe just a little bit of horseradish on the bun I probably missed it and then with the riches of egg yolk the creaminess of the egg yolk there it's very nice in there again a lot of international food and it's a very hangout friendly like there's some tapas style dining where you can sit where you can have a drink where you can hang out with friends from here though there is one more thing that like there was no way we could have a an iconic Danish true food tour of Copenhagen without eating it and right across the street right in front of the train station is where we're going I can't wait I've been waiting for this moment [Music] John's hot dog deli this is one of the most well-known legendary for hot dogs traditional Danish hot dogs which are world famous and what's amazing about John's hot dog deli is that he keeps the recipe traditional the hot dogs are traditional style Danish hundreds of years of history and the hot dog in the tube steak but he kind of upgrades the ingredients and makes high quality Maria's makes his own ketchup makes his own toppings and so they're good quality I cannot wait you get that hot dog steam aroma as soon as you step underneath the awning in this cart and I love it [Music] I just love to take it back to the classic to the tradition this is as traditional of a Danish hot dog as possible then with different kinds of toppings you have such a hospital yet to catch up mustard okay and then some ketchup and mustard while it's so awesome it has one I love it it has the hot dog has that snap to it as soon as you bite down like that skin just snaps and then it's so like warm and comforting on the package with the sauce is oozing and then if you drop any toppings the pigeons are immediate to grab it works well no lift it was oh yeah ketchup on my somebody yeah the bun is also really nice and light and as soon as you like press down with your teeth it just sort of like collapses because it's toasted so it's crunchy that's all you could possibly want an interest traditional hot dog okay final bite that was everything I had hoped it was going to be and more how that just hit the spot yeah that is a must that was a delicious way to end this Danish Street food tour of Copenhagen it's been a wonderful day it's been a lot of fun I've learned a lot about Danish food and Copenhagen and I want to say a big thank you to visit Copenhagen for bringing me on this trip for inviting me to explore the food in Copenhagen as well so that's gonna be it for this video and be sure to stay tuned be sure to subscribe and also turn on your Bell notifications so you get notified of the next video that I publish there's gonna be more Danish we've got some very exciting Danish food tours planned in Copenhagen that you're not gonna want to miss a lot of food coming up so stay tuned and I want to say a big thank you for watching and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 3,003,306
Rating: 4.8505106 out of 5
Keywords: Copenhagen, Denmark, Danish food, street food, Danish street food, Denmark street food, Copenhagen street food, Torvehallerne, Copenhagen markets, street food videos, food videos, food in Denmark, Visit Copenhagen, Mark Wiens, food vlogger, European food, Frikadeller, Reffen, Reffen market, Tivoli Food Hall, hot dog
Id: gMNvp-83fDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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